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<br /> t _r,.N l�,�.�:r�� � �.2��.1ac:;,cr� �:�:ca u:.p ac'� �u ad UYyt:st;st i^.Y�11��^f 6�(��t4il ctt•f;t f�+.i• 1,�f��f. . .• Y... .. .-
<br />- ..u, fRpf�i-.,,,,7'�
<br /> --..__..�-.,,� d.S:t,oAm Ikpa�rrrl Ylsiat.Ft,�tirr��r.or st�;il't,�y sdt,,rh�,NAlb4a 1W�1K�a�u1 i.tt�xr�:::x,pFw Rtf�i's�ilrtdn t�t thS� .�rC�tyr wFuNn tluR an�rwi4 tk�trni th1+
<br /> ta Vw pr Y.,t�.+���+�Y CI�lM�vYhlch wtK1!4l.i�Yi�+c3�'Ms�Iktv 61 tMi d�Ad nf tru��.l.uri�9ar rn+�y t+Pryt+kw ���r��+cW ta sag4�;r�Hi,y��;th[r. ��,;"�K n� ---..-
<br /> _ — M.,:..:._.._.... _..••,�•w e�wwwa.6MuWistartt�ewho r�p�ly i+bor cu r�iatKiM�fa k��ovr or rruk�t�n thr ruo�tY• —
<br /> -_ �:r.a . _
<br /> «.� � , ,•t,,;_.�w"r„'-:t� -': �.i(••_�•{1"tl•�y• : �s�tn ��tM4Y' A1�NiUitJfP'L1 B%l�:'t�,'�D U(1l)Stll' I Uiitl?N��C'Mi�6�:C. AS!
<br /> Ir�x'�1ui QOkd�t!dFti!lnoitrd�11�tM�O�m��y�6�q�dw�r k1lrvOf o!I.NxIK.1sM60t Will h�ttMtNd it!QM WN�'��'rr unr nn+�....�......�__.:.
<br /> nrMto di���d�de�bt.I�srd�.r es nwr�jwg�Mi�ur�►noa,�Bc�low�Iiqw��aln�tix'n��h Inau�ac���{n�as�L��P►�V
<br /> �:�r�� 4.Mre�p�tty.Berrowsr wiN kap tM P►o9�tV m�t�od conditton end m�k��;1 n�k�e�uonaGy nae�s�xy. ,
<br /> - —= 6,Exp�neav.B+srrower��a to pry a�lenda'w exp�newa incfudirri rnso�ald�nKaneyA'tis=,i1 8or�owar br�e�ks sny toven�nta In thln dNd
<br /> -_= m}�ob�M eny ohHg�tlon��xx�f bY ttd�d�!ot tru�t.�rowrer wiN pay they�omounts to Lender a�provlM�d In Cnvens��t 9 of thi�tM�6 of
<br /> _ — _ -__= Uuct.
<br /> � �Anrt�wis.�&wrowK wiM�pirform«ill of 8orcowe►i oW�iUona�undir any�x�rortwwM7�aG�(sot�m of ttwtrw otfiK iecu�rtVt�li����� - --
<br /> incJ�uW+��arowr'r cov�n�tKS to mt�ke paym�nt�wMn du�.
<br /> - ---.� �.�oion�rnxs v}p�mf:t�nd hotid.Borrowa�ss�b�e to Lender the rents+end�xofiw o!ths�xo►ierty.!)de�i Borrowar rnd I.ends�have ep�ee�3 ---
<br /> —��1�71 6 �sr!n w�-dkg,�Baruw�r may salbct ond-utafntt»rents ea tanp a�Burrower te not�in dcf�uk.il Bc+rrowsr d�t�uK�, i.�Mer.L�na�&
<br /> --_ �in,or a caut�ppolntad rouiver maY tek� Qotsauiasn�rn9 menap�ttee 1xop�riY tnd cofi�ct the nntn. Any r�entM 6ender aoiNaY�slu►11 be
<br /> --- �pp{i�d{ir�t to tM co�ts of msn�kip tM proparty,Includi�,�eouru coata�nd�ttArr�sys'fee�, aaM�fetiaru to ran2ela�,�s rrts. and �nY Q*t�
<br /> t�c��e�ry r�l�t�tl�xprrNet,7'M r�mnninp amount of renta will then spply to p�y�tt�nts un 1Me�ecur�d d�bt��txovid�d In Cnverta�rt 7.
