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' <br /> Qi ' ' <br /> ri� <br /> y>v., <br />� � p . <br />"."�'� ASSIGNMEt�T O� LEASE� AEdD RENTS �i�5—��i5?f3{;(J <br /> � <br /> iH:SA$SIENh1ENT,mnticlhis 2➢th_tlayol __ �"°il____ . 1995 _ <br /> ��. v.yne '. ocdelt, a nqle pezson � _ <br /> E�� resi�iiqatcrhavin�anoYiceat. 1914 Spring Hoa3 __ Grand I<land, �e_63903 _ <br />+gu^ (F-.el le� A4;igno� J fa F rsTer Benk,N9�ionel Assoclelion,Qme�a,Nabraska _ havin� <br /> u.�a 'v prli c G I o�l'-� st OmaY�,P�nbcas'�e(herein cdiad^Asslgnse"�, <br />� NJIiNES$FTH' � <br /> 1/� . <br /> t,�7� . rORVALL'ERECF.NED,ASSignorherebyg_.�a.!!eesiersandass�nnslothe0.vslgneEalioltheright,titleand <br /> ir;era=t of A,s'gnor In and to any and all leasesand othertenancies now or hereaiter maEc 2n or with respectto tha real eslate <br />� ti� <br />� looetldln Ha 1 Nebrrska <br />,y;g 1-_y� _ and mcre qaAiwlariy describeJ <br /> r ;;t dil Flherct.wh:chrealcsfatesh3�b^,referredtohereinafleras Prem'ses",in<iudinp,bu'.no!limitedtothatcertain <br />�x" L tloec �ta:nteases,wi!hmt]ilicetonsifeny,tlescdbedlnSchatlul¢Bhereol,covaringihePremisas;toaetherwith <br /> i 1�`.y �. d 4 I nxfensbns o�renswale tharooL(2)eny antl etl guerentoob of Ihe Lasee'S obligatlon�un0er eny t�ereof and <br /> a�Aer a.�y a�id s�l ost^nclan3 or renewals of any ihBreo/,an�(3)ali rents !seues,prolils,revenues,deposiis,earnest money <br /> .n p�ym . � r'Gi is antl benelits now or hereaiter arising Gom such leasa and tenancies or lor ti�e us2 and occup:mcy o!ih_ <br />�";; ?rem'�.�s _n.fanyendallnxteneicneondrenswals[hereoi.Saltllenseeentltenancleaorolherusooit�ePremienstogefher <br /> ^,h�nv^.rd all:oara�!ces,modi!ications,extenslens,and renewals!hereoi shzll be sometimes hereinaiter referred to as Ihe <br /> �'Loass- c"Leeses'; <br /> C?'19E PURPOSE Of BECURING: <br /> OtJE Payrt:entandpeNOrmanceo!eaChand?verydPbt,!i.bilityandoblipationo�every�^pGanddescrip�ion <br /> . - �o m..y nor ar a�iy!ime hereafter owe in Assicnee,incluGing,but r.ot Iimi.ed b the indei�teAness ol Assigner <br /> �.:urc ti .�_eral� mor�agecrdeedoltmstmadebytheRssoqnorroiheASSignsedated Z-Zg —.1995 <br /> �;d rec�rdro or to bareccrded 2t or prior to the recording otihis Assignment,or any other mortgaqe or deed ottmst horeafier <br /> cwer=�� ��.ewtio`.eoranypaM1ORhePramisos,�whathersuc;�d2bt,Ilabillry,orobllgatlonnowexlsisorlshertiaHarcreatedor <br /> Ir�.ccv= Avin=:!hcritisermayGedireciurinGireCtdueor[obecomedue,absoluteorcomingent.primaryorsecontlary, <br /> Ileu��.aa eG or unliquidaled, or joint, severa!, or Io�nl and sevarel, all such deb�s, liebilities and obligaiions being herein <br /> co;;ec0o-eiy referraE to somstimes as ihe"Obllga!ions'�',a�d <br /> PNO' Pe!'!ormanr,e and dischar9e ut each antl every obligatioq covenant anL a9reement ot Assiqner <br /> -;n'.a iod*c�cin m:r�any such rnodgage or deetl ol trust or eny nGe or bond securad Yheraby,or In urry obligallon or xr.y <br /> ^curing dncumont ylven In connectlon vAfh any oi�ho Obligaiions see��red hareby. <br /> H. TO PP.07ECT Tu,F SECURITY OF TMIS ASSIGN�^ENT ASSIGNOP. AGREES, WI7H RESPECT TO F.ACH <br /> �ClSE <br /> L Toia�tllvltyabitleby,periorm2ntldis<hargecachandeveryobliga�ioqcovenantendagreememofihe!ease <br /> uy Lussor lo bc per'ormed !o yive prompL�olice to ihe