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<br />.y ...., �',}ter�rd or PrvpMg taccrontt.� Ho�rowv Jull keep u4:unprovcmrnh now eximing or haeafta aa�d on Ne Propacy
<br /> iswai eRavut !oss by i�c, ha�ads incl�tlol wiJUn the lmn 'utrnda�covay{c" aiM anY otha be�d9.ixludin6 Iloods�r
<br /> ❑iwtlin¢.fm vhich tendv requires inres�a�..'Ria inewmce siull Ce mainrained'm IIw emmmb end(w the pviod��Fat lrndQ
<br /> � rcqu've..T+c inswenro cartiv Po•�dm8�c'w�vm�ce eiW10e Nox�bY Ba�ow<r abl�ro imdv'�NPa'a�whkA e1Wi�
<br /> bc uv:�cr.ahiy vi,4Ae:1 It Brnmwa fais m mai�pm mvuage decribed ebove, 1nWU may. tt In�deS option. obtan
<br /> wver,.r,c to{m�tca Isndu's.ighw in iAe Pco,wty in es,rLmme wiN pmagaph 7.
<br /> �AII lnsur.iace�licin vNaencwaLv she3'I de xaymum ro Irntlm mM ehell inclutle a smndffid monga3e clause.l�.d¢aheli
<br /> havc Nc right m hoid Ne Fwlkic end renrwaLv.If Itnda�enuiies,Bmrowa shall prompHy give lo Lender ell raciPts o(paid
<br /> p�anium�entl renewal noous.]n Ne even[o[bss,8ortowv alail grve prompt noGCe m Ne inv�e rsma end 1Rndrl_Isnda
<br /> .maYma'xcpmotoflossJ�wtm�:.pivmpc'rybYBOrtower. . � . �
<br /> � Unlett:.enda nnd Borrc:va olhawire egrte in writmg,Nvunna pr�ceeds sM1all he appiied ro rtsro�stlon or repair o[Ihe
<br /> Pm�rsty danmgai,'rF thc resnrstio�m ee;ia'v is aonomicelly�feasibie and Lendv s ssuriry iv na lecuned.If the reanrztion or
<br /> rtyav is not economically(e:uible or Iznder's ucurity would be tuuned,the Nsuiance pvvcxds shsll be eppti� b�he sums
<br /> �rcured by �his $aurity Inswment,.wLeNo-m not Nm due, wvh a+ry aces yaid b Bmmwa. If Bormwa ebandons tAe
<br /> ProErr,y,or tlas mt snswc wiutiin 3C days a notlw Gom Imdn Maz tM'vumenm cmric haa afiuW m.ttnle a cla'un,thm
<br />* :.enarr:oaY coVat Rie insv�aace P��<tds.Lendm maY uu Ihe pttrecdc m�epair m�esm�e�he Pmprrty m ro FBY s�ms setturA
<br /> by Ni<Sa�,uity Instrummt whe�M1cr w no�thrn due.]fie 30-day pviod will beg'vi whm llic no6ce u givm.
<br /> ll
<br /> tiNC:s trntlu ond bo.rowa othawise egrte'v�wriGng,any eppliraLOn of p�ocrds t�pemcipal s�ell not exmntl m posryonc
<br /> 1hc Euc dTte af tl:c manR:lY paYmenfs retrnvA W in peregephs 1 nnd 2 rn aSange!he eroount of the payments.If wdv pa�agreph
<br /> 2i Ne Preperty is acqwred by Lcader. Hortower's dght�o enYNSwance poticies and pmceeds resul<�g fmm danuge m the
<br /> . .3 . • Pmrc.ry prior tc the arqusioun snail pass N]aider b�he ezlent of�he swis sxwW by this Sa�uity Lvvument immedivety
<br /> pr.orroWcuquisiGaa � �
<br /> 6.Occspancy.Preservetbn�Maintenentt sntl ProtMbn of Ihe Proµun�; Aorrower's Loan Applicalian{Lexsenolds.
