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<br /> ;. liar�w! ar 1'ru�aty Ia�wia�►hcc. �tlC[UNCI• bI1RII ILpEP t�1C ttlt�lMVCtYICflt� �FUW lXISI111fj Q� hemttcr�e:bcted,�n.,the '•
<br /> pmpr�ty {�rural egainst loss hy tire,•lwruY�e�it►cird�d within�t�e tetm "c'.zte►r�ieQ cn�•er�q" atwi any aher lw,arda, inrbdinE
<br /> tlm�s S�r t'I.xwiing, foc which I.eanl�r reyuire�ii�.surancr.. 'J'his in.�uriu►cc ht►tll bc:mrilnwinexl in the a�nouats�fetir tht�ri«k
<br /> �� th�t [.r.n+ltr rey�sirey.'T'1►r lns;,rwke carrier providing tt�e i��urraix:r tiha+tl [x chnsen'by Ht�rmwTr aubject �o lz+xlcr'�appmvn! .
<br /> wiiich �ti+�lf iwt tr, unrea+s,nably w�ithheld. If Horrower fails t�� nv�6ntain c�evrrugt iu;c+;rit�ecf atwve. Ixrrtier rr.wy:•at Ix�xi�r's.�
<br /> trENl�lit.�hiiauii�Cfivi:�d�u i�}�ivi:.t1 jw'�i'i.'�.«:��::i'�`�t:': 1:1 1�:�T.�l::i'.^.fl�`'�Sl k��c�ln.i�N�e s�jfii=V��aY1a1)SI 7. • --_°.-
<br /> AII �llfillYYYk� F1Q�ICIC.4 WKt StriCW�IY�Ilill L1C 4�C1'GFI7IME l0 I.CII�JCf Hp(I 9}lBII 111CIU(I� A Stil'�(J morigi$4 r,lause. lr.rx�er „
<br /> slu+ll havc�ho right fo hold the p��Hcics xr�i renewws. i[l.rnder tr.�qairts,H��rmwer shall prom�p±ly give to Lcncier al!rasipts of �
<br /> �• paid�remiamx aixl ter�tWx!ruitiees. Yn thc tvent<�f l��ss,kiorrc►we,strG!!gi��e pmmpt notice tu the insu,x�ic�e��arrier u:�d Lender.
<br /> l�nder muy make.prixif uf luss if not iiwdr promF�ly fny He,rrower. �. -•
<br /> . llnleys I.axter a�xi�►rcower atherwice agree in writing, insur�nce pcocceds s�ali be appli�xi to rc�toration or rep�ir of the
<br /> pmperty dxma�al, if Ihe rc�toration or repa�r is ecocx�n�iCU�IY faasible and Lender's se:urity Is nnt le�,ti�ned.Ii the rcato�atinn or .
<br /> rcp�uir 3s nc�t econo�r�ically fcusibla r,r Leqder's security wt�utd be i�:ssenrxl,itre in�rance pruc:c�xis ai�ult i,.:ap�,�ic�i�.�t��:su��u
<br /> sdc:ured by�his Seeurlty Tnstrunxnt,wheth�r Qr not tl+en due, witl� eny excess{+aid tc+Borrow+er. If Aor►uwcr at►arxlnnc tt�e
<br /> Pmrerty, or d�xs not answer within 30 days a no�ice fron�Lender thet ithe insurancc carrirr hns ufferal to scttte a ctaim,th=n
<br /> Irnder nwv coU.ect the iusurancG Draceeds. I.er,,der inay pse thG pr�►ccecis.w r�pair o�• restqre the Propeny or to pay sums•
<br /> secured by this Security instrumcnt. whr�hcr ar e�ut then due.Ti1e 30-day pc:riod�,riU begin when the noticr_is IIirrtn. ' � — '
<br /> Ur►lesa I.encler and Burrower otherwise agr��; in w�-iting, uny application of proc.cedx tr� principal sh:,l( not extend ur
<br /> postpone Ihe duc date oi the monthly payments rcfc,�rrcd to in parag�aphs'1 and 2 or cliangc the umourst of'lhc payments. If
<br /> under par:�graph 21 the Property is acquired by L..endes,B�orrower's right to any insurance policies and proceetls resultinb from
<br /> dnmage to the Propen.y prior t�the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secural by this Secnrity�nstKUm�nt _
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.QccuswncY,Pccse►'vatlon,Maln�tenance and I'rotectdon of tlie Properiy;�orrower's I.oan Apptication;Le.�sel�cel�Ds.
