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<br /> � ' fi;'.:;CiT�£��{iCi1l.°.�ii:��{iy�I�i19 tl7 Cf:VIPOR�it:ii�"')�l;'Oa;Cil:Jfl(C€�II��7{U:,i�ff.�.:77L'I��L{t!:PG�(1['D°LiiiUIPE!iiii.,.�.:�1 E.`:°':l�.ltl!:'."'iP(�=:'•��
<br /> '.•::-A:,r,. ;:.ry, IteL'11tfl8Pfa�laFiy`Pf3tllf9jiiQI18lIU:i.s"i(1CC��'BC�ileflfOL3�l�2°ff'd�l��(1Yt+�XItSI!fiU�Rl[1f1yL�iSVIP011f��f1�;3��fJltifl(CtTlli.�uYm:ffu.'i.;ici:iCJ ;�._
<br /> _, _;��'„_:,,;,._F tiere'.�e•.�"Malnrdn!��f Mater�als"►.Yrustar hareby warrv�nts and ceprsaent�to L.��cier tt�s�4 U3�ro asa no I Oazar:.fuu�lAate�ibta Gn cr -----
<br /> undarlh�PrQporty.lYus4Qr horeby egzeasio fn�lsmnity u��d hold h�rmlaa9 Lertder,lte dlractartr,r�illqore,�m;�lay�:a�+z�n[9 o,;;azit�,cu:�1 �;w:;:
<br /> - �.. s�� �uccAe�ara to Lender'e Intereat,(rom and e�ntnbt arry�snd al!ctelma,dszr►a�ee,Ipasea end llabllltl�ad�Jn81n cnnneCtlt�n w�fh
<br /> -- •���� tfi��ra��ncn,use,c�le�os�l or tr�ns ort QI flny t�aa�a�doua°:u.a�l�Is on,undcr,trom or Pbout thA F'ro�terly.YM�FQ}�Eqt�IN�
<br /> �i WA�aRANTIES AND P�EpRESENTATI�WS,ANOTRUSTtlii'8 f]d61QAi iQt�3 PUH�UAPi?Yd 1'17��O^�GG�t�:C IPlB_�9�:i1Y,(��fi.",��. ��"`-
<br /> �T��j SURVNE RECONV�YR�!CE 4F TH1S D�ED OF TRUST. rav{dud thot 1'rustar -
<br /> 10. Iltslgnmon!ot itanta.3ruetor f�9raby aeslpne 4o Lander tha rente,Issues and pro4lte o4 tho PrppertY P
<br /> ehall,untllthe occur�ance of�n Evento4 Oefaulthoreunder,have the rlghtto cotloct end rateln ouch rente,iaaueaand prAfJin�ethey
<br /> --_���:-9 becomo duo and payebte.Upon the oCCUrrenca of an Evant ot Doteult,Lender may,elli�n�t+�Nsrs:.r�o:�,�a^,tRt,wlth or WIM^�!! _ - _
<br /> -- �'""'"�°"!' brin�lnp any acclon or prooa3dlnQ,or by a recolvor uppolntc�d by a court and w(thout regard to the adequacy a}Iti eecurity,antmr
<br /> -+v�d.�n
<br />_�.�?;;���� upon ancl take possesslon of iho f'roperty,or any pnrtihareof,in Its own name nr In tho neme o4 tha 7ruetee,and do eny acts whlch It
<br /> -_=_= deem9nrcosaeryordealrabletqpressrvethavalue,ma�kote�llltyorrantabllltyofthoProP�riy.oreny�+[�Rthereso}orintero�ttharetn,
<br /> .==�"�J Increesa the{ncomo tharetrem or protqCt the sacurlry hereol end,wlth or wllhout taklnp posseaaton oi lhe Prope�ty,eue tor or
<br /> ___--___;_�� otherwl�e catlact the ren4s,fssues and Protits thereof,Including thoss past dus artd unpald,and�pRly the eame,Idae caste end --
<br /> ;�r,��,.:•„ exponses of operatton and collectlon Including attomeye'teea,upon sny Indebtedneas sscured hereby,aQ tn such ordera�s Lender
<br /> --�� ����u�� may determine.Tho entering upo►5 and taklne passesaton of the Property,the collectton ot ouch rent9,loauoa and protlt�end 4he _
<br /> �`=m.:•��ti456 r�ii -�"
<br /> -_- --- �3pp11catSOn theroof es etoresald,shell�ot cure or walvo sny doiauft ar notice of dofault hereundar or Invalldnte any act done In
<br /> ---=_— responseto such detault or pursuant to such nottce ot detaut!�nd,notwlthetanding the cant(nuance{n poasessfion otlh�Nroperty or
<br /> - � the collecUon,recelpt end aDDllcatlon af rE�nb,Issues or pro9lte,and TrustEre end Lender ehall be entltlad to exerclag every rtght __
<br /> -=-���y�:�� provldodfovinsnyoftheLoanDocumen4sorbylrxwuponaccurrsrtc�oPanyEvsntalDeteUlt,lael��dlna�wlthoutllmltetlantherlghtto ____
<br /> _:,;;�=.�:�;� _
<br /> - '� axerclse the�oowcr of sals.Further,Lender'o rights en�i remodles undor�hls RaraprapP�shall bs cumulativo w(lh.and In no way e �
<br /> Tr, �;�i 5"" iimiiatlonon,Len�or'srlphtsendremedieaunderanye:�slgnman4oflea�ss�Rdr�ntsre�orsieda�AlnsttheProperty.LaRder.Truatee �
<br /> -,.__,;,;�„�i�� an�tho Recelver sP�afl he Ilable to account only thoso rente actualry recelved. 1.•
<br /> � -' ; 11: IEv�r�b ol D�t�uR.The fnllowing ehall coner�t�,ra an Evarot ot Detault undor thla Deflc?�i Trust �r.::=
<br /> �T ���"!����1'��. ?�. (a;Felluro to pay any Ir�stallment oi pd�clpal or IntAraa�04 any other eum Qecu►¢�d horeby when due; -
<br /> r� F 3�::r.
