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<br /> �"� DEED O}�TF2tD5i' WITM FUTURE ADYANCES r g5- ��}���� �
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<br /> ,ti� �F.S r=b 7:iAU ia maae us cf ihe 4th CeY o� ROril _,�g g5 ,�y and amor,y
<br /> �?
<br /> , � e Tuc.o_ C•.;^y�'�.., F Lr.wis 8 9ettv J Lewis H,_ us6end and Wife _ _,
<br />�. ,� � aenm:inpsetl;ea:ls_ 4110 Mor=e=hm Pl•C�.,_Giantl �'c�.-.rtl. 4.B__ �narain'Lvstor,"wneNrrcneormarel.
<br /> � 'i Fiis. 5 � B_nk _ 69803 ___
<br /> � lpTf9CC. —
<br /> +ky
<br /> � �. �.�. .c'lingzctlr<,sl� ° 0. 9oX 639. Shelt:ni�`�_°br. 6887F �herein'Trus'e�i'J.enu
<br /> �' r ie F1s ��.c� .. ?T �LdUP }it'�—__ - _—"—'
<br /> � � wnosen..iingxdareoss—•0 Bon 67.9y Shelton, NebT. 68876 �nomin "lennnr'9.
<br /> F '�:,�
<br /> w
<br /> 'ff�;i FGn,VAI.l,6V91°_CONSI�[RAT!GV,IncluCinq Wntlefs r�xYenGlCn al creC!t ItleeL9nd�ereln Io fl'deYf1P. E. Lavis B
<br /> �M'..y,i� � �tL, Lewi;_ (F�areln '&nmwer' whether ene or more)antl fie hust herein cae�ac,
<br /> p���`$ ID nt f wh � I hsr ��by ecknowletlge0.Tmsror}eroby Irrevocably 9rnns,irenaten,conveyn ond ess:gns M TrustBe, IN
<br /> �� TFLS `.LI°O1r ROF ALE1orPabo�elitenESecur�lyofLentler,untle:s�CSUtr7actto+.hetarmseiMCOnC!llenahsrelnetlareM
<br /> ; orth � !z:'9ra�u,tly.tlFlSr.rlOed es�ol.ows.
<br /> ���' Lc�.� � :gh� (V) , ^i..n� (9) and Ten (70j �ickey Seeanth Subdivlsion, City of "vrand Island,
<br /> �, s� I I L �u�ty ' :,;ska. L�t Nine (4) ar.d Tnn (i0) are missing e ?0' tPiengle,
<br /> �Y,��'. oproz�, nt.=,;y �.^C� square feet on tha northwest c�nnr d�e Co� a stet:s right of way.
<br /> �4 �`� T� etFO � It§ull ��Ibin Im rovaments.ilxturer,alreeb,aile � esse ewo n eesamen5,righL•,ptivllegea entl uppurte-
<br /> ,wzfi . 3 9` � Y .C 9 Y
<br /> � �t es I . le .eon m a nyw!ee potlslning t�sr!�ta,nntl Ne rents.lssuee an2 proflts revnrelonu en6 romelndan Riereol.and
<br /> u pes' �a,0�opetly � Is �pochoc'tothelmprwPmanL•aeeabrnmtiNtee�xture,IrcWlnB.butnatllmltatlto,M1eatingend
<br /> iC 9 ' 4 -���� �»eP�hPfWlihlh9h0�1!ESI98�iC Ef3I.0Y9lOSf311:1fj' Wl��ph���0lB9IB9fB�111lBb}'IBIBB96(.{BCUWBIVAC:O��
<br /> ,? t I ..�c+g Ixeemanl5g tl tld0ong:�erG� I�M1ombvd[+.IaredtoDeepntic/tM1Oraelesle�esemreE�yt�ellenot�hie
<br /> ,y C ... 1 f T �si en a�l o, ,:a'creSO' 3 Lo g reierraE ro�ernln aa IDe Proparty'.
<br /> -"M1ls�acd of T� i s�a,.sscure(a�the paymen[ot�nn prtncip�l s��m enG In:ereat avldencetl Ey e pmm4sory note cr metlil
<br /> '�' t,-4-55 ne�in sWtl tlate of 4-4-95 _.
