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<br /> -_� �,propNtty.BorrowAr wfll keap the ryroparty tn 8oad sorrdittan�nd m�ka a0 repafn rbsronebly necaaeary.
<br /> 6,E�psn�i�.8arrovwr�iproe�4o D�Y�II I.ender's exp�n�e�,laclud(nq reoaonxkls �ttarwv�'f�es,IE Borrower br�tks ony cov�nint�In tS�la du►d
<br /> ot tr�wt cx In any obll{�atton secured by thf�dead of vuat.Sorrawor wlll pey theaa smouunt�to Lender a�prnvidnd tn C�venan2 9 at thi�ds�d ot
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> e,p�r 11,,,ra,�ity lrot�er,a.�ln�asi durror:ar tl�at obtalne LenB�r's writien can:ent, Bocrower wlll not mpke or perm►t any oh�nye�t�,-�yµala+
<br /> --- I��k�Boi'o�wec'a9cawnir�i to msk�ymin i�w1i�Fl p'�obllp�t3ona und�r erxy p�iue�rioitp:�s, daeJ G3 s;w:o►aiFar s:eu;:sy c;.:�:m�nt,. .
<br /> �- �,Jl�Mommwtit o}11�►w�y�d peolki.Buerower atalpn�to lender ths rents�nd ProHty ol the pt�potty.kJnle�� Borrower end Lend+r h�w aprACd
<br /> ori»rw�ar In writlnq,Rorrow�r may collect en�retaln the rants ma lonq ee Borrowar I��ot In detpnNt.IP 8onower dafeults,Lender, Lendv'e
<br /> � e9�nt,or�te�rt�ppol�t�ci rer�tv�r mny 4ek�po��ettlon and mtnepe tM prop�rty and rsolkct tha r.ents.Any tenta I.ender co!kct��h►!t br
<br /> _�_ �p�INd fint to th� coste of mtniptn0 th0_.ptaporty,Irocludlnp court ooa4o and ettomaya' feea, commlasfm�a to eental epontt, and any athsr
<br /> n�cµ�ary e�tatad�xp�nao.Th�nmdn(ng;AmGunt of tent�will tlsen apply to p�ymdnta On ths secured debt ae provlded In Gov�nant 1.
<br /> Q,�,��s;Condpt��;p�w��d Unft psw,fopn�hzs.Borrnwer aQreeo to contpig�.vlth the provlslons af any le���If thi�d�ed o4 4ru�t ls�on
<br />- - n be&e+`�c,{�.iP:t'�i:d.a3 a'tru:1:c:s a ur.!t ln e a0n!�c�minlum or s plannea unit davalopment, 8orrower wlll 1�rtorm a8 ot 8arrower'e dutk•
<br /> under the covonanti,by-I�wi,or rey�alstlon�ot ths condom(r.lum or plannptl uplt Qevelapment. '
<br /> � 9.A y;pt!�to Pwlam tw flanowK, If Borrower fatls fo.�par{orm any ob Banower's dutloa under ttds dned of tra�t, 4ender m�y
<br />•••=�;s,� perforrte t n�dtrt�ns at cau�k them to bei r.�0itormad. i.ender enay etg�BprroWer'c name or pav ony amouni ff r.ocesanry tor pertormanr.e.It en�� -_-
<br /> iecwlri Interl�i�t In the pr y�artYaThtsnmry Inalude compiaa p the conit�uotlon�annar..lender may do wheteYar Is naceasery to pr4.aat 4ender'e `°--
<br /> Lertder'o falture to p�darm wrlll not p�ecluda le:�er ftom uxnrcfslna enV of Ita other riph4e under i0e lew or thi��eed of uua"r. � �_r•_
<br /> rnd will Aeerai ni�eit�from t�ii�tJ i of he peymeni untllipi d In tuti atjtt»�Intere6tdnte fn eNent on the e6cured�dibt unta wlll be due on demend _.
<br /> 10. Drl�uit e�d AcceiarWat. If Bo►rowar tailo to maks eny paYmont whon dua or hroaks any covenante under thlo dend o4 uuet or eny ._ -
<br />°--=—
<br />