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<br /> ----- — .
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<br /> .. 1.���.. a��� . - .. .. . • •• . r. � . .. �w-:.
<br />- � . . .� r � . ' .. � .. I�i:l�._.
<br /> . ' � . .. ,. . . . .� � .,. . r. ^ . .�
<br />��---Niprr.i�Mw� �E�; r�t"1J�tl�i{.'/'h h{y'��it5 �iSti Et: li:K �I��.t�i�+t"Y'?� fI1�Nbl►1:ti ii�?iay�i±qt��:tr:�,�., 1,: Ci..;�;�:`ll a•:b:.�..:' .. .' ('.;n.�., ,y.;, . si,. � � _�_).�__
<br /> ;;;aF�� r.yih�+�n�vr�nr.e►s s�n�fes tlsir �.►� at�i ru�t �+w+idoy aacw�c+d; Nrrd. , . �., ' , ��--
<br /> tC) P.e►y�.:tia�t hd t�ib`[ru�COt prs�hikait+�ti by th�r t,urm� o}�tta I.a�a�r A�►ew�►•n�tl� t3t tl���:4?rsai at'3n�xt ur e��� fkissre �i �,�-
<br /> -.-.-'— .. - "---------�........._...t.�.t k..�*hr!'nrre�nr� t ar ih)R t]�r�ef TcuRt.ancti nf which'fru�lor hor�bf►�!�'LM _
<br /> --- ' �I1� 1{11h11lF l�i UYl 4A�II�Y�SI�vv r.y •..�. ........... r...��� " . `___...
<br /> ------- i,... :::. :.�+:" i..'. «.'"�::T C.. ta.� f�a.�n«f:..S..n�!.� •�.�.��rjt�� �lyr• }i�M �Z��+ Ci$ P,1i�11 fi�RAlh�1�{`Itl:� l61iti� tt1P1 Ilj}f1KB !T4 1�3�'1 <, —_
<br /> ,,. .. ., ... _-••_ • '
<br /> Ban�ti�luy in auch ascucity. .. �. .
<br /> 3��� end upon tha hsp�ponin�af a��s!oCh avent ca!d4lautt, 0�nmfl�iery me�V declare sll ouins srcured hweby imrraadietaly
<br /> - -- due and peyablo by rieUver ta Truttee of wrE3tan deCltretion of defauEt. The Truetee �hail hive ths,¢awer hs sil�at
<br /> ---- the Proparty,ancE!f 8en6ficEery d�dsirea the Propeety to bo�sold�it s�hal!r�dpas�t vylth TruRtae this 4?eed of Tru�t and.all • _
<br />- - - - pr�,rsisaavy r�:..a:,ar.d�+�cs►r.'s.nis ev[dancln�eYren�ftt�rea���iu�wi herehy end shall dalivar to Trunt�aa e�vrittan notice ___
<br /> of defeu(t and.,�alectlon to calas the Pc�perty.A bs �nld, ■nd ths'fruatea In tum ahall �repere a notlr.e irr the form _
<br /> requlresR$y�e��lt;,;w�hich ahaif i�e dut�r ftloc!tor record by T�u�tes. . �� ::;
<br /> ___ - (/�i �,��,�,���1�,�1�fses Gt s�l�F�.i}i�ie �s may ha Fa�uirb:�.py law foli��v;na th�r�?�ordetior�nf�aid notica �i.dafAUlt,.t�iid., �"`. ���--_
<br /> �!��t��;r+uli�a of atlu t�ev9seg�a�fei�� iven a��oc�i,ired hy I�uv�7ruatoB; withos�t demahd on Tru�tok;�'�� � � F�
<br /> -— n�►�1FR'��'� ��:',, �
<br /> •� �I�a{1 aa{1 Yly�`1�rmp�rty oi►tt»dAta an�J s,i 2Ys time and pleca derisn�tad in"�said notice of e•e�le, at�sublta auction tn
<br /> the hlghest bidder, the purcha�e pri�o�soY��le !n lewtul rnonay af tha Unitad Ste4e� at the time ot s�le. The
<br /> psraon conduCt�ng tne aaie mey,ior eny ft6u�n Fla�ic6iiiS i,;iNv'uio 1ii j�v6ij.:.�.:.S::Q LC�S f!G!TM!��mr�t��Imw��c�tl(�Y
<br /> shall 6e completad and,In everY such ce�e, notics of postpQrsement ahell 6e fllveri'by publ(c dectaratian 4hereo�l
<br /> n;r����h nwr■on a4 ihs tlma and Qlece ieet ep�oolnted fur ths eele,provldad,Et the aalo Is postponad tor lon9er thm _
<br /> �""'�� ane!'i 1 d�y hey�ond the day deelgnated In the notice of eele,notioa thereof rhaA be q�van In the aem�►�enner aa � -
<br /> �_��::v ths o�lelnrl notico ot eale. Tru�tes ehNl execute end delivsr Eo ths purch�ser it�Q�d c�r�vsyln¢ti�PrapKty ro
<br /> - - �old.b�it Mrithout an�Sy cov�nenE t�r warrani,r,axpra��or(mp11e�. 7hr recitele In t�is dee�uf eny m�tiar�or�c[�t
<br /> ------ = oF�A11 be conclu�lv�proof a1 t�s 4ruthtulnea�thereat. A�y penon, Includlnp B�netial�iy, mwy Furct�����t the��I�.
