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<br /> 1T. fa�t�uetr�►Ylaniliotrttl �"�'nwt��ltMt a'Vrddv�. A tarbpar+�rca by Hanefi�clrrrv or 'i'cu�tsaFe��',ex���is�ny _
<br /> �.,..... .e... ..,� n.�F.�e...3�. r!lnrrluel F.v.ievtlle�Jth1� �BVV sh1� fNYt� ■ W�/A/Nt Of �k't�'�•1►C�! �N
<br /> A91�J Y9jJiP V[ trillir,iu n+��_Ynu..., -:. . . . . —-
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<br /> �ur�thi�DNd of Tn�st'sh�l! rxn b�d�am�d!o b��e weivac a4�ny o4hsr�x�b�rnH�r�faufU�ub�tequendY occurri►9p.
<br /> • S g, r��r�{�,p p�ad. Exten�fon af 2�Yime for��ymant c��mociiticetian ar emortixation of tM+ sum��a�wnd
<br /> by tt►�[3�ai 7'rust qX�nted b}�Bennticisey to an}�'�ucces.xor tn intare�t of Truetor sheDl nnt nparate�to relet�e,In am+
<br /> • (YlSI1fMCr 4►w Iinbility�of the oriyinal Trustor and xruatar's �uccaaaro�fn intereat. 08ne�ficlery �hall not be c�g►alred ta
<br /> „cam�t�5iry�q prqc�edir��c sBalnit�uch succassor ar r�fu�p t4r��eutend time fnr payment or o4h�rwlse madify ri►i�_pi�f�t►iiorr ..
<br /> al.ihr•.�^,�h1� ascuraci by�na vne�3 0� T�ua� ��►roa:an c�nny ��st��n�± mtu!� h;� tha nrinlnwl T�unrtor arlti�`�'rY.is�c}t's.: � _
<br /> �,:.
<br /> $utceg'�'h�'!� in intereec.
<br /> 7Fi. �bpdon ta Fa�dos�. llpan the c�ccurrenco of sny ciefeult he�eun�er, Efanel�icfary ahnil hAVe ttxs optlon ta
<br /> forecioxe thf�t]eed ot Truat in the rna:�nsP pruv�ded bY�ev+r for tha foroclo�ure of morYgages ort reel propor4y.
<br /> 20..Tr�wtc�r'��htr�;Abs+�nt[�?eult. tlntil Any da9�s�it in the peymen4 of indaLtacineas hereby secured, ar urtilt
<br /> the breNah of any cavanent t�Kr�in contalnAd the Trustor, Ita auccerr4rt ersd e�tiiqns, sh�11 pos�us and.Anley th�
<br /> oropertti ead reaivs the �sr�ta and p�oflt� th�rsirom. 1�lpon p�Yrn�r.t af all ouma s�curac8 by thi� D�od pf Tru�t,
<br /> J �1/�..����r�i��� . . ._
<br /> f3urasf id��y�hiail requ�st�'�u�xde ta reconvey ttw properYy end sheli Aurr4ndsr inir uaao ot��uii:��u��•w•�•—.�
<br /> AQrM��nti�vid�nzin�Ind�btednett ascured by the D�ed of 7rwt 4o Tr�rteN. �'ru�ta�thaN r�convsy the prap+trty
<br /> :.;�t�,,,�*W�rAnru and wfthoux cherg�t�the pereane legatly antitiad theretu. 7hs �rsrr3eA In any recmnveyence mey ___
<br /> .. �_
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<br /> Canc(u�ivm proo9 ot the ttuthtu!ne�t tt�sreaf. yuch penan or persana ahel!pny ail cost�of recordl�fl, if eny�.
<br /> x�. Tr�miK �f 4h� Prap�ctY: A�aumptlen. If eil�r nrsy pait uf the Property nr en Inle�aet tbereln les eot�ar __
<br /> transfsrred wichaut Bensticisry's prlar writien conaer�t, excopt a�othotw►ite provl�e�d by taw, Benefictery mey, et
<br /> Hena4lciery'e optlon, daEtarA dli the au�ne aecursd by thl� Dead of Truat to t,e immedintely due end psyet�e. _
<br /> Ban�4Eclery aha!!have weEved euch optlon to ecceterete it,priur to the seln or transfer�8eneflciery ancl the person to
<br /> whnm tha Franertv!a to be sotd or trensferred reacfl aproement In writing thet the credit of such parson la eatisfactory �
<br />� �_'�a t�tl 1L.�o���nd1 ♦4�t► OQ
<br /> to Renet(ciery enct thet the int�rest puyable on the su�na eesurea by me ueeo (1� ��tia�a� anau �+v�.�=�•• •-._ —
<br /> @enefir.lery ehail re�queat. li Bbneflctery itas waive tha option ca acceieruie proviuou i����o °a.�s:��~-'•,��'==i 4f
<br /> Trustoe's succeseor (n tiitarest hea executad e written aesumptfon ngre�ment ecce�ted (n writing by E3eneficier�,
<br />° Boneficlary shall release Trsastor from all obligatior�s undar th6s Deed of Truai end the Loen Agraemen4. If Beneficfery
<br /> exercises such option 4o accelerate, Beneficiery may in�oke any romedies permitted by the Daed of Tru�4..
<br /> �2. R�quoat 4or I+lotica.. The Trustor reque�t thet a copy of any notico of defeult end af any noti�e of sela
<br /> hereunder be meiled to 7ruetar at tha addreas heretnbsfc�re set forth.
<br /> fN WITNESS WHEREUF, tha Trustor hes executed tt�is Deed o1 Trust the dey enel year first ebove written. �_
<br /> � �.�_�.
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<br /> - �iefar�me,a Notery Fublic yuefified for said County, personally came DENNIS H NAL2 AND ra�nr a�nr.z, �nrser�rn ��ti;:
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<br /> known to me to bs the identical persan(s) wt�o signod tho foregofng instrument and ecknowledged tho execution .__
<br />:°'; '� � t1.Are�f to be his/horltheir voluntary eat end dood. _..
<br /> Witnass my t�and �nd Not�rlel Seal this 26� day of �R=L , 1995 �
<br />_'� t�ar��ra�r��wa� ��tJ�e.J�. ` .
<br />= �� �MI�L KAlKIE ^ noc.rv r�n;�c CHRIS L� KA9ECIE
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