<br /> �•���i�`"`?�� � (b) AbreachofardefauttunderanyproWl�loncontalneciintheNote,thfaDaedoi�rus2,anyoftheLoanDacumente,orany
<br /> '1 „)R'+•',� ���::'._�.
<br /> �,l�af,��� , ; other Ilen or oncumbrn�oca upon the PropertY; -
<br /> ,,,� i�t" ' (c) A wrlt of or�aouUon or attachment or any slmllar process shall be on4ored against Trus4or wNlch ahell beCOme a Ilen an ��r,-
<br />,�l�r��i�i, ,, , ti ; �he Property or any portlon therea4 or Intereat 4hereln;
<br /> 2 z,.-;, (�j T���.�;���w fuwd hy ar agaln�t Trustor or Borrowar an eatlon under any present or futuro tederal,etate or other �».�
<br /> ��,,;;,•- � � . -
<br /> ,�k{ atatute.law or repulatton relating ta bn�kruptay,Insolvency or other retiot tor dsbtors;or tnere ehaii oe appaiiiiiri ar.�wsto.aa
<br /> .y� �,:�
<br /> . t��� � recolver or It Wldator ot Truator or Borrowor or of all ar any paKOf the Prm�orly,or the renta,Issues ov protlts thereo},or Trustor �;_
<br /> •.f`�.;,_4%t.�,s�. ;.'r_, �., u �...., oc c
<br /> ::i._:yi�'±';Ii'A ' y; �1i�'uTv+iifV(�'i�aF�u ii�Sno oR7'�.9t:srs!s�lgnt!!_n!f�r thw be»eflt of credi4ora: }.•_ .c
<br />-`�;'.;r{;;-�•,.;,� . (o) ThO,eatn,tranoter.loase,asslgnment,c�nveyance or further er�cumbrance of all or any paet oP ar any�nceres�in me
<br />:y'�`.��`��_•`'� Prc�pe►ty,elther voluntarlly or Involuntarlly, wlthout the express wrltton c�nsent o7 Lender, provlded that Trustor ehall be k;;,_-
<br />_._.�,7,a•,.,,..+;•.
<br /> 'f; .>•�� �,,,,�, permlttod to oxecute a lease of the Property thet does not contaln an optlon to purchase end tha term of whfch does not exceed
<br /> r'.�,i:� • `�-
<br />;:=��J'.•. � n � ' URO y@8P
<br /> _ C�:.--
<br /> M_�,�:Y�.� . (Q Abandonment ef the Property;or .
<br /> ==�L=:^�•�•��_ : (q) Ii Trustor Is not sn Indlvldeal,the Issuence,sate,4ranster,asslgnmont,conveyanco or encumbnance o}morethen o total
<br /> ��^Y
<br /> ...n;��'�'
<br /> �:_:
<br /> -�-r-�- of.�.—porcent o}pf a corporetlon)Its Issued and outstending atock or(ff a partnevshlp)e totel oi_ percant of __
<br />- "�'�°=°`��'9 pArtnerahlp Interasta d�{ring the perlod thls Ooed o1 Trust remalna a Ilen on the Proporty. �;•=f
<br /> ---•••..�.•,-,:�•
<br /> ' `"-�'' -"-` � 12. R�rtNdIN;Acc�i�rolbn Upon�Naulb In the event of any Event of Qoinult Lendor mey,wlthout notico exceptas requlred by
<br /> �=�, lew,declare ell Indebtedaeas secured hereby to be due and payeble and the eame ehell thoreupan becoma due and paya6le
<br /> "�_��•���r;L��'� wlthout eny presentment demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereaiter Lendor may: ��;,•�
<br />�-^_.�,: , � ,
<br /> _ =-�y��--=' (a) Oeman d t h a t T r u s t e fl o x e r a l s a t h e P O W E R O F S A L E g r a n t e d h e r e l n, a n d Trustae ehal{theroaker cauae Truetor'e
<br /> '�-'�-y-� Intereat fn the Propexty to bs sotd and the proceeds to bo dlatrlbuted,all In the manner provlded In the Nebreska 7ruat qeeda , �"
<br />-- L
<br />