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<br />. f?r1AhCIQ,�IItHU�hY�I n}�phmM►at+ixtvitc>tirr'�+�n4�1 p+o!',n�tft��,�r,.a4lts�tiv�y rd��+H;u+;E.0��.a��rt:=�'��tiir��r1+;h+±iit1 R.7ka�r�. S��t�r�,:C�'ti"�
<br /> k�th�P�tipwtip'tt�Ytact�xl�7u:�alf4t?:et9'-�3Yttl6+�1i115�t34�Hti:OtflFt•r:oxlr.unstsr�nYttuiY���n�I�ir.x����M lsria�:�,�
<br /> j�en,,;n�r":«�w:.:..�;..=�''»r"!.?:•.•`•=,•�'••f��Mrrrr.nt�a►nd rsgr�rrt4�e 191.�1d� .
<br /> �in�k►+'tttie�'i�r��ty.'na�tnr h�rr�.�,y aft►',�►l�In�Fornn(t�r�anc1 ho}d hl�►m�s+1t i.brrtl�r,i�►a1Net�Or�,o11IOM1i�������w'w'~ _
<br />' r iu�..+,i�...�.:-.-.�"«,=":-t°"'�••••1 r�l E lrlfiist�tiyU�r 9U9�t1➢G fin�Hsi,�lit�at ti�(ldn�4n V.1nr�l�Ckirin�k1 . _
<br /> �ny�uct�HVSra q 4�+'^� t or 2►ans�rl cst rny H1Ax�rdous IAaarl�l�on. und�►�iront or I�t+t tha►'rt�rTlf. �•;c=•::,::A:•°•�
<br /> tlwr P►MSna�, u��dlsDuM
<br /> WARfiAN'��ES AN�61EPHE�ENTA1'SON3,l1Nn 7RUST01�'�Ot3t.ld'dKl'!flM�i�'UE�,9UAPJT 70 TH�FOi�ECiOMIf�It�:Mif�TY,
<br /> tillAOIN�RECQN�IE'dANCE f��THi3 C1E��9 f1F TF3USY.
<br /> 9 , ov6slod dust YrueOO►
<br /> 10. AM1�aent o1 MeN�.Tr��tor her�tly��m to i.�ndM!h�r�nt�.I�ua��rEd pro�it�oP tit��'ropooty'iN
<br /> �t�ll,unNi th*aca�itr�nc4 of�n Event e!L�siault Q►�raund+r�h�v�tttio rlyht ta�a1l�1 Rnd vetnln�uch��t�.iuuw and prufif�rs 1f�Y
<br /> b�cpma dw�n�pay+�blo.l.lpon ths�cav�renco of ao EvAnt af D�l�utt�nd�r may,eilhsr in�reo+�or by agM��w��r wi��
<br /> trrinyfny ar�y ectla�a:g:o�ea"_!nQ.or by�n rocNwr��potn�M by e coa�rt an�wiihee�t rsaurd oa U►�aid�ur'=y �� i� �__
<br /> uRon�n�teike pc►ssesslon at tha Propsrty,ar any parl ttMr�af,in ita own name or In the nam�s otl ui�Ti:�:;a,:r,,.�eay e^_._!�!h.�h It
<br /> ,�c�n ►ttlh�rwl�inlsr�otlP��in.
<br /> do0ms 1seCesiary Or�r�bk(a�t9sbnlb(114v�tU@.market�bNity a rent�billty a/tt►�QrcQrrly Y W
<br /> Incraasa the Incoms therefrom ar prot�ct the aecurlry hereal and,vritit or without fakin�l posoo�ton of th�Prop�►,aw iar e►
<br /> otherwisa cottect tha rents.ia�ue�and protihs thereot,Inc!udinti those qast due nnd unpaki,and spp:y the same.���n����n�
<br /> expeniss oi operatfon and oo4ls�Uor•.!nClu�ln�attnrnnye'tee�,upan ony Irsdebtedn�ee�aacUre�O hereby.aIE In such order ee LencSor
<br /> m�y dotermine.The enterinp uQor1 and takinp possesaton of the PrapArty.tha coltec8ois oi�uch r4nU,ia�u�s and protila Rnd t!w
<br /> ppplic�LOn theraof ae eforeeald,ahall not cure ur wefve any default or notice o1 delsui!heraundsr or[nv�lldal�enY�Gt dc+M��
<br /> ������o���r!;�;�������r���Ant t�auch nntica o1 deiau��and,notwithstandinfl f.F�s auntlnuancv In posssselao o�tha Nr'a�ty�r
<br /> tAe coliecilon,retelDt end ap�licatlan oi rento•issues or p:o1lts,end Truetea and(�endBr e��aSl�a e���""�1��="='=�`-•�'-"-=�'��9t
<br /> pruyid�d tor fn any ottha Loan Documen9a arbyv le�r upon occurnance of pr�y Evento40e4auit.inctudinqwTthout Iimit�tinnthe�i0htto
<br /> �yd�i�w shw nnwer o!sal0_Furcher.l.ander's riHhts anc9�emedtea unrtar thta paraflrapD�shell be cumul�tiws with,and I no w�MY a .`
<br /> Iimftaiiorron.Londsf::�igh'taca�n:mediesimderanya.gst{�nmanzotlsasesandrmntaracar�d„cla9afn:,itiEi,c��vyc4"y�.'�-„ti�'�• �%�_., _�
<br /> aaA the recelvo�st�all be Ilt�bie to aacount onty tho6e re�ts actusll�rece►ved.
