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<br /> 1::�::�u::.�d.�.t..•t:�r c•r i:�.:t�it::.��.��_, �•'_ . .. • . . �,. . {• '
<br /> ��1��:i�-hr 2>>ir ta�;���rc vn1��r„t'�he 3t�mKny itnR*rdi,x«h�i�Ci�!cY the Iak�n� ly rin�af 1��+:�gn•aler�hrtet tlrr wn��un�.�4�thc wmx .,
<br /> st�Urr.�hy t6is �;c�.wily En�Uume11!lfYll�Qi�D1AkI�/Ih.F�xe tix t.ik:it�.�,�„cr;ti ll��r��nc�a�:+i f.ci�cr�:e:�iv,�y:�:�ie� �r.�w-tili��v.
<br /> �he•urn�t s+:'ti'otrxf hy thi4 Serurity.lnstn�mrnt shel[ bc re�.+ut�e+d by tht tmtwnt u'l the+pta:eed.i mult�plied !+y the foiiuwinj
<br /> � fau�Sn�c L+a�ii�:b�iaE���i�;������oi.ilx:SGtus:.CC.ax[:d ittmtu�ielCiV'ikxtrc�tla�' t::f.lr,r,d1�;�1c,�l+:V l��}t��c I�n rt�,uhrt�.�lu,.��f tht
<br /> Yras�eay imsrxtiliatcly 2�e{a�� tt,� L►L•;n�{. Ai�y �:ia►►cc shalt t,� p:ud to T3a-rn:�•ea Ins'ihe ever.l 01 a pur!��� c�cin� ot t�
<br /> ��crty in whiwh ttx Puir maricct vdluc of tHe PitnptRy immrdietely hefcxt the tikinE it let�tlun the ymauK n6 d�e wm� �- .
<br /> seruted immrdiatciy befur� tF�e t:ekint;,u��ltss 43urrr�wer ar�f E.cnder�xherwlst a�r �n wriiiny, rn unlr�s appti�r�id�v „
<br /> �t}teruiise�ravicks,tha pnxeeds shafl be applic�ci ta thc sums�eeurcd tsy thi9 Saucity lnsa�u�mnt wtMther eH•�eu thr�ua��x ue
<br /> tf►en dnx. •� ----•
<br /> � IIf�hr F��tt�y(s�UaRdoned by�arroxcc,or i1',a�ter n<�tice by�[.cruier to liorrov�cr that tha cundemnor��fKr�tu makt
<br /> • �� ?wasA�r c�!n 1�a r.la(m,fnr dam�acs,Brnuwer Cails tn tespond to�e�xler wiihrn 3U duYs uBrP Ihe dat�11x`ncNice is givCtt,
<br /> Lcnder ie �ntho 'n�ed to collex:t and appiy[he prc�ceecls,at its uptian,r,ithrr tu rr�toratidn nr re�ir of the Propcety nr t6 the
<br /> surus sec�cred by this Security Lutrnment,whctTicr ar not then due. "'
<br /> . Unlcss lxauler an�D�orraxer c}thrnvise ngrce in wri!ing,any app�ication af procecds tn principat shal�iwt extttxi or ,
<br />' �wsipacx�he due date c�f the mantl�(y paymeuts refcrrcd tn in paragra�hs] and 2 or cf�anga the amoum of such pxymrnts.
<br />' �1. AurRU�r�er Not Reicascd; Norbea�•snce Ny I.e�nder Not e }?f'iivcr. Extensiai af the tirrw fi�r paymsn: ar .
<br /> madi�cation of a►p�,�tizatiun of tbe sums securecl by this Security'[nstrurrient graaateci tsy Lcnder to an�r sus:cesux in ir�tccr:st ,
<br /> �of ilpamwet sf�aU nat operate to releasc the liability of tl��ociginal �orrow�r or Borrowers s�ucessors in interrst.L.enckr
<br /> . ' 3[IA�I RUl UC C1:l�l!IICU lV 4%UIIIICICIII:L'�{aICGCai1C�b3 8�5U1�� illj� jUC4�.J�CS�i,i ifi'c•:fv�i L'%•s'"'..i1i.°..°.�Q.'..`�:�..`;•�:�'==f�+r s�u�=l��nr nr :
<br /> od�rwise mrxjif}�nwnizatian af thc surc�s s�curc�i by this Sccurity Insn�tment by r+;ason of wry dcmand mack by thc o�ig�na: ;
<br /> 1Bonower or IIorca�a�tr�s successo�In i3►!•�*_�est. Any forbeara�ce by I..ender int exercising any rigt�t or remecly shall not f�•a
<br /> t•::•.;v.t Of�:r_�!tt:.��Ltg e,;°'.'ti��Lf t!Z!}�ri-.��h?pr spnir,�ly.
<br />�. lY. Sua+ta..�s�t�➢,�s�Boandp Jolnt unJ Serct�ni Li�bili4y;C_'asigners. 'll�c cuvc;�-�ants and agn,cnxn�s of this
<br />' Se:..r.'ty I.nstrr.m:n4 shA�1 bi:;��<m�bcncfit th�st►ccess��.»��nt�assigns of i,cnder and Ii��r�ower,$llbjCCL�O l}SC PI'OW1510D5 OF
<br />' paragraph IT. L3:tr.,ower�s�ovenitar�s and�=�:��tzents sha�;.'be joint and s.everal, Any 33a�rowa:r wha cc-sip,ns this Sc:curiry .
