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E3orao:�rer mmy cure euch a detnut! e+r[d reinstete, eo pravide� In peraprapb 18, by s.RUSlrtfl the ecUan or procaedkrp to � ���'.-_, <br /> � � �'�r.;�c:�ts;:1 o iu"�(q tli�4,(n LCnd�r'Q Qood t:1i�f dc?crr�'n�won,�rca'ndc�{c;1�;e11ID 0�t�10 E14il01��e�'a b�4r.r�4 li tha�raac�iy a� . <br /> athcr r�;�tc;�_1 L-c?�Src�nt o!1ho Ccn c;•cat;d by tht� £�aiif„��lac?�untr�t G7 LCR:l:i�o'��curi,y In4ac�4. Dor�m•:cr ch�'.I r..'�n f��I,� <br /> e!�'��u'i U lirin�:fs:r,di!�;ap 9.�0!s^.�c�;°c°.S"�n tuoc��a,ga•ro,i."j t::.�ot?:iccr, Gllfiiid':Aii Qt 04_�tC;i2�tii7 4'D(.C;i(�"7(C? <br /> .. .,. ,. f-'�=i Pn peac;rta I..cad:r�•l:lh c��y r�:�4:��^1 l,na,nt�t:an) L•� cnmeecllon t•��i1 tho lo^_t� ev;sac;�crd Ly t��o C��t�, I;ic'��',i��, i�u2 n4� <br /> •�, G;;,icd io, rrrc�n4atlonu eos�c�n!np t�o�ta��rer'o accu;�cnay a4 tho R�op�ry as n princ'a_I rc:::d:;��c�. ii ai�ta ,^.ysa.nfy . . <br /> • tns��ur�t�t ie on c�le�sehuld, Ooaotiver o{iatl cos��piy er�tfi eH tha p:ovistane�} the IesBQ. if Berro•racr c!eGu!rc�ica ti[:�to ti�o <br /> ' �ta�c�j,tho Ica�cfiofd end tho tc3 Gtta ohu!1 not inerps im!es�Lei�cr n�rces ta li�o r�urp�r In t�fElnp. . <br />`_;;._�. ,r_r.,,,�, .,„ 7. Frat�cttio�t ot Lend�r's Right� In tli� Pr¢�perty. If Dorrower lait9 to pertorm the cavet�anta anr�egrac�narta <br /> ' car�xa!ne�!tn tii►s Secudry Inst►ument, qr thcYO le a legeJ procezdinp tha'i mny aipniflcen;y efftct Lender'e dghfe in tha Rroporty 'r`°' <br /> ; (;.ua1 ca o µrcr;,cw5�g 6i�tcy, p;ab�ie,tor eondc^.n�tinn or tortN!!�ro or to enlote�l^,ere nr regn!stlane),then Le:�dN`��y : <br /> :,'�'�'���; do �nd p�y tor wh�teve�la nxesauy to pratect lhe v4{ue of tho Property and lender'e dphte M the PrapMy. Lender'e ec1[one e;-��� <br /> '} , . .�.r,� may k►eNde psyNip any suma eacured by e Ilen whlch hae priorriy over this Becudty InsUumnnt, appearinp In ccurt, psyfn� <br /> ' W Y'-"'"�'' ,� reasonndte ettomeys' fee� and entering on the Propertyv to meko re{ealre.lilthoncgh Lender mc+y take nctlon u;��lar t�1s paregreph <br />`�.� 'q'K.�:i_::t;Fr'�1. .. <br /> .�, • . 7,l.end�r does not huve to do na. <br /> My nmounta dlsburoad by Lond�r under perapraph 7 ahsll becoma nddiUonal deb3 0} Horrower eacured by thi5 Secudty <br /> • �� - � Ino4mmbnl. Unlasa Bonower rmd l�de►egroa to other tfrms oi payment, those eunaunts ohcll 6ear Interost from ihe dnto of <br /> ' „ dis6ur�e�neml at the Ptote rate and ahaSl Ge peysbis,w8h {ntcrcat,upan nalira iram lcnda to Borrovler requesiing paymenL ;S' <br /> -•.. �. ° ��.. , 8. Mmrtgatgs inauraflcm. I( Lendr.rr requtrcd mortgage Insurance ae a canditton of mnwnp the loan secured by thts :�• <br /> Socu�ty InsWment,Barrower ohnll pay the prem!ums requlred to maintaln the madgsge Insurcnca In e7fect. II,tor any reason, the ,`�� <br /> ' marigaga Insurance coversge requlred by Lender lapses or cea�es to bo In ettect, BorroHer shaD pay the premiums re�uirad to <br /> obteln coverage substanUaly equivatent to tho mo�tgape In3umnce previousy In afi�ct, at e cost substantiatty oqufirdent to the <br /> 'x'.=�� i. co3t to Bortowc� of Yha rttortgage Insumnce previaualy In effect, irom ao afta�mate morigafle insurer epproved by 4ender. If <br />-- , � ' substanllally equlvatent mortgega Insurenco coverega I9 not avaflablo, Borrower ehaU pay to Lender ench month+� �um equal to _ <br /> -- � onaNrelfth a}the yoa�iy mortgnQe Insurance premtum be;ng paid by BoROwer when the Insurance caven�ge Iapaed or ceeaed to , <br /> :i�� '' . ' bo in eNect. Lender wW accept, uoa and retaln thnso payments as a loss tesene In Iieu of mortgage Insuranca. Losa reserve • . <br /> paymentt+may no lange�be requlred, ot the opUon o}L.ender,R