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<br /> coaden��atian ar atlLCr t.�kin�of�my��.�rt o£�t�c,1'r�openy,or fa�cu�iveyancc in lieu of condcn�.nnliun,arc.herr.h,y ciss}gnt,d and _
<br /> s;�aiiiW��4i�:iu:.c.��:::,�. . ___
<br /> . In the event af a total taking of th� Praperty,the prcrceede'shull be applled ta (he sum� �:corsd bp thia Srcurity
<br /> Instmmcnt,whether or nat thcn dae, with any exccss paid tc�Sarcower. In iha cvcnt af a partial takin�r of the Fro�trty in ,
<br /> whicii the fair market valuc uf tf�e Properry immcdiately bcfoxe elie tnking is•cyual ta or�rcatcr th:�t tlie amounc aY thc�,urns --
<br /> secun:d by this Secezriry Insmiment immediacely tx:fore the taking,unlrss 8orruwer and Lender otherwisc a�ree in wrl�ing,
<br /> the sums�ecured by this SacuriEy lnstrument shall be reduc�d 1sy the nmount'of thc pracesds multiTlicd by Uta!'ollowlt��
<br /> fraction: (a)the total ainount of thc sums sccured imrnediatcIy is�fore thc taking,divide�l by(b)thc,fnir�narket vnlae of'thc
<br /> C-roperty immecliatGly be,`nra thc ta'�:inb. My balance sliclt bc �aid t�B�rrawec. In thr�v�pt of a p:rrtinl Uiking uf Ih� ----
<br /> Property in which the Faix marNet vnlue of the Propemy immcd'aately befarc the taking•is less than tbe iunount of A�c sums
<br /> seGUted immediately bcfore tlie taking, unless Horro�ver nnd Lender otherwisc agrce in weiting or unlces applicuble luw
<br /> othenvisc pravides, the proceeds shall t�e applicd to Uie sums scr.r.ttc�d by this Seeuriry Listrumeqt wlietlier or r.�t thc sums nrc .
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> If thc Froperty is abandu�ed by Bor;ower,ar il',aftcr r.ottcc by Lender to I3urrovrer tttnt thc condemnor affers to ia�abco
<br /> an nw:►rd or scttle a cl�iin tor damagcs,Burrowea fail�to respon�to Lender within 34 days after Ehe dnte the itotice is�iven, .
<br /> Lender is nuthurizcd to e:ullect And upply the proceecls�nt its optiun,eithcr to restoration or rcpa'u of the Propetty or ta the
<br /> sums secured by this Sccurity Inst�u�eat,whcthcr or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lcndcr nnd Horrower athez�vise ag�e in writing,any application of proceeds to principul sliafl not cxtend ar
<br /> pnst�ne the due date of the monthty payments referred tu in paragrnpt�s•1 and 2 nr change the amonnt af sacll paymtnts. `
<br /> � ii. Borrower Nc�t Releus+etl; ibr�earanc� Ry I.�nder Not � lNaiver �xcension of the time f'a� pa�y���crt o; --
<br /> rnodificatio�r of.�mortizt�tian of the sams secured iiy this Security Instrument grantec�by L.endcr to nny successor in interest
<br /> of Bonowor shall not operate to relense the liability of the ari�inal Borrower or Bottower�s successors in interr,st. L.tndcr _
<br /> shall not be re�uired to commenco proceedings asainst any successor in interest or refuse to extead tima far pay�nent or
<br /> uthenvise�nodify amortization of the sums sccured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mude by tl�e original
<br /> Bonower or Borrower's suecessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> wniver uf or preclude tbe exercise of�u►y rjght or remedy.
<br /> 1Z. 5uccessors end Asstgns Bour�d;Juin!and 5everal Liabtlity'Ca•signers. Tiie covenants and ngreements of this
<br /> Security Instmment shull bina and'benerit tne successors and assigns o�i.r��uc� wc��o,��..c;,�u;�c;.::a nhs p�:�Isie:�s^f —__
<br /> ��;�o«.�J; s�.tttrn��werc covenants and�reements shall be ioint aad several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument'but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secuciry[nsnument only to mortgage,�rant and convey that
<br /> Aorrowers inte�est in the Property unclei the terms of thia Security instrumenr, (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument:and(c)ngrees that L,ender and ar►y other�orrower may agree to extend,modify,t'orbcnr
<br /> or make suiy necommodmions with regard to the cerms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Borcower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Ins�rument is subject to a law which sets mnximum loan
<br /> chargcs,and that law�s finnlly interpmted so that the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be collected in co�►ncct€on
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)w►y such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduc�
<br /> the charga to the pem�itted limit;und @)any sums nlreudy collected from B�rrower which exceeded permitted limits will t►c
<br /> rcfutided to 43oa�ro�vcr. L,ender may choose to make this mfund by reclucing the principal awed under the Note or by makuig n __
<br /> diroct payment to Horcuwer. If u fcfund nduces principal,ttte reducsion will be treated as n partinl prepnyment without any
<br /> prepayment chargc under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be�i•ven by delivering it or by
<br /> rr�ailin�it by Crst clnas mail unless applicable law requiecs use of wiother method.The notice shall be di�+ected to thu Property _
<br /> Address oe nny atlier nddress Liorrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nor,ce ro Lender shatl be given by first class __
<br /> maii to Lendar c-,ndcicess stated herein or any other udd►�ess i.,ender designates by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided for �, .
<br /> in this Security Instrur►:ent shail be deemed to havc bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in tiiis
<br /> Qaragrap;�. -�—
<br /> 1S. Gat�erning�.aw; Severubilsty. This Sccurity Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law uf thc •
<br /> jurisdiction in wt�ich the Proper¢y is located. M d�e event that 1ny provision or clause of this Security Inswment or rhe Noto ____
<br /> conflt�ts with appliceble law,sucli conflict sl�all not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note whieh cun �'
<br /> be given effect without Zhe conflicting provision. 1b this end the provisions of this Security Inswment and tha Note:uc --
<br /> dexllred to bc scverable. r��
<br /> 16. Besrowes's Copy. Borrower shall be given onc contormcd copy af the Note and of this Security Instrume�it. r;;'
<br /> 17. 'ilransfer of tEie Property or a BeneficEAl Inlerest in norrawer. If all or any part of thc Yroperty or any intcrest in y��•:
<br /> :t is sold or transferrcd(or if a Ueneficial interest in Bo►rowcr is sold ur transferred n,�d Sorrower is not a natural person)
<br /> withoUt Lender's prior written consent,Lcndcr may,lc its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by '�
<br /> • this Security Inswment. However,tliis option sh111 not be exercised by Lencter if exercise is prohibited by federal fnw as of �+
<br />- che dnte of this Sccuaty InstrumenA --
<br /> If Lender exerciszs this opdon,Lender shall give Borrnwernotice of acceleratian. The notice shAU provide a period of
<br /> not lcss�h.1n 30 dnys from the date the notice is delivered or mn�icd�vithin which Bonowcr must pay all sums securcd by thie -
<br /> Securi.ty Instntment. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc expiradon of this period, Lender may invake any
<br />- remedies permittcd by Rhis 3ccuriry Tnstrumcnt without fiirther noticc ur demand on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrox�cr's IIiiglit to ReiRState. If Bomower meets certain conditions. Bonuwer shall have the right ta have ,
<br />- enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any tiraie prior to the eadier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as .
<br />` .
<br /> Shigla Family•-Fmutic ft9adll'cdtlie fNuc UI�IIFORTI INSTAUnfCiVT-•Unifom�Covcnmuv 9/90 /page 4 of d pagesl
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