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<br /> .. .4.�..� , rT r . ...>tr _. . . _ .. �? „ '1a�u. .. ,. . , . . . !. , . . , . . „ ,_ . _ , `��_. -.
<br />� �. �5...._1 .�L... si:_. n�14r�1�Kr t`l IILl{'14dY�1(�ulai��`t�(.4t�1.:A���1% EIiG :tri:t�l.I.! {l�M.�1•l �{)�,£C :•�} . ' .
<br /> (.ii I l ��ii�S�:w j i�:"I{•-.�.�� �.'�:. .... ... . ...... . • . .. . . .�..
<br /> thuc LaY1t� raqui�sl��t�i.t�t hy i�,�,.iii.u�i�x�4'E'rorc..1 by 3.�ix'.c;�:{�i�+�„�<<H�;«c.,i'.,Lt�•.,,�,1 i,ot-t:�t,��r�s yif�rrnWwr�n��t �x�v,: -
<br /> tM{xemlu�m vrc�uirtd!a rr�inui�rrx�rtqage iniwrurcd•ir.aftect.;�r ta,urovide x loss.re+�rve,until thc roc#ui�crr�,:nt fc�r�nact�e —
<br /> �. .,�...�...�.;;:i�,.,,uu+���tr��Ht+irYr11L•Gi�rl16�::tl�qltJl4fl•t,ro9T�nr�erar:t(;p«:Yr�t' �!1W. - _ -
<br /> :...............;.t.�L-�.�.=�._..L_ _ . ._ --�---_ �TCQI;. ;x�lU�Gt D�..:'s ��,,. -- -
<br /> � „ �.�.I�Of ISg L�!'lI�MUy 1'YI�C P�iNWIM){G ClKilf(i ll�ll W111 Atl�ti�uvtw ait 1i+�i r a� 6 „ .
<br /> � &►rre�wer�x�l�.�st the timc of ae prior t��nn inK}�a,tiun spe�cifying t!easc�n�la cm►so for tt�e impectien. .
<br /> �p. C�����p�is pS'iur,; av�arsf or elxim for danuyses. diir,�t �r co�is�ueutia{,in cr�nrfaiton with any
<br /> � conclrmnat`�un or W�er taking of iu�y�+a�ct af the Pc�c�erty, ar for cnnveyano�in lieu uf ciindemnatiam,are honby essignod ud .
<br /> . s)tr+tl be pai�t to l.er�aitr.
<br /> Y�i„;,,.:�pt'�l�t�sl E�kina nf the Property.Uie pnx;etris shall bt a�plied to tht st�ms sacureQ by thia Stc4rity Instivtnent,
<br /> wha4her ar nox tsxn due. w1i11 any ex.et�ss p�id to k3orrowcr. In the cvent of a pa�ta� taking of thc Prapeny'tu w7uu�t;:, fu: —
<br /> markes value of t,he l�nnp�erty unmediatcly befare ttie taking is cqual ta vx�greatcr than thc amouat rf the sum.Q Ktcural bY thi4
<br /> Secu�ity instru�rwnt'rirunediately befAru the tak.in�,u�ies��3on-t��•er sutid Lcrklcr otlir.rwise egrce iu►wriling,the st�ms t✓sctim3 by
<br /> this Security Instr,ument shall bc ��lucr,d by thc uQwunt of the proceecls multiplicc� by t!�c f�llawing frnction: (a) the t�t:►i
<br /> air�ount of tbe sums secural inurbdiately before tho talting,d'evidcci by (b) rhe fair markct valuo of the Properiy invn�dia.tcly
<br /> bCfpn the taking, pny balance shall fx paid to&orrower.W the evene of a�atrtiul talcing of the Property in which,the feir _
<br /> muket vaiue of t11e i�opertv i,m�vxiia.�iy b:,,:,t�:�t^,a:::n i;.l:ss tHAn t!�"�±!�'nt of the sums srcurod imroed'►ately b�efort the
<br /> talcing,un[ess 8ocrc�wer and l.ender othe►wise ugree in wtitin�;or unless appiieable law otherwise provides,
<br /> t}�c procmals siwf�
<br /> be a�iied to tha siauts secuted by this Secwrtry lustrnment whether or not the sums are then�lue.
<br /> If the{►ruperty is a'ba►xloned by Borrower.or iS`,aRei notice by i.ender�o F3orroiver that t�►e Eondemncar offers tQ make an
<br /> awle'd or sciiic u ct:�iu� :„-dc�,.:�,w, �:'�"!�"�F���S rn respand to Le�tder within 30 days afecr ihe dato tt�a notice is giwen, `
<br /> IPixSer is autltnrizc�cl to collect and apply the pxnccecis,nt i�s c►ption,c:itl,er to restararion or repaSr ot thc !'roPerty or to iiie:�a��;
<br />. socrir�d by this S�ecurIty Instrument,whether nr nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borm�ver otharwise agrec in writing, auy applicatl�n of proceeds co princiY�� 5he1! nat extend or
<br /> pustpone ihe duc datt of thc manthly paymencs tcfen�cd ta in parugraphs 1 und 2 os chanb�the a�nount af 5uch�ay+r►enzs•
<br /> 11�Rorrower Nat Rel�sed�Forbear4iue By Le►�er 1Vot s�WA[ver. Extension of die tlme for pay�rx.nt or mr,dification
<br /> uf aanortizauon of the su�ns secared hy this Se�curit3+ 1�nsuvnxett grnnted by I..�nder ta any suco^ssor in Interest of II�rrAwer shall
<br /> i�,v nTMrma rn Tr}c�-�'r'�.S:suiiiiii uf'a�'n'.:;3"n.�w:a...."=i�`•'�°-;nr Rnrmwrr'C 4���rACCnr�jti 1[1tBSCSt. Lender shall not be rc�,quircd to
<br /> r�_....__ '°c---�a�o�•..e. .
