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<br /> --'_:_`-°�!:�:_; tt11:Q'+fll fCf�ui,�c�to��ay:lil Ulli:>Icf�tllc�Q ird�l�iecluc::a�utdsr tE�i�N��t�mcct lhas�ccurity To�tr��rn�?1 FSi��l1 E�c��aic4 try il��c;�i;ty �p,�,,,.,
<br /> '_�-=Tia:.:`r�-�:��:� Icgn![y enta[�d llrc��;t�. � 4•� �. -------
<br /> �,-p�,
<br /> -�--r-�- 8, gees. Gcnrler may col�cct fc�s c+nd E:Iiargcti nutiiori�cd by�i►c.�,.ciLY�u/ -
<br /> s;_��_� 9. Crc►candst��r As:cceltral!c►nptC)eAlt. --
<br /> , (r�)�De��?e�<< f,c�td;:r►n�ay.exce�t a:,liiii(t�d by n:�ulatiori�;is�;eied h�y tha Seee�eti���r in t.he ea�:c of payene��P clefcuiIts, ��-.,
<br /> --------
<br /> r�qui��3mmediate t�ayment in[u!I of all sNms secured by�his�ecurity�ntii�un+�ut i.:
<br /> (1)�orrowcr cYcfanits by feiUng tu pav in�rull any montl�ly peyment scquircd�y tiiis 3eGUrity Insuumeau pcior
<br /> =—=- to ar on the duo d��c of the next rnont3ily�rayment,or —
<br /> �� !'ii)Bonovre;defaults�y faiUng.for a perFod of thirry days,ta perfarm nny athee aGllgations canta6ned in this
<br /> ` SeGUrity instrumen�
<br /> = (b)Sulc Nithout Credlt l�pgro�ai. I.cndPr shall,if permitted by npplicnblc lu�v und with thc prior approval of the
<br /> -----
<br /> -- Sccretnay,require imr.tecliate paymeRt in full of nll thc sums necurc�i by ttEis Security lnsuumcnt if:
<br /> - - _ � (i)All or pad of the I'roperty,or a 6ene�cial inteias3 In a trust a�i�ing all or part of the Pmperty. in snld or .-._
<br /> --- - utherwisc uansferrcd fother tluzn by dcvis.,or dcscent)by the�oaower,nnd
<br /> t- (ii)71iv Property is not accupled by the purchaser or grantee as his ar her piincip�l residence,or thc purct�aser _
<br /> -- or gruntce dces so occupy the Property but hls on c�r credit hns noi been npproved in accordance
<br /> --- --- avith the requtrements of the Secretnry.
<br /> ---:= (c)No Wa[ver. If circemstnnces occur that wauld Isermit Lender to requ�ire immediate payment in full,but Lender
<br /> __---- - dcea not requlre such paym�nts,Lender does not waive its rights with respa:t to subscquent events.
<br /> -��,� (d)Regulnttons of HUU Secretary. Jn many circumstnnces rzgulations �ssued by the&ecretary will limit Lenderb
<br /> —.�;-::� rights, in the case of payrr�ent def'autts. W iec�uiea iinmediatc pa men_ire fu11 and forecinsc if not paid. This .
<br /> �- `�- Secutity Inshuirient dces not uutlior3ze aceeier3aon ar fo�clasnre i�not pemnitted by reSulations of the Secretary. __
<br /> ����tiJ�s� , (e)14�ortoape Not Insured. Bonower agrees tha4 should this Security Inswment and the notc secured thcreby nat
<br /> _,..� be eliglble for insurnnce under �he Niilionul Housing Act vithin a �t�g from ll►u �_-
<br /> -_.������`- date hereof.Lcnder mny,ut its opuon nnd notwithstunding anything In ParaQaph 9,re�uire immcdiate paypnent in
<br /> �Lfs .�5.�. .
