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<br /> : <<���j_ �ri��r�()
<br /> � ,.r�hy cr.vcnans antl war,ant; to �he Assignee that (a) Ass�gnor has ncl ereculetl any pnor
<br /> :��ua t:n;el iLC rigM,tt m ontl in�orest thereln or Ihp renlals tn accrua l�arauntleq(b)l�ssignor has not
<br /> a�� a��cr cxeculotl any instmme,m which mighl preverd!he Aasiqnee Imm operating un0er anY ol iha terms and
<br /> 5� c� he��;ot.awtiicM1wooltllimi[iheASaigneolnsuchopemtirm;(c�ASignorhasno[accap4etirenhinde�iheL.enselor
<br /> :�,y'•n � .;�,qG;�en�tothe<urmmperiotllorwt�ichmn�hssalre2dybecomerlueandpayeble;(d)lherpisnotleiaultnow
<br /> ��,z I r,a^e enC(c)Aesi�ror h33 nn!execule0 or5ranted xny motlilicnfion oremendrtient whatever ol ihe Lease
<br /> . �� � n ur.ifim;exceFn zs sw iorlh ia Schedule C�,antl ihat tl�e Laase is�n full forco antl af�.:cC
<br /> ^�ce� . �ny�rante,��NrmissionroASSicnorfocoliequpon:butnotp;iorloaccrual,a!Irents issues tleposds
<br /> r , �.��saidP �nise�nnubreain,an�u?eanyenjoy�heaame,butreservesiherighttorevokesuchpeemission
<br /> t -.�� mc �,horwilhoutwusety�oti einmrifingloASSignorbycehifledmailsenilotheadOresshereinelterpr?scribodbr
<br /> t d�x no f .os.!n pny t,va�L euoh�or:lagbn t�Assignor shail bo automstiwliy ravokeE uMn tlafnult by Assi�nor In Me
<br /> o-�mc o �q,olthe061gaion sce:.rn;heredyorinthepedormanceclanycbliqation,tovenantagrcementhereninsxld
<br /> �.o:'c c '�rstl of!ust,in h. Lezae or in anp cf tfi^Oblications secured hereby,or in eny secori.ig tlocument given in
<br /> connc bn l3r�with,lallohvhichwi!!:ers;err�tohAremas"Deteult"'),IntheeeHntlhatiheAUignecshouidrewke;uch
<br /> -nn.s -. i o R^HheoccurrerceofzJet��I�iheASSi9nee,n:eyatilsoo�ion,atlernolilicationtaAssignor,bycertdieCmai.,�c
<br /> adtlie xr -einaf!e�prescribzdfo sendingnotices,directenyoraliolthetenanlsc!MePremiSastopaytoASSignee,iL
<br /> ..en+; cr its atiorneys, such ranis, issuas, prcfits, revenues, deposih, rights antl benofiG as may now Ce�?ue or �halt
<br /> -- �ecom=CUe,andASSigncemaycollectvhesame.Theattidevitorwrittensatem�_ntofenof6cer,apenl.ora!'.crney
<br /> ot�s��ne sz:ivovnzttherenasbe=naDe'zutshollrons2ituteconclusiveevidencet�eres/,andanylenanitodherpersons
<br /> is a::tt o i e.:and direc.W to rely Ihgreort The A�ignor!urthe�agr2e4 that in L5e ovent Ih0 permission to use arvtl retein the
<br /> -�,s,'r. on^,iss�es,depos�[san�.Iprnfit�,shouldbeterminatedcrupont�eocwranceofaDefauq�olmmeClatelytumwer
<br /> ,� �sa' n e„eHhetimeentlinthemar.nerrequesledbyASSlgnee,allsecuriNdepositeorothermoniesdepositatlbyLessees
<br /> �':he'mm�se3 fo accordance xith the pmvlelane af tho Leaees.
<br /> 2. P�ot,vithsl3ndlnq N�� provisions of paragraph 1 herein2bcve,upon or at any�ime afler a �elauip as detinetl
<br /> n�r�ioabove 1he i>sslgnee,at its o;rtion,mfly tlecinre all Obli9ations eewred tiere3y immetllately tlueaod Oayable,and may,et
<br /> �.s opCO x�itnout nollce,and!I any such Obllga@ens ba sewretl by daed oi frust irrespeoWe ol whaMer a Oeclaratlon ot
<br /> �u:t v�,der v¢itl deetl o�tmst hn,s been dellveretl ro imstee tl;ereur.der.esercis=all rights and remetlles contelnnd in saltl
<br /> m ��.:cags a c xtl of Irus;and wi'rvaui regzrtl brthe adequncy ot securiry Ier the Obiigafions heroby secureQ oifhar in person
<br /> e-epa atvl�horwithoutbnng n ?;�yactionorpmceeding,orbyareceivertobeappointedbyacoen,untarupoq[ake
<br /> pcsscss:on uP,manaqe 2nd operr:e a+'tl Premises or any partthereof,make.erforce,motlity,anA acce9����e surrender ol
<br /> Lease� oYa'm and evicq?nants,fix n!'���odi'y renls.and tlo any acb which Ihe Assig�eedeems•prooar ro pmlectthe securiry
<br /> `�cec'.a.i clhanvithen�dh.�itaFc;ypesses�ionoitt�.ePremises,initsewnname.suetororolhsrvrisecol!ectandreceive
<br /> a�J roan!„issucs and pm6°s mcludir�.,t�ose 9as!due antl unpaid,any zpp:y theaeme,less costend ezpensesuf operntion an�f
<br /> cellzdlon,inclu�inc�,hu �..li�n;rec to.paymeris tor wag?s antl payroll taxes,compensation of mnnaging ayent end othe��.