Assignee ol any no�ice ot tletault on the parto/ASSignor with re�pec�fo <br /> +� oca'vvdimn.esseeor9uarantor,:ogethetwlthanaccuretsandmm0ieteropyotanysuchnotloe;etlhesolecos� <br /> n anC �xFE�'%" �f.4ssigooq to enlorce or secure the pertormance o�each and every obligation, covenant, condition and <br /> .qrv�msni of thc Lease by ihe Lessee to be petlormed;nolto motliN or in eny way elteriheterms of fie Lease;notto terminale <br /> `:a le.m zf fce Lee=_e and not to accep°a su:render of the rent;iherewQer or to waive,eacuse,Contlone or in any manner <br />���e role,.se rd<scF�argotheLesseathereunder�romthP.obligallon&cov?naots,contlitionsanCagreemev!sby�heLessee�obe <br /> ���rfor nclydingtheobllgatlonbpaythpre_n6�ICailedlor�here�mdarinlhemannerandaHhepieceantltlmespecilied <br /> - m� r ssignor dces by these Ornsenls expressly r�leasa,re�inquish nntl�urrontla�unto Ihe Assiynee a!I Assignor's <br /> nJ evihcriry to moCiiy or in any way aY.erfne[erms nr provisions of t�e Lease,orto terminate ihe lerm or accept a <br /> , r,��� �iF. i�o(2nC a�i� an=mpt on iSr part o!the Asc;9nor ro exemi�e any such right withaut:he written authoriry and <br /> ac c �nsa o [.e Hsslgnee therero being fvst hatl antl oblained shail constitute a Dafauft ol �1e terms hereoF, es defined <br />� � e c:r t r,emit!ing!he Ass gnee to d=clare all sum,sewrM heiety immediatety duo antl payeble. <br /> f�� 1. AtA�sgnorssolecostandeapensetoappearmantldelentlanyaciionorproceedingarisingundeqgmwinp <br /> c�,rt ol cr 'i any mannor connedod witn Ihe Lease or ihe oi�ligations,tlNies or liebili�ies of Lessor, Leseee or guarontor <br /> o;or 9c�,�rG to p;Y�II cosis and ecpensc�oi the Assign5e,including atlomey's�ees in a reasonable sum,in any such <br /> ar,6o�or proceeding in whlch ihe Arigoer may apPear. <br />� '% , <br />>',J� 1 ihat�houli A.,si9ncr feil to rtroke xny poyment or to do eny act es hereln provided,thon the Assignm, but <br /> 1,p rl',ho to � .�.Iloncotodoundwithwtnolicetoor0eniandonASSignor,entlwithou[releasingASSignorimmnnyobligalion <br />,�q,{ hereo(may meke ar do IM1e s�me in su<h monner and lo such exten�as Iho Asslgnea may tleem necassary�o prolecl Ne <br /> con h . o,. IncoCing speciflcally, wilhout limillnq Its generel powers. Ihe riqht to in antl tlefentl 5ny action or <br /> ; � �rtlngtoctlectlhaseaurityhnrea�orfhengLSO�powerSOltheASSl6neo,andmisotherightbu[not�hatluty:o <br /> �dortn � c ��ccherge Coch anU evpry obiiyaGOn, covenpnl and agreement ol Lessor In Ihe Lease wnlalnoQ an� in <br /> er�rc�:T� ny such powers to Gav necossary ooats antl expenees,ompby rounsel and lnour ond puy�cxroonabie fltlorney'e <br /> F.vs <br /> � i � in �_d��tPlyupr��tlemantltJlcumsezpnndedbytheFSSigneeundorthaeu�horty�ers.f)ogelharwitb <br /> r � i at�he I'y5cs1 ral9 sct lo th lo ony o1?he Obllge�ianssewrntl hereby.ontl Ihe somo niiall C�addud�o the <br /> cr i <br /> ��Il.;ar��_� �tl sh:ill bn securod her!by and by Ihe cWul rnorlgB90 or daed o(trual. <br /> � 'll , : ssqnorv.Ilnottra.�sfyrnrconvev�otheLesseolheleetitlelolhedemisedPremisos,wonypsrlR�arcol, <br /> d <br /> �r,i��t � :r;si liwritlngantlagr?yslppny�hodnblSECUredhe�ebylnaccordancewith!hnlerms.covenenfsnntl <br /> ...;na�i n , rtm snitl n� . or bond ssc r+7 by s.-�id mcngnge or A=ed ol hus�. <br /> .. Y . <br /> �., <br /> x,�� j <br />