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<br /> 4 :+, IT I^ ,t I J,:LLY h ��4E D Tt...T' .
<br /> � LinCniON�.TU-� M1?� delend�tisTrust'^.anyacteriprP�oceed�IngV'��orting\caHer,tsuchpmQea^tl ha`Ililerantl
<br /> � �mi., h-.flai. or purqorling io alfecl tns ri9h;s or owers ut �encifciary o+Tmstce,�
<br /> -��, e� .. �: aryo�. '�isa^°ac-on �:.Crev=.�totrecovericranYtlai�ageloordesit�utlieannordelandanysuch
<br /> � �',i , T ec�>2re�c�ryisi'�erebya�tho-ized,`+.tx�robliqe•,.�nso".eCa,toeomr�enee, pp
<br /> �•,�� :.r.;ra.a9httyoraqs�nStTasor &:re`ic.aryorTruste¢nrwithotwithoWSU4:oCte*ciseotB��orceany0ih¢r
<br /> !c, re C p^� s '� '��-c�co 1 rre �remfSCmhaNetormt�utl�mentheenteretlin¢nyactionoAPtl�eke�roPi
<br /> : �,,.or �r°�nl .r�n±uY`�Gv. aro�mL�+_nelne.ryactionorprowetlmg.andremincour.selftlerein: nlha�hehail
<br /> aCb. .�-��c ascf.cr a �.°.�d•.'sdantlrraYSe!t�^ compmni5°orpaylFeSameoranyothertl2imssrG,�
<br /> p...: .,nd In ai}� .,�:d por„ese, , nny e<p9nd cnd ov�:o^ce such sums of moneyas either ma)dee��eces2ap'.Wnather or not
<br /> 1 rasi�� -.,r,a:pears w dei�.^!; Truster on de^�s�tl sha!I pay ail cos5 end azGenSes o'°.enefcia.ry antl Tmstee.mclutling
<br /> t �� ,,, � � r ���..� . �ntlaVemcy � »smueaso�abesum ina�ysuchac4onorproceedinginwhich8ene6dFlryo�
<br /> T�i i y n pa � y u� �`bP nb mzde a oatly delenCant cr cth?rw sa and irrespective 9'whet�er ih�mterest ot
<br /> "�'"a er z �.y�•� �os� - ^ ��`�P�oP� �Y�tJirecttyque�ionetlbqsuchaciron,inGutln�butno��imliedtoanyac!iontorthe
<br /> �A3 !e;�c�.....r�. o( o- .=.1_ p ceetllnes vnAer. am� secon6ary lien on such ?rooerty, cnntlemnn:ion or purflion cl such
<br /> ��+ ; � prr, -y '�nd any rvft Crou9N1 by 3eneticlarv�forecloee�his L`eed ef TmsG
<br /> �i v'
<br /> ry � i �J'�FfiV TIUR:Fl�.i a� u�e paido�paya7lelOT'�eio� o�any5uec ss�.` ni�tgres'fotTNS'or,wtrefnerbywayot
<br /> juCe P�� _ i-^'c��or h� s�_.(a)`ori�ryurycr�!a��ag2tos.lc`Pmp �ty.�'''-`��nca�nectianw�lhanycnndemna0on
<br /> '� -i imp o '.ci..aorin�rr :o -achproPedyorznyparitiereoto•�c�menn�erbonr:�ih�FebansaeironOn&nceCbythe.ar�
<br /> �+ -' sca �"� . .-bv�� tl) ri.,inqaWCFalca� ecc�3 o wh ther cc�uinqbeforeo�aflerthedeteotthisDeedoiTmsl.
<br /> so n.1 y � !' � o r-ct incluCmg ,avees of ci'on tor t'a�:� ::concealmanl ot 3 Tateria!�ect tcgENer wiN Ihe
<br /> �� ;^_ t rn rece.d.,aw rCSanddamagastlimctardccnsequm � rr,onneclionthnrewithareharebyabsolutelyantl
<br /> s�i��'� irr ve �b .s�9nedards:��aiibeC����oEfneLCiary.6enehGaryshellbeenti!!0tl.alitsopti0n,tocommence,intervene�n,
<br /> � ,�-p a n� n�i pro c t. ,n Ice own narc any ec6on or Pmceetling cr to mak� eny compmmise or settlement. in
<br /> � ,, �nm , li(� r :h 3n9 suc : i �9 ^•r tlamPgC.�r.lEtor a?Re5 t0 9xp�u.e'aVCh lurther sSSignmenis^i 9ny comprs03340�.
<br /> �..,t ow_4 0�� a9es.r�h. ol i �lor e�d Oroca�ds e�Bonsflciap'maY rt+ryuire.
<br /> � R.
<br /> y I mount< accii� byu^.n"ciaryDwsvanitothi9�eedotTruslu�derany!lreorotherinsurancepolicy,inConn?c�ion
<br /> � - .n.erpu fc� eoferinjury!osuclprope7yforinjuryo�damege!osuc��¢rpbyeretob¢aPpiied3�
<br /> ;h � o o .�ns �i pcn ,nyindebtednesssewredhereby.Theappiication,useorreleaseo�suchamounisheilnot
<br /> a o w =�n� r.. -.0,or �mice of tlefr�Wt hereundar or invalldats any a:t dona pursuantto such notice.
