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'-1,1`,fi{7l�3'.4Y�"1f��fi4pD.G��..'.�� ...(i'SfC:. . .._. .._. ., ... . _ . , . . . . �►�a�ti .. <br /> -_ ,�J : .� . �_�...� s��F�s�; ;k t;.a;..�-:e:`�:iff'�, , .�c�^F��+:ct .�as��.:e�.. ,._._._._..._, <br /> - �`�'�tti0125C�.. �. ..._.�J..l'4i:�L-�.:�dJ.�� . • �' �g <br /> -f,:rs��nci 7f+[!9►ytti�IHiFillf�'it �UOwi�i���7r7[ti�.wvv,rl . <br /> .._ :. ., ..�.... _....� a .� . � - <br /> _ : �VL..:t� �i�rt�► ..6" __�..,...,.._...�............. ..e..�.-.._..,..... � _ <br /> -- ,_...� wt�c+�m rau;iL�p+��:t�asglt�.. .�.... __��... .. _... .. �. <br /> _ _ ,_ <br /> —__ � __ <br /> titaTruMrr�r, .---� Q . ._._._,..,.._._ _._..._,._-.--..._...,�._-.�._...,�..... <br /> P.:l. I]Ogf 1591� Crrend Island. N� �66882 - ----- „ it�r'Mr�"TYut1�s"��u� <br /> wha�e rr�liir+�e��reQL 1: ..�.�.-..,.--...._.._...°-.--...,..-.'°.� - . , - <br /> �. _ . <br /> F� �'rsAata Bank °"""'"' <br /> the eena�c�ary. .....-.--�------ <br /> --- , <br /> 701� H. B�aadwoli Grend Y�1wnd. I�E. Fs8AD2-15f07 _�„__._(here�lr►"lrandsr'?. <br /> — who�rtraiiin�adG��a ia • �----�- onty J Hsslenf�ltlt � <br /> FOR NALUAdl.�COiVSIDERJ►T�OW.�ncludln�Lender'e e�tenalon of credlt Ider�HHed horsln� <br /> 6 Anreie !S Hadenfe�dt �_____, (hereln"Bo�rrpwor",vrhethgr:,��a or more)and the truet ha►�In cre�ted, <br /> the rxcalpt oi vrhlch le Nereby acMnowted�ed,Trueter hereby ISf8Y0CQbly g�8ltts,tranaters,cAnveys end asnlpn�to Truawe�IN <br /> -� TfiUST,W��H��RbFSALE,forthebensf�tanduscurltyatLesnder,underandsubJecttotfletermea�ndenndlUan�harslru�Hersst <br /> _� <br /> twM,ths red wroperty,de�cribed as tollaws: _ <br /> - i.ui Sa�"oC. t?) 4�YCHEY SF�9�:�T1� SUDDTVISION CI7`Y UF GA11HU IS1,AllD, ➢�ALL C[iU e <br /> HEERA�BA. <br /> - =.�:�rm�.;�ww_ra <br /> _ _ -°_�� ��`_i�-. <br /> w_����,�.� Tagether wlth ell bulldl�s��Improvement�,flxtures,streete.eilnYs,�aasageways,eesen�eMe,rl9hfa•P>'Ivl�apea and appuMe- <br /> �nnce�lacat9d thereon or In anywlso perta�nlnp thereto,end the rents,I�suee end protlte,r�ve�'slons��ot�at�fd�he��fl a d <br /> ��- such p ar3onal ProPertY Yha��e attached to the Improvoments eo aa to constltute a ilxture,Includ(np, <br /> ---� coollnfl equlpmen�and tosotber wlth Sha homestoa d or mar l t e l in t e r e s t e,t f a n y,w h l c h I n t ar osts ara hereby rel�aeed and wa(ved:all _ <br />=-��:���+���� 04 whlch,Mcl�ding roplacements and additions thereto,Is heroby dectared to ba A paR of the real estate secured by tl�e Ilen of lhla - <br /> �����_� Dead of T�ust and ell 01 the toregolnp being reterred to hereln a9 tho"Property"• _ <br /> -_---=:-a� a�„�_�.., e„e�.;;r•��avUannr�d by a nramt$sory note or crecJit <br /> � :,a_�i iiit9 iJ9O0 Oi�fUSL 311a17 BBCUf9(6j iite(inyniViii vi Qi�o Nnuo{Na.oJ.^•!....�.. _— <br /> %�-«�_,?�,� �_ . �ato4�er 31pt 1995 , <br /> ""���?-"'t��',� agreem�nidated A,pril 20tt� l�J`35 —,�BV�flp et maidiu`y uat'v 8, <br /> "�.'