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<br /> ,� ..,,;,+f..icr�v�-n�i�.�,::� �n � - '-" daror _..nPr�s.—� is9S,
<br /> r:.�'<
<br /> �+,� �� �nv�l� �.�sd�ll Ar;, � vanosdaJ sir�g;,ey��n
<br /> � i� 1 � 1 �lerin9 rz a Grcnd Tsland, Ne GBE01_
<br /> a�r_
<br /> r cS'rgalcrhm+:�g n�Y.iceat _ __-. ___ , . .
<br /> i s F'�5�Pr&�ck Natn� i 4^,soci tior "::�at:a,Neb:aska havin
<br /> � r � latl "A: ''� ,]r' 1 _— - 9
<br /> � ils p i �of:mc Mahn.PiPbra Ko(h_re;n called A�syno9 ),
<br /> �'�:�&N' VATfvES5F1H:
<br /> ���e��
<br /> � �.^.HVALUERf.CEIVERASSigmrhnrehygranls,hansir:rsantlassign�lotheASSigneeallo/�heright,titlennd
<br /> �R�� in%reslo`AS5�9norinandYOanyandalllea=esantlethqrtenanciasnnmor�ereaflrrmedaono�wi�hresp?c!IO1herBalBSta:e
<br /> ��e -1i Cou�y, *iebz�skz
<br /> x !eca ec�in and more FaNCUiarly oescr 0.M
<br /> ;nSMetlilaAbrsrPOlwhichreala atash .Ihereferrectohere�nHeres"Premises"dncl,idi�9.bNnotinitedtothaicerta!n
<br /> � loasea iiosece�i. -iLeases,willinotlifications,ilany.EescrbedinSchedule8her¢ot,covEnnglhePremises.togeth�.,wth
<br /> �re._�! (')any u iC aii er.lor,icns or re��ewnls thc:eo(,(2)eny end ell g�2rantees of tho Leyee 5 obligcticag ,rder any tn�ree/end
<br /> �'x''+ a���dere�nyeadailext�=ns:onsorr=n^walsofanyth,rc,/,antl(;.)sllrynts,issu¢s.profLS,r¢venue,s,deVasHS,=zmest���oney
<br /> �`F {' ^. Y ' - '3��'-��'-�`��b3�eti15 nOw or hereak¢r ariiing}rem sueh le3&a an�tenancias vr ta the usa aM occupanry of the
<br /> yv�j PCRI�SPSAf�00\ 'Itli�CKFBOS0052(�dfBlIEW3151hyfB0�.$�dld!835tltiFVItlIBf1911C�Bfi0lOI�1ClV]RCi1h0{�fL'111�SP.9IOLJBI�I:f
<br /> ,� m t 9 f �Ilyi n.arys,metllticatlons,extnnslons,andrenewelaihereotaha;lbesometimeshereipaRerreferredtoaslhe
<br /> �c„' �e;�.
<br /> � y Fpf fk" � PL'PPOSEO�SECURING:
<br /> :£��;t,�. .
<br /> { � s:; ^„ir� payTentantlp^_ticrmarr,eaieac}antleverytle5t.liabilityandob!igationoleverytypeantldescription
<br /> t"?S"� wbich Assiqnor may nov�oi anN�me he:eai;�r owe to Assi�,7nee,inclutling,bul not limitetl to,I�e indebtrJness of Assignor
<br /> � s < d by�I at.e in' murlgage or deed of ims�muda by the P,ssoynor ro ihe P.sslgnee dekd 4-�e 19 9`+ ,
<br /> p t ; a�d .or �iur;eb. re orietl,mr0��rtc9�erecordingoithisASSignmcn(oranyothermort9aqeordeetloltru5thereatler
<br /> - ari��t �ho� v „ oartofNaPremises (whe•hersuchdebt,liaoilih�,orobiigatiohnowexistsonshe�eafte�crnatedor
<br /> ir,.. -e.'i.�dw^,oi .,,. � sa�rraybsdi��ctoi -tlirect,tluewtohecomedue,a�soluteorcnntingenL�r.rr�ary'orsecondary.
<br /> 'd,�ad or unll�.f�,da�ed, orlolnt several, orjoint antl sr�veral, all such debts, liabliities and obiigafions being hereio
<br /> co ecc�rey referra�:to sometimes z the Ob',lyetions'�;antl
<br /> 'iJJO: Pedermance and d:scF�rgr e! each and e�zry obligation, covenant and agreenent of Assignor
<br /> r c a ".cre�aorinany:u�hmohgayuord<^cicitrv5t�r2nyneteorbondsecured[hereby,orinanyohligationptany
<br /> K s. � -.�tiocament given In connection with xny at fia OufiOeilcns secwed�areby-
<br /> LE.h$F.