moRg�ga Insueance coverage Qn the amount end ter the period <br /> ��,'.; � .. thet Londer req�[res) provlded by en tnsurer npproved by Lender ugatn beco�nee avalta6fe and ia obtained. Bortmwer shell pay <br /> � � � the promlums�qulred to malnViin mortga�a Inauranco fn oft�ct, or to providn a l03o r�acrve, until tfio rcquircmcnt tot �r�artga5o <br /> �� -•�-; � Insurance�,nds In eccordance with any written apreament beriveen Banownr end Lender or eppllcabla law. <br /> ;.:,�,, � 9.It98poCtlon.Lender or Ite sQent may make reasonabla enVtos upon und tnspoctlona of the Property. Lender shatl fllre <br /> `f'�� � Boaower noUce at the time ot or pdor to en InspecUon epacifying reasonable causa for tho lnspection. <br /> :?,f f rs;(' <br /> �,�,:�`,�� 10. Condemnetlon.The proceeda of uny eward or ctslm tor damages,diract or cor.sequenUsl, In connectlon with any <br /> � ',:,v7� cos�d�rnnatlon or other taking ot any paR of tho Property, or for convoyance In�eu ot condemnatlon, ere hereby esstgned end <br /> ,�}�;�,. ohsY be pald to Lendet, <br /> " In tha ewent of e total taking ot the Praperty, tho proceeds shall be appHed to the sumn Recured by thls Secudty ' <br /> � „k.� instmment, whether or not then due,�ruith any excess psid to Borrower. In tho event ot a pariiai iaicing oi ine rrora�y i����� _ <br /> r}�e�CL f[laj�tA}Yp�:lp e,t tl�w Pn+;,mty tmmediatety bnlore ihe teking is eaual to or areater thnn the amount of the sum9 sacured � { <br /> �� �,� by thlo 8ecudry Inst►umcmt ImmedAte►j beforo the talJng, unisss Borrov+er and Lendor othenvisa agree In v�dting, the sums � <br /> „ secur�l by thls 3c�curity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceads multiplied by the tollowing iracUon: (n)the <br /> total amount of tho sums aecurod immediately bafore the taking, dlvlded by(�D tho tair market valuo of the Property immedt�tely Zf� ' <br /> • be?are the taking.My baience st�all bo paid ta 6ono�ver.In the event o}a parllnl 4aking ot the Property In whlch tho tulr market <+� <br /> „ vniue ot the Property Immcdiatcly betare the tcrWng Is lesa than tho emount of the sums secured Immodiately bofore the tsking, <br />_ untoss Bortower end L�der othorwise agreo In wriUng or uMess applicahle law othenvise provldes, the proceads ahal! be <br /> • ' npp�ed to the sums secur�ed by thls Secuiity instrument whether or not ihe sutsns are ihen duo. <br /> ' ' ' � �� li thd Propertyr ts ebandonod Gy 8otrower,or il,efter noUce by Lender to Borrower that the cond�mnor offors to make an <br /> ' avrard or settle e ctalm tar dvneges, Barrower talla to respo�d to Lender withln 90 deys efter the dato the notice is gtven. <br /> ' ' .. "" Lender la authofized to cnllect end appy the proc:eds,at fts opUon, either to restoration or repalr oi the Prope�ty or to the <br /> " , �,,�, sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen4,whether or not then due. <br /> "'�'�%'� Unleae Lender and Bonnwer othenvlae a reo In wdtin nn llcaVon of proceeds to pdncl ul shnil not oxtend or <br /> ..{•�i.g�t:.- 9 9� Y IIPP P <br /> %''��;ti���'' postpone the duo data of the mortthy peymente reterred to In p�uagraphn 1 and 2 or change the amount oi such pnymente. <br /> � ��"'�' t i. �orrower Not Released; Forbo�rance By Lender Nat a Waivar.Extenston ot tne umo tor payment or " <br /> ,.