<br /> IIortower shali acupy,a�26hsh,and um the Propny az Bor.owo-'s prirzcipal msid:nce wifhin suty�days alet�he e�au�on ot
<br /> :liis StturiN I!sshument a^A siu�ll coniinue N arupY:he�y az Borrower's p�ineipai residrnce tor ffi lean one yeer afv tAe
<br /> � �dam c!c:cu�a�y. �vless L:.�du oiherwise e�eei in wrifinfi, whuh cenun: ghall not be umumnabiy wiNheW, or unlsss
<br /> y exxnuaGng citcumsev:crs e?isl v�'�.ich aze beyond B��rtowa'S control.Aormwa SAall nIX deSVOy,damage m impa'v Ne Pmperty,
<br /> z'�ow Ne P:oc�ry m Lt2�ivate, or comnit was¢ on Ihe Pmpe�ty. :;ortowa shall be �� A-�=_��! i(eny lorftiuve ecuon or
<br /> cw!rAing,wh^:n¢Gvii nr aiminzl.is�gun Uu[ii l.enda'x good failh ju7gmen[couid ravit in(or@iuue o(Ihe Prvpeny or
<br />` � �� c�tcrwac ra�cti:lly�impa�i Ne Lai cros�M by Nis Sxssiry Inswment or[zndds sxvrity int<+ul 9^^owa may cure such a
<br /> de(ault vn� rci�sla�c, az pm��i�eil in Fa?S�Pfi 18, by tausing�he a�on or p�ocreding m he Citmissed wi�h e ru�iny Nat, in
<br /> IUeda s;a:d ftiG�tleicnni�n¢on,precludes Codeiru�e.of IAe Bortowefs mrems[in tM1e Pmoer;y or olhcr maleriai impavment of
<br />� r, `: F 1'-n cr2ie3 by Uis Sxurry Inewmem or Lender's.securiiy in;auL Portower shzli also h in default if Borrower,dur.rtg the
<br /> �. � lo +�pi„^;ion przices, gave materialty faise or inazttvare inlormation or statemenw m Lendm(or(vlr4 to provide Lendcr with
<br /> :�:y m m '�I in(ertna[on) m mnn«�on w^t� �he lomi evidenced by �he Nole, including, hut na limited to, represen�a�or.s
<br /> p�� . m�c nii.g Bortowei s a,cupaney of fie Pro�uriy u a 4�ncipal residence If Ihis SxunN lnstrumen:is an e leauhoid,Borrower
<br />�� shu.mmpl�wi�h cl:the pmvmens�f�he Icux.U Hortowu acyu'u�e fm���•.A Ihe Proputy.�5e Masehold and the[ce 6�e shali
<br /> � no ne ge�nl ss Ieudw agrees�n�he merger in wnting.
<br />��°d.s�y ] Protecl on r.f Lentler's Rights in!he Propert;. I�Hotrowa ta;l.s m perfortn IAe covenanls and agrecmence conctined in
<br />"��.�.� :hs Ssu t� Insr.vmen4 or ihere �s a Icgal preceeding Riaz may vg�ffmantly af[ect Lentler's righw in tLe Ftvperty (wch as a
<br />� n"t� p:� xei r in b�mkn:prcy,pro!szte,for condemua�on ar Po,iciture or W rnfo�ce laws or reguUtions),wen Lendu may do and pay
<br /> (o �u e cr a nceesc�ry to pmrcct Ne vN�:of ihe Floperty and Lcader s nEh¢m the�trty.Lendc's echons mey mciude
<br />�5� V�' Y �^Y .�ms secumd Gy a Lrn which has pnonty ava Nu Secant Instrumw4 eppanng m coun, paymg rcamnnAlc
<br /> .cc rcy (rrs and en�enne on Jie Rqrny 10 make repaus.Alihough Lenda may mke ecCOn unda�hu parag�aph 7,4ndu
<br /> r �*� doc.,��[naetodoso � . � � �
<br />�"" MY a�nes disbmc�by Icnda under iha paragreph 7 5ha11 becomo edENOnaI debt of Horzower securM hy liis Secunly
<br /> �,,; 7nsm.nicn� Lnass IIortower and Lend�a� ro oNer tums o(paymen4 ���wunts shall bear ia�crest imm .Ae da¢o:
<br /> Cun,usunent at�he Nore ram and shall be payabic,with initres4�p���noece trom Lendv m Bmmwu reqr.esliry��aym.aL
<br /> h.htortgoge I¢suruuce.�t[[rn�a requireA mongage inswance as a conGiuon of mxJcing the toen seaa�by Nu Saurny
<br /> � ' I�.u:rur.=r.4 1loerower r;uli pay Ne premiums mqui�M m main�ain �he mortgage inswsnce in eRecG II, for eny reason, ihe
<br /> � mrnt5zgs inrv2n;z mvetage ra�c'ved by Lend•a Iapses or ceates lo Ce in etiat,Borzoau sM1all Oay Ne premiums required m
<br /> ra
<br /> nbtun wvecage wb-uneially equivaiem ro thc mortgagc�insurance preriously in effa4 az e cest mbstamieily equivalent m ihe
<br /> r�c[ m Bormwtt of ihe mortgage inmr,ince Omviously in eflee4 �rom an ellrma�e mongage insurer apymved by Isndec If
<br /> subsiaitially rquivalent monga3e inmrance mverage is rtot nvailab!e,Bortowc shell pey to Lendu exh month a sum equd Ir
<br /> ore�twcifVi u!1he ycariy mongage insu+anr�prcmium being;�id by Bortoaer when ihe insuranee wvmage Ispsed or ceavA b
<br /> . T± cc in c(fac Lender will accep4 use and rGain.�hese paymen6 as u loss tc'me in Gu�. of mongage insurence. Loss ee,wvc
<br /> . x.
<br /> � � � F m]04! V�90
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