<br /> --._._ (81 Wh�n Trutte���Ile punu�nt tQ th� powsr� hereln,th�Trurta�h�ll aqply th�proc�sd�ef tN� ��I�to pMYmEnt
<br /> - - ot the coit��n�ex{Km��Qf axaralsing the powev of sele�nd of ths��I�,Inotudln�ths pay�m�nt of the'Cruotae°�
<br /> - teea er,tu�liy incurrtd,whlch 7rus3ae'�tees eha11 n9t In th�aypre�d�ts excead the fallowlnp emount lsaeod upan
<br /> �$� the amount eecured he►eby end remalNng unpald; 6 percentum nn the tlret Q1,oc�D tnoreof, i percer�ium on ino —
<br /> Datence tfieraoi an�i men ic�me iiamo in a�iuNe��«N�iCS ir.tl�.�, a�ar il�ar�ato:�.
<br /> - = --�_- (CD Atter peyina the It�m�epeclfled(n subparegraph�/3!(f the sale la by Truatee, or the proper aourt end other coat9
<br />--�� of forealosure and sale If the aele is pursuan4 to judtclal torecloaure,the proceeds of eale shall be�pplied i`�the arder
<br /> _._--°°= st�tod to the peymeni of: _
<br /> =-__== (q Cost of eny evldence of title procured in connection with such eale and of any revenue stampa;
<br />�iss�uquv�:y,-'a --—
<br /> ---` -���� llq All sumK the sscured hereby; --
<br /> (III) The remein�er,if any,ta the person lege{ly ant(tl�d thereta. �:.�,.
<br /> `"�'���j� 73. auties�nd ObIlgeUoni af Tni�taes. (a) The duties and obligetlons of trustee 3ha11 be determined sololy by �r�,�
<br />�``��_�."�-`�_,�,,,7 the expresa provlsions�f thts Uesd of T�uat, and i'rustee Ehell not be fleble except fnr the performance o9 su�ch dutlos <<;: :
<br />,�, �,\_��� and obligaiions aa are specificatty set f�rth horein, end no tmplied cflvenents or obligatlons shall bo ImResed upor� `..
<br /> „�;�r,y i'r�ustea; (b) (�o ptovisions of t�sis Daed of Trust sha11 require Trustee to expend or risk Its own funds, or otherwise ';� ."
<br /> -_-'�=�� irs:cur any ilnenciel ob!lgotion in the performence of any of its dutlea hereunder,nr fn the exercise of any of its rights '..� �
<br /> � �'�{'�='��� or pnv+rer,ff 1t sheli hevo gtounds foe belleving thet the repeyment of euch funds or edequete indemnity aQainst such ���
<br /> +,,�.r;... . �- :...
<br /> ,.,_,,.:_.�: 8 �-_�-
<br /> �;�, risk or liabitit��l�not reasunably assurmd to it; (c) Trustee may�or�sult with counsel of its own chopain end the�dvice
<br />°��:y���,� of 5uch coun��el shall be full8ad complete authorizetion and pro2�ction in tho rospact of any act;on taken ar suffored .:.+�
<br /> '__�".r;;��� q,y►It h�reunder in good faith end�eliance thereon;(d) Trustee shaN ndt be Ileble tor nny ection taken by(t In good faith ;;,
<br />- and reasoneb{y believed hy it to ba euthorized or within the diacrotion or righ2s and puvvers canferrori upon it by this
<br /> ��-,��.�, nead of 1'tust. -
<br /> =`-;_�' -_ 74. Addi3ional Sscurity In�trumenta. Trustor, at its exp�nse,will execute ond deliver to the Trustee, pr�mptly .
