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<br /> w1�r�fp, r�k�. ia�wi, Pra!tks, btewm, t�ownM�ts.Mr�dit�msnts, P��MO��Mx1�nY�p�txtw►�r�eM 41!+rwrKO Wio�qkM1 IMI c�N�d th� -
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<br /> CEOAL OdOCRM�TTIGiM� ts�► lctN m�c,�e�t
<br /> LOT �3FStT8l�,.(7). �N Bl&�I�INARD VOS� HYRS� ul7BIDIVI9I�N, BSZ2iC� A PART C3F J.AT
<br /> QHE �1) VOSiB BLY�bZVI3ION� HEZDTC� ALL THAT '81#1tT 07 THS BAlaT �fd1I,F OF '.CH�
<br /> �Q�'fifig�T QU.�AT�R.(8x/28ti1/4} ,� � HE3T Ii11LP` OF Tf� S�LT�'I6}98T
<br /> • QI�A�tTBR IM2j: SB�./1� OF S�Cl"IGN RL�EVSlT Illl. Ta1�1lI8HTP BL�HVHN (li)
<br /> NO3i,1'fi. RANtig NIP7E (9I �sT OP �3iB 6TH A.M., HALY. CdUtS3'Y, 27HBR'�1'C/s. _
<br /> bciud tn; aa�arsn r�;taL*rr►---stnra, CouniY�Nebraska. --
<br /> Ttl'I.E:Barow�r covenaMC md wsmnt�tltte to ths�xo�rty,except for
<br /> iECUtEp pEll'r:TiNo de�d of vwt cecvr�s to 1.�ndyr npyymant oi the socirred dobt and the perfomence ot ttrs covananto end egrnemnnta ;�=�
<br /> coM�ln�d fa thls doad of trust�rtd In�ny ott»r doctimeM Incorporeted heratn.Sacuied dsbt,a�uaed tn tfit�dMd ot tn.+at,InchlQes eny�mounts ,
<br /> 6arow�t owss to L�r+dar andw thfe daed ot truat of unde►sny tn�trumortt tecured by thts deed o!t►uet,and sll modiHcatbns,exter.cbn�end =- __.
<br /> r�nawats tMno(. � � �,,,,.
<br /> �`"��ho�ecund d�bt is nid�nc�d by tllst s!I Irt�trutoienta and A�r�am�nta�oeund by this deed of tru�t and the d�te�tharonl,l: --
<br /> . � A pA Mrqsn�K..N�F gt�S�SCrsus—'���FRr�rrr nnTRn �,p�IL. �1, SA95_ . - rea-��,
<br /> - E..
<br /> [y�Wtan Alv�ne�i•7h� �bove emaun Is�ecwM aven xhoclffn all a part of It may not yet b� edvanesd. F�2�rs advancas an -
<br /> aontomplat�d�nd wil�b�cecurerd to thn�une sxtent aa If rtmado an the d�te thls d�ed ot truat Is ex�autad. `-'�--` '
<br /> ¢T.�
<br /> n Rivotrirq Iina ot credit ap►eement dated ,wtth INtla1 ann�+ullnterest retr of 96.
<br /> • All amwu:N ow�d undN thls�pr�mont aro seawed uven thouph alI amounie may nnt yet be edvencsd.Futuro edvence�under �`�:;;=.
<br /> � • t►q�gr��rtwnt�ra co�tr.npl�ted ond wiN be�ecur�d to tho esme extent a9 It m�d�on tM+deta tNle d�ed qf w�t ta sxacuted. '1��--
<br /> I.�A._.
<br /> 'F,:
<br /> The�bove oblipetbn Is due and payabM on� nvnTr. �+��, nons _ If not pald earller. -
<br /> TM tot�l unRald bAlenco�ecured by thlo deed of trust et eny one Ume�hatl no4 excee8 e maxtmum principsl ernou�of _
<br /> , •r,,,a,.r„ Rt,x„T •r,rncrc�.�a�_t,ttn/lnn Oollaro Is 2a.noo.c�o l.P�us Interett. ..
<br /> piui�ny�mouots dlshura9d un6er the termt ot th(o t�Ded o!trutt to protect tiie ancuriiy of thle daed oi Vust or to parform any o�the
<br /> cownant�contalned fn 2t�ls deed of uust,with tnieresa on such dtabureomenn. --
<br /> ❑1hri.y6ia Ratr:Th�tntereot rate on th�obli�atlon aacursd Ey thla deed ot twst rteay vary eccarding to the t�erms o}thtit obll�at�On. ��
<br /> ❑ A copy nf tM{osn agre�me�:contafnl�p the tcrma under wh!ch the In2oreat cete moy vary Is ettnched to thl�rleed of VuQt end
<br /> m�ds a p�wt iw�aof. -
<br /> �31C�EttE: ❑Commercid c�...A9Slcsrt�r�rr.eu.g�;.�'t'a „_, ❑
<br /> DES![�IU'iFON OF HOM�8tEAD �--�--
<br /> N+nwsm to th�Farm tiom�ste�B Prat+ciion Ac4.d�9iyrurtfon o9 homsttesd � la ettor.hed to this deed ot trust end mada e part hareof ,�.
<br /> (� h�s bwn ditct�Fmed;the dl�cletmer I�aEtH:tsed to thl�de�d of uurt�nd mede�part fwtoof.
<br /> SIONATIfAES:.BY��ll�w•�Ow�r�yteo fo t!�tofrn��[nd cov�nainte cont�tn�d'rn thia deed af tn�st,tflc7udCnp tho��on pags a.cnd In
<br /> �tidwa d�errlbod ibow st}� by 8artewet.
<br /> �_ �1 ����e�T�fl�lA�! �����'i l�_ `�• ��al e/117�.
<br /> �T��[�^'�v• .� -- � _ �-�,�, - .
<br /> FOI3fsRT .7 PRtb'f�i� , 7�1F,TTP 8 RTJPPRfiC�iT
<br /> AClS�441NLlEl�(iF.4flYY:STATE QF NEFli�RSKA, t��rs�'n i4Lat�m� upt.�. . _ �County cs:
<br /> The(or�yolne inotr�men!wa�acknowiedped 6etore me on thdo Z�c t` d8y Of �PRTI•, Lcati
<br /> by tSO A9�1i1 tATFR
<br /> �R1LL NOTAR�•S1:tc o�lkOrosb mwun
<br />' Calwnu a �� l{SA SPAH�� Rlrn�ct Corpom:on or Part.rrw;!
<br />� Ack�ux � �' � "����� on behalf of tho corporotton or partncrsh!p.
<br /> My commtulon expYes: �/6/99
<br /> (seNl _.L?"n ac�uua ��L�r?Q� _,,�/�O� Nc.wPUDltq
<br /> TEsts loauumont wns propared Dy 1.tAt��naa}� ^ _ .
<br /> o�eas��xctssv�rm��.i+��..or.aeye.m:�ceso�n-000aa�-2ausa:u,sacansrar._onnra� y�PBI,# 00006621 �a,;clo��J �'3���Q���
<br />' CCD# 07.0044381m
<br />