<br /> :::_.:,;, - -
<br />-==-��_{�''�` " fuA of all sums secured by this Securiry Inswment. A written statzmcnt of nny authorized agent of the ecmtary �_
<br />�,-����� duted subsequent tu g �nth� from the date hereof.dealining to insure th3s Sec�rity _
<br /> �� Inswment and the nate sectued ihereby, shall Fk.deemed conclusive proof of such inclibnbility. Notwithstnndin�
<br />_-°_w�':.:,3 W`_
<br /> -- = che foregoing,this option may not be cxercised by Lender wlicn the unnvailubilioV of insurunce is solcly due to
<br /> -"�ti��`'� l.ender'�failure to remit a mort�age insurance premium to the Secrewry. ___
<br /> ..�*'r��'. 1�. Re[nslatemcnt. Borrowc:r has a rignt co oe m�nsiaicci ii i.ci�u�r�i&S�i.�uii..v 1+�1::°�:o�o�,��;nQnt�r�f��])iwt�A7iCC __
<br /> `='��"s��':�� cof Rorm+ver�s faiiure to pny un t+mount due under the•Note or this Security Instrument. This nghe appl�es even after
<br />__����,,,z� foreclosure proceedings sre instituted. '[b reinstate the security instrumenc, Bor�v�vcr �i�isii ie,-�.�e� i� n ..smp su� .^.1! _
<br /> -' a�L.'u� amounts recluie+ed to bnng Bonow�ee's accoUnt current in�tuding,to the extent tA�ey are obligauons of�3orrower under this
<br />'=���;��:;;� Security Instntt�ent,foreclosute cost4 and reasonable c+nd customary uttorneys'fees and expenses properiy associated widi
<br /> the foreclasurG p�r.eeding. Upan reinsmtemcnt by Botrower,this Securit Instrument and tiie obligations thut it secures
<br />�"��-�� _-
<br />-- �,� shall cemain in effect as if I.ender had not uired irr►mediute payment in ull. However,Leiider is not c+equ{red to Pem�it
<br />:-_;"����L' reinstatement if: (i)Lender h�.s accepted re nstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings with►n hvo --
<br /> -_`=T�` a years immediately p;eceding the commenccment of a current foreclosurc proceeding. (ii) reinstatement w�ll preclude
<br /> �^�'�°-�'��� foreclosure on diffetent grounds in the future,or(iii)minstatement wip adversely affect the priority oY the lien created by
<br /> •:r~•„?••'•,;�:;�� thisSecurityInswment. ��
<br />-'��--��=.�-- 11. Borrower Not ltelesised; g'orbearance b� Lender Not a 'vYaiver. Extension of the time of pnyment or �, ;.^_
<br /> �'=�--i� modificadon of amortizaaon of the sums secured by this�ecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any suceessor m interest � ,
<br /> y r� r of Barrowc,r shall not o rate to mlease the IiabiN of the ori inul BorrAwer or 8orrower�s successor in intet�st. Lender
<br />_;,;;t4���•� shall not be teyuL�ed t o mmence proceedin�s against an�successor in interest or refuse ro extend time for payment or ��=
<br /> °= •rz=�� athenvise modify amortYZation af the sums secured b this Securi� Inswment by mason uf any demand made by the rx�-
<br /> f^"`�`"""�''_'' ' original Bonower or Bonower�s successors in interest.Any forbear nce�y Lcnder in exercfsing uny rigt►t or remedy shall � -
<br /> ,. r_.__,r�. L"'�".
<br />.r......�rc�•�w-
<br /> , _�.,.��_�..__� not 6e a waiver of or preclude tFxe exercise of any right or remedy. ��_�
<br /> -'����=;� 12. Sa�ececsors aud AssSgns Bound;JoSnt nnd Several Liability;Co•�Igners. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> =,�-���??�- this Securiry Insttument ahall bind und i�enefit the successors and assigns of Lender arid Borro�vex,subject to the provisions �'ri'=
<br /> - .,.��.- ��s: .
<br />__.�.�,_
<br /> 04'Fnrugruph 9.b. Horrowerk covenanis and ageements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this r�,yrN•
<br /> ,�,.,,a. Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a}is co•signing this Securiry Insnument only to mortgage, rnnt and ,
<br /> - "�" convey ihut BOrrowet�s interest in thc Property under the terms of this Security inswment;(b)is not personally ob�igated to >
<br />-%=.��s:-��:, pay the su�ns secured by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and nn�odier Borrower mny agrec to extend,
<br />_ �.,�,_
<br /> zr..�=: modify.forbeur or make any nccommodnt'sons with reBard to the terms of this Secunry Inswment or the Note withouc that
<br /> ';=%-� ,_ $onowcr's consent. �
<br />�T,it�,:� .
