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<br />�,.. � 95-SQ�A57
<br /> TOCE'IHFh wi'iFi at1 Ne imv�v�nenu�now a nars(ic rix[ed on Ne ympvty.v�d sIi eaxmenu,ap(�iutrnancc�.antl ,
<br /> � � �iuva ro or htru:�cr a pan of�hc�noperty.All replsemenu nnd eddiuons slWl aLv 6e covaei by Nu Senviry InswmmL �
<br />�. A,c:�� to 6�..q.s rtCcrtcd In m LLlls Scvriry lnsvumrnt az tAe'MOpa�y." �
<br /> 9 �.,YOVrEii CO'+GYANiS �hat Horroxa is lawfvl:y�ud of itn-.amm herzby conv��M and haz Ne right lu granl ona
<br />..� cm.�cy ac e;oprm, end that tlic i!opaty is uncricumhveA, except fm arcvmMenca of rea�rd.Hormwc wa�ruiu und w01
<br />�� dc2nd g � r'�.) tl'.^.tic m Nc Pmp�iy aga�nst ell ciai�rs and dananC+,svbyst m 2ny asvmbrvices o(rzcmd.
<br /> y ]HIn SECURITY [YS'fALMEM combina m:i(mm covrnanu (ot ne5onal use and ntm-uniLmm cov�nanLa wilh Wniled
<br />�� rr.+.00 s'+.j uv�icmn m constimv;a unifm.m securiry msuumrnt covaing rW qmpaty.
<br /> LTIFOR�7 COV�v.4Nf5.Aorrowtt m�61.c�drr mvvunt antl egree m(olioe+x:
<br /> 1.1'aymentofPdndpalaotlloteresqPttpaymentB�d{.ekC�erges. Bonnwe( shell promolly pay when due Wc
<br /> � Fn^��P�c(an�i iN�r.at oa lhe'debt c�iAenced by Ns Nom and srty p`epaymm[nnd late charga due under�M1e No¢.
<br /> R Fued�for Taxa end Iavunnce. Subjxt m app6cnble law m W a wri�n waiva by I.enda, Bortowtt sAall �ay m
<br /> I<r.ds on ihc Day mon4�ly paymrna arc due wErs the No¢.unril Ihe No¢is�aid in full,a svm("FmMi)[m:(a)ymly la a
<br /> aau aocssmaitt which infi'atlain P�mi•7 ova iAu SecuriN G�mu_^snt as a lirn au Ilu P+oF�T�Y:@)YealY li'w�ehold PaY^�ena
<br /> m Sm�md rcns on Or AvPenY.if enY:(c7!'cv7Y hazsri m V�oP�Y'vummice praniums:(d)Yw1Y Iicod ins�vana PT�n�wvs,i(
<br /> nnY: (e).�esi_�menRTBe'usse�ce F*�ium��i(my:and(�mry sums payeble bY dortowQ to[amdn.in axo�danu wi�h the
<br />-a � pmvlswns oi pararc+ph 8, in licu of the paymmt o(mongege inau�ance p`emiums. 7Auec ifpns me wlled "EVCmw irtnu."
<br />� LaiLer� a any tux.mllxt m�d fiold Fmds in an amomt�wt m uceEd�he muimum emomt a imder fm a fedvallY'��i
<br /> .ertgaFc i,,.� ma5 }qmre im Bmroaa's esavw amm�u�da fie fedral Real Fsaze Sevlanrnt AvcW�ars Act of 19'!a g
<br />''�{ m nileA iro.-n uma w ume.]2 LiS.C.Seceon 2601 et se4. C�PA').unlss m�oNer Iaw that a�li�m the Funds sets a I¢ur
<br />�, ,:moum�1( m L°.ndu may az any time, mllec� and hoiC Funds m � smow[not b e�tted tLc!nvr amounL Lenda mey
<br /> .ir.ial�1he amount o�Fu�tls due on�he basis oC cwrene date and rcamnable estimares of expendinvn nf f�9ve Eamw Irema or
<br /> � oL,uuvse a x:cerdance crN app.icable lew. �
<br /> 'fie Funds shNl be held m en mstiC�fion adose depasitv me insurcd by a federd egency,instrummtaJity,et entlty(incWdmg
<br /> Lender. d:.ender is [uch an ms!imtion)or m any FeArrnl Home loan Aank. I.rnda 5ha:1 npply�he Furid^,W pay�he S�emw
<br />�'� items Isnder may not ch�rge Hortower(or holdmg und applying IAe Funds,annualiy arialyring the escmw eccoun[,or ven(ying
<br />� �Sc ck e,v/.uvs,unleis tender pays Hortowa i�¢rest on the Funds end a,plicable law pertniis Lendw b mzke s�,ch e charge.