<br /> cu�nmence pnaccodi�gs against sny successor in intcrest or refase to�atend time for pay�nant�r am°rwis�n�w��y��«���--
<br /> of the smsis se�:ui�l L+y this Security Insmimeni by 1'ezi�an„of any dema�+:d made by Uie original Borrower or Ho:r�wer"s
<br /> suceessors in inte,est. Any focbearunce by Lender in e��ic:�:�ing:ury right or remedy shnU noi be a waiver of A�p'recYude the
<br /> exereise of any ri�ht or n►nedy. �
<br /> lZ. �,.�ory s�nd pssigny Qounzl;�Po��t and Sever�l LiabUlt�i;.Co-sf�ners. The cc�venants ana agreen�ents of this ..,
<br /> Securit� Instrument shall bind und 6enefit Qihe�s��ccessors nnd asslgns af L,ender and Bonnwer, subjcct to the provisiuns vk.:�.;;�
<br /> para�h 17. Botrowec's a�v��ants :tr�d a�'eements shali be joint and several. ,�n;� $or*owe.r wlio co-signs tltis 5ocudty
<br /> ' Inucurnent buc does not exccute the I��te:(a)is co-signing this S�curity�nstn=mentt oa:ly to mortgage,grant a�ica:.�convey that
<br /> Borrovrer s inter�st in:1��Prot.:.ri;�!�xrr thf tQCm.of this 5ecurity Instrument:(b)is•na4�►erson�lly pbligated tcb�pay the su�ns _
<br /> - securod by this Security Insuumenr and(o),a�}:ces that Lender and 1ny other Borrower�i�ay ag�ee Ya e.�tcud,madify�forbear oe
<br /> maks any aecommodat6ons with�gard to thd temts af tliis Security Instrument or the Notc without thet Borrower's c;onsent.
<br /> 1;.Loan Ctu�rges.If the lRan sa:vred by tt»s Security instrumeett is subject to a law whlch stts maaimuc�)a+n chuges.
<br /> ' and qiat Iaw is t�nally interpretod so dzat the interest or otheT losn charges cotic;cted or to be coltocted in wnnes�ian wxlh ti�e
<br /> loan exce�l the��niutied Tmits.then:(a)a��y such loan charge shall bc reduced by the amour�t neoessnry to rciiq"ce the charge
<br /> to the permitted ;'�:aut; anct(b)any sums al?,�:idy callected from Borrowez which exuxdsd permitted limits will be refundal S�p'
<br /> , �rrower. Ixnder isir,y choq��;.to make thi�s rcfund by reducing the prirtcipal owod under the Note or by making c� dire;;t;. �
<br /> ; payment ta Borrowt•,_ I�'u rw�unc! mduax princ�p�l, di� reduction will hc tm,atal as a partial prepayment witl�uu� any
<br /> � pr�ymGnt cl�argc und.er tl�e Nat�.
<br />_ 1$,Not;�ees,Any notice to Borrowsr Fsovidecl ior in this Securiry (nstrument shaq be�ivcn by delivering it or by mailing
<br />-. it by fiist class►nai!u�4less appliwbfe taw r�;.��ires use of another method. 'The notirr shall be directod to the Property Address
<br /> or any otha• address 8orrower designates by n�tice to Lender. Any notice t� [.ender shall be given 6y first class mail to _
<br />- Lendsr's nddress stated herein or any othcr addr�ss Lender designates by nutflce to�orrower. Any notice pro�•itled for in this _.
<br /> 5ecurity I�LStruntent shall bc decmrd to have been�ivcn to Barcawcr or Lender when given as providea in this F:,:Si�ph. _
<br />-= 1S.(:overcttng Yaw; 5evers�b[lily. 11iis Security Instrumem sh:�l be govcmed by fcdcral law and Q?se law of the �_
<br /> � �urisdiction in which th�Property is 14cated. in the evcnt[8;�any provision or clause of this 5ecurity Instcumeu�oe the Tvo<r.: _
<br />°j confl'scts with applicable law,such coniiict shall nat affcct oUicr provisions of this Sccvciry Inst►ument or thc Note which�n b;�.� _
<br />__! Ei�.n ct'fcct Svithout t}re..�onflecting provisi�n.Ta llus end the provisions of this Securify Ii�strument aixl thc Note are declas�'d ' __
<br /> � tc�be s�r•crablc. _
<br /> l6.Bi►rsr►N�ee's Copy.l3�unovlcr shall be given oitc co��farme�wpy of the Note a�id of this Sccuriry Insuvment.
<br /> Fortn 3028 8130 --
<br />--y�� P:.pa 4 0!6 1-�.
<br /> _ i.
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<br /> '� . .. _ ._i �-- __."—'_._. .-............-..a+T,wc . �-�Mi6a�—^,�'N�k�S+..rxF hi4•''r'-lr',',. _y�. .
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