d � I�r.
<br /> r k
<br /> + .��a,��.:a���°'�"-..N°'�S�'�e"'s�n Ilp�lCk. �w'
<br /> YYA�i__ . . . � . .. . . . . . . . . -. . . . . .
<br /> RY.Ti�. � . .... .._...�
<br /> �� `
<br /> �`•. ��95— �!??..q�'7
<br /> .�` . 9. Na ard �m P9n atlai+ T o.M sn��_�keep fha Pmperty In compiiance wIM all eppllca0le lews,oN nancen e reqvletlom
<br /> {,�„ olaf a lo IKtl :. lall ya� on o renfa�prutec(on!colloctively relerceEta harel �as !n ronmental Lewe'�.Twtor 9M1B11
<br /> �, kcep I�eP p. ly(e ..o o��:ob6lancefEeemadtob�M1axOrdousOrloxcuntle�anyE �on enlallewS�colie[IlvelymiBrtaOlo
<br /> 1�` 1 0� S Y�IZdIdOOM 2L0b'�.TW�C �9ebywarren(santlrop�eSenUbLenGarlM1dPoerearznoHazarEOUaMetetlalsvnor
<br /> I > � u De OeP yarty Tr ator�ereoy B e� � � ndemnlfyzvtlholChermlassLertler �.G�recfo+.atlicem,empleyaeean�agenS,enG
<br /> ��� a ys cce.eomiola� fe.alnlVrns;Irpm2degelnsta�yanEelicinima tlsmage;loaaceentlllabilltiesar19in9���onnBCtleowiN
<br /> Ibe p ese a i�s d o<sN or tran..pon.c�eny HozeNOVS Meierlals on untler,from m eDOUt tM1a PropeM�THE FOREGOING
<br /> 0. A .B�montof8erta.Tru:brheretyusigns!oLantlerlhare Is issn santlFOfmolMeProperty pmviEetlthetTmstor
<br /> � sj sn�l fl@aoccu oi,.nEVentof0eleulihererntleqheve�herlg tloccll enntiretalnaueM1ranis ssueeeMprofiMaeNey
<br /> bew e d an!f q y ble.Jnen IDe occurrenca ol 1n Evont of Oefauq LanEa� ay �ithar In person or Oy epant wIN or wlMVV:
<br /> , � '�� 9 9 Y���� C�ocee 11ng pr by a rece vet appo nteE by e caurt entl�xlIDOUI Bgmti�o Me a[eqvecy a11b 9BCUdly.emer
<br /> upo atakzposs s . inzPropery,ornnypertL�ereo' nlsownnameornthnnameafMeTrualava�dEOe^yecbw�ichit
<br /> js��^,'{ dertsnec -aryo s- bieworaserveNOwWamerketetilyortentx'vlryctNePropeery.aranypeaiM1aradvmarastMnreln,
<br /> �y�'t � c ePSa th�Ieco M1 ei�m or p�otsct fhe s=cur ry horeol ontl with or x%thout taking�ossession ol tbe?r�peM1y.aua Nr or
<br /> � i� o�e ri se colieci �-�s ..sves antl pra�ts!hereo[Incivtl rg Muse past Eue enE unpa d and apO�Y So suno less costs anC
<br /> expa sesniopci tun� dcAectieninclutl!�geY.oaoy3lees.oponenylndzhtatlnexsaecuretlnereby.ellins�cho•derasLentler
<br /> ��'� maytlete 'n'.i5 c �.� ' qepogsn�taklrgposses5ionottFOProp_rryYO.ollecllano�suchrenU.�ssuesanOp�olitssndNe
<br /> gy I t .. r�ol � esa�d,sM1all ot cv'e or wz a y da'eult or noHCe ol CetaWt n e nGe o Imo Idete eny act eone in
<br /> e po s ie. ct � �aUito pusua tt s cnnoccooiEetxultacd,nonvifis�s �.namewn'nua cv'rcposse�onofNePropartyor
<br /> �,' J� ol c'ov r.� t an� apolical'o. ol renro,Issu s or p o�it� antl Twtec sntl LanEe shall be enMief in exerclee every ri5ht
<br /> � p.ovitltlb' nx�/citoLCenC�ocu . o.by:ewuponoccuran:eoteyEwnto(COlnu!; I^�,.vingwit�ovrtlimtetlont�etlahtlo
<br /> g Ra e cr ke ns pow o snb Fur,no le d_ nyhts enE remeiles urvae tils pa'a_rep�siiall be eum�lntive with,entl In no way o
<br /> limitslion en,L>riCer's tlgn!gpn�remetlies cnCnrary assignmon�oi ieeaos antl r°n:s rocortledAgainst t�e Proparry.Lentlep Trus;so
<br /> ntlth ..ceiver 'r IIMi: °roxc et �� yRfosarSnlsecNallyreCeveo.