<br /> ____--- i:Lwr�t�aWrCp�arik�Dum�:Plwu�rod!)nit 0w�to!'►�tt�.Be,rrowor apree�to comply VY7th tfl0 proYiBiuni G7,�P.q ts�co it th!s�_••!a{tr+!st Fs��
<br /> --°` ° �NaMt�oid,I�iM�daot!of V�at is on�unit in �oondominfum or s plennsd unit dovetopn�ent,Bqrrower w��l pertorm�II o4 Borrower'o dutfes
<br /> -- -� und�r th�cownant�,hydaw�.or reput�Uone oP zM�o.�ominkun or pfanned unit dewbpm�nt. . . --
<br /> __:::�.�iuiic:i:a _v
<br /> ^s�:�..•;-�,;,;,,.,,,;�„j g.puthoQbty o� lentfe ta P�vrorm ror tsorrawsr.ir Borror��r t�tf;t�F�ta�m er.y of!�^naveer'n �tidina undae.tAts doad ot ttust,tender_m�y __.
<br /> pKtotm t7H duiNe ar ctuse them to he perfamed. Ltnder msy cipn Borrower'o nume or pab eny em.ount if tufcessnr/fnr perfo�rnance.ir eny
<br /> �,,.�;��•.-;-�,.- 5°, consuuatbn an thepropsrtlr is di�continued a�ot cerried on in a rea�onabN m�nr►er,Lendsr may do whlteveY••ia��ecea�ry tn prott►ct L�►dw's
<br />:?�;;s';-31�n�,��:���� �ecnirity InUront In cho properLy.Thia msK In�luda compiuting tha�consvuctlan. � .
<br /> =;�-;�,�' Lend�r'�i�ilurs ta pertorm witl not prectudo Lendor fram exercisinp�ny a f ks o t h e�r l phte under the lew ur thib.einod 4f trust. ---
<br />_:,?;n�t: �.Y .
<br /> :�-���� AnY emounu p�ld by Lendor to pratect Lender's cecurity interest wfll be necured by this deed of V�cat.6tich`i�mounte virilf bo de�e e�n demend
<br />==..;�;,;,�. and rnili bar Irterest trom ffie deta ot tha paymnnt until peld In tWl et the int6reat�ete fn eftec2 on the aecurad debt: �
<br /> -'�=;r�.���, :� 10. MEouM�nd Aec.�a�adon. If E3orrower faiis to meke any peyment when due �r breako any covenenU trndn+this deed of trust or eny
<br /> "- �' -��i--�----°--��L��e�±e!�+!�t!*�ue or u►v orfor mortpene or doad of trutt, (.andet m�y sccelerata tTu�maturity of the sncutsd dob2 e�xt
<br /> __ •,,o............. --
<br /> ���,�`�- dertnerxl imm�di�te payment and may InvoY.e tho yower of eale snd tany otrier�emoalen permnted ay�pP����o•1dxr. _
<br />_..-�.,..�r_�, �.r..._-] --
<br /> '-K'� `'" 11. RpuMt to�Notk�o!Q�huk.It la heroby'�et�-�e�tad 4hat capic�s ot tM natices ot defeuit anct sa�o ue serR zo aaan poi:v��:+t�+i�a�.."t: _
<br /> r''�"�^'�"� � Mreto,ot the addreas ot eech such parsan,ee aet Yorth haroln. '�"'
<br /> � .`�«r-..�ettM. ---':�.
<br /> 12.Powar of��N.!f the Lender invokes the puwe�o} sele,the Trustee chail flrct rocord in the oHtco of tho�epister of de�ds a}esch coun4y
<br /> •.`1' ' 1 vfisrdn the tru�t property or eome part or parael thare�i le situated a nottco of dofeuit cantaining thb intormstlon roqulred by law.The Trustsa ��r
<br />:••�.' % •�`�',v.. shaii�Ico m�il wptea of the�otice of defeuit ta t�e Bo�rowor,to oach parnon whn in a pa�tlr+horoto,end to otfior persane as etcribod by ��_,
<br />-=_^;'','..:' s notin eny �_ .
