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<br /> !P dlrepo w�sr uL lr�ir i1i i�c��ukC�t2��i�,����.uxei�.�tv�'�i w s+�ticc ciC�feFau{i:f►��yi F�E crdor j irt vhu h x.ti� �.sx'rt.oi 2Rt�
<br /> . r Mt Wc■Ied�a�sl�t�li nwll sopie�af wrh �eike lb the n�saN+r'pr�eacribad bX u[�kbbk Ir,v ta Hor�uwer wW
<br /> #•►s a utbcr ocrr.ua.� pPrx rifw+! hy appHcat�ae !lu�+. h ft�'r Ihr if�reMui�nrcd b�v a9ta�?�.�kt«�r�l b�i d���:i xn _
<br /> �OT IMIE f0 I.�Ir p�aw�+nr:..v.�•.ir.+..., �::--___..___. :� -
<br /> ern��wa�s�il�l tys�raP+rtr�t MM�aeetiAa Yn t�� bi�dw� � il�tio�o�p���r•� 1�rtu
<br /> ..deai�nAded in tLe�w1ke d�ale iry oRe cK�t�►erceb wsd� urele��u+Mr!dete+�wt�an. 71r�tee a�l'��� ; .
<br /> �ale af�1 n�r aray{unrrd�t9x f'roEwsty bT Put►lic a�na��w�ts�+eea�at�h�ti�+And pl�c ef�ny prrwlaaadl
<br /> �k. Lender gr Ila d�►re�rrs�rpu�chaNe tl�r Pr�o�werlp at anr nt�k. • ,
<br /> ����a�t e�f'pn►ymenp�u!'ti�c�rGce DW,7Fusfte nha11 drliver to R�+e pu�h�er'1lruslte s deed c�veyt��tbe
<br /> p�roper(y. TM�redt�:�C 9�i the'rt�ustre s�:•ed shs�ll be Rrirnx Gocie evidrnce of trutie aE th��tatem�rpF m�tde tlwereSw.
<br /> 'A'ruutc�e s�nl{ouslY the prM:c�sLs p! tPMe yM1e(w lhr,faifo�niap;ardero (a? to �11 costsi and oxptn.�ar uf Rzert:�in� 1f�t
<br /> r � ..... .. �.�,� �c.
<br /> pnr.•�sr of saat�end the s�k,tnciuding the payment uitl�e'11•nutce°s Pees�ciuMOi iu.:ui��,.�:,:..,...r.~�..
<br /> �i k��'�1���+tb)�to a�su yeeured by�t� .9i Seciterity Ing��w�ent�a�(c)�sny txc��to the per�san or��aeraons
<br /> lcga!is enti�led to�t.
<br /> 18. Rernn�•eywncr.. 4J�n payment of alr sums securcd by th4s 5ecurity[nstrumen3, L.cndcr shall req��est'[Ixistee t�
<br /> r�eonvey the f'r�u{+e�1y and,si�all surrenderthis Serurity Instrument and aU notes cwdencin�dcbt securccl by Qu�Securitiy
<br /> [nstrun�cnt to'f1'ust,�e• 7Yustee shal�reconvcy thc I'rppeRy without warranty end wetiiout��i;ug�t�the per�on or r►cnnns
<br /> IeguU�entitled to it. Spch person nr perso{►s shall pay sny rccord•ruon casts.
<br /> ljr. iMUiiiiuiE:i::�:�. i�^���,M'=�`O�1!2n,�,Hy frnm timc tn timc r�movc:7ki►stec and ap�oiat a succe�wr trustce
<br /> lo any 7iustec ap!winted huzcander by�n instnimcnt rerorded in thc c�unty in which thls 'ecurisy tnstrumeni is�����i�:.��..
<br /> � �W7�i�thout conveyanse of ths}'rapeRy,the succassar mt�tcc shaU succeed t� all che titie,�wwer nnd doties eonf'errc�l u4�o►►
<br />' l�ltSlYY!t°re;�i�°n�l by g�u'�,�t,ir>law. � . _:
<br /> ZQ, It�cs�esc t'vr�Ii�1`ii�. II�na�v�r u:quc:ts that co�ics of ti�e notices oi dcr"auIi :sii�i sste ue scn.ta Ec;:aer�r::
<br /> address whic'�.►s the Pirop�:rcy Rdd.es�. �_ . .
<br /> �ider.F t�n th�v Stcet.ity Iustrutnc�Qt.�tf onc Qr more ridets ute c:�ccutcd by Borrowcr and reGUrdcsd togcthcr�vith lhis _
<br />' . .�„�'.ecurity tnstnrmenc, thc co�+enants.af each such ric�er s�u�l he inCOrporated into and shalZ nmend and supplement the
<br /> � ':.�oven;�ts a�ad�agreemenis,af this Sc:urity Instn+ment,1s;i.f the ridct�s)we»e in a part of thfs Sccurity Inssrument.
<br /> � ��Check appli�a6le bux(es)]. , � • �_ "
<br /> �� , ("� . nCitt�'uac�ed P^�.ini:(�t Itider . �Groe��iab Equiry Rider '4`'
<br /> !`nnd.nminium RidCr .
<br /> � l_._J-----.. . ' ._.. �
<br /> - �Pl�uuc+ed Unit Development Ft�dcr �OAier[Specify��7Oq,� q(���ry
<br /> BY SI(3NIMG BF.LnW, Borrow�er accepts:ind agrees ta the terms co�uained in pages t through 4 of this Security
<br /> Insttvment and in any rider�s)executed by Bo.croH�er and Recorded with it,
<br /> wcness�s: ,`"'�" C 1 :'�'J"C� _
<br /> � (Seal)
<br /> " �ortowcr
<br /> C��IAD C FUNK
<br /> (Scal) -
<br /> {3ortnw•cr r
<br /> � (SCS�)
<br /> ' ' Aomoa�r.r
<br /> _ � , . ' ''� ' • ' •� � —�S�� ,
<br /> . . �o�mwsr -
<br /> STA7'E OF Pf��E2ASKA: �� l�ouniy ss:
<br /> p��ig � t� day of�.,,y,� 19�ry . b�fvrrc rane;tJie undersi�ed,a Notary ' -
<br /> __ i'ublic�a'�' nunissionc�and quati�i���For said county,person����;unc
<br /> - q�fAAt? ��( � S��'� p��� ,ro me kno�vn co be the
<br /> - �� �dentical}?crson(s�whose name(s)a�subscribcd to the foreQOing inst�euncnt an'�.i;ckno�vledgcd tho execution thereof to bc _
<br /> -= {�� voluntar���t a.nd deec�l. . �
<br />— -W�,i�ss my hand and notarial seal at �� �S�,,� in sai8 county, th�
<br /> = �late aforesaid.
<br /> .� G'�j'���;��`'
<br />��� LLsi:r�si•:"••:ne�v�irag'.. Wn!nrv Pufilir
<br />:�... --+-----�.�.,;�,�,,,�r '
<br /> :�' ���•�i�!toI Pic6uii� t?�:':�:3TA L FEED
<br />"� gQBEIiTA L.RF�O �
<br />