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<br /> , . . .. .. _...:.._ . - .. r -....�•.. ..r...v•��aar*v -
<br /> a. •. Paym�nt aP. indebtec�ne�s in �h� to�m1 �pra�r�c��aal r�xnuunt cif
<br /> �� 7.'wQnty-Fiv�e Thous�r��d ��wc� �iundr�d Dol.l�rs a��i Ko/xn0 ($2�,2UU.0�}, �
<br /> - at Ten aerc�snt (�,0�) intar.�st, as evidena�d b� �he G�er�sia� Txw:ist
<br /> --�— Ue�d Note aY even date �the "i+Iote�►) wi�y. a nlaturi.ty cla�as o�
<br /> --- -�- -- - �.F�iZ �5, �Q3.Oa e2se�r►t�c� h:► T�tlsr�ro �hich Mps l��,o� .�A�iv�:r.Y� �:;w
<br /> � t� pB�iR�?1P. tn �he arde,�° af Hen�►£ioia��r anc'k wh�.cln lby tteis r.ef�re��ae .
<br /> , �.s hereb� niade a paxt hereo�, a�nd: �ny and all maiia.fiaatinn�P
<br /> extens�ans and x�c�newa�.s �t��reof, and , —
<br /> b. AJ.�., pa�rments that axe required t� be advanced bX th�s '
<br /> Heneficiary �ci,:;p�c�tec� the T�u�:,t Estat�, shall beas interes�. a� �ne
<br /> -_� rr�te vi� �te.�► pr��.'i;esgi�. r:�����1 �+�:�' .�yYi�uin, , ,
<br /> - ..
<br /> _, ���, r' TPiis �AGe.d. �f �t���, t�ie I�tc�tn, aila a��y c>�c:h�r itis�YUyr��tir': c�;i.vrc,i� �
<br /> ��--�= rQ �vidence ar..�'�'urth��� �ecura 1:he paymen� aa�� perfurmanc$ of any •
<br /> _- -_= obligation ser�u��d hex�bX axe :r�eferred to callecti�el.y as the "'Laan
<br /> --- In�truments°.
<br /> � - —_ 1. DAV���i'.�TN[1FIIT�NFR,_ Tv-�tcx�Mn=- cha"I1 ra j Whc�r3 r7s�o ��h� ,
<br />-- ------- K---- --
<br /> _-- �rincip�l oE, and tlne� inice�res� on, the ir�debt�d�ess evxdencQd by
<br /> �aio iivic� Gifiasyca� a � i : �--' ' _
<br /> ��a'�� aTiu &�.�. t`ia.11ci $umo di3 E,e.l:tvv.itiCLt lil ZI16 LO�II
<br /> __—_ r.nstrumen�s. � .
<br /> �_� 2. �,�'��. Trustor shal� pay each ins�a�.iment oP a17. ��xHs
<br />- --_-_ � and specfal. ass�vsmen�s ot avQr�r kind, now ox hereafter ].evied
<br /> --"_-_ ___ ags,inst tiho Trust �s���:� or any N�rt thAreaf, Ioefore delirrr�uency, -
<br /> -� —� withaut notics or dem�nd, and shr�1Z proviae IDeno�iaiary wf�lt
<br /> - -_= evidence of the paymQn� of the same. Trustor �shall pay all taxss
<br /> ==�_-���-=Y�- �nd assessments whicl� may be levied upon Bon�ficiary's interest -
<br /> _--__= herein or upon t�fs Cieed af Tru�t or the debt secured k�ereb,y, -
<br />'--��,-� without rega�d �o any law that may be enac:ted 3mpos�ng payment �f
<br /> -°°--� t,he whole or any part ttiereof upon the Beneficiary.
<br /> ��.��,�_� - -
<br />'�''s'`�'�°"� The 1994 R�al Estate taxcrs �hal'1 be paid by Seneficiary and �
<br /> -.---_=^_� �p Re�1 Estato taxvs for 1995 shall� be p�arated between �he � -
<br /> --=�-�� Trustor and the Henefis;iary up t� the date of this cic�sing. _
<br /> -��;�:,:�_.= —_
<br /> 3. �tJ��E At+D REPAIRS. Trustar sha1L nain�a3.n fxre and =_
<br /> 1==;;:�,,v=` extended ct�ve�age insurance insuring the improve�nents and buildings -
<br /> r�-=�;_=.-- constitutang g�ast of the Trust Esta�e for an amount nn less than
<br /> ;, ,. , __.
<br /> �"-��°`!-'��: �he amount of the unpoaid prinCa.pal ba].ance o� the Note (ca�-insur- - -
<br />-=�`}�-..�-.°` a.nce not exceeding �O�k permitfied). Suah 3nsL:ranco poliay shall
<br />=;���:,�•��•°���" cnntain a stan3ard niortigage clauae in favox vf Heneficiary and
<br /> ::,�4:�-� �:, sha11 not be aancelable, term3nable or moc�ifi�able without ten (10)
<br /> .`����� days prior w�itten notica �o a�neficiary. Tru�stor shall Pramptly �
<br /> - �--�.�� repair, main��im, and reglaoe the Trust Es�ato ar ar�y part ther.epf -
<br /> � � . :_"�, so �hat, e�ccept for o�r3ftxary wear ancl �tear, thQ Trust Estr�tc� shall ;
<br /> ;.. � _ ,�� ,
<br /> ,.�; .. :i
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