<br /> --c�.s�z++�'''i;'._, eppiiceble law_ Not lets than ona month efter th�Truateo�ocorCa the notice of dafault m two monthe 1F4he tvust property ___
<br /> �.a.,���,J . ;�, . Incarporat�G city or vtuape and fs used In ferminp o��eratione canied on by tho trustor,tho fruetee ehell piva pu611c notiee ot s�!a to the pe*�ona ___
<br /> � ,; � �nd in the m�nnsr pres��ribad bV appplicabfe Isw.�'ruetoe,without dem�nd on Barrowar,ehatl sotl thn propors�i at public auctlun to d�e hiphest r.._
<br /> �°�?.• blAd�r.lt rp�cir�d by the Fsrm Homatead Rote�t:on Aat,Trustea shell oHar the property In two aeparete eefea aa roQuired try applicable Inw.
<br />=:L�o., er��;µ, "
<br />='!:•�`��' Tn:.ates m�y patt(�mne tele of ail w any parcel of tM pvoperty by�DUbit¢announcement st tha time end ptace of any prsviously schedubd �ofe. '
<br /> ,,.�::,
<br />' :.-k`••�:;:`�.::;., �•, . Lendor w in Qaiqnea may purchese the proPertY at iny eete. �'i-
<br /> ,-�,�;v.r:
<br /> _.�i'•_
<br /> `-"'"""`""'°'"""` Upon reeeIpt of pnym ertt ot the prtce bid,Trusiae e�all deliver to the purcheeaer Trustoe's de�sd coreveyin9 the property.Tha rocltials containad(n ��__
<br /> J""' �"`'l`�' ' Truatee'a daed chell be primn fecto evfdience of tho tn.�tt�of the eteiemonts cantaiaed thareln.Trusteo shatl appfy the proceeds of the ealo in tha _
<br /> ��`��" � x"� foltawlr►a ordav:(eD to eil exponsea of the 6ale, fnct�eding, but not l(mlted to, reesonebi� TruAtoo's fees, �easonabl0 ettorne�'e tses and ;
<br />-i,,ri,�,�r�,�;�.�, roinnetament fees; (b)to ell sums securad by 4hle deed ot wst,end Ic1 the batanco,if any,to the persona Iepeliy entitled to roaaive It. `
<br /> ,u,•;;;;
<br /> �,-,,,,. • �#. ,.
<br /> ,�••��.. � i3.�or�cb�us�.At Lender's optlon,this doEd of trust mey be toreclosed in the menner provide by epplicabie law for torectosure of mortAapes •4�{�t,
<br /> �..:;,.„
<br /> e•,.�,-�,�••-.•T � on reai prope►�y. � .'•
<br />' ���c:':._���.
<br />:=-��;+=_' ' �'"." 14.Ins[HCUars lsreder may enter tha property to inspact it if Lander g(vea Borrower notico befornhand.The notice must stete the reasonabia
<br />-: ' ,.:�.�•'�' cauts for Lender'e�napoctlon. '°
<br /> t,;;., ..� .:,".�f,., .
<br />�'�•':�:.,�• ��.•� 18,,Condmnallon.8orrower essigna to Lerxlar ihe�ocoeda of eny awerd or ctaim for damoges conn�cted with e condemnatlan or athor taking �'�.
<br /> �''`" " ot a11 or eny part o!U�e property.Such proceada will bo eppiied as provided in Covenant 1.This assignmant is aubJacc to the terms of enY priar
<br /> <�,:
<br />-:�;";•�. . ��', ebcw(ty a(geeman2. .
<br />-,�_r�-:. ..:ii;�t°�
<br />,',�?,�._�.Y_ N� 16.Watw��Sy exerelsing any remadV avaiiabte to lsndar,Lender does Rot glve up any riphts to lator use eny other romedy.B��at exercising
<br /> _ '
<br /> eny rsrtnedy upan'Bottower'o de7autt,l.andcr rioae not waivo any rlpht to lator consider the event a dsfauit if k happens a8ain.
