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<br /> H:�rinu�er i��,licc•:tI lhr,�iu�c nf ur(?rior te.ul 7A5�4N.CS1RIl ti[if'l'�I,YI�i�C Ct:1bU11nF]{W�:ilU4:icii'�Pii:'it:�•it{t�til. " —
<br /> �� iQ. f;imdc+unuitur�.`�SSL"(ll(TLLY(�x Il� UIIY :tY/Sl'i�Ul"i:�:.111tf tl�l'l�a(ii�ij{t:t, 1��1'Ca.t t�i ti(�li',ti:�U(:li'1:3�, iit t'r4�f�:i.1��.�1 �.��ii�l .ti15' .
<br /> zox�demuatic�n c�r u�h�r tnkinfi of en.y�<<it uf the Nmperty,or fi�r esrinvepance in licu af curr;ltmnallon,are hcrrby aK.�igned rrd , '
<br /> . o�..,i1::::�,..:.:t��..;,.:.'.�:. "
<br /> �In dic cvtnt u[a rotal taking of tk�e Prc�crty,rhe pracoeds shaif ix:app3iec�.io�ne suma�xu��i i,y u�+,�.w�ry..,rs��..�;�c.
<br /> whe.�ticr or rtat thea�due, with any cxce�s paid to�rrr�wer. lu the ever.t af'n psrtial takin�nt etk Pro�xri,y� in which �Ix �air °
<br /> nuirk�t valp�of ttye nra}�erty lmnu��latciy beforL Ihe taking is eyual tn or�rc�iter tiia�tl�e unioutiit uf th�c su�ra'acc:ur,ec! t�y this ..
<br /> Sr.xurity Xnstrament lmniedi:�tely F�fare thc ttiking,unless Sorrowcr ancl U�xier otherwise ax�ee in wriung,lhe sumx sa:urod by
<br /> thi9 Sccurlcy [nstrurnent shal!tje redu�ed by dte a��x3unt of tl�c pracceAs mwltlplicd by the fbllow6ng fra�tion: (a) thr tatal �• •
<br /> :,r:aunt QF ehc::wna::,cared imar.�lie.l�ly Ea�fore tlls ta4�n�, cs9v;��� hy(h) d�e fair inarket v�,hte oC tli�Pra�rty imn�liaGely
<br /> befo�e:the taking. Any batunce shaq be paid co �orrowrr. In th��vent of a parti�l taking of.the Pra�xrty in H•hinh ihc:fuir
<br /> market eatue of the Proix:rtp xmmcdi�trly before thc takin3 ia l�.SS tha�i t1-�e t�m��unt of'the surris sccurect im�rtc+di�tefy beture.tlia�
<br /> taking,i�nless�3orrower:uu,'. LParl�r oih�:k•►vise:+gr�c im writir.g o'r unless ap�li�5lr.lQ:x nthcrwasc psovides, �ts�F�rnr�r�ls c��e11
<br /> I�e opplieci�o t�ie sun�.s se�:ure.�by tfr�a Sccuriry Instrum:nt whether or not d4��um�ase theu due. •
<br /> �f.the Property is abundon�xl by Eiorrovrer, or if,after notice by i.crrl2r to Iiorrower that the condernnor offgrs ta malce an .
