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<br /> 5 Ila�vd or Propeny Imu cc. Bormwcr nhell k«p�he improvcm�rn�e nov n oing or hmm ter crecud on
<br /> thc Property i{vsurul egei�ut low b� t re,tiamrds included within the 4rm 'crtmded covmye' and eny ofier hamrds,
<br /> inciudi��tloods or flnoding.Eor wNch Lender requims insurance.Ths i�vrenee ehail be mam�imal in:he emounts
<br /> and .`�r!hc ry�riWs that Lender roauires. The inavnnce carrim p(oviding the iruurenu sheli bc chaecn bY ��Wwcr _
<br /> subjmc m Isnder's appro�ai�ahich shali not be unrcasonabiy a'ifiheldJS Ho{rower[eils to maintain covernge d scribW
<br /> xM.'e, 1<nder may, at Lender'a optinq ebtnin wverege m pmrect levder's rig6ts in tho Pmperty in eccordance with _
<br /> persscaPh 7 �
<br /> .11l �nsursnce policies and renewals shelt be amepteble m Lender and ahell incluCe a standard mortgage clnum.
<br /> 7.caGer shall ha�e [hc right to hold the policies end ronewais. I( Lender rquires. Battoe'er shull prompHy ,^,ive to
<br /> Le�Ccr oli receipts o!paid premiums nnd renewal noticc.!n tM1e evrnt of loa,Borrower shall give prmpi mtice ro thc
<br /> insurar,m<ettie^vrd Lrnder.Lender me�mnke proof of�p5�{not mede prompHy by Aorrown.
<br /> Unless Lender end Sortower otherwise agree in rvritir.g,imvrance procxds r�haL be appiied m rcsloration or�epeir
<br /> a[[he Pmp_iYy dumeged,If t6eresmntionor repe':is econ�mically feasibleand Lendec's security is not le�ened.lf the =
<br /> rMO:etion cr repeir is m!cconomicnlly Icatible or Lrnder's azurity wo.ld be lsauned,the inscrance preceeda shell be
<br /> eppli�m ehe eoms secured by fiis Security!�strumrnt,whether or not then dix,a'ith any euFSS Faid m Borrc�wr..If
<br /> P.or:oxer abandons tfie Pnperty,or does r.ot enswer a'i[hin 3C da}s a notia t:om Lender':}ut the insurence cerrier has =
<br /> otkred m sett!e a cl¢im, ficn Lender mep<ollcet:he insurance poceeds. I.endrr mey ux the proceeds to rcpair or
<br /> resmre the Proper,y or xo pay sumF acurM by Utis Securito]�Nment,shether or not then due.7 he 3Uday per.o�w+i1
<br /> bcgin n'hen the nonce is gi�en
<br /> Cniess LenJer snd➢errowcr othernise egree iv ariting,any application ot proceeds tc prirc.ipel shall noi extend or
<br /> ��po�e xhe di e dete oE the mnnthly paymrnts referrrd to in paragrzphs I and 2or chenge the amountot thepay.ments.
<br />�`' If vnd�r puzgra�t 2I the Pmperty is acqwred b} /znLer �F3orroner s right to any insu:avice pelicics and pmcuds
<br /> resi I:ing from dama6c m!he Pmperty nr or m�h•c � o,s,`,a;l p�;.e.'.endcr to[hc extrnt of the sums securcd by
<br /> tSie Sccu 'r,.y Ins[mment immed'atel9 p�ior to the a-qmcition.
<br /> 6.Ocvvpancy,Preservahov,Maintevence aad Ptotechov of�ha Property; 6orroo'_r's Loan Application;
<br /> C.easeholds. P,ortm�'e:snell occupy,estetlish,and use the Pmpertp ns 6orroaer's pencipal residence rv�th�n sixrv da;s
<br /> at;er ,he e�rution o! :"is Securty Insttumrn. ar,L shall wnti.^.uc m occupy the Propertl' az ���w'er's principai _
<br /> ;°cdPno�or at lezs,one year afterthe dete oi wcup�c.�,�nle�Lender otherwiti agrex r! r�i•iag,whicn co2unt shail
<br />�^�.�}^ n b^u . :orablen'it'�he'd.ote.^.le�e�*en�a!inyc:cumtta�cseeistn'h¢hxreceyneL_HG:rocer'smrGOl.Gorrower
<br /> �f,'6�' ;nal ra d .. ov,damne°ar mpair the Pmp:rey,ello.v the Propr.:y to deteriorate,or commit we^e on th^_Prop:rty.