<br /> 11. EysnS�ol Q�taufl. The tatiowing shall�onsUtuta an Evont oT Qefault undar th�e�eed o1 Tru�t
<br /> (a) Feilur�to paY any(v»talimen4 a1 principal or Intereat of any other sum secured hereby wh�s�d�e;
<br /> - (b} AbreachofordetaulturvJersnyprovlsioncontairtc�llntheNote,S?►(sUnedofTrust,anyoftheLpenDocun�ita,o�a�y
<br />- other Ilen or enc�r�branca upon th9 PropertY:
<br />� (�) AwritofexecuUonorattachrttentorsnyoim►Iarprocessshaliboenteredagalns�tT�ustarwhiclishalibecomoa c�non
<br />= tho{'roperty ar any portlon thoreof or Interest therein;
<br />-- �_....���n��ti�.,r aas�inar 7n�aw or @arrov�er an actlon undor ar�y present or iutuie federal,stat.ctt or ather
<br /> �u� :�.o.o o..a....�...---• -
<br /> �rara,ta law¢�r rr�ulatlan relattng to Bankruptcy,insaivency or othor refie!for deGtors;oz 4hara snau ue appvi�i�a�i a�:i.�.:�w"v�
<br /> - -�g{�;.°,�„":!`„Oilh°SAntn;Is4ue9 Ol�lip11i91h8l6P1,Of TfU6�07
<br /> recelver o►19wuidetor of Trustor or Borrow�ror ofi aii or airy Na����
<br /> or Borrower Qhall make any generel assignmen4lor the benoiit of creditors;
<br /> (e) l'he,sate,transier, aease,assignmenL conveyance or further encumbranco of all or any part of or any Intera�t in th9 _
<br />= f�rppecty,elther voluntarily or Invofuntari�Y�tha doestnotcontai en ptont purchaseandthdte�rao whichdrossrtotexceed
<br />-- permittad to exacuto a lease of the Praporry
<br />- one year,' —
<br />__ (p Abandr�nment ot tho Property:or _
<br /> = (g) If Trustor is not an individual,the Issuance,sate,transfer,assi�nment,conveyanoe or encumbranco of morethan e tota! —
<br />� oi,,....____--Parcent of(if a carporatlan)ite issued and autstanding atock or(it a Partnership)a total of porcent of ___
<br />_= p8rtrsershlp Interes'.� ddring the p9dod thls Deed ot Trust remaMs a Ilen an the Property.
<br /> 12 p+��;n►�/►cc�t�nflan Iipon DefauR.In the event o}any Event af Dofault Lender may,wfthout notice axcept as raquired by
<br />� law.declare at� in��ebtedness aec�►red hereby to be due and psyable end the same chatl thereLpon bacome due a�d payahle _
<br />- without any presen'ssnen� dorreand,protest or noUce of eny klnri.ThereaYtar�endar m�y.
<br />�� interestQBtF�e Pronerty m�L��sold and t e proceeds to b dast�rib ed,e�1hn the m�er proev�ied�n thorN bra ka T ust Dasds ;;��-
<br /> r_�=;_:-:
<br />_� Ac� ----
<br /> -- (b) �;az^�sanyandalirightsprovidedforfnanyoftheLoanOm�s�mentsorbylawupvnoccurcenceulanyEventofDetaull; _-
<br />..�j fl�(c) Co�snance en actlon to toreclose this Dsed of Tntst as a mo�t�a�e,eppoin!a receivur,or speciticalfy enforce any olt7►Q
<br />•,;n �avenants hereot. __
<br /> Nm�emedy heretn cnnferred upon or reservad ta Trustee or Lender Is intended tu bo exclusive of any othor rertsedy hcrcln.In the
<br /> � Loan Documents or by Iaw provtded or permitted,but each shatl tre cuenulative,shall be in addition to every atfier v$rnedY 8�ven �'__
<br />'`� hyreunder.in the I.oan Uocuments or naw�T t�ereaiter ex(sting at law or in equlty or b�statute,and may be exercisnd concurtently. 0..:_-
<br />�=b fn��pendentiy or�a�cesstvel�.