<br /> Borrower shall ocCUpy,estabiisi��all�USC I�1C TT()�7C'1T.}/AS ISOTiI1WCr S�T31ItCIjTt1 IL'�iu'ct�8 ii%iiiti'n atnlj'v'n�a`a�itva 2nv vnw3iivs's:3i '
<br /> this Szcurity Instmment.1nd shall continue to oceupy the i'rop�:rty ns Borrower's pri�ici�al residence for ut least a7x year after
<br /> the dace of oc�upancy, unlcss f cnder otherwise agrces in wriuing, which Sanseslt shall not l�c unreasonably withhe3�1,or.unless
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist wltich are bzyonct Borrower's control: �o1•rower shall not. destroy, dam.gc or impai��the . �
<br /> Property, allow the Property to dctcriorate, or comm3t waste on the P�apetty. Borrower shall�bc iz���lefault if nuy forfciture
<br /> acti�n or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun dtat in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or othecwise znateri�tly impair the lien created by tl»s Sec�rity Instrument or Lender's secu�ity interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a dsfauU and reinstatc,as provided in paragraph 18,by causAn�the uction ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that. in Lcnder's goad fniit�deterrnination, pcecludes forfeiture of thv Borrowcr's in:erest in the Propeity or othcr matcriJ
<br /> impairment of ihe licn crcated by this Securiry Instrument or I..cnder's se,curity interest. Borrower shall also he in defuult if _
<br /> �urrotvcr.during the loan a,�plication procrss,gavc�natera�lly false or insccurate informatian or statemcnu to I��tdes(or fnil�d
<br /> to provide Lender with nny matcrial information) in conne�tian�vith the loan cvidenceci by the Note, including,bu3 n�tt limiied _
<br /> to,representations concernin�Dorrower's occupancy of Uie Property as a principa! residence. If this Security Instrunient is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with ull the pravisions of the leuse, lf.Bonower acquires fce title to the Property, th� - -
<br />- lcasehold and the fec title shall not mergc un3�x5 iC,.cnder a�rees to the merger in writing. ~-
<br /> 7.I'rotection of Lender's Right�in tlte Praperty.�f Bnrrower faila to perforni the covenants�nd a�recrotents contuinul in --
<br /> this Security Instrument, or therc is a leg�l pmceetlin�that may signi6eiindy affect Lendei s ri�hts in ti�e Property (such as a ____
<br /> pror,eeding in bankruptcy, probate. for a�ndemnation or f�rfclwre or to;ef,�'orce laws or rcgulations),thcn Lcnder may do and =-_
<br /> pay for what;,vcr is uecessary to protect the vt�ue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propnrty. Lender's ar.tions may _-=
<br /> include paying 5ny suri�s ser_ured by a lien which has priority over �tiis Securiry Instrument, appearing in court, paying �="
<br /> ��._:
<br /> rcasonAble attorneys'fces nnd cntceing on the Property to�make repnirs.Although I.ender may take action under this paragraph ��_
<br />- 7,I�ender does not have to do so. �'%��'
<br /> �n y amounts d.isUarsed b y I..ender undcr this p�ragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Borrower secqred by this �::r
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower and Lender u�re.e to othcr terms of payment, these amoants shalt E�ear intcrest from the
<br /> date of disburscme�u at the Notc rute and $hatl be �ayabte, tvith interest. upon notice from Lender to Borevwer recjuesting
<br /> payment. °
<br /> 8.lLioiKgase Insuranse. �f Lender required mort�age insur.tnce as a conditton of inaking the loan secured by this Security
<br />_ InsYntment, g3onowar shall pay the premiums r�quired fp mu3ntain the mort�age insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the
<br />_ mortgage insurance coverage required by L.ender lapses or ceases to ba in effect,Borrower shali pay tl�e pmmiums required ta
<br />_ obtnin covcrage substaneially equivalcnt to thc�ttort�age ie�surance previously in effect,at s cost substantially cquivalent to the
<br />- cost to Borro�ver of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an�ltemate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> - substantially equiNalent mortBage insurance covera�e is not availAble,BonoNer sliall puy to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br />— one-t�velfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beinII paid by Borrower when the insurance covcrage lapscd or ceased to
<br />= be in cEfcct.I..cndcr will acccpt,usc and retain these�ayments as a loss reservc in licu of mortga�a insurancc. Loss reserve
<br />' Form 302ii 9/90 I/ �
<br />_ Pnpu 3 of 0
<br />= !� ..
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