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<br /> (a �Truamr anali nnva procured permimE or euHOretl,voluntariiy or invownGrlly.any creditor to o�taln a lier. no�
<br /> perm:tte� he:ei� upco all or pa-t of such prnperty: Tmstor or any puaranror o!;he intlebtedr,ess secured hereby shall
<br />� becemeinsolventofadmitinwritingitsinabilirytopaY��sdeb.saslheymature,ormakeanessignmenitorthebenelitol
<br />�'J�� ce' ifcsmaFA!Y���orconsant�otneappointmentotareceivarortrusteeloriterlorasuhstantialpartoisuc�properry.or
<br /> tt 5 �•eceivet or huslee shall S¢appointed and sholi not be discharged wiNin Niny(50)Oeys efler appointmenl;or
<br /> t ��
<br />�-� !e)Awricelexecueinnorattac6mentoranysimiiarprocessshalibeissuedoriev�edaoainstalloranyoartoforinterest
<br /> S'� r i n ,opertyoraryjutlomentinvolvir.qmoneta.rydamagessha�lbee^:eretlagainstTtuSto�w�ic�shallE¢COmealien
<br />�,�p nsuc�G � eM rpuronthcreoforneresL'hcreinandsuche*ewfon,aracFme�torsimilarprocessorjudgmentisnot
<br />"'xe� r lea �� ...^.n^_ tl atis,-:C,v�rate�or a?qetl withio SixN(EO}�ay-o aRer its entrv of IEVy;oY
<br /> tX
<br /> �� O 9 ��kroplcy n olvenc7 r o.ganiza,ion arrangemsn4 or i'quidaLOn F�oceotlings or otYe pmceetlicr,�fc relle!
<br /> pg�' in r ��ban6 �ptc�laworotneNawtorihemlebfdebiors halbeineii�u�otlbyorageinstimsb �any 'iranlor
<br /> p.�",� '�ae� r - i��lc �ayainsYSUCFpartyshnllbewn�enfedtoorsho!InoiGetlism�ssetlwithinsixry(60jtlays�ke�such
<br /> e�`* � s utcr r.r�
<br /> F'. ::
<br />�'j%".� (g 1 Trustor or any sucr.es,or in interest ei Trustoq vnluntarily Or involu0tarijy should sell, exact, COnvey, Vensler,
<br /> cnn¢ � tto -..II I t�c .v'hop;:c lopumha�e,subease Olsposeol,chengethecharacle!oruseof,or.urtherencumber
<br />�' � �hpr��wty.ora .ypattha:eofora�yintere��Riereiooriisnysai6oartiegshalibetlivestetloititl¢to5im�realprepeM
<br /> c a yn 414d o( e vwte:=ste'ther�o�ntznlyorinvoluntaril�,ortltitlelosuchpro�errybesubj�o�edtoanylienor
<br />��:!- � r u�-dzrty or 1r.rolunlanl� co�trestal u• s'�t�tory, wllhout the writteo consen,of 8eneliCiay bein8 �i�st hatl '
<br />`r*�',P:y obtalee^, or
<br /> f . _
<br /> •. � . � to ap tt =hi{,a Ciheintcres�olao nerel�annerlermnaLS,sas&igneEOrVans'eredonsdim�NSheJ
<br />.,�,,,�� �. _ o . :,e d r t� -saco.poraionanG.�r�a� rtyc!thevo�� gco�porztes!oc�rstranslerretl sni�orassigneQorif
<br /> i� us r.�L I rw�ee o�n hus+a .tl t„ero is a change of any of the 6eneflciai irfere,t oi tha host er
<br /> o-
<br /> ( ��_inr� .a.' u�noul:hoconsencofBeneP.c;ary.emaleoroensentto!heestablishmento(adlsfriciw�ic�hae:axinq
<br />" „e,.,.