<br /> }in.ve cr L:, dcr may r qu:rc llortower m pay a une-fime charge for an i�dependent ceal espm�u reporlmg service u[ed by
<br />�� L.�uu s nwcon wi;h �his loan. ��N:ss npplicahle Iam prc^is o�:mvvse. C�nless an agmemmt is m:Me or a0�!icable Iaw
<br />�, .,vira in�r•est W be paid,Len�icr shall not be ceqrsired m pay Bortowv any inarest ar pmings on the Funu�. uortowv and
<br /> .sn::cr ray a�m in anlinS.howwer,mat in�erest shall be ptid on�he Funds.Ler,dtt slWl give m Bonower.wuhout charge,an
<br /> ,nnu;�aom;�r.3 of�he Fu�ds,ehowing credies a�d debits:o�he Fwds and the puryose(m whkh exb debit Io�he Fmds wfs
<br /> � m�.Ce.The FunSS ve pledgcd u addi�onal securip�(er all svms secured by N¢Security Instrumen�
<br />�. � :f�he Funds held by Lenda exm.etl Ne amounts permined m M1e hcltl by apF��nble law,Ltndet shall gcoun:to Herrower for
<br /> C.e excess Fuvds ir,a,cord.nce wiRi the reyuimmenls oC apP4cable I�w.If�he amount o(li¢FmES hei0 by Lender e[any Gme is
<br /> mt su[5:irnt L�pay�he 6scrow Items when duq Lender may m aoG[y Borrower in vmting,and,in such ease Barzowtt shill pay
<br /> `� m is der Ihc aTOVnt .:ceessary m !:wke up Ne deCmiency. Bartnwa *.'IWI aukn up Ne deficiency in no more :han twelve
<br /> x�, r,ion�ht ➢a�nc�6,a[Lendervmle�'.iscrelian. �
<br />>'� U�n paymen:in(uii of NI sums srured by this Secunty Instnment.Lcnda sha'1 promp;ly mfund w 6ortaxer eny Funds
<br /> heid Ty Lendec If,u�der puagraph 2L i.ender shall acquire or uIl Ne Property,Leniler,prior m the xquiviGon or sale of J�c
<br /> i'mperty, shaJ �pply any Fuvds held by Lcnder az�M1c une ot acquisi'ion or sale cz e crcai agains�the sums sccured by this
<br /> Smuni}InswmmL � � �
<br /> 3.Application of Paymen[s. �Unicsv applicabie law provides o�Aernise,all�ymenu received by Lenda untla paragraph�
<br /> . I ar.d 2 shall bc appGcd: lirs4 w any prcpaymcnt chargu�duc undcr�he Nou::ssnnd�,iu amounts payab�und¢parugraph 2;
<br /> U�iE,:o ms^C,due,(eunh,ta principal duc;xnd Lvt,�u any latc cherges due untler ihe Noie.
<br /> . 4.Cl�arqes;Liei�s. Bortowu shall �xy all uxu.assessments,cAarges, fines and impositions athibutsble m �e Propeny
<br /> �which;:�; e�am nnonty over this Security Inswment,a�d teasehold payments or gmund ren!s,if any.Hortowu shall pay�hesc
<br /> ebiigacans ii he:nxnntt yrovide-0 in�aragraph 2,or i(not paid in Nat manntt,Horrower shall�ay them on iime d'vecUy�W�hc
<br /> �' y�.rmn o cd paymenL Borrower sh�ll promyily fvm:sh m Iri:da all notices of amounls m be paid mder�Ais pa�agrsph. J
<br />� Borrn c�m.ues�hese paymer.tv dvec0y,Bonowa shall pmmpily fumish to Lendv rseip6 evidrncing�he pwmen¢
<br /> iio v <r sh,�11 p�omp0y d�xharge any licn which has prior.ry ovu ihis Smurity!nsUUment uolese BormwQ. (a)agrtu in
<br /> y�s'� wnv:ig .o he pa�ment of ihc nb(igaLOn tecu.reA by ihe Hw m a mannv acceptable m Lenda;@?conlntt in genci fti�h N<licn
<br />�? by, n. d `^nds against en[orcemmt of thc lien in, legal preceedings which in Ne Irnda's opinion operale a pavat the
<br />'� ec(orecm rt of;he Iien.er(e) vxmes fmm U1e ho7Cer o!�M1e lia.av ageeanent saGSfacmry m�ndet subordinaling Ne lien m
<br /> �.i:Scv q �nsinimenL If Lcrda Ae�ermmcs Ihal eny pa�e ot Ne Property u subjxt b e Grn wh¢h may aCain pnority over this
<br /> Sawry Inswmmt.Lender maY 6i�e ilmrowa e nMCC idnhty'vrg Ne Grn.Bortowa shall satis(y ihe lien m lilce one m mme
<br /> ofJ.c �c'm. x !oN:above.vilA•n10daYsof�hcbavinga�nah¢. �
<br /> F md0289/BO
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