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<br /> • E3�+�ir�,►�•e:��hRt!r�ny ii�=��Tr�t+h�m��rg,u!"�4 t�s mH?a�al!1 Phr�n�uru�!cr.in�tli�c!+.inFi{f�c'M dtN�R!t$t�k'!�SiI�k11M'Ta���Y(I�4't
<br />�`-- �"�-:,,.nn: � '
<br /> _ insur�ase�(rrman�ta�s ir��acurd�:irx t�i���iotra+v��r'R xnd X.,enakr r amtt�aXraamer�t ar N�icable l�w.
<br /> - --_.:- -�� 8. i�ti�en. I.ercl+tY�its a�4 rn�v�rixka re�aar.�rbk erit.ri�t uY►an xnd�tiaa+ti�!'!he Prc�pKr�t�.Le�r�+dor
<br /> _- ._
<br /> -� ----
<br /> 1 � � c� � u__.�_._....a.�.., F..� .,r.�N.s r, �t .,.r�:tliw�.
<br /> . y.[... �f.., r....� .�n ...� � .<..�n�..�j�.»�..�:..qa�••.�:PHjwH�O�c�t/W1YS5�Y('FiliiY w�}u i�
<br /> .. _- __.__. _ ...�....�......_.._._..�a..__......_...__-•_..__..�r.c__ ._, . . � .. _ ..
<br /> ' �. (�AlII+O�. �C�itOC106t1t 41Q'�l1��'MSl'd Or C�aAI r(11'dttqR�C�.d�1+DCt Ai Ctlll�liRWNllI�.(IO l�IN1��{!q 1M�t�1 �
<br /> ___ ��-� Ray�r�ncknnn�dan or uhe+r t�ieir�c►�'�ny p�crf+thn Prc+pertq�c�r fae u�nvey�+:n ir�liru nP rw�detnnat6a+,sre Iwr�eb�r
<br /> �l�na1 atiA rhnli bs p�ld t�S.encicr.
<br /> _ !n the�vent a�f'e tataE u6ci►�nl'the propaty�the proce,.^d��all tue�ppiied to the suaia ee�curad br thi�Sacw►tpr
<br /> _ __�'_�;*� in�ttrumen��whether or ewCtlres�due.with�ny R�p�►'sd to 1B�rr�aer. In Ri�c evrnt al'i�p�rti�l t�9cin�t oC'Rhs P��opartY, ---
<br /> __-__ n�lt�Hofrawer and Letsda dheraf�e�nee in a�ri�Ina�tlse aunu x+ct�rod by t�ts Security In�tlrua�tt sl�a11 be re�luaed ba►
<br /> -------�=��_' ehr an►aun��04'che p»ceodl�muitipiia�l by tiNe foikrrin�fr�ccinn:(a)Ane tdt�wntwn?trf Rit�nurii8 ti�ii.uai:a�i�iii�'�:::±;.:�
<br />- -W.atyy bcton thc tr�kkin�p,divided by(bS ihe Q'i3r m�rici4�alue d'tbe Pmperty imm�di�tdy be!'ore Ilx takinQ.Any ba��b�ll br
<br />_-__-�:��`�::� P�id to Borrmvrr. -�--
<br />----- -.��.�;, If the Pr�osxrty is abandoned by 1Botroaer�or if,after�oticr.bp Lender to Bc►t�rorver thxt the ca�ndaomor�A'�ra u►
<br />-='-`:'��.=�':,K_� �a�ice an arvard or Rett�e a c�im fnr damega,Sopraaer fails ta rrs�orxl to Le�ndu�vithin 30 tLys�fkr the ds�e tk►e naQkt is -
<br /> == = Siv�,I.erider is autbsxizod ca collart and apply the proce�ds.xt 3ts�tion,rithcr e�testeratitm or rtpoir of tlYe PewpG'iy sx
<br /> -°-"'�""°�"' to t}x wms�ecured by Ihit Security Ynstrumcnt,�hether nr not then due.