<br /> ��,, 1 To'2lthiu!tyt,biC?by :.eAO�ma�ACischargeeachzn�everyobhyatioqcovenanfentl2grpementoltheLease
<br /> 'o � 5. :, ,�bon=dormeC,l�glvepr�mpmoficefothgASS�gneeotany�ollrqe:delaultontheparto}AS;ignorwitheespac�lo
<br /> i crnc.+i:ntll�om;_�s5=eorgu.✓�nb�,to-y.etherxithanaccurateanticomp�atecopyo(anysuchnotice;atlhesolecost
<br /> a ic xpen:.:a nt Assi9nor„a erfcrce or ssccre the pedormaace o�each antl every obligatian, covenant, contlition antl
<br /> �CnaLeasebytYe _a�seelobspe:to•med;nol:omocilyorinanyn�eyslt=rtha�ermso�thsLsase;not\olerminate �
<br /> :he! ��c1;heLeaSCananotta2cc=ptLSUrr2ndefcttherenf5thereuoC�ifmtowaivS,exWSe,G011tlolleorindnymanner
<br /> rc -x� , .i'�c!��,z-qetheLn=seethereunGer7mmlhoCb!igalions,covenants,conCitionsxntlagr¢?menisbytheLe55eetobe
<br /> p no'r�ed,hiclud,oglheanli9a7on�opaylhsrantalcal.etl!orthereontle�inJtemannB�BnE9HhCp{eL92�d1ime50¢clf^C
<br /> : r f :..i;, �r tloes by the. . prs ,n"s^xpr�s'sly re'easa,rel nquish and surrender uMO the Fssignoo ail Assignor's
<br /> rlqh p tic ., � .,�!t,:i,ylomediNOr'namiwnynitarMetermsorprovisior.snith?L¢aSC.OrfO'?rtninate�6etormorecce0�a
<br /> ;;ur� , C., h�reoi,aetl any attemp;on tha paC o:fhe A:slgnor to xxe�cige any suth right without the wntlen aNhority and
<br /> �. .t �' n�ee ilierelo belnr� li�si hatl Und obtaincvl shr�ll �nnstiWtx a Oefault of tha tems hprsol, as deflned
<br /> q.
<br /> ,� � Cil�ng .�t�vsl9noetetledarzailsumssecuredherebyimmNietelyGuzanGpeyable.
<br /> ? Atf . 'g or'ssoleco..tandespPaSetoaoDearinm�aftn�tl2n;UCeono�pmceCdin9�nsmpontler,growing
<br /> a�, cf �r 'n arr/ mdorer con��ected with tte Lease o� f"e obiiva!io�9 duFES or lia6if(ies o1.essor, Lessee�or guarantor
<br /> �;.�,:� t:`ereunuer,antl to pa� I --sis antl¢xper.ses o!the Assignee,incl�ding etlomey's lees in e reasoneble sum,in any such
<br /> acf�norG��^-°P��9�n� hirh!hepssiyreemavappezr,
<br /> � �`il �
<br /> 3. TM1qt s ou tl 0.saigno Isll to roakn any piyment or to tlo any act as heren prov detl,then .hx Asslgnee,bul
<br /> w�`�onobl:yanon �� fowa�drl�o� nu� elo:rtlsmandon:.asignor,an�withoutiele•as^gAS.gnorfmmanyobllgation
<br /> h �i, may inake r tlo rie s� �s � ,-h oianirerNnd tc such ex�ent as�hn Assig^es ina/tleem nnoes=ary to prot:cl the
<br /> ° p � re� . Ir ��g ��c I�r � wi ho�� li:nling i�s gene ai pow rs,;ha riyhl to zppear in entl Ee`enU ar.y achon or
<br /> po eJ .. porprrinjto 'ccPit c .� ly�cieofor �erB�LO�powersoFfheASSiqnee,antlal;otheriqhitu[noHhedulyto
<br /> pr �o r i .M tl�sc i rq antl �wery obligatipn, cover,anf anti sgreement of Lessor In Ne Lease tonlain¢d: avd in
<br /> a '. � +�yssc {+f .�:�.y:eess.rycosisaeCespenses,employwunselandfnwrandpayreasonaC!=nttomeys
<br /> fe„c.
<br /> a. Top�y edtate`yvpondamzntla;lscm?eepentledbythcASSigoecunder�neawhoriryhoreol,togelherwith
<br /> ��.r i c:�'h;rnon� �e hJGnP.^.rat�set lorth in�ny ot�ha Obligatlnns secueetl hereby,ann ihe ume shal�be addod to Ihv
<br /> '. I ._;^tls .J ' _omCi ebYZetlpy�F ,ti�moY325eortlegtloll[ust
<br /> `. TCa. ssignonvillnolrtxnaterorconvoytotheLo.�see!h�teel}tirtothod.'.mlSetlP:emiss,orncypatt4�ceot,
<br /> v <., �.I � e �Ynge�dayrr;atopeylhedeb�securedharaby�nzvcortlan,evnihN.ete!ms,covenantsenu
<br /> �o
<br /> c i ��ebo'd o� o,unnd �curetlbymidmortgogeordeedotvvs'�
<br /> V`r't�i
<br /> 'f
<br /> ' .� ., ' . ..) .
<br /> ...G�.�� .. ..
<br /> +.P:.;..d , ,.. .. . .
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