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' tt ,*�.�1 ` ',) r!yi � ��^(r�. . ;���r ,.... . ._� _.,_._ i t ,,! t r -l�.j�'nl u�1�yt{a" ' �{y��,ryj. <br /> l:+y`�!i t f�i il4J�)��. ..7� rN 'J �nl�n�n+.�- ��'^�i.�,7wt6. � �1 t s Fr fi� <br /> .�b4n! �� � N.� .i..rv. �L..y.:R:.`::=.'v'r..._�.,, "R1�r1'wFrwiwiwu{'Fw�A711Ar�� r � tr)� r ( ��!(/��! S I 1�� �- <br /> �<??% � �� •t�.,t'-�L _ �.....�L i �3x\1 l�. _n�y,7['s <br />- . .5..1.�� . ., ,,.� ..vpn 3rn.rr-,�,,•,. � ` -�v f,i ��,�a'"d.. F �1���y�4 . . <br /> � ` ��t �tr ,., t� {� ; <br /> r, t l f. ;� �L�il�[� ' <br /> � �:5::�{�i 'A,f1 R�/1Of2II m <br /> _'�....: ' —__._' ..�i...:«:t. ;.5..:�.. <br /> ..—__. _ _ - — Ih:S��::t(� ' ` <br /> -- - -- — -- -- - -- ---- _�sv�uoxrr.:?:;a:%4::..._ ';''4=`�: <br /> _- " - -- <br /> _ ._� <br /> ----- .-`«c, --�------ - ----_._-"- <br /> � - ._ - - n- --'-�w'-�.....--°�a. l�F7" NkklY"a.TRki'+Q�JICj�:R7••;1 pi—,��� _�— <br /> :. _=.'. .����. . `r'� . . _ „"y�...�. n..ry�. . _ r�.�r,o, �r . � ti �' , .'.+��' .. . ,;f;,�r�y�5��ts�`;NY'�� --{y.� ;�_��i <br /> . � - �� . .. ..� � . <br /> , , . ' .,, . - � � rc - ... �� •� � � ' • � - - 'i•. j '�'�`,?� ;d� . ik Fti�.,,; <br /> . •� � <br /> . -, r � ;7 • - � u . , ,� � �1�'f�/f^I¢'. '1� ._ _ <br /> .-. .. � �� , . . ... .L. ..ti:\, <br />.. .. . • . .. . .. _ _. . � - _.'- <br /> . , � �� `- ''_ <br /> ' , � ���€�;'�'� , �. <br /> � appSicat�le 3aw�nay specify f�r rei��stateme��i)1kt'ore snle�f'tha 1'ru[�erty pur�atan2 to woy Ewwer of sale c�iJaine�,�lrt.tliia�,`.:��V'' <br /> Sc��e�r+1y/n;ianiir,nt,csr(b9'f Uf 1 JIl[�biil.Ci11�i1C01'i:�l!}�lli�;i SCi:ll!elY jfl`�t�unicnt. 7'hu<<�eoridlttr.,n��tire U�a't�a°�o�uL+i^:.(t�).,". -- <br /> pays Lenckx all sums wt►icl► tlicn.woultl 6e duo undrr lbs3 Securlry instn►tncnt nnd tnr, iVote :+s i:�w;tc�elC�a�#on;�iic3-: __ <br /> oi;crii�d;(b)cures uny defuult of uny other cavenunts or ugr.,ernents;(e)pnyn ull cxpenacs lncurred,ln onforcic►�this;S6ouoi�;":,,: <br /> Il�as�xum�^�it, Includin3, but nat limitcd t�,rc�.g�nnblc nttumcyR'fe�s;n:�4 (d) lnkes such nction ns[,endcr may nt�op�ihJ.y,' ,;,.: <br /> �require co assuie thet the lisn af this 3ccuriry Instrument,I.C111lICC R tl$I119�Il(}1C�10�1t ClY itlld}�OftOWCi S OY�I��8C10R[O��jly'.tI14'���. :�. _ <br /> sums secured hy this Securit�y tnstrununt st��ll ca��tinue urzct�angcd. U(x»> reinstaten��nt b� [ionawer, thi3,'�Sf:c►uity . <br /> Jnstrurrtcnt and the abligations scc�srccl lxceeby shnli rema4n full3�effer.tive�s if no acccicrati�n had acurred. �Io�v�vera tltl° �.�=_ <br /> ri�l,t lo rcine�atn shall noR apply in the:scse of acccltratiocl uttder patugraph 1'7. � , •��":`"�'�"'` <br /> 19. Sule of Not�;Ch�uge of i.oau Servker. Th,e�tatc ur a pardal interest in the Note(togethcr with this Sec�sit;i�.;';;. , ��`'��:�'s;�=- <br /> Instilunent)n�ay be r,old ane or cn�re times withcut prior nottce tu Horrawer. A s:�le imay result in a citange in ihe.qxitity.