<br /> - -�
<br /> ---"*r��T EI.-.'�.;.�f�,:���.�JZ:.,.°-ru��C:�'.,.-:�:.:rgs'.,;.::t�•:sii^a.:.=y�rYt^.�ry;pf�r�er��riArin.lshilln�tr;tr+adca�
<br /> L��,^.� postpone the dwe tUttc of the moat6ly psyxa�ents nfened to in ptragraphs 1 and Z�r ehxnge the�ouat of such p�ynuatx �
<br /> '°=' Y0. lianrowe9r N�ot ltebta�ei�Foiriete� Br IRaie�Nat�W�i�r. �xtrnsion of the:titne fa p�ynu�►t oc
<br /> -, i%K.��° --
<br /> ;i;:.,>•�,���..� sn�ification af amortisxtion a�'th�sums securtd by this.Se,cu�iry Ynstrum�ct �ranted by Lsndcr to aay ss�cr,�ssv�in
<br /> .-,-��;.w.-;;: i:�2tres!04'�er Ehap►xot o�eret�to reka�e the Wbi�ity oi'the arigi�l Horrowsr a Ban�►rver's s�uc�esse�n in inte�t. -_
<br />_ „',,;; .,. I.entler sp,all not be roquired Yo�ouamence proaedings�inst any succcssor in interess or re4'u�se to extend time for --
<br /> �� �••,. oua
<br /> A�-��•-" ' p►yinent or e�ther�rise modify unortir,�tiau of the aww securad by this 5acurity I�s4n�mtnt by rus�on of r�y dernand nsade
<br /> �......N,L1P, -
<br />--` ,.,, �:.' :,.,• by the ori�inal BornSxer or Borro�ve�s succcs�n�a in intereat.My furbearana:by Lender in r,�erciang Rny rig�rt ot re.medy
<br />-�.,;:`',;�:� slist�nat 6e a MNVer�oi'or prceludc the exercise of my riaht or mnrdy.
<br /> ' ,•':, ;. 1l. s�toes�Mn sw Aa�s Bo��Joist�i Ser�al ti�h9ltt�,Co�si�te�s• 'fhe c�vcnants and xRt�Sements of'
<br />=:f%.�-•:�;�� f ✓` this Socurity lnstreiuicnt si�ll bi�d ansf bcneRt the:uooessots and assigns of Lender and Borrower.sub}at to the{�roeisioe►s
<br /> y.; *� r�<,...,.;. .
<br /> �•.,.�a .a. of par�gagh 17.BonoMer's ooventnts and a�reia►ents s6tll be joint and sevcral.�lny Eorra�er who casigns tlus Securisy
<br /> . . � ' Y..a�.,�...sa,f I.a•t•in.a.v���wni�t�tlu.N�te•(al tn m.aiooniao t1iiA Crturity In�trnmr�vt OD�Y t0 mnrtQSl10E.Qfii1l ili�COnVCY ---
<br /> '� '�'"�`""`'�"' �� that Burmwer's e�tere.st in the Propert3r uader t6e tenns of this Stcurity�nstrnmcnt;(b)is not personaliy obligated to pay
<br /> , � � <� ' the sums secund by this Security Instrument;and(c)agras that Leender and any other Borrower may agrx to extrnd.
<br /> , -�,� modify.forbear or make any�ccou�modstions with r�ard to the t�,rms of tIus Security Instrument or tt►e Note withont
<br /> _,;:,-:��: . ...� ��.. tZ1At BOJt09YCi'B CAi1SCtlt.
<br /> �'�� 12. �Gtar�a. !f thc loan secured by this Securiry IInstniment is subjett to a law which sets easuirnum loan
<br /> w � � '�'''��`�!% charges. and that Isw is fin�11'y interpretcd so thnt the interat or other lom► chnrges�ollected or t�be wSbcte4 in _...
<br /> :'���i: . ..�;�.�,�:fa
<br />`_rTK,,r�;4,;..;.�,�,�,.. connection with the loan�acoxd the per¢nitted limi4s, then: (a) any such loan charge shalt be redured by the an�ount
<br /> :E.: . . ..:..��'u
<br /> nocessary to reduce the charge¢o the perinittal Umit;amd(6�)any sums alrcady co!lxted feom iiorrower which excadad �
<br /> .�,..-..���.,..,,�.;;_�;'.,:• ' permitted timits will be refundod to Borrawer. Leader�nay choose to criake this refi�nd by reducinE the y�rincipal awed F;r�-..
<br /> � •� - -w ,• � '•~ under the Note or b maicin+ �diroct et9t to Iiortower.If a refuAd reduces rinci _
<br /> � . •.;,::.':: Y B PaY� P pal.the reductian will lx uetted as a �.,_:..
<br /> ���'� �rtial prtpayment without any prepaymtnt charge under the IVots.
<br /> . �5,1`'. r�_'::,.
<br />'-'---� „' ... � �. 13. I�ttoa A!1'eMi�I.eeder's Rt�6tis. If enactmeat or expiration of appficable laas has the cffxt o3' �-.
<br /> -�• ' °'•� ' rendering any pmvisicn of tbe Note or this 5e�wity insh-ument unrnforceabie according co iu tcrms,Lenr3er,nt its option. �
<br />�""' ' '� '°'•' may require immed'ute ptayment in full of ali sums sacured by this Security lnstrument and may invok�any rcmec4irs �.;.-
<br /> •. � ' '":'!�''`;�;;,.. permitted by paragr�ph 19.If I.endtr e.�ercises this ogUon,Lendershall take the steps specified'en the sesond pangrnph�S' • ��T
<br /> _ .. .�;�::;�. ParaBaPh 37. �'.