<br /> cnts ol Dxau.i q lo!lo g n'�:''� consteut an Evsnh oi Oei�ult urder 9�is CeM o1 Tru.[
<br /> � ) 'aIM1 e .o pe� y�rsa � ;�' -P �� ' tereat ol sny otfie�sum�rovmd M1eee6y�vM1en dus:
<br /> ,� nbr acno crae�auti� �many�rov.�o v �_'�BEiNh6N0I8INSC6BCCITfU9I.0lIfO�l00L00lIDOCOTBOS�Of00Y
<br /> . _r.c. '- i�euwnineF opem�
<br /> ( ; 4�,sf e cato�or-vach.entorziryeLmllarpmcessshailS�ontere�eOalnstTrbetorwhlchs�ellbecomenl:enon
<br /> [.o r �wry o z y o.CO ^ oL '. ere..UF reln: �
<br /> (r�� T»c '�a � �lad v,�e Q.' sf Lr� ro�cr Bumwar en ocfon u�der eny precent o�IWwa ledxral,slele or o�ner
<br /> i o.''�a'-v � ._/o � �.t � I'. pt v msolvency oroNe rel'el fer tlei�b � m tYere s�all Ce sppolnleC any 1!os!cc.
<br /> C�plil 0 LJ"��1lJ+�O C'[.Jff9V/P!O(0�2��0lEfIYC9fIO1.'C'PIOpGM1}'.OI'! P�P^:9. 65�185flPfOIL91M1Bf0�'AfTN5I0!
<br /> t"6orrmvsf ha - k any gm.c �I s �nment'�[Na Eanell o`c�e�':o��
<br /> � � TS¢ � e ,leo nt,co�veyance or WRh=r=ncumOrent.e of all m any Oart o'or ary nterEyt In iM1e
<br /> .opa y, ei i_ +�o o�.�cry o. � . r .rily, wlIDOUf t�o exp;es:wr 9^n cor�eem of Lender prevlded ihat Tru�lor s�ell be
<br /> �c:oox. oi n,_.s�� oimePoOPeM�hattloesno:conteineno�:b� loourd�a5eantlthntertnoiwhfchtloesnolexaeed
<br /> -vr,
<br /> (� AbnnG . _°operc-or
<br /> ,;jlfTr onsnoie '..�_� �J � C'.eis<�ance,.�la,vaosler,ossignmxnt,convo�enceorencumbrTnceolmorethenslokl
<br /> y il .n
<br /> qnr: f, � , .eotof(Ita :o -ton)'tsisaucaandoifsmnaingstockor�llapartnersnip)etotelol .oercantol
<br /> °� r. r�M1�,o nt �ess tlur ng P Da �.od 1�s�eatl oi Tmsl rala'ns a Jen on fie Prope fy
<br /> 2. A,:rted!eyF,cceemllonU :�n0elaulLlntFieeven�ofony�vento�CelaulLLenOCrma�,wt�ovtnolicaexceplesrequi�etlby
<br /> ' a , C c a � J � bf ^c •� bn:eby ro b5 tlue antl peyable urtl the samo �hnll I�ereupOn bec..ina Eun entl payoble
<br /> �,sa ',v I :t � i �'em and bisst o;rtoUce o'eny k'nC.TM1e+eapor tnn6er may-
<br /> ���, �.tl mat mstBe -:erclsu lhe PCWER O° S�LE gmntetl M1ore n antl Trostee shall t�ereaXer r,ama Truslor's ,
<br /> :em
<br /> F'.:.: .
<br /> .In IneVmpmry�o'os soltl anc Tn pmceetls fv be tll.tribuled,ell tn Ne r.anner provitl2d In the Nebraska Trvs��JOetls
<br /> (b� Fx.o.cL=azryan�alltl5r,(spmvitletliorinanyoifioLOanDa^.umeniicrpylewoponaccurrenwolenyEventol0elavC;
<br /> �.� .
<br /> , ,� ���(c) GOmmenceuneoliontoforcclosethlspaedotTmetasamotlgaga,appcintoreoelver.orspecrticellyenlorcxenyo!Itle
<br /> o�emnim ne eoL .
<br /> im e�nctl;nerN uad opon.r resPrvetl n Tmstee or Lentler b ImantlaC�o Ee excla�ive el nny other rematly�ereln.In t�a
<br /> L�^r•.Ooc�monts o by!a.��F'OVif.ed o�pe�m!ftoC,but eacM1 ahell be evmulativG,sM1ell�o In aOCltion t0 av¢ry e�he�remetly glvan
<br /> reunC�r,ia rts Loan Decumeots or now or hareetter existing xt law or In equlry or py n:nwte,end mey be exerciaoC eonwnnnUy.
<br /> . �
<br /> Y tpa.,d �_lyurs�cces:rve.y .