<br />+�`��,� R m 'r ahail be m defeul:if any[orfcimre ac¢�on or pru:eeding nF.ether m�il or v�imma: i�begun [hat m Lendcr's
<br /> N.�� good ,a m p�dgment wuld result in Eodeitu:e ot the Proper.q oc o[hefuvu mate�ielly impav [he iien cree[ed by thi9
<br />,. be.,ir ' L trument or Lender's scurit} 'r.terst Horrower ma7 cure such e deteult and :ein;tate, as pmvided in
<br /> � ,^,uae. oh Id ' - r t e ctio,.or procerF3mg to be dism��eu with s ruling fiat, in I.ender's good iaith
<br /> y r.;S'� ee m reton orecluds fo fe ure o`�ne Borm�vec's in!erest m the Pmperrv or other materiel impairment of the Iien
<br />�� c ted , 'th Sa.i }'I .hum>n.or iznCe:'s secur�ty interest.I3arroae:sFa!1 zlso b in default d LSorrov er donng
<br /> t� i � e. h ai a� p oc s, ga�.c mate::all}' fzlse or inaccurate inio�maLo� o- s[atemen�s m Lender �or txiled m
<br /> p o� .l I � c o'i h a y matenei m°ornat on) im m�nection vtS the los�e��denced by the b:e,mcludmg but cot
<br /> � i , ed .o mp�e nta -_,.. mncemmg riorroa'e%s ocevpar.cy oi th^Pmp_r:y as%F���cipzl resiCenee tf th s Securin'
<br /> Instri.-ner:�o� I.a. `.old,Hor,osershellcomoi}�wrthnllthep:ovneesofthekaselfBorrowe:acqwresfeeeuem
<br /> [}� Crocerty thel asenoldandtheiretitleshalino.metgevnlesslenderegreesto�heme�germxri[icq
<br />�� � 7 I''rotec4�on o I,ende�s Rights m the Prope,ty. Ii➢ormntt fads to perfocm tM1e covennn�ard agreemevts
<br /> �+ co.i .iv d.� this Smunty Inso-ument or �herr is a Iegsl p*oceedmg:hat may s�gnificantly affmt I.enAe^s ngMv in thc
<br /> i ro�r Y ( uch as a proceedir.g m 6enk�upi.^.y pmbatq for condemnation or forfeiture or m entorm laws or
<br /> p rs) chen Lender may do aad pay!or w6atever is neceaary m protect the value of the Propetty and Lender's
<br /> u the Prepert} Lendc-'s ncnons mny mclude paying nny sums secvmd by e lien wnich Sxs priority over [his
<br />� S �ur }In.o-umevt,appeering in co�r[ pay.ng reaso�nble sflorneys'fe�end enrer�n6 en the Property to make repxirs.
<br />� . � hovgh I ender m� t k action under[h�s pamgraph 7,Lender does r.ot have m do ra.
<br /> Ary amouut d. b�rsed b;Lender under this paregraph 7 shai!become addrtmnel debtof Uorrower secumd by this
<br />,�j, , Secur t 7 stmm m Lnless Bor:oaer and Lzader agrr to other terms of payment thca nmounts shall beer incerest
<br /> Gc t'� Lateofd bmsemeveattheNoterateandsha111zpeyablewirh�n.erestuponneucetromLendermF3orrower
<br /> . reqvestrvgpzvment.
<br /> 8 \.or+gxge Ir,surance. Ii Lrnder reqvired mortgag_msurence as a medition of ineking ihe loan secured by this
<br /> Su^rrtc Iv:rvm^nt Ilv^ower shali pay the premivms r�uired m main4in the mortgage i�suran:e in etfecL 1t,(or any
<br /> rezmn •§e mo:tEagc i curancc roveruge r�yvireu by Lrnder iapsa or ceases w be in cffect, ilorrower shall pay thc
<br /> orsn��m.reai ired M obtzia coverege outste^.nnll�o3�ivwent to[Ue mortgege insurance preciously iv c[[a[,at e cos[
<br /> sobetavtixlly rquivalev[ to tfie cost to Boaow-er of the mo�tgage insurznce pre��iccs!y in ef[ect, from an alhmeee _
<br /> z� . mertezgc �nsure� cppmved by Irnder. 1[ subshntiaily �uivaleat mortgnge insuraece covcrege �s not nreilabic,
<br /> �rrone:shall pay ro I.eader each month e sam equat m one'[weitth o[the yeariy mortgage insurance premium Ming
<br /> paid by Borrower a�hen the insurance coverege lapsed or ceaud So be in eEfxt LenAer aill accept,use and mtain[hese
<br /> ' � p�ymentc :s a los reservc in liev nf mongage iaswence. Los; raerve paymmts may no longer be roquircd,
<br /> �; Porm 30t1 9/90
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