, .«a..�:P,3o:�rc,��^�.vs'SatM"�;�'.'.� �(;.ry@'�':r;y,.i^^'�^ . .._. .
<br /> . . . ... . .. . .
<br />€ ��
<br />€-.::..::(-, � _.
<br /> e
<br /> <s�. yi°�b '�°i`.��° S}ti .
<br /> ��� ants ancl wxrran�: ;o tha A�si9nee tPat (a) Assignor hes nW execuietl any prw�
<br /> �;,; - 6. .lxsiyno t cby c
<br />�',�p. essi� mam o!the Coase .t 0a dght Le antl InteresY them r or tM1e renfnis to eccroe Mareuntler.�b)Assignor has not
<br /> � _ p�rtormed2nyacmrexecu�idanyinst.vrienfvihichmghtp�n�'nntlheASSQn:eiromoperatinyvnderenyoilhetermsand
<br />"' c:ndttinnsherootArwhc�woul�'ImNm�ft.,lgnee'�S�etop_-aLai,(�,PSS�g�orhdsnutaccepteCrentundorNPLeasoibr
<br /> s � A ���` ��h:�a nt�othe .:ve tp iodfonchchrenthasulras7ybecom°dueantlpayable;(d)thereismcielaul�new
<br /> e. i a�rlvcA'al ' and!v,ASS�n nesnota;x�tetl -e�finledsrymodllleationoramendmentwhet_werollheLea�ae
<br /> r't �.�a!iy o:'in i q»xcrp��y so iorP^,in Sn,^,etlole B,nnC Met tnn Lerse is in!ul!Iorct an0 'v'.�=ct
<br /> ��`' 3. I�IS Mi}TUld.l V AC.R_F�Y'1Rti FE3PECT Tn 6lCH Li9,SE THAT:
<br /> � � t i-. ijn eh- � Syarant perrnissio'�ioASSlgoorbcol;ect�pon,bulnotpnor!9auc'ual al ra is 'ssu ' d4DOSit��
<br /> �x r, o- f o � i em:b,n �i I rem'sesantl oreair.antlusea�yenj�ythes3me butBSrrvesMOrf9Mtcrevoke uc .. _mission
<br /> � � e�arytTerv,hervrihout� zuse,hrnotiu.inwri0ngtoASSignorbyceulie7�ailsenttothar.tlCressheeinarterU�e;cribedfor
<br /> sc 'nc n 1 ns.In an� e ien�s'_c perm�ssicn to Ass ynor::h311 F2 au!o�n2CCa�ly re�bkM upon dofe B, Ly A5;%JOOr�n Ma
<br /> � ' p�,mc� o�ar,vef'h tlbl'gatioreracwcrlherebyorinthe:,ertormanCeo!anyobigatlon,cwenenCO9itr�nent�erein,insaltl
<br /> � ' m : U2ed o7 Nu^,: ''n 1ha'�ese nr in any o11hs Oblv�aLOns secared harnbe cr In eny SeCUnng dur,umenl given in
<br /> +�" • � c' n F,er_�witq�:;nolnhicnwlllMarefevedlcheremo5 'OefOUI!").in:heevonttha�theA49ignreshOWtlrevoke5uch
<br /> n i `r�rlF�goccu:renceofaD?tau14�h9A:Signee.mdyaLL.option,atternotilicntiontOASSignor,bycerl!iietlmail,�o
<br /> .or.., �r^In�N.. G-""criS�.lfa�s�.n�ingrotces �ced2nyo�al;e!iFa:enantsofthePmmi5e5topaY;onssignne,its
<br /> , � o, d �- ,-y. ucn rent� issues, proFit�¢ :ever,ues, depoei�a, iights ar�0 ber,efics as may now be dua �r shail
<br /> n r ���ort v �'dFJ°icnf3maycoleCHh9:.3me,TYeettiCavitotwri!t?n913tomen:OfanOflicef,:i0en�,oratlomey
<br /> e � n �_hzab._n..DCiawtshalic . e�nnc.�¢rveevldencothefeot,entlenytenanl!ooth=_rpzrsons
<br /> Isat[ �i xc �dtl � ey:'�e� . fh�ASSqnortUrtherzg.ees :hz[inthocventthoaarmissfontouseandreainihe
<br /> .� i_. .,.,�� ._po.,-tsa^Gpro ts 'hould'o.'ermina�etlo�uponNeoccuranceofa�elaul(toln'-:ietlialetyWrnover
<br /> :�:t;ke m^zsdin!nemanrer�ae�.eslxdbyP.signr•:.aNSxu�iryCepositsarathermoniesCegositatlbyl_essees
<br /> c t r+ .. _a�r .cm.c�a.. c^.wi'.htYaProNSicnsoftht r,u°5.
