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<br /> l�i.`i�'o�ii,frA��:v Itte Y°����krta•o�•:a RIr,►rS7cl�n!i(�►?tc•w.t Irz➢tar�,r�i:r.!S�.;U ar r:uy�,:;et r�f th�C'►s�r��iy i�r;n�y�i;��t:;t��,i it "_—
<br /> is'Sc�id ar trnnsierred(ar if a be�►tfici�t imer�st in�orruvvrr iy�e�ld ur tr.�nnferrcxl aixt 13ac�rower�s ix>t a iiatural preson)wftlxwt ��
<br /> .. � �._�.. • • _ - �'.. • t'� .[� 1 ..�;E:� 1.. f�Il..0 o11 �e.,-.� un��rYUI �yu �h:u . _
<br /> i},ir..�.� a j�ltx�i �v�flti�'� �t�ir.iiri� i.st.inr,s ic:.j�, i'j ii�i v��uin�� �i.i#�ini. �tCu�u �_�°.. �:°yti�iiei .. 2�. .. . ....:.. .� a .. , ._---
<br /> SGClillly ltSSI[111'11tdI. HQN'CVCY,I�IIfi Oj1fln(1511a1�SIl1L I)C CXGI'C�S�tI fOY I,CIKiCI'1'¢'tAC��ibC iy l�ii)iiiii[iea uV tcuctai�aei+u�ve ii�u uai�t =
<br /> of this Sxuriry la�tniment. ,
<br /> If l.endar escrciscs this opti�n,l,�nder sh;�ll give Aczrra�wer rxnice�f neccicration.'I'!i�notix sl�all pruvicio a�cric►ei of nc�t .,
<br /> less Ihan 3i3 days frun� tha date the tbotie� ��ciollv�rr,cl o�nwU�td witi�in wiiicl2 BorrowEr mu�t pay ulE suMns sc�urec! by thiti
<br /> Sexurity taatrunxnt. If Burcowcr fnils to pay thttsc su�ns pdnr to the expir�tian af this perial,l.endr,r n�ay invoke uny rcme�fiev
<br /> �rermiUed by this ScxurIty Inss�t�ment wichaut fuither nutice or demant!on Rariowes.
<br /> " Il�. HurrF►wrr's Rlght to IteinstAte. IY Horrawor tne�ts certnin contlitions, &,rrowez^ shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcerr!eat of lhis Security lnstrttrt�nt discantinuat at atry tirx�e prior io tiie e:irlicr „�:(ti).^s dZys((Dy su�i�o�iier y,cciuc!;:a •
<br /> • ap�licable !aw �ay specify far r�instatcnsent) before salc af the Property pur��i?nt ia ��ny pnwer of satc containezf in this
<br /> "ac�:uri�y Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this�ecurity Ynstrument.Thosc�onditions are that Borroucr:(a)�ays
<br /> l.ender all sums which then would be ciue under this Security Insttument ufld th� Nnte as iF no acc�leration had occarred;(b)
<br /> cures a�y dcfault of any aihcr wvenants or ngrc,�m:nts; (c) �ays nll expenscs incun•ed in enforcing this 5ecurity Instrumcnt,
<br /> ineluding, hut not limited to,rr�sonab;e attorney�s' fees; and(d) tukes such a.tion ns I.ender may reasor.�bly requice ta ussuro
<br /> that the lien�f this Securety Instn.iment, Le�xier's righ4s in the Pruperty and Boreowec's abligntion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Ix�stntment shall corttinue �nchanfi�,�. Upon reinsiuteraen? b� Borro�er. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations securcd hcreby shal!mmain fully effective i�s if no acceleration bad ar.curred. However, this ri�ht to reinstatc shaU
<br /> not up 1y in the case of acceleration under par�grnph 17. —
<br /> �9. Sale o!Nate; Chnn�e ot i,onn Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest i� the Not�(tn�ethcr with diis Sccurity
<br /> In�namentj may lr sold one or rnore times w[tliout prior notice to�3orrower. A sale may result in�n changc in the entity(kn�wn
<br /> as the"i.aan Servicer")lhat col(ercts rnonthly payments due under the Note and thls Secnr�ty Instrument. There also may lu�on.r —
<br /> or morc changes of thc l.oan Servicer unrclatecf to n salc of the lvute.If there is n cliangc uf the Laan Servicer,Dorrower will be �
<br /> given written flotice of the cbnnge in accor�ance w[th paragraph�4 ubove nnd applicable law.The notice,�r�ll state tho n�ne and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and thc address to which payments should be made.The notice�vill �1so c.ontain r�ny oti�er
<br /> informntion required by upplicable lnw.
<br /> 2tf. Hs��rdous SuUstAUC�. Borrower sh�ll aot cause or pe•rmit thc prescnc�, us�, disposnl, starage, or rcle,�tsc of nny
<br /> Haz:udous 5ubstances on or in the Praperiy. Borrowzr shall not do. nor allow nnyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> P►•operty that is !n vialation of nny Bnvironmental Iaw. The preceding two sentences shall no2 apply to the pirsence, use,or
<br /> storagc o�e the Progerty of small quantities of H�rduus Substances t(aat are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> reair a�ti�C..��....w.�•—..��i���..��� C�4�IL..�r.. �.
