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<br /> 4�1:�C11U',CIK'S�t��)1�1r III�C iu I�M'{��,t�K�l;nLJnttl��7i�!��a�i��}31n�uifiai�ui, 1U�1��LJ.(��.du �(h ts,r.r•(uIMt4 i�L.Itki�f•,t.. ' .
<br /> �
<br /> t�ii5 1f'( f'f21't1' �ti�:T�t.l;!�3i.�C,��nl.,l�.�• ��mt,�rti��;.,�,r.�r�i1,5i ��.��C���,�1 u:.�. :.id! �,•�i� �u.�1.��i���.�n�c:�°��r;;�r�ti• i�iu�i��ci
<br /> v*rihtiom�y juriatlici�un 4o ixm�tiruk.A un'slorrn be�c:urity inMrum�rnt u�virin�rrYl,proper�Y. ..
<br /> - (�;y'i�f��r�ft�-t rr,Vt'�tAP:"['S.1tc,rrn�,�_r anrt!.�-�,dC.1"f'��VC�I,-iCt�(lrlS 7}iC,Y.u9��}��OIY.'ti: . � � ..`
<br />. .. .. .�. �v�o�iwt n7 VrtwrilMl.anA 7nftiWf� t�jf^HO'tltlLtll[ 1Mt�' !.�! l:h�r'QCY. �3C1CC(fiYCC 511a�� �1'a!!'�lY {�OY W�.'11 Qilt 131Q .. � . .
<br /> . pri►xisml.af etsd intuest cm PFt cteb�t•cvidenced bq tffie Note and anY ArePeymerx and late eharges cint urnier t9ee PMM. _
<br /> - ' 2. Fa�► for Trxes�i►d ln�urync�. 5ubj�t to�pplicablc law ur tc�u written u�aiver bv Le:x;�r, Hurmwcr�l�al! p�y to
<br /> I:arwey on the clay nxxrthly paycnent,are due ijrxkr the Ncxe,unNi the NotG is{yuid in fulf,a sum("Funds'►f�r:(�)year�y turs ,
<br /> • auxl�sussN►ents w"iich i»ay.attain�riorit�avcc this�curity j'nstrun�ent as n{ien i�n�hc I�r�Exny;(tn)ywriy(eAx]mlct peymrnts
<br /> ur gttwud renlh on the Prope+ty,jf any;(c)yeuriy h��rd�r prc�rty insurance�rsemiums;(d)yrady flcxxl ins�rutire premi�ainx,
<br /> if any; (e)yescly mnrtgx�e inburan,�e prc:»�iUms, it any; aud (t) .r.y swns payable 6y 4k�rruwtr tu l.encler, in aCr�xd,iner.wi�!}
<br /> ` th�peavisions 4P para��, in litu of thc payment af moragagc insurance prcmiums. Thr..se items are callod "Fscm�v Items."
<br /> � Lc�rzier imik, at a»q cime:,cnlieet and hald Fanxls in an amuunt not tu cxceed the maximun� umaunt a 1endKr fnr a icder�lly
<br /> rclateci mnrtgsege Iwn rr�y rec{ulre f�r 13o►.�rowcr's escrow:►cawnt uixlur tl�fecleral Rcal Pstate 5etflenxnt Prtk:cxlar�Act pi
<br /> 197a as anu►x9a1 frum time to ti►tte, 12 t3.S.C. Scction 2GQ�1 er seq.("R�:SPA"), unless;mather�uw tha;.applic.c tn the Far�eis
<br /> sety a Ic.wynr a�r�ent, 1F ur, E.emkr may, at u�ry time, colfect a�id hold Fu�xis i�t un air►ow�t iwt to,excml et►e Iesur amrwnt.
<br /> r t•�tN�mav r_ctimate.lh�:am.nunt af Funds de:e on the basis uf c•arrent data and reasanabl�estiu��tl:s af rxvendiUUCY.��f Yutut�
<br /> l:scrow Ittt:�.5 urothcrvrise in accordance�vlth z��pZicabtc luw.
<br /> � 'il►e Fands shall t�e hcld in an institution �vhose deposi�s are insLr�b�� a fcdcral agency, i�►strumentalit}�, ar entity
<br /> (i►iclud►n�L.cnder,if i,CUder is suct�un i�tstitutionZ qr in any Fr,43cra1 1�Ic►nx.,);.:�ni;117auk.�.et�der sh,:l!a�,p�y thc Punds tq gaY.tl�e ,.