<br />.-;..yA;;Yv�, 13. Noi9ces. Any notice to Borrower providcd for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deiiverin�it or by
<br /> ;_�?�.�.. mailins it by fir�t clnss mail unless npplicable law requires use of unother methad. The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> ___ '�:,,:,�.`�'' property Address or nny other address Borrower desigr►ates by notiee to Lcnder. Any notice to Lender shall!�e gtven by
<br /> "°'""=�~�� first class maii to Lender� uddress stated hcrein or any address Lender desi�nates by notice to Borrower. Any notice
<br /> -_}�r�''�....
<br />-;,�,�,, .,-,� •. �rnvided for in this Secnrity Inswment shull be deemed to have bcen given ro Borrawer or Lender when given as provided
<br /> �.,--.--:=,.u�:': m tttis paragraph.
<br />'..a,.• .�. 14. Governing l.aw; Sevsrabil:ty. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by Federut law and thc law of nc�
<br /> `�"`"�w",'"' jurisdiction in which the Property is locnted. In the event thflt any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the
<br /> � "�s�'� ..�.�`"°� Note conflicts with applicabie luw.suclt conilict shall not affect atD�tr provisions of this Securdry instrument or the Note
<br />"'u�:f-��2::•. which c;u�be�iven effect wtthout the conflicting provisinn. 'Ib this end the provisions of tbis Security[nsmiment and the
<br />':��;�c�:. � Note ure declared to be sevcrablc.
<br /> :,,...;,_„"�;• 1B. Borrawer s Copy. Bonower shall be�iven one conformed copy of this Security[nstrument.
<br /> ;;, <<. ...-_ 16. Assignment of l�ents. Borro�vcr uncdnditionally assigns and transfcrs to Lender all the rents und revenues of the
<br /> ;;�'. .. • ,.s Pmperty. Borra�ver nuthorius Lender or Lender's•agents to collect the rents an�i revenues and hereby dimcts each tenant of
<br /> �`� the Property to pay U�e rents to Lender or Lcnder's agents. However,prior to Lender's no!ice to Bo�rower of Borrower's
<br />:;�,..;,,..:._..�.,,. ..
<br /> '�'•�,•.s;;r.'�•;� bneach of any covenant or n�rCement in the Security Instniment.$oraower shall collect and receive all rents and revenues ot
<br /> �������t�'���-�"rti���••=�-> �he Prnnercv ns veistee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment of c+ents constimtes an absolute assi�nment
<br /> "�'��' '. �nd not un assignment for nddit8onal suurity only.
<br /> � If 1 end�r gives natice of brench to$otrower: (a)all�+ents received by Borrower shull be held by Borrower as tnastee � . "
<br /> '� � for benefit of Lender only, to 6e applied to the sums sccured by the Security instrument; (b) Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> " �'-•- coticct and reccive nll of the rents of t➢�e Propesty;and(c)each tenant of the Pa�aperry shall pay all rents due and unpaid to
<br /> � �� I.cnder or LenderS ugent on Lender�written demand to die ter.:u�t.
<br /> `•�`� ` �• Borrowerhaa not exccuted any prior nssi�nment of the rents and lias not nnd will not perfonn any act that v�ould
<br /> • '� prevent Lendcr from cxe��cisin�its rights e�ndcr this Pa��u�raph 16.
<br /> Lender shalt not be requtred to enter upon,talce control of or maintain the Prope�ty before or after�iving notice nf
<br /> �� ' � b�r.uch to Horrower. However.Lender or n�udicially appointed receiver may do sa at;my time there is a brcnch. Any
<br /> " npplication of rcnte shall not curc or�vaive any default or invalidute.my other right or remed�+of Lender. '17�is assignmcnt
<br /> -.- of rcnts of tl�e Property shall tern�inate when�he debt secured by the Securiry Instrument is paid in full.
<br /> ,�,.. ���,::,.
<br /> .��,.,..,;,- �,.
<br /> -,.:»
<br /> "�r: :
<br /> -,t��•�• .
<br /> iraR�j of�n�xes�
<br />