<br /> + g, ..,�>.,�dmea _.._.__— . ' 9Pm b
<br /> 4¢� i hc o g: a pn c�z�amo ot oIS�_..Q�L�.�� — and any antl ell irodillcations.eatanalor.s enC ranewels
<br /> � ll e w o, tM1_ cto �I a entl all i�Wre aavencas o�d reativnnces t� 9orrowar{or eny af ihem il mom Ihnn or a)hnreun�er
<br /> ay�rw c u troonxo . or po�nissorymlasor.red'.egracmenM�le�eincallyd Note);(b)thapeyman;olvtM1araumae0v.ncotl0y
<br /> ��;,.")„_§ � r . , : 'ex. �rlryo!.heNO'e'(r��ryeperformanceofelcovenanbentlegreemenbo'TruabrsetloH��areln.nn�v;E�al
<br /> y�v+j OCe5NFltlli.JfB�fl:fn?(��C99CC^FI!IJ9110II4CIB0lIOWA�(0!�tiTyO�L�12T��R10lB�h9pVfI6���L8lIQBIWyBI�'f'QI:OCI.�IIdIl9Ct�
<br /> `�';� p O L.p U 1 f06.^i BOI�IY�IB(hC!3'19��J bY fG:C !IU�fN^�/�f VOK�f9�i O!O:�IBlW�88.Th8I�0iB.I1119�B�O�TlIlS16.9d 90Y BOQ 9�1
<br /> � ��h Joc nuthets^_mimt�eNOlecioiherwsee�ew�vtllnconnectlonfhe�owlNhctudingwit�oufllmlis�luapuernnlaes,sacutlly
<br /> �, ., ��i� . �r,nd o -gnmonL^clluosns end renfs,chall bo re{p��n,�!c hereln as�he"LOen Documenis".
<br /> ' :�a cove o t'and o.g;=ss wIN �entler as follows
<br /> ,j ? y� ".ol I d bl.tlnee¢.All inEebtetlness sacureE M1ereby sM1Uil�o pnld w�er dua.
<br /> � n�e � wror . tM1. ownsr al tha Property,M1es:he right entl eumonry to cnnvey tbe Pmperty,entl warrenU Met iM1O Ilsn
<br /> 5at-tl ' a hy is a 1'. � ! prior '.'en on �he PrcFetly.except for IiAns end encumbrancea sot farfi by Tmstor in wri�iny on�
<br /> C...'�,c.rcJto�_r,de h.lo executionoitlisDevtlolTms4antlthvo�ecvllonanE�ellvaryofthls0eedoiT�ucldoeanolvieleleeny
<br /> wr trac;or o�^er ob'i9aYOn m wh ch Troslar is subjnct
<br /> _ 3. Ta,-,x3,A=�oascen:a.To pay bebre CelinGUency e11 t�es,spaclsl a5se5smenCS end eIl othar tnerges epelneHhe Property
<br /> � noaarh..e�flerle�%e1 .
<br /> d I�a ,nnca 'okeep[�ePropetlymsnxtlageirstdamagaby0rz,hezartl5lncluEetlwUinNetarm"extentleticovere8a",anE
<br /> � > ss*ofier Fazertl=as Locuor mzy re�vre,�n amoun;s antl with wmpenies axepWble b Lantlar,n¢ming.antler ns an aCdluor.el
<br /> y �`�' J' �,vi 111ov Vaynble:o t�e Laetler.ln cese of loss untler gucn pollcies,:M1e Ls��er Is puNatlze�N ntl�cef,ro�lact anC
<br /> �� � � . hrro.ntlerendshallhuvetM1eoC��onolap^„yingallor0artofffininsuraneeproeeeGSQ)toanylntlabtetlnese.
<br /> i " orchyn�� In. uchorCmoslonGarmaytlo:onN�a (Ip�ot�oTmslortoboueeElo�NnrapelronestoretlunolUaFmperry
<br /> �' ( ' , ,-enye:t��:rpurv�seo�o��cis:<elo<mrytoLendarwlthovtafleclingihelienol;hlsDeeEOlTrvstlor:noNpamounisemrM
<br /> TVi�nk nere�y belore socF paymen�aver�ook place.Any appllcation ot proeeeds to intleb•,�Onava ahall not_^vtentl or poxyone Ne Eue
<br /> t � yyy c' .� m �Y I'�Y�'^e�:e uMOr tM1e Noro,ar wre am Ce(ault Nerevndor or herountler.