<br /> '��. ?r�.s1se.Th??r�.:=_!?e may resign si any time �n9theut causa, enC Lentler may a�vny ilme 2ntl witM1OUt causa appoint a
<br /> CCC55^(Jl'3VJ ;IILI l l�?:fG.T�Oi.00 Shdll OOf S?�12b�R IO d0`/F31�/.IpCIVdif.Q W iU10111 IIRIIla110lI�BOdEf�BO!!OW Pf�?10S:Of d!dll`f
<br /> purc�ase t��bV PIOO�%�(Y ��!e�y 1059 O!dTildA0l10�B53 dV810 fPCkl299 U!W IIIVI IId9CO0�OL�d114 511811110�bB(BQO�fBd�O�EkB 8l1`/
<br />� p t o scfon w IF tM1e en'otcoman\ oi INS Deetl ol T�us[unless lodamn lletl In wtltlnB.�ot a!I coeb,companae0en or
<br />+� ���, N . F-.h may be usocla� �t�e�ewlh.in v5d[on ^ustoe may bemme a pumhxse�et eny eale ollhe Proy¢rty�Utliciei o�
<br /> -� 11�. fo 'or o .ale g -letl h "n)1 p stoon��'e saln ol all or any portion ol tho P opeM�as pmv detl by Ipw;or ae0 Ihn
<br />.p�� (�OpOPy tS 3 1Ih0�0 O ' P51B12 Py G0�6 Df I015 8t T!{.6I88 B d 6CIB��Of1.
<br />�"'�� � . �ai� 'yFeiszx In It e c ent T u tee srlie ihe Properry by oxerdsa ul power ol sele,TrusteP,hal be en+lle�to epply
<br /> l..a. pro e.�E� �st to v > +cnt nf all coss aotl expnrses ol eaerciaing power ol se�e 'nclutling ell TrosWes foea nntl Lentlers
<br /> s kta, • T ,i�e's,.lom.ys ._s �etually'nourredtosetentperminetlb5appllcaElelaw.InOeavenlBOrrowerorTmsbresereLesany
<br /> 'g �m,IESd�y� ! o ra en Evicet el OP'ai h Lentler sM1all be eMll!eE ic racover Irom Truslor ull cosls nntl oxpensee ecNely
<br /> d c r .,, a r�solt o' fvs�or s tltrlaW<, inclutling wilhov:IImlUtion xll Truslee i xntl atlorney's feos,to tM1n extenl permineE by
<br /> � aDOPo.b' xer
<br /> �q` L. ( 1nn FlMmnn upcn �oquos� or oorwwer Lanaer ney o� us opuon, moee naeulonul ene IWUm eavencas nna re
<br /> i _ 1 Eorrornr5�r,batl+xvosnntlreaCvanceswlin�mnreev�eraon,sXe�Ibesecuretl0y��v0eetloi�rustninoumosnan
<br /> p �_ 'p'Ianou�tcfi4�hdebicUnosASCauretlby��sDaedo'TrusL�otinclutli aau��see�enwe�opmreo�moaecuriryonn�
<br /> n
<br /> .aa oi�ruet c �� c a.l9lnol pr'nc oal emaun�areaotl nere�n.or?�99 UOU 00 wnlonevar I¢B���er.
<br /> S. I�..cnil � ov�elons
<br /> (�� 6cr o P .8elnaeoel.Ex�enslon ol:he time lor payme, t o oNlicaiion ol amotli�alian M�M1n suma secvratl by ih'is
<br /> Dec'lol'ru . ,�a�yLentierwonyeuccessorinln:ereslo�0orwwershnOno�operetatore,aase:inanymennaqthall�ptltty
<br /> pl .n 3J Of��tlOIfOWC(`JSJCCCS90:SII11p1f'�Cil.�('ql�ClShd.l001bAIP.�VIfOC�OLOTIIRBOI'PPIOCI:(�Ip99P�j611151
<br /> . . � i�semnxtendAm=forpeym� 4roihowisamea•ry�monlm�ionollM1asumeeccuretlEyt�ISDOetlolTmst
<br /> �k � _. n n. .. y a. � d, ma0e by I_ lyin i B � vr antl Portowar s successom In inleresL
<br /> L) LanJ.r v Powom.N'.M1OUt n�1cU nq N Iltb 'N ol any nther pemon hable br tha paYment ol vny obllgelion lierein
<br /> •tl. t d 0 �.t�l, c gin o c�ageol,�IS�aedolTruvtoponan�p Cq oill P pcirynoll�enonM1erelolom
<br /> ,.o.Onrs,. -Iy�.�U:cidil m uNCiallunpplvobfgationa,Lbntlennn; Irom11 a!otimeandwl��oulnotlroQ�roleaseany
<br /> ycr - I �loO � c d:M1_ oWriryo allerpnyot�ho�orn�ol. y�' �nobllgatbns.(IIqB�ardotherintlulqences.(iv)�eloeso
<br /> . � :e to la sJtn.,cd c mconvo)eJ�1 n ry Ilm=Jf t entler's o0�lon nny pnreel,portion Or oll ol��n Pmpo�lY.
<br /> � y . aoy o�hnr ae pC4;AOnnl nawrif�ior any obilpnfinn liareln monllons�,ot(vl)meke a0mpasltlong o�ol�o�
<br /> �� I )d9*b�d 10 IB�O�Ip�lhlll9`0
<br /> vn ds
<br />