<br /> Aoi
<br /> � !p_I �.'�° r <n's'ac::of paragraph 1 hcreinzbove,uP�e or al any Inne afler d Ocfault,a5 tle(ineA
<br /> ear a� .�cP �n�. -itoafron,re;=uecle�ea.ObipA:ionssecu2d�erehylmme�is�elytluean�FsYable.antlmay,at
<br /> . ,r �� nl�::�vi o,ice,and II?o� . ich ObliyaNene be securc4 by-0eed ot Pru=,t irresneciivE of wheG�er a declaration ol
<br /> ", � -� �^rsaidc' c.o �-u5'F.vta=_ntlellvsredtoTrusl^othemcntlev,ecercLeallriyhi6end�eTedie9eontainedln5ald
<br /> n n �c.rdzc-cfo � UStzntlwithootryerdlcr'.headequncyotsecurlryierthaOtiliGatlonsherebysecbred,eliherinperon
<br /> o y '=o wf,outbdngingenyactionurproceeding,orhyarece;rer'lobaap9�ir.!eCEyecourt,enterupon,take
<br /> r. �:>> ei,^'�aneac 3ad cpe�.ato sa d Frer e'.es or any partihereo(rcake,enfome.modi�,end accnpt the surrender u1
<br /> a ,o' �, r -c � �a?ts,tizormud:tymnls,andticanyaclswhichtheF�ssigreetleemspropnrtopmte:Athesecurily
<br /> � �t��rvdhvwithoottalicgpossesslonoithaPramises,inf[sowr.name.5u9fornratharveisecollectenCreceiw
<br /> �. rt. , . is�ess: tl . s,inclvdiogthoee➢?��dueantlunpaid,nnyapptythesame.iesstos*antlexpensesofoperaiionantl
<br /> - c�cluainy� �uf ro �m�:cd fo.O�Ymen's tor�vagss and p2Yroll taxes.mmpens^.tinn of managing aAent and cfier
<br /> � e�. ;cos ' and e�pencr_„ rea� es[ate taxes end esse^sment9,watei:sCwer,and similar chargea,insurance and
<br /> w r _ inp°nan��o prcmiums,grountlrrmts,wstonaryrealEg:a�ecommisslon,endreasonebleatiorney'sleesQndcourt
<br /> c cnuryG�i'gefoissecw'_d'nere�y,a�dmsuchortleras[h�FSSlgneernaydets+mine.Thesnteringuponandlaking
<br /> p� s, . �?Premiaecllec.:lec:'rroi��c�-enls,issuesandOmfi'sondiheapplmationlhereo�aseloresaid,shellnoi
<br /> !R
<br /> ori .anytle-ultervrzlve ..�odlty,orefiectnubcecldetaoR�nder5ai�notlgageordeedofimsminvolid�k.anyact
<br /> tl i � s . � os e5 . :c_RssipnnrharebyrelessesanyandallclamswlichilhasarmlphlheveagalnstAS�pneeetlsing
<br /> r.i c�-.�olcz ^^mp.-top=reo� .,°dm3nte�ar:ce.exrnp:n9�Yet¢b:ItlyolASSigneatoaccountYOremouNs
<br /> . �d Cxi, �d p/I[.