<br />`����� � ��pon demand,such security instrumants es mey bs required by 7ruatee,in form end substenca setisfectory fio Tru�tee,
<br />.�.`�:.R:':.�'�.� �,
<br />,,.��.-�,-• covering eny of 4he Propnrty conveyetl by this Daed of Trust.whlch security Instrume�ts shall @o addltional security
<br />-y-�,.�•_.�.7�+' .
<br /> � .. � for 7ruetor s fafthful pertarrreanco of all of the tarrr�s, covenants and conditiona of this Dead of 7rusi, the Loan
<br /> :�'��;'=,,:;�:-
<br /> .�, „. . Agreement,any promissory nates socured heroby and any other security Instrumonts oxecuted!n connection with this
<br />,�.�,,. _:�.......
<br /> _�•.�s? ���� t�arsssatian. Such Instrumonts shall be rocordad or filed, end re-recorded end refDod, et Yrustor s expense.
<br /> ' ?'''-':"�s 7 6. Mlscstlaneous.
<br /> �,::.i:,.:.:�,.
<br />�r;,�;.:;;:�,�,�:�� 1A1 In the event eny one or more of the provisio�to r,ontafnad in tho Doad af Trust, or tho Loan Aflroement or any
<br /> �"''��'".'-� promissory noto, ar eny other sacurity instrumont efven in cannectlon with this transactton,�shell for�+ny raasan
<br /> �,,�....,,, .
<br /> to b�held ta be fnvalid,f1leAal or unenforcoable in nny respoct,such Invelidity, illegality or un�nforaeabiiity shall,
<br /> • •� '•: •� et the optitlrr af[3enoficfary, not effect eny other pravision o9 thiA Deed of T�ust,that thls Dued of'f�ust shall h�
<br /> ��-.'�� canstrued ss If auch Inv�lid, illggal or unenfarceable provislon had nevor been contained horofn or theioln.
<br /> .: �.i.. ..�{.
<br /> . ��} �'his paed of Tru�t shall be cunstruod according to tho Iaws of tho Stato 04 Nobreske,.
<br /> •� �_ ;;�- ' ((:1 tho C3cod of�'rust shell insure to anrJ bind tho hflirs,logntooa,dovic�cs,ndminletretors,exoautore,suacoosora end
<br /> � - - ` -.-: nsslgns ot the pe�tles hereto.
<br /> -� �.�a��. 4D� Yrustor ahall pay ell texes lovlad upan th�a Deed of Trus4 or 4ho dvbt scscurod hereby,togethar wlth any othor taxos
<br /> ---
<br /> � � ' ar es�easmont�whicfi r��ey bo Ievfod agelnst th0 TfUStE�Ot�3AnaTiciary or irt�iegai noiaer oi iito bGait vay�cc�ncin'
<br /> . u
<br /> � . -• an account�f tho indobtedn�so evidence tisoroby.
<br /> ,,' ,���--�, i� (E) Whonavor used horeln,tho singuler numbor ehall includo the qlural,the plurai,the sUgular,the use uf any gender
<br /> .;; sliefi ba applicflble to atl genders,end tho term "Benoficiery"ehall Inctudo eny poyoe of tha indebtednoas horeBy
<br /> � seCUred or any 4rt�n8fer Yhereot, whether by oparatlon of law or otherwise. "
<br /> �� � � 18. Sur.csssur i'�t�szee. Benaficiary may 4rom time to Yfma substiWte e succo�sor or succesaors to eny Truatee
<br /> .. �� `' namad herein or actlnn horeunder to o�cecute thia Trust Doed. Upon�uch eppolntment end without conveyance to
<br /> tha a�ccousa►7ruetee, the I�tter sh�ll bo vostod with all title, pawers end dutieu confecre8 upon any Trustoe horein
<br /> nemc�d or aoting heruunder. Ench auch nppofntmant or aubstitutlon shall be mado by writton instr�ment by Beneficiary,
<br /> cuntsining rflforonce to this Deod of 7ruat and Ite placa of racord,wl�Ich when recordod In the offics of th�Radlater
<br /> '''-�°fL•�'��° • '' of D�eds of the county or countios In which said property la situate�l,ehell be conclusivo proof��f proppr;ap�ointment '
<br /> _:-�r�... .�: .
<br /> ' . • ' of the success�r Trustee. Tha foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefore sh II nflt'bu b� clusive af
<br /> ., 9�ea 406•3
<br /> (.
<br /> - --- -----.._.__ ---.... ..------------....b.._._____----------�--_.__.�___-----�- ---___....___.__._-�-_—�-------_---�-- -
<br />