•' . . „ =" <br /> (ki�o�wn as the"Loan Servicer"j that co!lects rn��iitlily payrnents duc!under tlio Noto und thie Security L��st�ument. Thet'e-fllsc�� .,: :,� <br /> �nn�,be one or m::sa cha��ses of Uie Loan Scrvicer unrelated to n sale or the Note. iF tSiero is n chnnge of the Loan Scrvicer. ,�,;. ��1,.. <br /> �arrq�ver wilf be givon written n�tice of Qie changc in accordance with p�rngrapi� I4 nbove and appRc� 7'he n�dce' "':��_`�r.,Y <br /> �vilj&tntn��he n�une and address of the new Lo;u�Scrv[cer nnd the nddress to whtch pnyments yhould be raade. The notic��wiU �' `���`�`- <br /> • nlso contnin any other infnrma¢ion requireA by applic�ble law. :,: �+` •��_�-� <br /> ' 78. fiu�u�:;o�;s�����.—.��. �or.owcr sizatl r�ot cause or�ennEt Qie prc��.cispa�nt,��nrare,or rcleasc�y�::. � .--- <br /> �Y�n?ardous Substances on or in thc Pro rt . Borrowar shall not do, nor all4w iir,;�onc elsc to do,anytl�in�affectiag;thb_:� , <br /> PG Y •���, - <br /> �:?`;operty that is in vio?ation of any Environmontal Law. The pnzceding two scnicnGts shnll nat upply to tho presence,use,br.. . •';,.�.;G,.•- <br /> 52eragc on th�Proge�ty of small quandties uf Hazazdaus�ub�t!�nce�th,�t ore genci�alry reco�;ni�.cd to be approprilte to nonn�l_. � '. �.�r;�';;:.: <br /> reai�ential uses and ta maintei�ance of the Properiy�. � �Y��`�" <br /> -_�;i`., <br /> Borrowcr shall proinptly�Ive I.cndcr writtGn noticr,of nny investigution.claim,demsnd,Inwsuit or ot�►er act�on by any _ <br /> �QYernmental or rcgulatory agcncy or privnte party invuiving tha Praperiy nnd nny Harmrdous Substance or Environmentul_ �!"�_ <br /> Lnw'of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Aonawer Icum9, or is not�fced by any govcrnmentaY or re�uiatorp . --- <br /> nuthority,that any removal ar other remcdiatian of An Ht�zardous Substnncc uffcttin thc Pro crt is necessn Borrower � ��"'�`�" <br /> y 6 P Y rY• .�z..x�:: <br /> shait prom�tly takc a!1 necess�ry remedial acdons in uccordance with Environmcntal Lu�v. �t�%' <br /> As used in this ara n h 20,"Hazardaus Suhstances" those tiubstances de�ned us taxic or hnzzrdous substnnces by r;.�F��" <br /> A 8 P L€i= <br /> Fr��jtQ�a�nnt�� r au,anrl tl�n fn�(nwin� �ubstanccs: gus�linc,kctoscnc,ethcc fln���mohlc or toxic pctralcum products,toxic - __ <br /> pestici�es and bc��lcides. volatile sulvents. muUedals cont�in�ng us{x;stus or fomialdehyde, und rndioac:tive �iaterfals. As . . -�-_� <br /> usaA in this.pzu'agrnph 20, "Environmentai Law"means fcderai Inws and Inws of ina ju�is�icti�ii wi�eia i;e�j,::r�'�is tu�i:,� �°'x u,,,,. <br /> t�at relate to heulth,safety or environm�ntal protection. � fi>:•• <br /> `:�'�:�::,,::: <br /> NON-a.TMFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and i.endcr further covenant nnd agrce as followR: r,;;:. <br /> �1. Aacelernf�r�n;RemedIe9. I.ender shall ve�otice to Borrower rlor to acceleratton[allow6ng Bocrower's ��"° <br /> E� Q '��%'=�: <br /> breach of at�y.��cavenant or ngrzement In 4his Security Instrument(b�et not prior to scceleratian under parAgraph 17 ��°�� <br /> unless app97cab1e law�ra`ides otherwtse). The notfce shall specily: (A)the dcfaulf;(l�)the actinn regulre8 to cure the �,.: <br /> dei!ault;(c3 n:.�late�noi less�than 30 duys fram the da¢e ti�e nnt�ce Is given to BorroWer,by whlch tht defrult mus!be := <br /> citxed;and(d)th�t faliure to cure ihe def�ult on or bc.Qore the date speefl�ed in the notice may�rvult Irc ecceiej�aHoiz of ,���;i�,: <br /> t he sums secured by this Securit y In�iruuient an�l sule of ii►e Projrerty. Tt�e notice sho11(urthea�Infr,rm fTurrower of ���-`; <br /> ttie rIght to re6�stAt�after acceleration and the r[a6t to brtng a court uctfon to nssert the nori•existence of m default or �'��' _ <br /> ivay other d�fense of Bo�rower to accelnrntlon and sale. IP the default Is not cured on a•beforo tlis dute�pacltied In �:s.