<br /> = . [ RE,^-nri \ JFpNnEFAl1LT,ADD1T19NALREME[flES'Jnthec+entotanydefaultherevrtlecBenellcisrymay,at
<br />[,', ils oAllor.:
<br /> F .�;
<br />�'� � �T„min2te add�.cndl edvances 'eny `o be matle under ar purauarn to fha Promissory Note or any Oullding loan
<br /> acreemeri;ar
<br /> � o e;Sara A, y s im-;enu;ntl herob�immetllately due and pa%able and;h¢same shell ihere oDOn uecome dne antl
<br /> p M1le vithout p iy Gmsenlmeni d2n��� ofo!e51 or nollce of any kintl;er
<br /> � c �iV a�y Ih i�.wi!'ii cr uvilhout no!ice,e�iher in perpoq by agent,or by rgceiv¢r to be ap0oin;e7 by�he Coun wilhoul
<br /> a^.ard to:`a aCecivacy ot any:ewnty ior fhe Indeb:edness;ecered hereby,en!er upon and take possession ol sucn
<br /> o cpe!yararryp�altherec',maiw,cancel,enforasrmadifyleases{obtainandele��tP.nants.setormcdityrents:ini�sown
<br /> s� em_=oeorothenviseccflectlhereNS.Incnme,issuesandpmtii5!hereot,inclutlfngihosepestdueandunpaltl;antlapply
<br /> f '�;'� re,'..ess coals antl expe�ses cf ep�r.^.?:or..inclutling reasonabls atlorney's fees.upon anq indebiMness securetl
<br /> h . -'� �, c.:ns Yordcas0enefic!a.rymayJ_termine�.andexcepl(orsuchepplication,Beneticiaryshailnolbfliabl¢to
<br /> Ilf� r Fes e�cr:h_colleei000rnoncol;ectie�olanyrents.incoRei=__�9orGmfilsfor�hefaiWretoeasertorenforceanyol
<br /> � r �ore o��,nqriyhis narshal'5eneficiarybychargedwithanyoflheduties�rtdobligationsefamatgageeinpos�ession.
<br /> h n.cr;nguponar�dmkingp,ssessionofsuchproperry.theco!laafionoisuchrents,income.issuesorpmfts,ihedoing
<br /> m o�her zcis hereln autho:ized and the appfcatior,thereol as aforestid.shall nol cure or waive any detault or notice oi
<br /> � K Je xu l hereur der or Invalitl¢fe eny act tlona oursuant to such netice;cr
<br />;:i'.ri-'},.
<br /> '� c )(. m;etobufiletlonre�corC,awriVennoticeoidefaukanAelectiontosellsuchproperty.Aller�helflpseo�suchtime
<br /> �Oi � Y_ nrry bn rnq nmtl by law lollowing eB�-ortlatlbn of suc� nolico ol tle�aWt ontl notice a�sele hnving�een glven as
<br /> rer;ui«�C py law.Tmstce w'dM1OUtdeinand on i�vslor shall sell such propehy,eilhe�as fl whole ar in separete parte!s,antl in
<br /> u..h o�:c�os'.or 3tre1 c aq may tlelr;nnine ai public auction to nie h!qhest bLder_The Trus;¢e may posipona IDe sale cl
<br /> '� �r ��,-:y portion cl ��.r," property hp public announcemene at Ne time of:ale, and imn time lo time thereaB^r, may
<br /> postp�r e �ne;ale by Aublic annuunwn��nt a;ihe time antl placa lizetl by ihe urece¢ding postponemenl Truste:e shall
<br /> �� c �� d�yur�ha�eritsd�edconveyngiheproperrysosoldwithoutanycovenantorwar.any,expreesnr;Tplietl.