<br /> marnn,m nt co:;s ar� exp naea,��eal estate taxes antl arssassmenis,wa!er, sewer,end similar charges,insurance arb
<br /> wc'�.:, scerpcnsaP,o;� em�� : s,9rountlreNS.cusromaryrealestatecommissioe,anAreasonableattomey's�eesandcourt
<br /> rasls,v.onanyGbli;� ��.c sser�redherehy,antlins�_chorderaitheASSigneemaytlafermineJheenleringuponan0!aking
<br /> � .,=orlon oi�e Pr�m�����?,tno collection of such.rpnts,issues and pmf t5 Pnd Ihe appllcetion thereot as aforosaid,shall no�
<br /> r.vre n•waive any delaull or wolve,modi�y,or alfecl nolice of delault under witl mortgageor deetl olimsl or invalidele nny acl
<br /> Cene prs��!a tu such notice.Assi9nor hereby releas2s any ontl all claim:which!t ha^,or mipht have against Assignee ariying
<br /> y, �uto';ucrco�!ecticn,managem^nropemtionandmaintenanc?,exceptinytheliabiliNoU�svlgre�toaccountforamounts
<br /> co�!erted and espanded by il .
<br />"i
<br /> i. Th Pssignee shall nol bo obligefed to perinrm or dischnrge, nor does �t,e�reby undortaka ro pertorm or
<br /> ��=cho.� c .�yobigzticn,tluryo!Iizbiliryuncerih�Lease,oruntl�rorbyreasonokhisAZiSn���entfssiSnorshallandtloe,
<br /> h.� 7�i � . �oln�emn'ythr:AOSigneezgainstantl�ol�itharmle�siromanyandaPliabiliy,lossordamagewhichitmayor
<br /> TIgPI-�i ��.. ar the Lease or untler or Gy reason o(�his�assi3nm?nt and ct nnd irom any and oll claims entl demxrtl
<br /> "-�a'so� .rwtichrneybaassertodogalnstitbyreasonofanya!;2gatlobflgetlonorunderro6:ingonitspartlopeAOrmorintht�
<br /> tll�ohe9 o� .n'ioitn_lermscavenznts,oragreememscon�ainedlnUieLeaseshouldthaASSignceincuranycuchpablli�,
<br /> � � r. � .ne��ntler ihe�F•ase or under or by :eeson oi this Assignmen�.or in;he defease e�eins�any such ciaims er
<br /> ���antl .� ameuINlh r i inc!udingcos�s.excensesanErea;onableatlomey's�ees,iogeth�rwi(hinterestt�ereona�lh?
<br /> f 3��e5 , fonM1io .n�o�.hoObligatlonssecureJh�reby,shallbesecurE,lher5byandbytheseidmortgageortle=tlot
<br /> t°::s:,aM Gsci9nor shall reimburse the As�i^ynceiherelor immediataly upcn demand.and upon thefai!ure of Assigour�o to tic
<br /> r*e A�si,nee me.y Ceclar�all Obligations sewretl hereby immediatety due antl pay�ble.
<br />�
<br /> +. Un61iM1e0bl'gaficnssecuratlherrobyshallhav?beenpaidiniop,ASSig�orcovenanisantlag�eeseokeepleaseA
<br />'1 ataGOO�a,4s�lOCientrenLilthePrertilses3ndupondemantltotranafe�antlnssi5��oeheA�signoeanyontlallsubscquent
<br /> �.s u��.�. �. pr nny par9 ot such Pramisos opon the snma or substanllalty tho s=.me terms nnd oondltlens as nre horein
<br /> c i�i• 1 � J�oc�ke,execote,anddel'rvertotneASSignao,upondemacd,anyaMalllnsVUmenlsihetmaybenaces:aryor
<br /> sireb _ ,un,��or, but the t3rms anJ provieions o(ihis Asslgnment shall eOq�Y to nny such subsequc:tl Leasa or Leaszs
<br /> wh�L�c � I.oassignMandtransierr�yd-
<br /> � l -!i:3��orsall,uponrequcstotAs>qneebrqlshltacomplatellstosoHhedateotlhe�rieunstoisllLeasesand
<br /> �L�utrn� i� olthsPram'r.seslnsochrenvonaAletldte'Iasmaybare�uas�edbyASSignea.FUrthar,lirequesletl..4sslgnor
<br /> r "�. �1 I .0 1 .'�qnee nxemd9tl or c-tll'.^d copioc e!n I.eas s and other weitten agreemems.corresAOnCence, ond
<br /> - -'I '.et�ASSgnor2ntlLCS:ecs'on.o[herlenantssettinglorththscanVSCNalnrranpemenlsbeM+eonthom.5ucli
<br /> , v.�?m�tle ri any r5esonabia lfn�e.
<br /> li'� n./ ipscifCLCiseeutABrSChF,11'ileFM1UtaVG,53u�IlnotinvolidN�CO�aifealinenyrnan�oi �hr
<br /> r. ��. i_ � nd�eosoa provideC lor heraln.
<br /> t J'�^p. �me��J bi lull .i nll Oblinn:io�s e �reG Inereby, as evltlencetl by I�e re<ordinq or II b� ol ar
<br /> r i ,f ,i ,tior or lull relenao ol saltl motlgngo oi dcetl o1 Vust,unloss Iliore shell hnvo been recordotl another
<br /> �.1 fim:t-cla arotiheAS�IgnoocovotlnqihewholoamypartolNOlepsOdPremiags.thlgpulgnmonishnll
<br /> �<< ,�i n, �7ieC.+ IolnoeHcot .
<br />��.
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