� <br /> �the nottce,I�ander at its option mAy require immediate payment in Gill oF n11 sunie sccuecd by thts Securlty Instrument ���;t" <br /> withuut turqher demanrl und mAy invake the power of su[c Rnd uny othor remediPS pen�ttted by appllcablo law :�;�'�_-'. <br /> l,ender shall bc entitled to callect aA1 expeases incurred ln pursutng the remediey provtded!n tL1s parAgraph 21, ;;,;:,:. <br /> includ[ng,be�t nQt Iim(tesD to,reasonable attorncys'fees and costs of title evidence. `��;��:°; <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,7lrustce st�aU record a notice oP default in eacl�county!n whtcli any part oY the ,�;,,�� <br /> Pro�rty is lacated and s6a11 mail copirs oP sueh aottce fn Uie msvaer preserlhed by nppldcable IAw to Aurrower and tu �'^w <br /> ti�e other person�prescr�bed by npplicnble law: Af¢er the time requfred by�pplicnble lew,ll�ustee shall Rive publ[c �hi7=' <br /> �otice of snle io the porsQns and in thQ manner prescribed by applica.ble law '1lrustcc,vr(thaut dcmm►�l o��Borrower, �,�!�`' <br /> shnll scll the Prm�terty ui pi�bllc auction tn tlie hlghest biatder at Uie time and place mid uuder the terms deslgnatetl In ;�S`:,: <br /> ,�,..: <br /> � the aotice at r�ule in m»c or inorc pnrccis and In a�y order'I1�ustee determincs. �ust�e muy hostpone sala of all ar nny �;ta, <br /> paxeel oS ttZe.:l'roperty by publtc unn.owtcement et th$tEme and place of uny prevt�usly scheduled yAle. I,ender or its of-- <br /> cleaignce mny purchs�se the Property at any sale. ?` <br /> Upon rcccipt of p:�yment oP the price bfd,'IY�ustce shnll dcliver to the purchnscr Trustcc's�iccd con�vcyli�g thc ����-"` <br /> �'soperty. T�C ces(ttils�s�the'I4�ustee's dced shaU�e primn facie evidencc of tlie trutt�of the etntcnicnts madc ihcrein. <br /> 7I��a�ste��sl�all apply the�rocctds�f the snlc in the followin�ordcr: (o)to all costs nnd expcnscs of excrci4ln�fl�c Pow�r • <br /> ,,, <br /> I . <br />— _ r.-...�--;,--�..-r..--- -- --_—Q�—.�f— ... .. . ,.... _ , <br /> - - --.�,:-�,R.;c-=-r--s�'^�..,__ . t, - - �i i. .. . . � - ,.. � �„t;�:�-.._i,., .. - ., <br />- li!� .�). .. � . -��.' . . . .4�� .�'�'.- ,r. �:�iG:.F�. _ � . � .. � - <br />._'. ,. � ... -� . .. ' . �.. ., .. . � : . .. " tY �' " . . . � _ . <br /> _.. . <br /> ; .. .. �. .. .. . <br /> .. . , .. . . . .. <br />- __ .,r .. . . <br /> 'j.' � � ' •• ' ., �t .. . . „ . - . <br /> � _ _ i� .. . , ..� .. .i . . . . -' ..� . . .'f' faY' �'.�',} '.)_; ., '- .• <br /> �q . . ' . �. - � . � , .f��> � 'tl'� '�j ni, '.t.'-7 .. .. - . <br /> - �i{�� - > . , . • � . -� �i ., - .. ' .r•:�-'.� .,. " . <br />. .�_ ,.. . .. :.' � •, - . �� .. : ,�`� �.i ki,i�� . , <br /> ' � . . ., ,� . .. " � , ,. . ( •, � <br /> � .. _.__. . . .. . .. <br /> . .�_ �-. ` . ., .. �� . . . 7 , ' ., " �. . <br /> ' � � ..... ,.... <br /> .. '. .. .. ., ' j • <br /> .. -� �;,.- � i . .� �� ' . . . <br /> . � <br /> . ..,. .. . • _ . _ <br />