<br /> ,�j,,,_.� - ;c7,p F-��pJVeYANCE,F_T..:?rus'eemay,at§nytime,orlmmtimetvEme,wiNnutGabilirytfie•e�ore,
<br /> e:r � rou:nc:ior ��o.i rrtiYen reGUes! of Seneliciary,anG witnaut aflecling;be Farsenal Ilability o�any pP�son tot
<br /> no m c� h:.i^,ir e. _essacurediem7;.orth herotth's0eedotTmstupantheremsindvrofsuc:�D��GartY��r,ne
<br /> tr : fu mmntrfil.emEebi c ossihenor,heraaYersec,�etlhereby.ortharightsorpoweBOftheBenaficiaryortheTmstee
<br /> wd"r�.e�pec.!n the ren.:nurrot such prcperry (a l rscomey any part oi such properry.(b)consent�o ihe making o1 any
<br /> m p ,he;re^�,1 ' urmurantinpanyeasementihareon,or(d�juininanyeztenslonn9reemenloranyagreerc:ent
<br /> s �o:d �cting the iien c chorgo he2of.
<br /> -�. �-�nn; �;_�ihpti,iponwriYenroquestof8ene(ic�ap�stalln�thata!ISU��saecuradh¢reL+yhavebienpaitl
<br /> � .,.' , s ca�r hereb/ h ve bcer 5atl+a �orily pe'c•^sd T-u;tae shall reconvny, �yithcut worrenty liie
<br /> � � t, .c� l_'�c'h� ,- �..'.The �:.a:s i�such re o�veyance e�eny maCers ot fact shall tre ccrclusive Orooi ot 1he
<br /> -, r � e.� . . . ����ee In sucn re�cem�yance ma; be de.igra;e6 as"ihe qerson or pnrsons legally entitled
<br /> It e r �u- .Vr.y�c:'s ard recom�eyance sheU operate as n rebasi9�meri o� tho ren!s. income, issues a�d protits
<br /> � '�� �„ c- '�nr:�.7�,�tc th9 6ene5ciarY.
<br /> ii 5 C� ' �F�DRECEIVERe'lTSF,h�PPQF!Ti'NO�wilhslar.dinganyotnerprovisienshereol,Beneficiary'
<br /> M1 p G:�,r„?^rm �s�cn;o Trus�or to callecl artl retxin the rents,mwme,issues antl Drofita oi sach GrOperry as Ihey
<br /> b �o�.nud��=".�1P�iec':- b�trc=_orveatherghttoravahesuchperm'.ssion5tamtime,wieh6rwithoutcausa.bynoticein
<br /> :n , t.• �n;,ic ^.allad to 'rustcr zt hlv la^,: krown eddrass:In eny av^nt. such penalsslon ro Tmstor s0a11 be
<br /> s »n-�I.sl'�ie�rolaedupor.aefnulthereunderby7rusror.
<br /> I t,flJYi(�'iM I� �:TmcYnrv.'Ipmvdctc� n�A�iciep',w h�n30daysci� ecloseoleaehliscalyearofTmstor,a
<br /> _..bel s ..and sWic-n_nt ot aa ningv of Trustor?nd s.ny and e I Gi...�?�to5 0! he ubllgnlions seWretl
<br /> Yr .:'�',',� � tl a°, 'do!Iver".o�erzfcar;sucnnthor"inancalin(ormaic.iandmsuchmecneras85neficiz.ry'may
<br /> . c bme ..1:mC.
<br /> ��
<br /> ��P<A.'.0 f i C^ ^� "�T- ?rus o ha!i cr,mp:�i�rih and shall cauae any antl all g�.arentors of the ob'igntion s2wrutl
<br /> b ,yn,r _=JncomplancariRi.:h . obvinqtinznCiaico':°nants'(T�i�paragraphshallb�:�on-apC''��able
<br /> I co ., .,�,., .i3nl�a no'ii,�.e'. '.nbab.:.;
<br /> �5� ;� �
<br /> ( '�e�
<br /> � k
<br /> � ,_, . , . . ��:;,v. , - �hall be tl r .,_n event ot tlelaul�h=reontlec
<br /> ;,3ii�;�! ,� ��c'n,h. paymen¢olzrpin.fuAmmbtcf0�lncipeloiieterestoranyotparsumsecuratlherebyw�en
<br /> �n: ,,.
<br /> i 'r.
<br /> -y �I 1 . nr oth � 'e bo 'n tlol It vndee art� lerm covenant, apreemont.condltloq or D�oNSlon
<br /> .µi� „ i d c .. r r ,r��o.�H�'nq lo�, np v^-r� '+l oi In arvy o.hor agreemontsocu�ed heroby;or
<br /> r r,o . '..'d�no _n i .eny tuild 3��en o, .cmen�.or in eny ofrer egreement som.red
<br /> � � ,,,,, r + h o =.+;i Jw�dness&ce :atl ��crehy shoul0 be I916e or m sleatling:o� .
<br /> t�
<br /> -;;..i...y�. � .
<br />