<br /> 4 .. Fs o. .:.fnn w�ltlsn Qenantl Cy Lentler Tmsror shal�Oay W I enCer n such manner ea i.entler m_�^_ealgnete,suXlciant
<br /> m. te . �, bleLSntlertopayas'ne b=�cmetlueoneornoraoltM1elcVowlryQ)ailtaxes,easessmanLaentlothereM1argesagalns[
<br /> � me P opery O Ihe pram uma on �a property bsurence raqu rei�BreunEer,antl QII)tha premlum9 0n eny morlgege Ireurente
<br /> roq�ired by L n�1er
<br /> �4' 6 MaiNemmcc Hr.pnbe antl C mplian[e wl`h Lewe.Trva�er shell kxep Ne Propo .ry In Oootl conEltlon enC re0elq she�l
<br /> �� �j { omo�ty repa r or �zpiace any mpmvemen� wM1lch may be tlnmegatl o�tlesvoyeE; sM1all not commit o� pe�mil any weele er
<br /> s,�� tl ro lora'on ot tl o ep ry sb..il nm remove .emoilsh or aubs�antlelly ellar eny a�ihe Improvamants on tne Pmpo ty sball not
<br /> X ,�� co i '.� rVen�t Yacllobedo�elnorupon�hePr000M���lola�onp!nnglawordlnencaortcgWeton,antlsM1nllpayand
<br /> � �:. f C ly�J":h9rtJ Y .J 3 CO6f flC:l B%'�JO'150 F.�1 I�gp9.Bl1CVlIIC�d'CU9 6Od CM1�It�Oti IPVIBC -M009Cd Of 399B99B�89910G:RIB
<br /> ` ((o �C 0 enl IN. !fo
<br /> b ��• )_ " UI�k� fl .�Efd101i6fipl�bYH9S��OB(�9��CORI,�flf190�1O11.OW4�d9�1�dIP0989ff1(�OI�IGlPOYIIIBfIL9pf/f�iO���IBfB��91!B1
<br /> F V � :ed'i,)Inrnracc�lonwlACOntlem.nalione�athertakingclfirPmpertyorp3rttbereol.orMrwnvoyencelnliouolronEecne-
<br /> � ,L �'CCr s'iul t�enLtleA ot I!s o�floa ro commenco,nppeer In entl pmsnc�•c'n its uwn name any uction or proceedin9s.entl
<br /> � � �boun9���.i m makx n.ny compromlee ar saGlemonHn connection viiN sucM1 lekln4 0�damsga In ihe avenl nny potllon ol
<br /> ¢ � V �..ty'. o nk�r nr damage�l,Lontla�oha!:have ihx uplion,ln Ita sulo an�absoluta�I�cra110n,to appty nll eue�Proceatla,
<br /> atn�:, r��t.irrolmmxllcovsar.tlaxpensosinwrretlby!Ilnconnaclionwlm�vchPmceees,upnnnaylntlehtotlne�eecured
<br /> y _.e m cash orcle�ac Leneer rcay Celarmine.ae m nppq ell sacn Pmmvas,nnar aucF,aMUCtions,m Ne ree:oretlon al ina
<br /> �Eltlonsus- ermu)tletenr��aT�yupV�ICniionofPrecoetls�oin6ebfeEnens3l:allnulaxlentlorpostpone
<br /> .��,I��ay earm�n�s i�Cer the 1:o!e,or curu any de(oult thareun0or or hereuntlec Any unnp0�'ed lunds ehe:l be F�IE to
<br /> , ,:��. '.�?otlorrnnsi np_��tl�.;.L?o te�omu, e. ce e�em Fennt o�OoL+v.t herounder.m II any act le tnken or la9al Pmceetling
<br /> ca �:e�:'��h! � ;�anec. i -. Jm , sst'mm�arnpe�y,Lentle.rmnylnitsowntlieerelien,butwilhoutoblipxtlontatlo
<br /> t ,rE•.:rrne p. T, ranewl:hcutmi?asinprrua�oriromvnyoeliaal'o�.aounyactwm<nrme�ornos
<br /> 6 f . - . M1 J':J�OYy'db0OOOnyOihOrSC��Ltlnel:l'l�IOCC99�ry10pleteC11�990cVIiNIIO�00LTlt�9lpf]hHll,Immpolllely
<br /> � , r rvel�'."ur�'c�M1yLentlarpaYtolcr�.UO�u6co�Unn�nxpem+sincmrxdenEevmnexpentleGUyLentlaNn[onneellonwllM1
<br /> Ih _. J � 11'�. �. q 'gh�s.:o^m, . wltM1interesl!iierconettitedalaollr5�epmvltleElniM1aNOlo.wM1lcbe�allba
<br /> � , bo-d .a ..��r'vC heremdy. lmdAr shall not Ineur em 11nbIIRy paceuse e'anytM1lnq il mxy do or omit lo Oo
<br /> roc
<br /> ^;;i
<br /> ,,..,,.,�W .
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