`�=` 2P1.000.Q10 <br />�°�'F�` : �� in tho orlglnal princtpal amount of S ,and any and ell Pnoditicatlona,extenslons and ronewal9 <br /> y���n�;�+; �`� thoreo!or thereto and eny and all future advances end��advances to BorrorKet(ror any of thom H moro tia�el one)hereundsr <br /> v--. �-�.. .. pureuant to one or enure p►amissory notes o�cr e d l t agraernents(hereln called"Nate'�;(b)the payment of ether suma advanced by — <br /> '���_•�'�_��: Lertder to prot&ct the securlty ot the Note;(c)the per�o►manee ot all coven�nt�end egreements of Tnintor set tortt�hsreln;and(d)sIl _-- <br />--;�` ��� � ' present and tuture indeb:edness end obfigations of Borrovyer(or eny ot them It more than one)to lender whethar direa�Indlrect, �__'_ <br /> ��"'�`��`',. absolute or conUngent end whett3er arlale��by note,guaranry,overdratt or othervvlse.Tho Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all _ , <br /> ��� 6 Ya other dxuentethat secure the Note or oiherwlse executed In connecUon thorowlth,Inctuding without Ilmlte.tlon guara�tees.securtty �=:� <br /> �'��' ' ' egreemente rsnd asslAnmente of leases and re�ta,shall be r�fer�ed to herein as t�e"Loan Documenis". ti-�=. <br /> �!��� . �s�:��. <br />'��•�''� � Truster cavenants ard agreas wNh Lender as follows: �- <br />���Y�+�: ; �� s' �, �,r„�„t a�„�.b�,,..a.AI!Indebtedness secured heraby shaU be patd when due. <br />-�;;xi`'.:�'.�..,_ � - <br /> :__,�,_,�,� � 2. T i i N.T r u s t o r I s t h e o w n sr of tho Pro pe r ty,h6s the rlght anal authorlty to convoy the Property,and warrants that the Ilen ,:V;. <br />- -r� ..:'�-15-�?�, <br />-^,,.;�,�-_II, creatod hereby Is a first end prlor Iten on 4he Property,except for UQns and encum br�rtces s e t f o r l h b y T r u s t o r i n w r i t i n g and `:_ <br />� }, �- dellvered 4o Lender be9ore exocutton of thts Deed ot Tnsst,and the dxecution and Cetivary o9 thfa Deed of Trust does notvlolate eny ���_ <br /> 4;-�;,���. , contrac4 or aiher obligaUon to wNlch Trustor Is subJoCt <br />'�;-'"s!'' - - 3. Taxta.Aas��m�nt�•To pay hetore deCnquency all texes,speclal assessmonto ar+d ell other chargos m�Nnst the Proporty �'__ <br /> �` = -,.ti,�: now or hereafter levlad. -�'�� <br /> -��}�'{•°•� 4. In�u[tunee.To keep the Properiy Insured agalnst damage by tire,hazards Incl udod+althln the term"extendod coverage",and � _ <br /> :c:.;�, r.�.a.� �4.::,.. . <br />__.;,.;?� .�,�,t;!j`, su�h other hr�rards as lendor may requlre,In emounts and wlth companl�s accepteble to Lender,namf�g Lender a9 en addfUonal � � <br /> :;:,;:�,;.t�.�ti „ � named fnaured,with Idss+payabta to tho lendsr.In case oi loss under such poltctos.Ihe Lende�Is authorized to adjusf,cal�set and <br /> ��r �::�•.r. � compromise.all clafms thereunder and shalt have the option of applytng all or part of the Insurance praceeds(i)to any Indebtedrtess <br /> "�� oecured heroby and In such order as Lenc2er may dete►mine,(ii)to the T►ustor to ba used for the repalror rostaraUon ntthe Pr�porry <br /> __..{ ,�,,..- . <br />'���-: '��r' ,. j or(lih tor any other purposs or obJect satlstactory to Lender wlthout atfecttng the Ilen of Nls Deed of Trust for the tull amount securerl . <br />-:_-�Y_; ' °••;. ; tvareby beSoro su�h payment ever took pface.Any appllcatfon oi proceeda to Indebtadness shall nat exten�d crr postpone tho due <br />:Li*•��� •°��� I daiv o!any payments under the Note,or cure any default fhereundar or hereunder. <br /> � 6. Escrow.Upon vrritton domand by Lender,Trustor aha�l pay ta Lender,ln auch manner as Lvnder may desf9nate.�u�i�ient <br /> ;_ �-.'- '�. � .. <br /> "-� �`?'?�` `:: � sums to anable Lender to pay as they beaome due one or more of the tollav�Ing:(q el l taxes,assessments and other charges agatnst <br /> � y��� ��= the Proparty.pq 4ho premlums on the property InsuranaA requtred hereunder,and p l l)t he premfums on an y rer�rtgags insurence <br /> '�`�`-.