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: <br /> , . <br /> . , , ._ . <br /> �,� <br />� w�. �.�x�� _ _ , , <br /> 110 C�,,� �1}zr?ii <br /> �o( I IIi1�.R \YIiH ell ehc �mpro�emenw n o h maSter erxied on the`UbNtny. and aii easemrnu, <br /> u�`�� np,o er. ce.,and(iewres nos or hercaftr. a part ot tM1 propertr..°.II replewmrnta enu nddaimvic ehell alw be co•c i <br /> by :. Sn.i..'tglrs:rumentAllnitheforegoingisrc�ertMmnthi,Secu�it} Irtstmmenta�fie'Property' <br />,ry'� �ORRO\ltiR(,OVEti�i5 that Borrower is law[ully snsed of the estate hcttby wmeyed end hes thc right to <br /> A� grv e. d �. . -ey che Froperty and that the Pmpectp is uooncvmbeeed, tacept[oc encumbranca of tarord. Borrowec <br /> : .c�.ei!!defend grn:rn:Ip tke tiUc w ffm PmpeRy agvnst nli cla�me and denands,eubjectto eny rncvmbrancc: _ <br /> r?a ot r1 <br /> 7 [q�C crf��g)T� Iti57RLJ?dT�ti� comS no vaiform mvrnan4 For nai�onai vu a�d non un�!o-m mvrnavss with <br />�, 6m sionsby� sdenanmeei t.m,eee�iForasccur:tymstmmenteo�cnngrealpmpertv. <br /> I ,I�OR\f COb'F N ANTS.Aorro�"er and Lend^r covenent end egree az toliows P p } Fy hen due ' <br /> 7.Papment of f`nnc�pal e�L S�mxsi;Prcyaymeat an3 La4 CLarges. Rocrcwer shall mm U� y a' <br /> [neoriacipalafandmreieston[hedebteuidevicedbyLheNotacnLaoypapeymenteudle!oehargesduanndertheNnm. , <br /> ' �2. Funds ?or:aees and Insuraoce. Subjeci to appiicable law-or ro a writter,waiver by Lender, })orrower shall , <br /> o� !o I ecdcr on ihe day monthig pa)'mrnt:ero due under the Note,un[ii the Fote is ya�d in full,a�um ('Tunds";tor: _ <br /> �(z) }�ear') G,.w:end asvssmen�G'hich may attain prmrity over tFus Security Irtshumrnt aa a Cen on Me Propert/.(b) _ <br /> �e ry Iexsehold paymcnts ur gound rmts on the Property,iF uny; (c) yeaAy hezerd or property �asurznce premium=; _ <br />}+� Ad) c.c) tlood insurarce pam:ums i[any;(e)yeorly mortgage:nsuranm�emiums,!t any end(f)anv sums F+rable <br /> C� „} Ba o 'e to:.ender in awo:Cvnce n^tfi the p[ovisons of parogrspn 6.�n Leu ot the paymrnt ot mortgage in.,^uta�ce <br /> p em t m i nase items aze ca:itd "Fsc�oa'ltem�'I/.nder ma?,at a:y time collect and ho!d Funds in an emount not <br />� ;� ex .�c �-. r.;ezimrn emoont a 'c�aer tot a fw'erelly retatx' mortgage Ioan mey require for Bocroa'er's ascmw <br /> a�cov t -.d<r the Iederal Rcei P^taee Settlener.!Praeedurw-Act o[ 1974 vs eer:rnCu�l (�om time ro time, 12 O S.C. <br />-'tI. gx;:�., ,GC.t!seq. ("RES?:i") vnlcs anothcr lsr [het applies m th^_Punds ses z Ieser amovat.lf so,Lende may, , <br /> � � at^^9 ure col'ect a�d hold Fondc in an amount no:m exce�the lesscr amount Lender mey estimare the amo�nt o` _ <br /> Yur.ds dus on[he bzsrs o.`current da's and reasowble w-eimata of espendi:ums ei fuma Escmw Imms or otherwix in , <br /> zc,orCz^cenahzGpimablelnw. 'ns[rumen*elit orrntir <br /> TF.e Cu�ds s�a'r Le field�n an irsti:u:ionn'hua-de(»siss am insv:eC b}s tederal egrncy,� T. � _ <br /> !i�c'uC� �g..end=r �t'umer i=��..h an institution)or in eny Faie�al Home Loan Bank.Lender siiall epply the Funds m _ <br /> pa� :h- Furon' I[ems.iender mag �ot charP,e &�;mwer inr nn,Iding end epplying the Funds, annueily analyzing tne <br /> zv.m�� acrovnt,oc �entying ffia Ps�ma�Items,unlcs Lrmdor peys Borrower mte:est on the Fuods end applicable law <br /> ryermits Le^der !o naka s�:h'a charge. However, Lrnder may reqwre S3o�rower •o pay e one time <harge for an <br /> i�de^erdw�rezl aa�ame rvportmg scrvice used by Lander in eonomLOn nrm this laen,u^��°eppLeable law provide� _ <br /> o[ - Lnless an ag�eement�s mede or app,icable Ixw requixw ioteres!to be paid, Lender ehall not be requved to <br /> �'� p v R .