<br />� ...... W qT.V NIN lV l�lR�lt\YIIW�W Vt►I�Y�1VFJM{\�.
<br /> Borrower sha!!promptty sive I.ender written notice of any investigati.�n,claim, dWn�ind, lnwsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmental ar regulatory agency osprivate party involvin�tlie P►operty�uid nny H;uart�aus 5ubstance or�r►virunmentat I.,aw
<br /> of which Bonbwer has ucsuaf knowlu�ge.If Horcower leams.or is notified by any�overqnnntal or regulat�ry authority, that -
<br /> �ny rzm�val ur other remediutian uf any Haa,nrdous Substance uffecting the Praperty is necessary.Bonower shall promptly take
<br /> .;� : all necessary rerrsedial actions in accaTdance with Envimnmental Law.
<br /> . As nsed in this p.�ragraph Z0. "Hazardous Substances" are those�ubstances defined.as toxic or flazardous substances by
<br /> Envit�amental �.aw ancl the fullowing substances: gasolinc, kerascnc, other flnmmuble o� toxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pestic��2es smd h�rbicides,volatile solvents,n�zterials containing asbestos or formaldehyd�,�fid radioacdve materials..1s used in
<br /> this p�;;:��aph .�.0. "Environniental Iaw" means feder,il Invrs nnd laws of the jurisd9slion�vhcre the Pxoperty is loc�ted tnat �_
<br /> relnte ta health,safety or enviromneuta6�rotection. `�-
<br /> 'NOIJ-UNYFORM COV�NANTS.Bc�rrower and Lender further covcnunt und agrcc as follows: � '
<br /> 21.A�cederattdn; Renudtes. d.ender s9�a11 give notice to Horrov►�er pr➢ur tn uceelerutEun follow6�Sorrowcr"s breac�� ,
<br /> ot any covenant or agreement in th9s SecurtYv Instrument (but not prior to accetesation under pa��graph 1? onless � ._
<br /> mppUt�ble IAw provides otietrw(se).The�tiotice st�all speeli'y: (A)the deiault; (b)the aetion requtred to cure ti�e ckfault; . . —
<br /> (e�a datc�rat�exs than 30 days from the dnte the aotice is given to Bori�ower,by whici�the defpult inust be cured;and ' --
<br /> (d) that Yat�ure ro cure the defiult nn or befo�e the dute speciQiecl i��tl�e noYice may result fu accelecatlon uf 4he su�ns �-�
<br /> �. �� r►ecured by Ehis Security Insten�ment and safe c;�ahc P�opgrty.Thc notice shafi furlher(nform i3oravwer of!6o rlgJet t�
<br /> � '�:,reinstate a[ker ucceleration and the right to brti�g a caurt a�tton to asscrt thc non-exbstence of a �1efault or any nther
<br /> •�, iiefeieVe.of Borraw�er to acceEera3ian and sale.If thc default is not sured an or befom tLe date speciCed in the�YOflee, ---
<br /> I.eurkix�'mt its option, muy rcqul��e Immcdiate payEn�nt in foi11 0�nll sums secured by tliis SecurIty inst�umeut ivil8out
<br /> fu►�tLer drmu�d s�nd may invok�thc ipowce of salc and any other reanedles pexmittcd by ap�licaDle la�v.Lender shuli be ---
<br /> . enlitlM to coll�c!aL9 expenses incurred in p�rsn9n�the remedIes proe+tdec3.�u this p�a��rnph�l,including,but not limited -�
<br /> to,reasc►nable att,orneys'fers and cos�g of title evidence. � .�_
<br /> K the poN•er af sale i�invokedo Trus¢ee s�all record a not9ce nf¢3tt"ault [n ench county in vrhtc��uy purt of the �`"°`
<br /> Property is located a��d shall ruail cogics of such nnticc in E�Z�c rmAnner pn�scrllxd Gd�s�pplicabie luw to BorroKEr and to �:
<br /> the other persoeu prescribed by�pplicable law.After ti�e time requiRed by upplicable Ds�ti�v,T�vstce sha71 gi�•e puD9ic notice ���
<br /> oF sAle to thc�rcrsons and in thc rnan.t�r prrscriherl by appltcable law.'I'rustee,witltoBri demand on Borro�ver,slisll se11
<br /> a
<br /> fhe Proprrty nt public auction ta the htghest bldder a4 the rime and�►lar.e s►nd under the tc�i�ns designatc{f in the notice of = -
<br /> sAle in une or rno�+e purccls and in any order Trustee detemtiincs.Trustee m�y postpmte sade uf ail or any parcd of the �-�=�
<br /> Property by public a�aunccm�nt at ihc ttmc und placc of any previousty schcdu!cxi s�le. Lcuder or its �3est�nee may `�����
<br /> ' pun6asc the Property Rt sx��y s�lc.
<br /> ��`.
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