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<br /> � y __� ti:}iitr�ltin�Q.t37��i+Aisat� }�i.,�eeil;isi:.�i! i:`e:i�.li:>•:�.;i6':,5+..;.�G, ,( � :��C,: y�l_ �'._.__._._ ' ' �
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<br /> . .. , 3. $'Nf�AEGZ 6a.�biliwiy�kE 1i�+7 7tFliii�u1M h`Tl�tiy7�li�T Q1iGt LSiYE rt:tlilX�H, F?C)fiCiii'C4.U91([?C�,e��iES�Ey v+:l"�i7ttY`.
<br /> �'��- ...r.,s..j ' ��_..
<br />•,�?i�.:�.::�.".;�f�:'�,J :iie�sti�tcl;:s�3r1��:nc�i��;trr�aiailt���°sirL:cvid��a;r.dliy�9,ir.Note;sudxy,���,rr.�;s.a�3ic�,rsn:iiv►-r.fc:�ty,:�sl�tcttni:r�4hCidt�tr. -_
<br /> ., 2. �'�twr Taxa�rwl lwwr�wee. Subje�t to n�}tilie�bk(�w or tu a writteri�1ai vcr by I.endeK.�orvcrrer slwu pay .
<br /> _.-.. -�:�-�3�`� t;�y,titt?erc►u rfse c�AV:n.�rtth�y(u�yments n�e clu�unde; ih�Noir�uniif th�:4�s2c cs p�id:i�ful7;a+um Q"F�an�f�")ryu.e{��? , ---.
<br />- _..,,
<br /> —
<br /> -- -_---— . . . . . .
<br /> — nsft•4wallld ul: (��.yMtty ts7ca anQ a+►ieLam�fite w11f�ri�TS�y Mtt�art,p�Grrxy over rrt�s �auney mu�rumcn+; �'nj 7c.��:f
<br /> .la�e!►o1d MYmenn or �roue�al renn cm the FropeYty�i�an,Y: (c}yariy hunrd incur�nce premiumr, �1 (d) Y�Y .,
<br /> Y� trwrt��e ir�aui�.hee pmniur,�s,l!'Ang.'ihe�itsmr xn c�!ed"racraw itsme."i.en�r m�y 2�f�mata 1ha l�und��uc�Ihc
<br /> bu�nC�urrent dat f and ra��Ybit sit�mata uY'futare e.�crow itcros.
<br /> The Furod�xh�efl br�eid(n sn in�iftul�dr►1he skpvr�ltu nr�►crnunt9 Uf which�,ra in�ured or�urr�ntnr.i by r fndRrn�or
<br /> ai+�ts a�tncy(inctucllnx 1.i�ndrr If Lendrr 1�Ru�h rn Id'�ilh+tlan).�,en�er ehalf a�ply�hK�'unde ta pMy ihe eu:raw iter�c-
<br />---°_--�.- t.�,,.t.� t+.1zy nt+6 c�►s�a�fnr.�nlAin�tn�'Rn,nlyin�!hc F�c►c4�an�ly;►ing IbG acruunt ar verifyinR tlue esctarr!Itrm�.t!a►9a!
<br /> ' . I.eiw,ks py�Bcirn�wer int¢rtst an tf�e�und��nd�p�lic�bk ta�v permits Y.ender t�rnaka euch�eharae. �crrrnwer�nd
<br /> i�der rn�y r�rx In writtn=Ihr�t inttrat ehail be pi,�l on the Pund9, IJnles►�n�rament if mack cx�pplix�bk uw
<br /> "-""'-�_�.-== tnr{uir�t intercst to 1x�d,I:ettder sltxll no!be reqtiirssd to poy[iurrowcr any intcrRSt ar:etrning��sn thti Func4�.l.�ender
<br /> ____� �hr11 givatb�orro�vn,without chaede,an annusl Accountinsof the Funds showiRg credits md deait:eo fhe Fui�ds�rx!the —
<br /> -�'- pur}w�for�►hich each debit to tha F'unds waa rnuk.1'hs�'unds ue pled`ai as xdditio�a►1 security far the s�rn�sccurai by
<br /> thit Secatity insinemrnt.
<br /> _= IFthe amount of the Funde he�d by Let►dRr,to�Cther with the future monthiy p�yment�o!'Funds payabk prior to —
<br /> -----�_ -°= Iha due ditss c�'the escrow items,sh�l�excaa!the arnoun�requirsd to�+ay tTie escrow itcros w��n due,the excssa sh�sif t�,
<br /> �t�iorrower's�xion,dther promptly reprid to Banovsrer or cndited to Barrower�n monthly payments af Funds.[i'the '
<br /> i,������� amaruni o'ttbe�unda hetd by x.,rnder is nat su}flciet►t to pey the�scrow iserns when due,Iiorrawer shall pa�to L.ertdcyr any __
<br /> -- �mouut ncceuury to make up tha deHcitn�.y irt one or more�ynitn�g As rcquired by I.endez.