�, .. <br /> madiflcaUon ot amorti�Uon ot the sums secured 3�y thls 8ecurlty Instrument grrinted by Lender to any successor In interest ot <br /> � Bortower shail nat operate to ceteaae tho Ilahlilry of the orighiN Bortower or BoROwer'a succoasors In interest. Lender shall not <br />, � •: b: �� bo raqulrod to commence proceadings agalnat any successor In interest or reTuso to a�ttend Ume tor payment or othenvlse <br /> • �`'�n°�� madily amortizaUon oi the sums eacure�by thls Socurity InoWmont by reason of any demnncl made by the odginal Borrovsrar ar <br /> I ''`•`` � Borrovla'cs successors tn Interoat. My torbearance by Londor In exerclsing any tlght or ramedy ehe11 not bo a walver o1 or ' <br /> Y <br /> •� � :f prcctude ifie exercls�of eny dght or remedy. <br /> • 12. Sucaessore and Aselgna Bound; Jolnt and �everal Llabllity; Co-stgners. Tne covenant3 and <br /> � . agreements ot this Secudry InsUument ehall bind end benefd the successore und c�eslgna ot Lender and Borrower, subject to the <br /> ' provislana of paragreph 17. BoRriwer's covenants nnd ngroemrMs shall bo JoNt and several. My Boe�ov�er who co-signo this <br /> ' S�curiry Instmment 6ut doea no4 oxecuta tha Note: (a) Is caslgninfl this Socudry Inatrument only to mortgngo,pmnt and convay <br /> „ ' .• that 8orrawer's fnterest In tho fPraperty under tho tertns ot this Secudty Inatrument; (b) is not personalty obltgntQd to pay the <br />° eums secured by this Secudty Instrumenfi nnd(a) agrees tAnt Londer an� eny other Borrower may uflroo to axtend,modify, <br /> „ totbear or make eny accommodaUons with regnrd to the terms ot this Secusity InaWment or the Note without that Borrower'o <br />- - " , cunsent <br />-- - ` 13. I.Oan Chai�]e9. R tho loan eacurod by thls Secu�ity Instrumont Is subjact to a law whlch sote moxfmum loun <br />- , cherges, und thnt law is Tinairy Intf,rpmte.i so thst the Interest or other loan ohar�os collected or to bo coltected In connecUon <br /> � with tho loan oxceed tho permtttad limlt�,then: (a)nny such loan charga sheill be reducad by the amount necossary to reduce <br /> thv charBo to the pem�ltted Ilmit; and (b) any sum� already collected irom Borrower whlch �xceeded pemiitted OmYs witl be 4 <br />= retunded to Borrower.lender may choose to make thls retund by reducing tbe princlNai owcd undsr the Noto o�by m�ldng a � <br /> direct payment to Borrower. If e rotund reduces prtnc(pal, tho roductlan wi11 bo trented us a pnrtlN prepnyment without any <br />- ,. prepayment charpo under tho Noto. <br /> 14. NOxIC99. My nolico tu Bortower provtded for In this Socurity Instnament shail bo glvcn by defivering It or by mailing It � <br />� ° ° by frst clas3 mafl unles3 appiicablo faw requlras use of another mothod. fio noUco shall bo directed to thu Property Addrasa � <br />= o�nny other uddress Bonowcr doslflnntes by noUco to Lcndcr. My noUcu ro Lrnder ahnll bo givcn by tirst ciass mall to i <br /> . .-___-.._---._-.-. �_JJ� _•• - • • LJ� ���....M.��--____ �rJ�. a__.___e__ 6..��IL�Iw 0 ""'__ Ar.�w1M�w�w�Li� ��1w�Mb .. <br /> ,�- Li'�IYO�O Qu�nw so\w t v�m�� v�• vv� vwt��t�� v�� . • •v��.. ��� • .n.v�nv...�w ..n w...«.. -.. <br />. §ccutlty tnstrumcnt ahall bo dc�m�d to huvo bccn glvcn to Borrovrcr or Lcndcr�vhcn 9lvcn aa providcd�In this pnrclQmph, � <br /> ° 16. Qovoening Mtw, SOVOrabllity. Yhls Sccudty (n3Uumcnt aha[1 bo govemcd by tcderN In�� and tho taw of tho ! . <br />_ • judsdiction In whlch tho Properry I� loceted. In thu avent tha!any provislon or deuae oi thle Secudry InaWment or the Note � <br /> � . contitcts with npplicttblo I3w,cvch confltct shNl not nftect other provistons ot thls 5ocu�ity(nsM�ment or tho Nota whlch cnn bo <br />__ , glren oifect without thu con0lcttng provislon.To thi9 end tha provlslons of this Socuriry InoUument and the Note aro doclared to � <br /> b0 B�YCSEi610. <br /> " . ,, 1Q. 80�►ow@►'e COpy.Bonotiver ehall ba gNen ono confonnod copy of ths Noto and ot thts Sccuriry Inatrument. <br /> _ �, F131�.L�10(10/9�) Papo 3 of 3 1:� � j , <br /> i.� <br />-� u . I <br />_ , , 350J1 � , <br /> �, � <br />