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<br /> C1�MVE7AMCii:For vaha r�c�iwd.Eiosrewn{r��',roc+b�Y fR���9�Yo to Teu�YM,in trwt.with povw�r of ul�,tM r�ai prop�etY,ut whieh
<br /> a.�.r�,.,.� 1•tawlulv w�ad. dr�taltxd t�bw�nd aN huifdinp�,tix!urM, �rxJ�xitt&�Q�twi futun im�xovrrrnnt�ther�on �ncl all riphta-af•w�y.
<br /> ��erMntr, reMt. ls�u�e� Profks. incOma. ternm�ntr, hendit�tRi. W1viI�Rn and snY �AP�m�nc�s tnanu�iu in.i�v�•�tr't �«,::::,�
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<br /> d1fQAbOEltCAMY60N: (svwU lGUV► �nceo.l _—
<br />- an�iTTiON 'Cl���BE CI9f'Y QF CtlR.ANA IB�LAND. F1AEe.A COUNT .Y N�EB�R71S� CON�
<br /> IocatW(n _iaRA� 7Sr.at�IDp saary —County,Nebnsk�. '--
<br /> TITQ,E:Borrew�r covsnwrta�nd wasraMs ttt1�to the praperty,axcept ter
<br /> ' �ar:�'
<br /> �lGiplEp DEPT:7h(s d�sd of trutt eecun�to Lender ropayme�►t of th�eecured debt end the performance of the coven�nts arrJ apre�mentt `-
<br /> coM�d In tt�ts dNd of tru�t ux!in�,nY�other Aocum�nt le►eorpor�t�a hanin.Srcured debt,u u�ed la thb da�d of ws1,IncWda a�y�unounu �°--
<br /> " IgpROwK pwa tq LM�d�r txxisr tM�dled ot pust or u►�r ury Initn�uxnt wcured by this de�d of truat, end eli modlficatinne,eartanstana end ' C_`��
<br />-- nMwNt thK�6f. c," ,
<br />- Th�ucurrd d�bt f�wtd�nad by I�.�t all tn�trum�nts end epre�m�nts Rrcur�d by thls de�of tru:t and the datea theroef.): i�;::�•'
<br /> �_y,pp�Z�Y ap�,� �� c�ca,rRYmv�nasart+�trr n��n AARTf �� ,995 �`:
<br /> _ . ��::�-
<br />-- �Rutun AdrsnoM:Ths abovn emount ts securs6 even thnuqh�11 or pvt of k may not yst ba edvanced.future adva:,c��:..
<br /> Gonhmptet�d nrvl wFfll f»s�cured to the aams�xtent a�It mad�on the date this deud of lruit le ex�cuted. ��"vs-;
<br /> ��
<br /> _ � qwolvk�Iln�of credit�Areament dat�d ,with(nkiai annual Intoreat rate ot 96. �'=�
<br /> �h�;�-
<br /> •� AfF�mourrts owfd unde►thiss�reemeni era seound w�n thouph�II emounts may noi yet ke advsnced. Poture edvances under �-;
<br />-= thr apr�ern�nt ee cont�mplAt�d end w(II he securod to the�nme extent ea If mada on tyb dete thia daed of uust le exaouted. �1•:,
<br /> � TFw�bow 9b11yetlQn��dus and payebie on �p$3L 1�o �nn� if not paid earller. -
<br /> The tot�l unp�{d�aimnco eecured by thia deed of Vuet et�ny one timo ehsll noi exceed u maxlmum prinaipal amount of •__
<br /> y, nnn nn _-1.Rlus interext, :;.� �
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<br /> ! ptua�ny smour�ts diaburt�d under the terme of thls dead of 4ru�t to protect Me eecurfry o4 thla deed of trunt o7 to perform eiiy uf tha
<br />�;; covrnsnts contdrqd!n ttds dee�ap truat,w(th Intxest on euch di�bursements.
<br /> � ❑V�rfoi�k R�:7h�tntore�t rate on the obll4ation securad by thti deed of tni9t may vary according to tha terms of thet ob{igatlon.
<br />== n /1 copy of the toan epreement conttinittp the terms under whtch the intereat reto may vary la ettaahed te thls deed of Vust nnd
<br />= mad�a pert tiereof.
<br />�-�
<br />._� RN_�+!�: ❑ Commerclel c� AS�mNMrt�rr A ur,*rrq �. �
<br />-.� _.,.......�.. �•----r--�� DESNiNA7N71911 UF HOMESTEAJ �"`-
<br />=- Pursu�t to tho F�rm Homeetatd Protectinn Aet,dealAmtion vT homeateed � fe attached to this daad of vunt and�nndo a pnrt heraot
<br />-_ � Ms M�n dEsclaimed;¢M di�cteimer Ia ettacAsd to thla deed of ttt�et end medo o part Aereoi.
<br /> _� SIQttATI:R,ES:!3Y a1qnR�*j tsNar►.Bonnyra eyrw to tM tr�ms re�d cnv�nenU corrtaGud fo tt�ia dead of trnut,(nc[udir,�thoto on pa9e!,end In
<br /> MY r+,��J�A i�1,Dt�by B4flOWOf.
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<br /> flflnvrna c unnnTc
<br /> :� FSICk�IEL L Htlxttsa � ••••••••�-- ' ----_- , :
<br /> ACX!lOWIJ[�P,AENT:STdTE OF N�BR6ISKR, S�R� YGt AN1� N�r. Cou�tity dn.
<br /> �:� 7he forapatnp Instrument wns acknowtedged batoro rne on thia_ --?'s_`-t?� dey of niaRL�, '!�95 --_
<br /> bV-�5�_:�Ati�..3-.HAIiRT�_.n*r+±s��r�rcu n u�aar�e_ ►rt�aanxn aun wrau
<br /> Rltte(e:l
<br /> Ca�pawt�or ryf ���. � INam�of CorpnraUOn or P�rm�raA!pl
<br /> �c�wunent e ���, _ Mt,291946 on bohalfof tho corporotlon or pnrtnorehlp.
<br /> y COflIR�ISEIOrt BX�fIi01: x1/�9/96 ��"' ' ���G�t�--
<br />_.���� ISW: rutir�„t xeaur� f�, RlotuvPub:l� .
<br />`�`° Thie Insvumant was pro�sued by ��+'a.I� K�1Sgt�' --'
<br /> p�sa��rcr,9cv3rtM�,iHC.,cr.c�aun,�srieosn,n•soaaaysaa»rarueocc�-a+�w+em�ar�� tsstcr►qra� R1E�6iASKA
<br /> APPL1k 00006017.��, ' .,
<br /> CCD� 0000000000
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