<br /> _�-y:��_� 3J4x►n pr�yment in Euli of ail sums sex:ur�,3 ty th::�Sccurity IIi�st��rne�t,Le,�dcr s;i�lt�roy�►�,ily`efu�id t��,..o��:' - -
<br />-:�:a�:;t;.,�„�;� eny F�a�d�Ucld by I,sadcr.lf under par�graph 19 the 1Psopercy is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shall apply,n�latcr
<br /> --_�=.-.m,o,d; thari immedi�tcly prior to Ehe otle oP the Propsrty or its�cquisitina 6y Lender,any Funds held by Yxnda u the timr of
<br /> v=""�'i'R-�� agpiic�sion w a�crodit Yy�tlnst tl:e anms secured by thi�Sr.curity Instrument.
<br />-�'wf�T`^„��;y;� 3. A�pli�sSloe oi Pa�mtab. Unless applicobYa Iaw provides otherwise,atl�,�ymants reaival by Q.endu under _�
<br />_,:-�;,�,=,.��_� pitrasraphs 1 anid 2 shal!be applied:first,ro late chargs�due undee the Nute;second,to prepsymeat charges due uncFer tha
<br /> -=`�"n�1�.� fVote;thitd,to wnounts psyable undcr paragrap�2;foursh,to i�aTttest due;and last,to principal duc. ••
<br /> __�. �
<br />�:, �:�����:� - 4. �emo;Lieos. Borro�ver shaq pay all ta�es,ass�:,:srrs�nts,charges,fines and impasitions attrilwtable ta tl�c
<br /> ;.- rrvperiy wi�icn miy accain pnarity,over mis �ecuney tnstruutent, anri ieasea4io paymems ur giw—�: .�..w,�:.���.
<br /> r,�t�YA�.;�
<br /> �- z.��,s Borm�s►er shtll��ay thesz dbligasions in the mucener�rovided in paragraph 2,or if not paid on[hat•menner.Borro��er sfieq
<br /> �';'`�":'�:�� psy th�m on tttne direetfy to the persan owed pxym�nt. Bocrower shall promptly furnish to Lenacr all notices ot'amo�rnts _
<br /> -��v�P�_. . �•: to be p��d undei this paraarRph.If Bonower makes these puyments direcdy,Bonower shall promptly furnish to l.ender
<br /> �"''�"'-`i�-,•�. receipts evidrncing the paymeats.
<br /> "'w"�"'��;;,s� ;i3�rro�er ahall promptly dYSCharge atty lien which has priority over this Security Insirument unlas Borrower:(a) _
<br /> �.�._���..
<br /> --���;�;�� � a�rca in writing to the payment of the obligation secur�c!by the flcn in a ma.nner acctptable to Lender,(b)contests�n good
<br />:`�f�i4r::��._�:� fLth the litn by,or defend�egainst enforcemrnt of thc lirn in,lt�l procadings Mhich in the Lender's opinion operate to . '°°
<br />�,-;-_��,-„�� prtivm¢tt�e snforcement uf the lian or Corfeiture of any part oF the Property;or(c)secures from the hmldcr of the litn an
<br /> - "'"�k• ��nent sarisf�ctory to lf.ender subordinating the lien to this Stcuriry Instrument.If Lend�er detarmines that�eny�art of' �,:
<br /> -�, z `� � tha Pro�erty is subject to a lien which may attain priority ovr.r this Security InFtrument,Lender may give Batrower a
<br /> 4 "*�,,�`�i�� notia idrnfiiying the lien.Bonower shaU satisfy the lian or take ome or more of the actions set forth abave�xithin 10 days �
<br /> ..�=����:��_::�e-.� ofthegivingofnotice. �`=-
<br /> S. Ha�rd Jasurence. Borrower sl�all kec�the iinprovements now existing or hereafter erected on the Froptrty �� �
<br />.�-.�.�r.:r.:—...:_y;." �+a.
<br /> ����""-'� � insuret3 asaa�st loss by Nr�,hazards include�:within the term"eatended coverage"and any other haaArd,fbr which L�nder
<br /> :�a-,�:�-�:�� - :._
<br /> ..�. •• •-7;- requir�s.9nsurance. Thi9 insurence shall be maintained in the amounu und for the pericx9s that Lender reqvires. 'l'he ��
<br />;;;;�„4`-��.� insuar�ce c�rricr pmviding the insurance shaq be chosen by iBurca+ver subject to Lender's approval which shaU noi be "-
<br />,.r{t�°:• •., unreasonsbly withheld. .