<br /> • instrument bt�4�iocsawt eaecute the Note: E;�p ns co-sigmng•shos Seeurity B�nstrument only to mortgnge,gtant and canvey ihat �.'.,�,,
<br /> � Bortnwrr's ir.tCu"�s17q;lhe Frapeny underttie i�ims of this Security Ins*_Pumenr (b)is nat pecsonally ul�3igated to pay tt►e su�ps,.,,,. . ,:,:• .
<br /> , socured by this;�cc�tllly Tnsuument;and(c)agrees thst Lz;�lur and any othcr Borrower may agree to Cx¢znd,rrialify,torbG'�r• �:;;r�.;.
<br /> � • or n�a4ce any adr�mmodatiozx.�.zvith n:gairl jo t��e te�ns cl ihis Security Instrumcnt or t�a I1oie wi�Y�out that 1Rcitro�ver's ; ` .,' .
<br /> �o��
<br /> �. 13.. Loan,�firrges. If.J�r 7oW� sec;::�3_[�y this Se�urity [nstr+�m�wnt is subject to a law wl�ich sets maximune loan . �
<br /> charges,and that!aw is finu'3y irrtE�reted so ihat the inierest or other[oan charges coiiectea or to be coiler[ed in cartr��iicm
<br /> with the loan e�ceed ttee permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necess.vy ta reduce
<br /> the charge to the pertnitted limir,und(b)any sums al�eady enllected fi•am [iorrosver which exceeeled pemutted I'units wiU be
<br /> • refundcd to Soraower. Lender may chuose to make tl�is rcfund try reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by malcing u
<br /> direct payment to aorrower. If a refund neduces principal,the reducti4n wilt be treated as a partiul prepayment without any
<br /> , pxcUayment charge under tt�e T:ote.
<br /> ' X4. Notkey. Any notice to Sorrovrer prov[ded fi�r in this Securiry Inswmsnt shall be give�►by d�livering it vr by
<br /> � mailing it by fi�st class mai!unlass applicabfe law requin�use of another method.71ic notice shatl a din:cted to the Propeny
<br /> Address�r any other address Sorrow�er designates�iy notice w Lender. Any natice to Ler.dcr shall be given by first class
<br /> � mail to I.encler s address stated herein or any other address Lender dc:sigr,ates by notice to Bomnwer. Any notice pravidrd for
<br /> in this Security Ir�trument shal! be decmcd to have been given to Bmrrowcr or Lender whcn givcn as provici�ed in t}�is
<br /> ara �ah
<br /> : p �15 Cpvendnq Law; Seveeability. Tliis Security Instn,ment st�ail lie govcmer! by federai law and the law of thc
<br /> ' jurisdiction in which the Froperty is located. I�e the event that any provision or ciause of this Sccurity Insuvment or die Not�
<br /> � canflicts with applica�Ie lav�,such conflict sh�ll not affect other pmvisions of this Secarity Instrument or the Nate which.�an
<br /> � be given effx3 witfiout thc conflicting provisi4n. 'ib this end the pr.ovisions of this Sccuriry[nswment und the Note are
<br /> declured to be severable.
<br /> { 16. t3�rrower's C�y. Bomower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and nf this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> J 17. 7lransFer oY the Property ur a Benefictal Interest in Borrower. If all or an}r part of the Pmperty or uny interest in
<br /> � It IS Sfl�d er tra�sfemed(or if a b�neficial interest ui�orro�ver is sold or uansfemed aad]gorrower is noi a nat�inl�►erson)
<br /> j wi!hoat I..ender's prior written consent.Lender may.at its option,n,quire immediate�ayment in full of all sums sECUred ty
<br /> 1 th3s Sccurity f�r�.�r:rumcnt Howcver,this optian shall not[�e cxcrcised by t.ender if exercise is prohibit�.d by federal taw as of
<br /> the datc of this 5ccurity inswment.
<br /> If L.end�r exercises ti�is optiQn,L.ender shall give Bomower notice of acceleration. The notie;,shull pmvide a period of
<br /> not less dian 3U days fro�n tlte date ttte notice is delivered�r mailed within which Borrower mu.st pay all sums suurrd by this
<br /> , Security Instrun►ent Tf Bnrrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration af i�is period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> ; • remedies pettnitted by this Sf;curity Instrument wirFout further notice ordemand an Bo�eo�ver.
<br /> � !S. 6orruwer's Kight to Reinstatc. tf Boemwer mce4s ccrttin coaditions, Bonower shall havc the right ta have
<br /> � enforcement of�his Securiry Instrument discontinued at an,y time prior to the earlier of: (n2 5 days(or such ather period as
<br /> � ' Single F.unily--P�aNc�7atlFrcddic 11L�r UNIEORl1f INS['ERUA�gNT—Unifo7m Covrnanu 9/30 (pagP 4 oj6 pugrt)
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