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<br /> !.:•.:rur��cnt. i�kRtxl����;,.liu!u��t F:�t�ill•�id�,,.,�.tc.t��cia2ilc'uSl�,ai:c;s'tc�4; un�l,td) t.u':iI sunc �ttitu� :4�.4�;�:iitr tt�vy �rH-�rnah�ly „
<br /> [.M�:ii.�«:n,y�c�Shr[thi•j�cit t�l litl'.5:':.r�iic� �r.+�.�e,���-�at,!�rii�lct'�i;Z;i�1c i��:4�_7`ii;��tt��:xu.�lSV;a��W�'l�.r l:(t}�4dI�C:ia:��i);ir !Ik
<br /> sums ee�� hx thie �autity (nsirur��nt slwl! .:ontinue unch�u►god. Y.1pnn rrin�tatermrax hy I3►xlow�s. thu S+xurity':
<br /> . in�ti�„r�:,it ar,:i�`r r,hli;a!i,-,�,<:.i•.u;c,j hcr�b.y�h•�'.t ce�eturo fuli.y�ttff;rli�r.•c»:if nt+n�-tcicrrf'iott h'k1 t�Cr.urr►�f llnw�t���.rhi; _
<br /> • CV�I[Z1J Tt1f1Ji4fL'!(�NI 1!Rt!lj�M�l l(!1nC C7dLC tri nl'Cr�r�a�iirn uiKic� fwuuw�a�Mt i 7. -.
<br /> ' a�. 51r4 d No�e:�1�M�n o!Yw�w 3ari.iAen Ttxs N�cx a partial intet�t in lhe Ntue(ta�ect� wiih thi�Scxvrity
<br /> ' C�istrumcn�} may t�e wiid ��x cx nMrt time�withcvut{x's+x noticc to Hnrrc�wer. A s�lr.may mult n a rhnnge in the tat�ty „
<br /> (kniiw:�a�the"�AVUi Servicer"�ttusi rullxcs monthlY ps+Ysrse�ts due under thr.I�cae a'nd di„Stcurity Instrument. There also .
<br /> may O�c e�nc or�norc chsnges of[he Ifasn�r�vi��rr unrr.latc�to a sa.le af the Nrx�: f�thGra is a change nf the A.oan Sezvicer,
<br /> t'xxrower wefl b�'given wriitr.ct nutice�i the ehangc in xcorda�xx•rr�tti'parugr��h l4 abc�ve snd app'.icablo lxw. 'I'he n�rticx _
<br /> will ctate the.name and add�rss of tho new l.oan Servicer Am!the a�lel�ss to w}►ich paymurts sl�oiil�l ba r►aacao. 'I'he rxxic:e wili
<br /> ailso contain any ot}�r infonnutiae roqwral k�y appsicabt�taw. -
<br /> ZA, Iias�,�„u3,Sul�tances. H�xrtiv+er shF1!rlot ca�sse�r pergtit ihr,presence, use,dis�osal,storage,or rekase of any'
<br /> Ha�ankn�s 5ubatanc�cs oiL or in tf�c I't�periy. Bomuwcr sh�ll e�ot do, nor afl�>WV onyone elsc ta da,snyKl�in�affecting �he
<br /> E'rn;�ertj�that is in violatitxt af any Envira�mie��tal L.aw„ Ttx.pre;cediog two�tenccs shaal nwt apply to the prescike,usc,a�r
<br /> stara�e on the Pm�sty of'smalf quantities of lJazan7ous Subst�nces lhat are generally recoguizecf to bc ap�ropriate t�i nartnal
<br /> . resiclent'sal use.v:u�d tu maintenance of�he Praperty.
<br /> Boaow+er s!►n!t promptly give L.errdei vuritten notire of any investigation,ctaim,demand,lnwsuit or'att�er�:tion b�•nrry
<br /> b{�_�.rnlyv_y+tul nr S�milatnq�n�P(1t'f AT fltlYatp 1�1aftV�II�DIVIR¢1t1:.FfOI�11�7 �tld 8Dy H�17dSlIQlL.Sl1b5I:ICICE OI EC3Y111�BIllCflIBI _ . .
<br /> lLaw of which Borrower has a..tUa1 lrnowledge. If Bo7roEVCr leams, or is natifc�d by any governniental or reg�alatory � ,
<br /> �vthcan'siy,that anx�enxnal ar other remediatioi�of uny Ha�.arAoua Substance affectsn$the Properry is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ,.7��ti�..,...a�..jJ,i,u.�'ii.�ii L?:.���iitsy x�e.fii:ah'T�uLi1�II3 IiE ZC� a0'�iuTiCC t::`x.'1 R'ilYl1Y:.^.1:1.°..^.I:.��'�:Y. • :.�..