=o �e eny nteres or ear�mv on the Fund9.Boaower and Lender mav agrx in writing,ho���eq thac mmrest <br /> s`+.11 re . �l he Funds.Lender shaV give to Bnrcower,n'ithovK cherge an e�eual eccouvting of ine Funds show�ng <br /> crwiv,arzL c_tiats m the Pm��ds snd the Vurpvm`or which each debi:to[he Funds waz made.The Punds am pledgsi es . <br /> edd;nonal=ec�rity for a'1 sums secured by:his�ecurity Instrumrnt. , <br /> I([I;e Funds held Sy Lender excr,d the amounts permi[md m be held by appLcable law, Lender shall aaovnt to _ <br /> Hu�roaer For the ascen Fends i�acwrdance with the requiremenm o[app:ieable la��.If the amoont e[the Fuvds heid _ <br /> � o� L nC [^�1 �.me�s mt su[[cient m pn) the Fscmw(rere�s when dvq Lender map so nocdy Rorrower m writing, <br /> a d so � cau Florromer sha�l pay to Lender the amount necsurv m make up the dcLacncy Boirower shali make <br /> ' � tF d-fi.i�ncy �namomthentwetvemo�thlypayments .tl,ende['ssolediecmtion <br /> y i��x n „ayment m fvll o(alI sum�sewred by th�s$uunl•y Insirumen[ Lender shsll pro^�pt1Y�efund to I7orto°er <br /> f ;� I �nJs held 6} Lcncer IF, under paragreph 21, Lcnder shall acquim or scll the Pmperty Lender, prior m the <br />�� acci . �on nr sale e[tie Yroperty,shall apply eny Pun1s heid'oy iender et the hme of acqcismon or sale as a credit <br />� ag ns�. �hesums suured b} thie Secunty Instrument <br /> �'� e Apphcetwn ot I'avments. Unless epphwble'aw provides otheta'iu,all peymrn+s received b}' Lender under <br />.�a .� . ag -ohs I z^d 2�hali i�e ePV���� �����o ei}�prepayment che e�es due under the Note;s«ond, to amoonss payab:e _ <br />`` ' uncer paragrsph 2;:hird,m in[er�4 due;[ourth,m prir.cipal due;end last,m nny late cherges Lue under the No'.c. _ <br /> A. Charge< L�rns. Bormwror shall pay ail tss�s.,charges, fines end impoeiboas attributable ta the <br /> P-o[r_rt} which mny a'tain pnority over this Security Ihvtmmmt, end I�as_hoid payments or gro�nd rrnaortoa�er <br /> L'orconer shall pay these obligations in the menner pmvidcd in paragreph 2, or if not paid in [hat ma�ner, , <br /> =tia�l pxy them en [ime ditm8y m[he pe:mn awed payment Borrower shall orompNy[un�sh:o Ler.der ell notics of <br /> no •.�s ro h_paid onder this 93rv.grap6.If Eorromer makr'theu paymentc dirceely.Eorcower shall promptly furnish _ <br /> ' ol,end�rrecc�'se��denc�ngfiepaymenes_ <br /> 7;orro�.cr.shnli promptly d scharee an� Len which has prmrity o�er thicSecunry Instrumentunless liorrnwer (s) <br /> 5 pr ..m �v nng m tLe paymen[of the obLRatmn smured bp thc l�rn m a manner ucce0�%bl<ro Lender, (b) conm�c m <br /> � o o� fa th the hrn 6�,or defends egaias'wEoccemen[of the lien �v legal proccedinge•nAwh m iha Lender's opmion <br /> � ;�� ooerzu;to prc�ent the enfotceme�t of tn°lien or (c)suures from the helder of the liea an agreement ea4sfectop ro _ <br /> I.e�der r�M�d��ating the iien m this Security Instrument.lf Lende,Ce[ermines that any oart o(the Pmq:rty is sub,v�: <br /> to a�ien whicii may attain O��ony over [his Se:urity Iru^.mment,Lender may g�vc Borroa�er a nohce iA-nnfy�ng the , <br /> mn Au�row.x eheil setisfy the lier.or taka one o[ moce of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the g�vmg of <br /> votm,. _ <br /> µ ��' Porm 303t 9/9G ' <br /> 4� ry� <br /> Y�� t�-6RIM1E1�ox.�� .... z.�a mi�i _ _ <br />�a�: � � <br />��„ <br />��� <br /> �x¢`t� <br />��' <br /> �4�# , <br /> �� <br />��� <br />��+i""� <br />���� , <br />�y , <br />,x �' . <br />'r„ ";� � � � I_'_ <br /> � . �... . .- Y -v <br />