<br /> r �"� Ger ��a.i�suchtl eCManyrrattersof•ecto�othB�wlsashallbeconr.asiv?or001ofthe!ruiMulnesslhereotAnyparson,
<br /> !S 'IIA (!lTfllfl0( 'L�IC.^Of8^lIC(p3(V.RIdypVECh.34Ba1521�S3�fTV9iP'3IC3Ya50F611d��ifly5UL�1531E30dd:3P0A
<br /> �y y �l e eol y si u �f oorp rete,slock secunng�he obllgetion seeuretl hPreoy and imslorHaives tlz nand an6 �o�lce ol
<br /> tJ, � ��? � I .�F�nr � - t-t. u;�.o. �yalcofo clr-aonsuchsharesby 'ntlepzntlertplatlgesalea�dTrus:orwaives
<br /> � , dofrotl„_ �i..w,h.,oe) ,%erc�d�otin4�llemta,feasantlexpense�o(Tr-istee,antlofNStrust,inclutlingcostof
<br /> �Q«�! J c � IiP. i�un�emi n wtln such_ale,T u te.n shall lirst zppl�the proceeds ol salo�o Ihe paymenl ol ail sums
<br /> � nd�rt �crmsMCr� nt , ��mp'�id �n�Neccruad'ntereslee�;�Eralethenpayableunder(honoteornoles
<br /> ..^.mel:y z� 'Ih€n io pz, .i. ^;of ail oCner �i mu securetl her<oy,ar,L il t�e�2a9arinera be any pmcends remaiNng.
<br /> 1 °Ir t> � =!nert:io:lie p�rson or er�o� ��gal:Y 9����'<iPtl Pop�ato.
<br /> '? h �-0�ntln� mst^rmq�ntt� ..c rPbyprovldesforanyc"org�lorprepaymwtolenylndobtetlnosssecuretl
<br /> �iie
<br /> -� __ � Lamol .'dI��J�btetl-ass .tallbeoaltlpriormNematurityaatel�e�eol9invc�
<br /> Y_
<br /> u n< r_.� t , , h o� Tiu , ee.:=d nnd nr, v�ms�anding `rus[m sn�J hovc de�ulled In paymenl lhcr�so[ or in
<br /> r c � �eo! .y'qcainpn�ICC� �d�r,andEC�,�C�zybyrsaseneh�raol,Shal�hav56eclaredallsunssecnedheraGv
<br /> 'i 11�-IyUa n ;�ois. �
<br /> ']UL'��1 f'SES�.Nlthltan: l0)tlny, �LarcW 'nd,'�vsorsh,illu�ni=ptoTrusteaor6enelimaryeschedule,
<br /> � f�-fF�Tru .,n: .g.o:'.-` �:�s �.,,,uf;,ch� open�.�rc;u�nJ.l:icac!�cnsadhenameofiho(,snan:SnroLCUpants,a
<br /> : 'o..>� ni t ucr�p .�i by svul� tq..ncl vntl ocnup�in` th� r�^!zl payable lor suc� sparo an0 suCn o�hcr
<br /> { .j �
<br /> �.ilo;�. u,^.�. o� rion�s wIP r., p..ci N suolr leas�s anA len�rc es as�he 1'mvee or Bc,nclloiary may requesl.
<br /> ::.'N;�
<br /> f�,J/- i4?1T�Q-THUSiT�R WITS{1�EC�^FOTT�I.FI�$E$:WI(hOUfthCO'I0I Wfilft!:1C009bf1IO�1NSI2P.0�gB0¢�IC}dry.
<br /> }��i 1 ru:I r s'heil n[I d c'�ly or ind re.11y,wllh�uspec�to 2 ry I^aso of specn irt euch property,whelhe(suc�lodse Is nol nr
<br /> i .e �.� I r�..e-� 1:�ccr�ptnrportni�anyprep�ymcntdiscouni0�ativfl�•�ceO��Ymvnloirontlhareuntler,( b �cancel �
<br /> a :
<br /> rr cihr � �.o.ornece� �nycnr,ce�lu> .,te�mimtanor5� rrorAnrIDerea[orpe�ml!anyevenitooeeurw�lch
<br /> - ` nlUetL ...n_r�_n .. L.t�r7'rmre c . _- 'pcssm„(��r.muntlo� �iodtytb=samesoastoratlucethoterm �
<br /> i"� r
<br /> �. i v.�'r y.'_l:, `� . � .
<br /> tiG;
<br />