<br /> ., y,.....�. . . . ' -
<br /> ..4s ais�,�in tt,�s��ara,f.��}�h 2C�.°Fi�ardous SuUstarees"are s}.�c�se��as4zne:es dei'�ned as tc�aic or hazan3ous siibstar,ezs%;�:� , • -
<br /> Em�ir�oE.caiRa'�al L•►w aa3 2he:�'�!l��r�7g:.:�bstantes: �zsoline.kc^r�,�s�:��..,c:`::r f±ammable or toric petroleum prat0tetr.to��c;::
<br /> � ,pesdcidcs and herbici;9:s, ua]aUte soh�ents� inateriats containing asbi:stos mr E%��ia.ldehyde, anci ndinac3ive rcnpteric�ls. As ��.;�
<br /> :•ufied in U�is par.�gta�2U,'"Envirnnmental Law"me�ns federal laws and laws of t�'x,yurisdiction where the Pro;��rty is lncated -
<br /> .:ihat��laue to healih,safety orenviinr�ment�tl protection.
<br /> NO,d-YJNI'FORM CO�JEIJANTS. ]Borrower und Lender furthcr coveix:snt and agr�e as follows: -
<br /> 21. Acakra�ion; Re� I.ender shall give aoticc to Borrower prior to a�eccicration[oibwing}I�rrowrr'$
<br /> bP�i1CI1 O��9 CDYtI{�1Yt OC ogl'f`HIICiIt III tI7L9 SCCIIiItY IaS�PIl111�DL Qltut n0t Qrinr tn�rrnl�ratL�n�]u�nrtirtranl► 17 _`
<br /> ank��ppll�ble law provides otiierw3se). Thc notice s1ud1 specity: (�)the default;(a)the actta�required to ctere the
<br /> t an a__�__.�_�_a_w_.._al._t_ �D �.�..�41�L�4�1.�!L�.�..J�
<br /> �s l�I A�f���ItiiQ.Y iUl�tLLVttt LInC taaK s�1ic aNfRC�i�i av wa av�si��vJ�uRaa�a�c�sc��vts srsao��sv -
<br /> cured;�nd(dS tE�at fsllu�+c So cur�U�e dKt�ult on or�efore the date spec9tled In t�e cwtice mpy result in s�ccckraitiote of
<br /> trie su�s secured bv triks Securit�lrotrumen¢xnd sstle ot the Ps�operty. 'I'he notke slufrl(�rther intorn�Boarower ot
<br /> tlrs riaht to Pt6nstAte�et�ter ootcekratian and the rlght to 6rinR A court acikwt to Rxsert t6e nw:�cx�tence o�7�defwu7t ar
<br /> wa�y oll�cr defea�e otlkre�mwRr tu Rcceter�tbn�nd�ale. i�the del'ault L�not cuml�n or betore the date spec[+19ed in
<br /> the nuilcef i.rndec�ttM�prkxe n►�y nequfre immsdlato paiyroet�t In tull�twlf surtt��erared by ihb Scticurity InRtrument
<br /> w1U�xt(urth�r dcrc�a��rid m�y invoke thc pa►wrr ut'bde�nd �ny other renxdfe� pQrmtttcd!�y opplkable la�w,
<br /> [.e��ier elu�U bm cnlllkd to rni;ect�11 cxpirraccw Ineu�rcd I» purrcutnR t�te rcntedles Nrovld�In thfs paragroph Zl,
<br /> [n�:tudla�.buc uot Nmited to.re�orwble AttotneyR'fea bnd cosEs of lilk r�lclencr.
<br /> 7t ibs power o!e�e Is InvoT�d�`i'eustc�c ahy11 rtcord a nollsc u!de!'wWt In e�ch cuue�ty ia wi�lch any�aK of thc
<br /> prnprHy!s located�d sb�+ll m�ii coptee ui siech nutic�e 1�the manner pnscrlbt�2 by appllcAbie la�tm BorroK•er and to _
<br /> Qhe olber persons prescrlM�d by Appllc�ble I�w. AOter the tfm�rcquired by o�ptkubR law,'ri�uster shull p,tvm�wbYtc
<br /> cwtke�C sale to the per�au sncl tn the m�nner Prr.scr�bed by app11cA6k t�w: [Yustec,wttlwut s1em�W on�Borrower,
<br />, sL�ll seli�he Prope�ty�►t puWk suctMn to the hlghest bWder at t6e ttm+e an�f ptace Qud under the terms desig�ted In
<br /> tiie nofkti d'sWe tn w�e or�none par�el9 aad In ony order Trustce drt�ere�i[ncs.'Ilrust�e maY posfpone sale of t�ll ar�ny =�_
<br /> prnel af the Propt�rty by�b�ic a,nnonncement at the tlme and plsoe of eny prevlously sc6eduled st�le. Lender or its =_-
<br /> des�ece eeay purc��►se tbe Property at eny safe. _-
<br /> Upon recelpt of psymet�t of the price 61d,7teutee shall deliver to the purchaser'llrustec's dee�!comcying t,tte —
<br /> Property. Thc recifal�in t!x'llrustcc's decd shntD 6e prlma Cacis evtdcQ€c of ths truth of the stntements mude thcreifl. �r --
<br /> �}rusRee siiall uppl;�the praceeds of the ssile[n tQte followidg order: (o)to all costs un�exgenses of exercLslc�the power �-::-
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