<br /> award or scttte a cl:tim for damages. I3oirower fnils to respund to L.enci�s within 30 da�s atier tltv date the notice is gaven,•
<br /> Lender is c�utlioriu�l to coliect nnd appiy thc pra�eeds,�t its aption,ciii�cr iu��ai�;uitu��o.t�lfair�f��e x'ro�.:.:t�o�to:::e�e:m� _
<br /> secured by this$ec�riry Instxument,whether or no4 theri due. �� ``"`
<br /> Uniess Lender suid Bc�srower otlienvisc agree in �4ritin�, any npplicat6on of prc�ce,eds to ptincipal sh�ll`�no:.exter�ei or _
<br /> pastrsone th�d�7e.ils;tc of the mondily pay�n�nts refen,e�tb in paragrap;�s i and 2 or chnnge thc aunount nf such pu�rnents. —
<br /> il.Borrt�jvcr'Not Reieased;ForFJenxAnce By I.ender Not sa�Ys9ver.Extcnsion of the tim�e for payment ur moclffiratapn
<br /> uF amortizsation of thc snnu sccurui by thls S�curity Instrument grdnted by Irnder:�any successor in interest of Borro+ves shap
<br /> not op;rate to�elcase the lif�bility of the ori�[n11 Borrouer or porrowcr's successors in intesest.L.cndcr shatl.j�dt be requirdtl ro a y
<br /> commence�roccaiings s�ga•i,"t}at any successor in interest ot refuse to ex�.end time for paym,.nt ur othenvise ir3�1�1fy atr►o�Y�zacion '-
<br /> of the sums secacrcd by ttiis Security Tnstrument by reasa� of any dcmand madc by the oaiginal Borrowcr ar Bonower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any f9rbearnnc�by l,ender in exercisin� any right ar remedy shall not he a waiver of or preclude tlte
<br /> excrc:ise of any right or renierly.
<br /> n � f�_Llt}�.� (� �� }6 \ tC -
<br /> !L. SUCCL'SSOi'S 8n�fl.'�'igit5 AOUDO� Jolnl ilili� arvciiie a�iuuun�i a.G-.�an.''i�. ��iG�i'iY�iYd:aio�.i� .^.DSCCS2:.°t:._L _.
<br /> Security Instrum�nt sh:�l bind attd beneft the :,ucuc,s�ars and assi�ns of Lender nnd Boaawer. a�tbject to the provisions of
<br /> paragrnp9i 17. Bonower''s�oovenanu and_agr�ments ahall be j�int and several. Any Horrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instnunent but does not execute the N�te: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrunient only to n�ortgaga, grant and convey that
<br /> Eiorrawer's inter�sc in die Properry mider the terms of this Security Instnunent;(b)�is not perso�ia0y ot+Ug2ied to pay che sunis
<br /> se:�urecl by this Securiry Instniment:tuid(c) that t�ender and any other Rorruwer may agree ro�xterxl, modify,forbcar or� _
<br /> n:�ake any accommodations with regard to the teims uf thls Security Instrument or the Note witttout that Bono�ver's consent. .
<br /> 13.I,oun Charges.If the loan setured b3 this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> nnd that taw is finally interpeeted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be colleeted in conna:tian with tlie
<br /> Iv1n exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount naessary to reduce the charge
<br /> ta the permitted limir and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limit�will be refunded W _
<br /> Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal o�ved under the Nate or by making a direct ._
<br /> payment to Borro�ver. If c� refund reduces principal, the reducdon will bs treated as a partiul prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment c�:uge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Not�res.Any notice to Borrovrer provided for in diis Security Instrument shall bc givc;��y dcliverFng it vr by m:�iling. _
<br /> 'i'f.�y first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be di��cte;d to the Property Address "
<br /> or�nny other address Bonower designates by not�ce to L.ender. Any notice ro Lender sh�ll be geven by first cless mail to -
<br /> Lender's address statod herein or any other address[.ender desig��ates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Instcument shall be deemed to have been given to Borro�ver or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S.Governing Law; Sevecabftbty. This Security Instrumcnt shal! be governcd by federn! law and the law o€the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated.In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrumem or the I�ote
<br /> conflicts with applicable la�v.such conflict shall not atFect other provisions of this Security Inst�ument or tlie Note which ean be
<br /> 6iven effect�vithout the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instn►ment and the Note are declared :
<br /> to be severaUle.
<br />_ 16.liorrowtr's Copy. Bono�ver shall be�iven one conformed copy of tfie Notc and of this Security fnstrumtnt.
<br /> Form 3020 91Ss0 _
<br /> ' Pcgo 4 of 0 '
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