<br /> • � � 1a,.fflMtt nd 8�v�n1 Ltahility; CoalpcMa;yuecu�ars�nd Aicipn�Bound.61I1 duties un der t h is dea d o f t r u s t ar a Joint and saverni.Any
<br />�=�.I �'� � • " Boxrower wha co-aigns this deed o4 trust but doe� rsot co-slgn fhe ur�dertyln debt h�strumontlsl doos so onry to grAnt a��d convoy thn3
<br /> :?�j,J:; ��� &xrowor'�fniereet in the propartY to t�e'trus2eo undo�tho torms ot th's dord o�truct.1�edditioT,such a Sorrower agreea fhat tha Lender and
<br />'y�;-,?•• �_� . . � �r�y o t h e r H o n o w e r u n d er thla d oed of truat ma y extend,modity o�meke any other chan es In the torma of thfs doad of truat or the secured
<br /> °;:_�,�:} deht without tfi�t Bortower's consent ar�d wiihout roieaaing thot Dnaower from the terma o�this dee d o}trust.
<br /> • � •} 7he dutlea ertd benefits oi this deatl ot trust stuoll bind and beneHt Mo succoasara and assipns of lander end Bonowor.
<br /> •�.�i::.:, 1A.Holice.Ur►lee�otherwlea required By law, mny�notico to Oorrower sha1Y bo glvan by dolivorin8 it or by rr�uflinc�it by coriiNad mail addrossed to
<br /> � '�'� �: Borrov�ar et tfia property eddresa or any ot1vsr adclreas thet Borrower hae piven to Londer.Bono�ver wfil givo arry nottca to Lendor by certifled
<br /> � � mnSl to lendv*'�addrtss on pa�e 1 of this dead aT tmst,or to any other eddreas which Lemler hae doslpnate�.Any ot�ar noUce to Lendor shati
<br /> � . bs sent to Londer's addrsas ea otatod on papo 1 of tNs dsnd af Uust.
<br />- 't���' . �- Any notice shell be deemed to have bnen plvan to 8orrower or Lander when givon in tho manner statud ehovo.
<br />.`'�."�1 `r � 19,TtiruNr ot tha Prop�rty w e Ban�flc(al het�rost In tl»6orrow+K.lf otl or eny pnrt of the progerty o►any interest In it Is sofd o�uanstarred
<br /> ° � " ' ' withaut LenRePs prlor written consent, Lander may domand immedfete payment of the sacurod dobt. 6onder may efso domand ImmediaYo
<br />_,,
<br /> d m nd payment in the eboun oft�atlan ff I�is prah(61tad by f d�ro11�w�a o}tho daBto ot tWhl�dood ot�tmn nsfarrod. Hownvor, i.ondcr may not
<br /> 20.EFoconwjrinc�.Witen tho ob�tpetion secured by thi2 daod of trust has boan patd,nnd Lcrt�er haa no further oblipatian to mekn advences
<br /> under the InsUumor.te or aproomonto a�eurtsf by tNs dcod o4 trust,tho Trustco ehoil,upon�vrittcn requoat b th�Londct, rocunvoy tho wst
<br />�� �-- • ------�• Tt,�1..u4�chL!�uflunr tn thn[torra��u�r.u �tt Batrnuvu•t r.�.rPnrenr[p��eDt fh0 VUSt d08d 801�i�10 flOtO OP OUtOf OV[dORCO 0}L�10
<br /> , � " aDi qettoe ao aotlsfisd.Dorrower shall pay nny rocorGa�ion casta.
<br /> i�
<br /> �� �1.Gtscatr�+Teusta�. Lcrt3er, ut Londct'c o 13on, muV eomovo TrusleQ and appa(nt n sueeassor trustao by first, maUfng o eopV of thfl
<br /> � ,, „ .•, � suA�UtWon of tmatae as requlred by epplEcablo Pn�v,und thon,bV tiling tho substitutfon of trustao tor rocord fn tho otftco of tho eapister o4 Ecods
<br /> �• of e�ch caurnty In whfch the truet properiy,or some part tHtvaof.is eltunted.Tho succoscor Vusiea,wtthout conveynnc�ot tha prop�rfi�r,sho11
<br /> • , •• succeed ta all the powsr,duUaa,euthorlty and title oi iho Truatoo named i�tho daed of uunt end of ony succassor truntou.
<br /> _. � I,
<br /> ,�..
<br /> . ., fpaye 9 of 21
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