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<br /> .-.�J:'�!Y �,,[���/�r+iXV'i��hlh'i.��� �l�� �.� I f �.-.f.R� �R'R'llLr.�L���-4"���yi��n'�y�'G�^'�I�r`�i���Zi�sKY�j�?'r�j�*��'.�!i'.,�MI��...._. - .y..
<br /> n �r-R . L i �r.y ,'..���.�YAk'l"�'LY.:'_:_ !f -�'.l,.�n./l.. . lV�..jt}i }�., ri.�..•;..i:,ry-,:,n; .',�„C':,�,r��aax.`•',��:
<br /> . . _. . . .. . ,. . . .. . �`:�.. . . ; . - .. . . . .
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<br />. . ,. Yi 73 � i� Fk tf_ ►ri G7 ••jl��' i �� > �ve�•' �j�'�/3'��':S' .. ., -
<br /> �- ..� .. ' � .. �'�,V..b.� r+N�. ..
<br /> � �'ffLB D$ED•Gl�' 7'ItUST, n�ade on tt1J.s �.� tZaY of „ r .
<br /> • � man 'I'hO1�Y�iS� D. GR�!�IEI.D and �iP:1�Tti�R I(.�G���FLD, „
<br /> . ].�95, by and +� g
<br /> � husband An.� wf.fe, whose yn�t�.3.i.r�g addxess is �4�.4 S�C. �sul Rc►�d�, �92.,
<br /> �rwr:� I�1�::3, 7?e�.rea?��± FiFt$111 s �"mr.rastar") ; JERR� J. I��ILltE�, r+haae�
<br /> �aailin� addre�ar i.s �.503 i�Ie�� S�cnnd Street, Grand Tr�Xand, Nebr�gk�
<br /> 6B8o1, ("Trc�s�ee"j: r�nd ��LiGEP1� ii. �F�'�#E3, a �ir�c�l� ���us►; �rho��
<br /> �ailing. �ddre�ss �s P.O... Hox � 2.0�, �aot�,a, *i�:bra�ska 6��s75.,
<br /> ("'Beraef ic��xy�'4 3. .
<br /> ,;.;:•:;� F'OI� t7'ALU1�Y,� CONS'��l3�TxON, Tzasas�Cor irr�v�oca2yly tranafere, ,
<br /> � . ..t.___..,_ mneqe.�n ra�rmu `►hL17i:wt! f1F !1,iT.R� fAY` ,.
<br /> � convssys, Ri1C7l �SS1t�II:Y Lv ia'ut+�.ac�i . .in a�►YJ1 0 .,�.._.
<br /> the bs�nePit atnd se�u�ri�y nf SenP�;t�:h�.ry, �n.d�r and.�uIa�eGt to .�rie :.:,�.
<br /> ter�m and �onditia� a� thi.s p���1'.`of Tr.u��, *�!qt �-pal p•ronert�r;`,';�;•`.�
<br /> loaa�ed ir� t��e ��'ur�ty of Hr�li,.. ��r��i:� a�-.Nebr.�ske�, �nd l.�g�.�.ly
<br /> des�ribed ay fol�o�s, (the �'Prr�per�y") t��-�i�z�ts � � �
<br /> , ::�
<br /> 1, trael: ,�� land coffipr.isi*�.�j:� �ar� of �he South
<br /> �Ialf of the Southeasti ���:t:��ter (S 1/2 SE 1l/4) „
<br /> of Sactian 35, �ownship � No�h o R�n��e 12 Wes� �
<br /> o� the 6�h P.�., Ha11 �ounty, Nebx�ska, sAid _.._.
<br /> txaci neing mnr� parzicuiarly Qe�cripsc� �s
<br /> e_q,�_.._ _ _.
<br />- - iV11V1fOA - -� ' -- . .._':-ry ..------ - -
<br /> BEGINNTNG at tYxe ^ac�utheast corner of s�ais� �
<br /> �� 1�2 SE 1/4: thence running �+n an as�umee�
<br /> b�aring o�F N 90� 0�° 0o"W on the South 7.ine of � � .
<br /> ' safd S 1/2 SE 1/4 for a distanae of 574.00 ��� .,;;':
<br /> feet; theriCe N 00 a 16� �S"PI for 490.00 f�et; ;
<br /> thence 2� 30� 00'' OA"W far g36.00 €�eet; th�nce �����
<br /> N 00° �.6� 3Gt°W for 83�l.68 £ept; th�nc� S 89°
<br /> 54• �6"F an the North line o� s��ld �S 1�B S�
<br /> 1/� for 496.00 f�et; tYt�:�►ce S 00° 16' 28"E :for
<br /> 386.91 f�et; therir.e S f3�.s 54' S0"E foY 574.02 . .
<br /> f�e� ta a poi.nt on the ��st lino of said S t�2
<br /> SE 7./4; Lhence S 409 ��� ���8"E ca���he �t�st l�ne .
<br />- �� �Aid S 1/2 S?G �./� �t?� 936 0].5 ��s� to the �
<br />- L�oIN� O�' BEG3NNTNG,� s�.�.d tract �ontaining
<br /> 21.841 acr.es mor.e or lps���, th� Sautherly and
<br />= �actc;rly 33.00 feot thereof ?seing Hall Cout�ty
<br /> road right-af-way.
<br />= TaGETHER WITH a11 ronts, easements, a�,purt�nancQS, interes�s ��
<br />= irs adj�oi.ning roads, strca�ts, �md al.l.eys, improvements, a�a�
<br /> bwa.�dings, and all s�oves and refrfgeratflrs ox� said p�emise�.
<br />= Ttte Loraperty and the entir� Qstate and f.nterest conveye�l ta _
<br /> = the TrustQ� axe reYerred to co].lective�y ms the "Trust �state". .
<br />_ �
<br /> �-..------TM-=---�-----------___ . ---------.._---._....,.__.�__ __.___ _._. . -:.. ...---�... �� �- �, -
<br /> , , ,;�: --"°-�l'�pt�*'F'..,...r-. .---.
<br /> - . . A' .� - . h . � y - � '� . .
<br /> � .
<br /> . .• - . _ � .. . ' .. �' .� .. ,, i , ,. ... ' . . .
<br /> „ . . .. , .� .. � � _ .p ' V _ , ., ..
<br /> ,. - .. �� - ' , .. . � . .. .. � ; ' ��! �•�S-.:�•�.;i�1 ... .Y „ . ..
<br /> ,} , " 1 .. . .� . .. . ' �� . �,. . . �,�`�1..�-,r.�� f � �`t'A*.r��: .7' � ,
<br /> „ .. .. .. .. .�_ .. . .-... . - .. -. � . -- - .. ,�.. , . .. ..
<br /> .
<br /> . „ `
<br />� �, . -, . , � � _. _ . � _-i ... __.
<br /> . , _.___.,t. ____
<br />