<br />,-�a 13.Tru�toe.The Trustee mey�OSi9n�t any timo wiihout causu,nnci Lender msy at any tima�amd without cause eplwfnt a `_-
<br /> R.• successor or sulrstitu4e Trusifl�.Trustr�shall not be Ilabte to any paety,lncludinfl without Ilmitatfon Londer,Borrawer,Trastor or uny � :
<br /> ...� pu�chaser otttta Proper'ty�toz•.a�y�os3 or damage unless dueto�eckless orwUltul mts�c��duct,and shali not bo requfred to ffikeeny �'�
<br /> ac�on In connsCtfon with tAa arttoreomont of this Qeed of Yrust unloss Iredemnli;�c:o 4a wriiing.(or ell costs,compensaUon or
<br /> !,•,�-','..,
<br />•�� ox(►ansa9 whtCh may bo assacluted therawith.In additien,Yrustee m�y become ta puncfiaser at any sate ot the Propatdy(�udtcial or
<br />`�� under the power o4 selo grar�teti hereln);postpone the eale oi ali or any�awon of tt+e Property,ns provided by taw;or r,nil tte�
<br />-_.� Property as a whofe,or in separete parcels or Iot��t Trustes'9 discreUon.
<br /> 14. Feoa and�acp�!+�m•In the event Trustee st►Ils the Properry by exercise ot Powet of sale.T�usteo shatl bo entiUed to eppTy
<br /> nmy sale proceeds 11rst to paymant oi uil costs And expensos o!exercfsSng power af sata,IncludlRg at!Tru,.a+ee's tees,and Lander's
<br /> LL� p�c3Trusic�ci'sa«arrsG'i'ctec�.actu3ltytrtCUrredtoextentpormittadbyapplicabl8law.ln:h0eventQ4rrowerarTruatorexerctsesany _>
<br /> s dght provided by taw to cure an Evont of Deteult,Lenddr shall be entiUe�to recnver froae Yrustve all costs end oxpenso3 actu�ity 4�_.
<br /> Incurred no a r�su�t ot Trustor's defuut�Incle�ding viithout iimftaUan all Tn�steo's sn�attomey's(ees,to the extent purmitted by -
<br /> nppt:c..�bta law.
<br /> �. 1�. �utur�i�dva+�c�e�l�Don �cquost of Borrovuor,Landor may,at Its opifon,malco addiUonal and tuturo advuncns and ra-
<br /> � ndvuncas to Barrowor.Such advancos nnd rQ3dvAncos,�vlth interastthnraon,ahail bo r.�curusi by thla Dead of Yrast At no tin�o shall
<br /> u�,o�t�•���n�mm�untof Qhe Indebteclness secured by this Dead o4 Trus�.no,t�I�n�I�u�,d�n��ms advW A�ncQe`dio`p%tt�tho aecurity o1 this
<br /> .. ---�--- - _
<br /> p�c�of Yrust.exceed i.�e orir�ina!prirtc(Q.^.f�IitOU►i4�kIT�3O nsrcnn.o�a ------ ..---.---- --� -
<br /> lg.�(OCQ�t!lOili�f0Yf9}Otit.
<br />�" {o)Bosrovwr Kat 8rie��md.Extension of tho t�me tor paymant or maditicatlan of amorU�tion ot tPs�::ims aQCUrus�by this
<br /> �•s peed of 7rust granted by lender to r�ny successor in iatarast of Bornower shall not operatn to reloa5o,in any mannar,thQ liabUiiy
<br />:;`, of tho arfIIfnal 8orreswer gnd�onorr�ror's suecossor3 in fnt�rest Lendor s�all�not tt�requirod tm commenco proceQdings ag3lnst
<br />' sucii succnssor or�e�uso to eMOnd tlme lbr payment arott�erwi;.a modify emort�za�ion ot ihe eums sacurad 6y th(s Oaed ot Trusi
<br />.;'�;' by Qeason of any demandy madr��y Uie origlnal B9rrower snd Bnrrower's saccessors In Intcrest.
<br /> (b)E.ar:dfe'�Powe�a.Without attcsating the�IaOflity of ony other parsan IEabto for tt�e paycnant ot any obtiflation herafn
<br /> monLOno@,nnd�Et�out attacUng tho Ila»or char�a of thls Deed o1 Trust upor�any pnNon ot t?to Properry notthen ar therotoiora
<br /> released as se�urtty tor tha tull pmaunt of¢EI unpatd ahltgatlor�s,Londer may.trom tima toUme a�d without noUce(i)mlesase orry
<br /> person so liabto,�ii)oxtQnd f7i�maturity or�lter any of tha term3 ot any 3uch obligatlons.(ifi)grant other indutgQnce4,(tv)relEasa
<br />=;;� or reJonvuy,ar causa to be rotr3ased ar raconuoy�d at sny timo ut LFmder's opti�n any parcel,portian nr mtl of tho Froporty.
<br /> ;;.� (v)take or rei�asa any othe►or adrlitlonal securiry tor any obl;gatlon ho�Qln menttaned,or(vf)mIIka compositions or othor
<br /> r�nangemQnts wlth d2btore in relatSore thereto.
<br /> ..
<br /> � � �..
<br /> . • !
<br /> ._---•--_____.__..___�_-----,
<br /> .---_......_._,
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