°'__:.,`�'x requtred by lender. <br /> � �:W,�,;�-�r'�''j�•. 8. Mtlnt�nanc�. Rtpaln arod Comptl���co wtth Lawa 7rustor shall keop tho Proporty fn gaod condltlon ae�d repalr,shall <br /> - •� ��. prampUy repalr, or rtsplace any Im�xovement whlCh may be damaged or destr�yed;shall not commlt or permit any waste or <br /> • -• � �� datartorutlon o!6�e P�opertY,ahatl not removo.demolish or substart8aliy after any of tho Improvements on the Praperty:�hatl not <br /> w'�:�t`..,=�..>:;� � commlL autteror qemnitnny act to bo dor+u in os upon the Property In vtolatlon of sny law,ordlnaact�,or rc�ulation;nnd shs�p p�y and . <br /> �,'-.;;� _�.,�� promptly dtscharge a4 Yr�nstor'a co�t artd expense ell Ilens,ertcumbmncos and charges levted,Imposed or a8sessed agslnst lhe <br />'-' �'-^�•�• Property or any part thersot. <br /> -`= ,. ...r.rt �� 7 EmSn�nt Damaln.Lendvr Is horeby essigned all componsation,awards,damages and othor payments or reflef(herslnpftor <br /> � .. .� "Rroceed�'�in connccUon with condemnnUon or other taking of tho Proporty or part thereof,or tor conveyanco In Ilou of condemnu- <br /> . . . _ ._. :, Uan.Lender ahatl h0 enUtlod at Its optlon to commonce,e�ppear In and prosecuta in ib own numo any actlon or proc�edtngs,and <br /> shalt ntso bo cnU4lod to maku eny compromisc+or setttomont 1�connectlnn with euch laking or damage.In the event any portion o1 <br /> , � <br /> �,,o c��.�av m sn mker►mr damafled,Lender shnll have tho optlon,ln Its�oio and absoluto discroUnn,to npply all 3uch Proceads, <br />-� -- =--- ----'- ,.....nanvGvaohfndnaa46Qt'.liTCf� <br /> -�_ <br /> �V=�''"`'��yY� fl1t8f dOtlUCtiI10 th81t9ft0II1 811 CO�m Q�d Qxp�?n�es mc�RCa ov a in con�e�uor�p������.���•w°°�-�^•^•• --' <br /> hereby rand fn su�h order ae Lendo►•may dotarmlrto,or to nppty oll such Procead..aftcr ouGh deductlona to tho restoretlon of tho � <br /> �� Proporty upan such condiUons na L3nd�r may dotormtno.Any eppllcAilon ot t�rccccd�to Endabtednsss shalt not oxtend or pastpone <br /> '��- � - the d(.!�t�o date of r�ny payments undar tho Noto.or cure any detault Moraundar or hareundar.Any uneppllod 4unds shall be pald to <br /> - . �.14 •.j'` , ��9LY�• � . <br /> Y;° . . •- B. P��smancs by L�sd�s•Upan Lhe accurrenae ot en Even4 of IDatautt h�raunder,or it any c�ct Is tekan or 1�gul proceeding <br />';�;�, � ' ' commencad whlch materialty aKocb Lunder's Inturost In tho Prop�rty,Lender may in Ib own dlscreUon.but wtthou4 obt!@�Uon to do <br /> �'F` "' � � so,an�l wlU�ou9�eotlea to or domand upon Tru�tor and wilhoui�eteasing'M�stor irom ony obltgatlon,do any act wrhlch Tros.or has <br /> � ay�eed buY talla to do nnd may atso do eny othor aot tt d�ma neceasary to prota�t the securlry horoot.Yrust4r shall,fmme�lntery <br /> upan demnnd therofor by t.undur,pay t6 Lender ell costs und expensas Incu�red and aams exponded by l.ender I�s connc�ctlan wlth <br /> `''�. ' thoex�rclse by Lendorof lhebregolnp rights.togathor wllh Intaro3t lhereon attho delaultrc►to provldod In lho Notv,whtch sl�all bu <br />�;.'t;.���yl , ,: ,;:, nd@esf to the Indebtedness eocuned horeby. Lendsr ehe!I not InGUr ony Ilabllity bucauso n1 anytt�trtg It�ray da or Umlt to do <br /> .=.Y�:.-' " a hereunder. <br /> - ?P. <br /> - • • , r . � <br /> . . . I. <br /> _ .__. .... .._.._ .. _. _ -___ . __ �.._... __._, <br /> � - -- - � <br /> _.. --- - <br /> _. .. . <br /> . _ ,z,.-- .... .-.....�.a ati -- ----_.. __ <br />