<br /> -.. . _ ' �: All fnsutanct policies and renewals sha31 be acceptc361t to Y.endcr and shall includc a standazd monga�ae cLause. .
<br /> ' "' � Lsnder ahsl!havt the right to hold the pa�lic'ses and rertewnls,If Lender requires.Dorrower shall promptly give to Lender ��
<br /> �
<br /> °=�`" _ ';�,:?•'�' . all rece3p�s af paid prcmiums and ronewal notices.In ttae event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notir,e to the insurance ,
<br /> , .�,. `�`:"", rarries and d.ender.Lender may muke proaf of loss if not made;xsro�nptly by Borrower.
<br /> .,.�,;�. .. �]nless I,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writang.insurance proceeds shnll be�pplitd ro restoration ar r�pai� --
<br /> , �• ° of the Property damaged,if the rtstoration or repuir is economically feasible oad Lender's security is not Icssened.YP the
<br />• ° ��� � • restoration or repair is not economicalty feasible or l,ender's security would be lesscncd,the insurar�ce praceeds shall be
<br /> �. ' . , applietl so the sums secuxal by this Security Instrument,wl�t�tl�er or not then due,with any�xctss paid to IIormwer.If
<br /> � � ,� 8ora�ow�r abandons the Property,or daes not answer within 3D days a not�ce fram I.ender that the insurnncc carr�2r h�s
<br /> - - -x� o4f'ereci tn Rettle a c7aim,then Lender may coliect the insurnncc�proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to rep�ir or restora
<br /> ' .;. • . tht F[aperey or to pny sums smcured by this�ecurity[nstrument,whether or not then duc.Tlie 30�day period aill begir�
<br /> „ ° whrnthcnoti;,eisgiven.
<br /> �Jntess Lendsr and Bonower othenvise 3gree in writing.�any applicntion n�proceeds tp principal shsll not extend or
<br /> ' .� ,; �tpone the dae date of the monthly paymcnts refernd ro in pa•ra�raphs 1 and 2 or change thr amount oPthe payments.If
<br /> , `; ;� : under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borro Ner's right to any insurai�a palicies and proceeds rcsuliing ,
<br /> faom ciamage to the Propeety prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sims secured by this Seeuaty
<br /> „^ • Instrument immediatsly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> - 6. 1'r�ervation and t1'I�Snteeance of PropertD,a,eastholds. Donower shull not destray,damage or substantially
<br /> - chnnge the Property.nllow the Property to deteriomte or commit wuste. If this Security Instniment is on u leasehold.
<br />� . � . "'--------�-° - --�-•-_s'�.L_____.._-__. _O.L_t___' __1]!1D_��.���..5��C«.t�._.�._n - .�_i�__�.���.� _
<br /> . "---..'- - w77{J�I�.1 DIII{I�{r�N1���7���Ii{I���{y�V1I7iV1TJ Vl l[[C ICa.7r1 aI1V��W�IVwM 6M,YtliJ�LL���fb�V�t�b t t V'!Yl\J�{tfL[W3i•�NiY OIN -.
<br /> '� fec titi�si�all nat r,ier�e unless I.ender agrees to the merser in writina.
<br /> i
<br /> � 7. Fro�ectton oi I.ender's RigliPs [a khe Property;Niortgag� Insurance. Yf Barrower fnils to pecForm th^ �.
<br /> covenants and agrcemsnts contairied in this Security Instrument,or there is a le�aJ proceeding thnt mny siQniftct�ntly affcct
<br /> ; la��der's hghts in the Property(such as a proceeding in bankrugtcy,probute, for condemnation or ro er�force!aw§or
<br /> " reg�larions),then Lender may do nnd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valae of tlje Property and Lender's rights
<br /> . ;�';, in the Property.Lender's actions may include p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security
<br /> ., ' instrument,uppcari�g in court,paying reasonnble atton�nays'fees und cntering on thc Property to mnke repairs.Although
<br /> . Lendes may tnice uction under this patagrnph 7.Lender does not have to dn so.
<br /> - Any amounts d{sburse�l by L,endcr unde�this paregraph 7 stnall become ndditionni debt of Hurrower secured by this I
<br /> Sc�urity Irsstrument.Unless Borrov�e'r and Y.ender agree to other tcrms of paymeat,these nmounts sh�ll bear interest from
<br /> the date of disburs�ment at the Note rate and shall be payable, with in�crest, upon notice from Lender to 8orro�ver
<br /> eeyuesting paymcnt.
<br /> � • �;
<br /> I
<br />- < ..--�--..__..._...__..._ _------�•---_._-----_.__._-----•--__---------- -• --------
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