<br /> .. .. ,.:•,.,.� �4> .
<br />" ' , 14. IVotbres. My noYice to ffJc�.rJOwer provided for in this�ocurity Insuument shFSll 6c given by deliveiing it or by �.��
<br />,� , ° �� ' mailing it bp first class mail u:nless applicablc law roquires use of another method.The rtouce shall lae directed to the
<br /> , .� Property Address or any other address Sorrower designetes 6y notioe te I.end�r.Any notice to Lesid�r s'haU be givrn by ��,
<br /> • ,t'' flrst clsss mail tA L¢nder's address stated hcrei�a or any oiher address Lender designates by notice to�orrowu.Any notice 7�..
<br /> " "' providal foa�in this Security Instruaasnt shall be damal to have been given to Borrower or ixr��ra�when given as providod -
<br /> . �'.;; in this P��P�.
<br /> " . ' ' 15. Cqferaisg La;S�Ter�bll3ty. '1'his Security Instnnmrnt shall be gav�mod by fer�eral law and the lnw of the
<br /> jurisdictian in whicb tha�roperty is locatod.In tine event that any provision or cloase of this Seeurity Iastrumemt or the
<br /> • I°Iote conflicts with app7�cabla law.such wnflict shaU aot e!!'ect other provisions of this Security Instrumcnt or the Note
<br /> � . whish can be givsn effect without the con9icting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security lnse�vment and the
<br /> , • Nat�ere dtclared to be sevcnbie.
<br /> . � 16. Borrowcr'e Copy. Bocrower shall6e given one conformod wpy of the Note and of this Sexurity Instrument.
<br /> 17. Tre�sPe�of the W�nper¢y or o BeaeflcSal interest io BorraAer. If nll or uny part of the Pro�rty or any
<br /> " interess in it is sold�r transfereed(or if o beneficial intcrest in Borrower is sold or crnnsferred nnd Borro�ver is not a natura! �, .
<br /> , person)without Lendcr's prior written consent,Lender may.at its optior.,require immedinte payment in fuU of nll sums �":
<br /> � � •sacured by this�eturity Instrument.Giowever.this oprion shall not be es�rcised by i.ender if eaGrcise is prohibited 6y r
<br />- „ �� foderallawasof'thedateofthisSecuritylnstrumrnt. I
<br /> � If Lender enercises this oprio�,Lender shnU give Borrower natice of accelemrion.7he notioe sh311 provide a�riad
<br /> of rsnt Icss than 3�days Gom the dntc the notict is�ielivered or mailed within which�onowcr�ru�st pay nll sums secured by
<br /> this.Sccurity Instrament.If Bonower faiis to p�y thes�sums prior ta the exp�mtion of this period,L.end=r may invoke any
<br /> _____ _____ remedirs nermiued bv this Securitv Instrumenc wiihout funher notice or dem�nd on 6onoRer. '
<br /> � � ' ' 18.Btrreoxer'e Ylight to ReiestaLe. If 6onower meets certain conditic►ns,Borrower shall have the riQht tA huve
<br /> - ' �• � enforccinent of this 5esarity Instrumtnt dissontinued nt any time prior to the eariihr of(a)5 days(or such other period ns
<br /> � ., � � appiic�blc law mny sp�ify for rcinstatemcnt)before saac of the Proptrty pursnant to nny power of sale cantained in this
<br /> . Sxurity Instrument;ar(b)tntry of a judgmcnt enfotc:ng this Security InstPUment.Those conditions are thnt Corrower: ,
<br /> (a)pays Lcrtdet sll sums which then�vould be dett uatd�r this �ecurity instrument and the Note i�a�i no aaxelcration
<br /> occuned;(h)cures any default of'any o'thcr covenents or agretmrnts;(c) pays nll expenses incurred in cnforcing this
<br /> ' Secnriry Instrum�nt,including,but not limited to.reasonnble attorneys'fees;�nd(d)takes such actian es I.cnder may
<br /> reasnnably require to assurc that the lien of thls Saurity Ynstrument, Lender's righes in the Property and lBorrowcr's
<br /> ' ' obligation to pay tha s�ms sccused by this Sxutity Instrument shnll continue unctiunged. Upon reinst3tement 6y
<br />- , �onov�er,this Ssc��rity Instrument und the obliggtiona secur�hereby shnll remain fLlly etfcctive cs if no ncceleration had
<br /> , occurnd.Hox��vtr,this right to reinstnt�shall not apply in the case o4'acselernt+on under Raregrnphs 13 or 11. I
<br />_ „ ` ,
<br />,.. 1
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