<br /> ThF Ps..',n. ahall net be o�-Sa•eC M per!orm or d�schz:qe, nor does 7t he;eby unCCrtake to pedorm or
<br /> !':c . � ���ycbi,_firn,tluryarhat.lyv��dert'relet�se.orunoarorbymesonoithisASSigr,menthssignorShalizntlEoes
<br /> r� �+eto!�'cem !ytFaFasigneeaeshs�andhclditharm!eesimmanyandailliabllity,lossorde;naaewhichitmayor
<br /> Im n �1, nn^.e t' a Leeae w uoder rn by .caeon o4 chls Assignmant and ot and from any a�d all tlnlms and demantl
<br /> asrv�hlcFrneYbe�sserted -7�'rstl;oyreasonolanyallogiadabtiga?Ionoruncetakfngor�CSparttoVertormoNnthe '
<br /> �rc,eofa�ryolh �er�r:,coven3n. p�ag�^e',�antsconPalnetll�Ihe�e�se;slrouldihOASSi4^eel^caranysuthiiabillry,
<br /> c c'a �ce� � '�° Le-.o or undet or hy ieason ol thls Assl�r—r��l.or in L7e defen50 Oga�n6i any such clamfr nr
<br /> ? n� s �heumci � '�tinclutliugcosis.ex��nsesondreasonable2ttor��ysiees.togefherwitnmteresithereune�ttie
<br /> hqhe rnisse!tcnhin�nvoifieOb'cations�ec:reChereby,sha0besecuredM1erebyantl0yt�esaitlmorigageordcedol
<br /> tr _ �,JCSSgnc�, t .IreimOUrse�heASelgneet'��re(orimmetllate:yupondemanQantlupor�thetailureofpssignoroorodo
<br /> J e A spncc m.^,y ec�Jn:a all Ob�47ztivns secureC nereby!mmeAlately due anE payabla.
<br /> ' n. �blga6onssecur^_dherebYShali�avebeenpa�dini�Il.Agslgnorcoven3nKandaqreestokeepleaend
<br /> ��� a.�. or'� sul9c�en!rontalfiePreNsesan?upootlemaodtotranslererdas�ignlotheASSigneeanyantlallsubsaquen!
<br /> �+yyj;;y L ases�pon II or ony part of such remi5¢s upon ihe same ot subsianti2lly th2 same ierm5 an�cor.�itions as are herein
<br /> cr n . ct��'3k2er.nef� anddelivprlotheACSlgnee,upondemantl,e�yandolilnslrumen51h2imaybenecessa.ryor
<br /> d r o e ' �re!or ua;Y�.� brm. a^.A pmvis er�s ot ihis:�ssiynment she!I apply ro any such subsx�uen! Leasa or leases
<br /> • v f c' ... or not so .. S .i anC••:^s�c.ro-'
<br /> P Ass'.no+shall,uperreyuesto`A�sgnce.'om'$hitacompletalistasolihede�softhereQws!otoll�easesanA
<br /> .-Y a�^cieeotneFrern�ses'InSUChrCasonabledafallasmayberequo5�edbyn55lgneeFUrther,ifr6qaesfed,ASSlgnor
<br /> ;1 J ee�.iv�s I� !,_.'qn e �xecu!ed ���' crrtitied cop'es o!a!I Leasas end oll�er evr- �c.n �qmomen;,, corresponde�ce,and
<br /> . , r'a�u.;ri qs"..ru�aaLLCaseesP�do'h . hma�'ssotlmgWth;�ieconlraaRalnrrangamenl5�etweer.iMm_SUCh
<br /> � ., f .. �'r'ro^ or..:iP4ir.n2
<br /> ,. � � F ua=rei .:chrdcl=6 ...p ::ap= n:alJ....oraYa:tlnanYmanner.lho
<br /> . ,, c �r�.i . � �:tl��fo, l ���.i. -
<br /> �n� !i Gdlq �o�i� SecUrea I eL/, as e�elG� ,.ed b} the r_.crtling or lil�ny e-en
<br /> 'c
<br /> �,�1 0�-�i i �Se ol°aiC mo.tq�?2 0!'desd ol hus1,ur1eR ihere shall have boen recordetl annlFler
<br /> �� I;c„ ��,-{'. ���yoro h Ae^gnearo�.. 'r> hewholeora^-ip.-u'o'�heleascdPra^tiSaa.IhlsASeionmeNShell
<br /> � , o �II un1 vnU af no eP?n
<br />