<br /> Esct'ow➢te�ns.Lender may nat ch�arge Borrower for l�oldirtg•Mn�?�pplyittg e,'se•Fun�s.att:}:li.i'1y att�lyzin�thr,r,stmw uca�unt,ur
<br /> verifyi�ig thc�scraw[tctn9,ui�tess I.cn�cr pays 13orro��cr intei�rst on�he Fur.ds and ap�!'i�:z�lc law perenits l.cizder to;�3 ii:e sucl► ..
<br /> , a charga. liowe��cr, Lender may require Borrowcr to pay a onc••time clearge,for mi indepcndent real estatc tnx rcportin��scrv�u:
<br /> usa! by I.encl�r in eonneetion wiih this laan, unless applie.�ble !aw prc�uides othexwise. Unless an agreenrnt is macle or —
<br /> applicablG law requires ente��ast ro be paid,Lender shall not be requirai to�3y Dorrower any intcrest or e�rniugs on Uie Funds.
<br /> Barrowcr nnd Fxnder nia�ugrce i�writius,however,that intcrest shall bc paid on the Fw�ds. Lender shnll give to�?orrower, '
<br /> without charse,an ani�ual acc�,�mdng af the Funds, showins credits;uiil debits to the Funds and the gurpose fuz L�i^�ic$each
<br /> . dchit io the Funds wa5 inado.Tl�o F'unds grc D�CdRCd As AU4itiona�f soCUritY for all sun�s secural bY th���iCCUritY in�l��eJ1t: �
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amca�tts permitted to be held by applicable faw,L.ender shall accuunt to Bonowcr''�� ` -
<br /> fur the excess Funds in uccordancc.wid�th�requirements af applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at uny
<br /> uene is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Honower i�s writing,nnd,in such case Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Le��der the amount n��xssary ro m�ke up the deficicncy. �orrower shall ma1:e up tl�e de�ci�:ncy in no_'.nnre th�n
<br /> twclve monthly paymcn4s,nt Lender's solc discretion. .
<br /> Upon payment in fuli of aQ sums securcxl by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall proniptly refund to Borrowcr any
<br /> Fands held by Lender.If,uncter parngrnph 21. L,ender shall acguire or se(I the Froperty,Lender,prior ta the acquisidon or sale
<br /> af the Property,shall apply any Fe�nds licld by Lender nt tl�e time of acquisiti�n or sale as a credit against the sun2s:;erurect by
<br /> tlus Sesurity Instr.tment.
<br /> 3,AptDlir,atlon of�yrneots. ilnless applicable law provides otheraise,�11 payments eeceivec!by i.ender under r�i1T�b*fil�1F1S
<br /> I and 2 shsll!�e applictl:first, to�ny prepayrt�ent charges due under:h�Note; sec:ond,to amounts nayable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges dae undcr thc Note.
<br /> 4.Chatges; Litns.Burrowcr shall pay all taxes,assessir.ents, ch�rges, fittes and impasitions attributablc to th� Property
<br /> ivhich iray attain priority cvcr ti:;s Sccuriry Instrument. And leasehold payments or greiYad rents, if any. Bonower.shalf pay
<br /> thc.se ob:igations in ttu manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid im that manner, Borowcr shaU pay thcm on d�,e.�directly
<br /> to the person owed�ayment.Borrower sliall promptly fuemish to i.cnder nll notices of amounts to be paid urtrler tbis paragnph. .
<br /> If Borrower mikes tyese paymcnts directiy,Bonnwer shn(l promptly fuc•qish to Lcnder receipts evidettcing the psyments. •
<br /> Sorrowcr shall�rornptly discha►gc any licn which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agreu� �n •
<br /> writing to thc paymcnt of the obligatioi�securecl by the lien in a mami;.r acceptable to Lendcr,(b)contests in good f:f;a��c Ixen
<br /> by, or defcnds ogainst enforcement of thc lict� in, Icp,�l procecdings which in the L.ender's opinion operate to p.zryent thc
<br /> enforcement of th�lien; or(c)secures from thc holder of thc lien an agrcxment satisfactory to Lender suboni�natin�ti►e lien ta
<br /> diis Security Instrun�ent. If Leuder dctermines thai any part of the Ptoperty is subjcct to�lien which snay attain priority ovcr �
<br />- this Secw•ity Instrumer.t, Lender may giv�Sorrotiver a notice identifying the lien. Rorrower shall satisY'y�the lien or t11ce aue or
<br /> ntet+c oi thc actions set fort0 above wi[hi:� 10 days of the giveti�vf notice.
<br /> ' ' Form 30?8 9/90 -
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