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<br /> �,���� :;,,) C?�� `��m��-,..>u'E;:,�:Ut� ��E��G�: `� G3���11,'? i� :� � �'
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<br /> � ��;.,I. ,•�t�r �l .°.,r;IJh...�'")i'.')63t;;�.. � .c:.�SE;7. � .. .. , .. . - �.. . . > � , ... ,
<br /> ,
<br /> �„�,� . Il�if�dn9. f:. Ld�����ir�tii:ii niic7 I;a4�uv J. l.,i.i.s�k�i��tie, ]a��iabs���d nufa i1:'"c' .,.. � a .. ., ��:;,.
<br /> �::�"rai'r'r.:.,f �fist3��Yi!ai,�i; .._,,.... �,_.�.y.........._.__,..r �--�� '-°<.,...._... _.,_..,..._......,__�...._�._h...� ,_.. . . _ ..�. . � ��.,,
<br /> ,;:`�`'"".���� _l/a`i Q„�Sc�ut'i,�l�`1.�1n Rc►ad�Ye�nrtt:i. t�(? 6€](3G2i 's�"
<br /> ���=`-�-•_ whose muttin,�gddreae lu. ..:�. ... - - --- _ _ (i��ral�"Y'f�ustor;'tir'ii�i(i'29P�JIiF9 0►l;�:;�m+, ---.
<br /> `",:`��';-'�_-_�� t�iaYa�iataR, Ciinrino lJ. ttanC�u�o, A�:to•rn�;y nC l;uca �, --_
<br /> -- -�-� _..�..._.,---•
<br /> whotfe matUnp rtsldraae In �'�.0._BAx lOri4� Has�iiY�n! N� 68902••104b� thsrotn"7iutts�"�,qnd
<br /> � the B�enaflatary, City Nntitona� I3unlc nnd Truot Com��ny —_ __ , 6
<br /> _-_ -_-- whase mntllnp addreas la p•0: $°x �49, linoCln a, NE, 6�902«09�r9_ __—(hereln"Lendor"}. __
<br /> ---=
<br /> .____.__
<br /> ` ` ' fF(2A VALUA81.�CC2NS1'm�WAYtYdf�i,Inatud?�ng LrndFr a mxtonsior�of crecilt IdanUtluJ i»r3iii to �?nclal C. RrdinFort _�
<br />- ''"� and Banny J. Rainforth, Huaband aud GTife .� --
<br /> - (haroln Bo�ro�rer",whathar ona or mare)and the trust itereln crantec],
<br /> �' the Pocoipt ot w��tch ta hareby acknowlodmaA, Yrustor herak�y Irr¢�vocably�r�aT2s,transiara,cor+voyA�nd eas[{yns to Tr4ot�o,7Ta _
<br /> -- = T6ilDSY,W IYH S��E�f��CF SAIE,for the benallt Et�d°scurity o1 Lender,undQr cz��d subjoct ta ttfo 4orma nnd ccsnditions horetnnR�r sot
<br /> fATti T�,i�o real properdyr,describad as follows�
<br /> � See Pa�e 4 For I.ega7. Deseription
<br /> - - - -
<br /> --- �.
<br /> - �_-� ---
<br /> ='i-`�pE"�%"lr�r Topether with all buildirtg�,lmprovemen��. Yxturo�,sSreots,IIII8y9,pa3sagewaya,ea:°oment�,rights,prtvfle�es and eppurta- ��_
<br />_',,T
<br />,:�;;��, �anoes located thereon o►i�any�risa pertaining theret�,encf the rents,Issues and protit�,�aveeslona and rematndars thereoL and ���:�
<br />:;,;. ssasn,�ersonef proparty t1�at 1��2Yach6d to the impravemento�o as to constitute a 4ixturo,�.includlnp,but nat Ilmtted ta,�naUna and .i�:�:
<br /> "' - cooling equtpment anct togathev wtth tl�e homastead or mArttt�l mtores4s,if any,which intor•ests are hereby raleucted ani��u.:�'ived;nil ,,.,•?'':
<br />-=------ of which,includinc�f�pplecemonts and additionfl 1ne/oto,is h�roby de�l�rmd to be a part of the reai estato eosured by the Usn ot th9� _
<br /> --- DEed ot frust n�e�.��11 ot the ta�egoing being r�,'1.atted to hereln as tho"l�e¢�A��'J��• �=
<br /> �� ' xg,;a'rwaa��q�lnt ann���qn,�ra ta�tha payment ot tha orinclQal sum and Intar6st ovldnnced by a promfssory nota or aredii �`
<br /> � �...
<br /> "�� � ' April 17, 1995 . �,havin a r�fl2ur! dAte a9 APril 21, 2000 � «=�`='
<br /> '���i
<br /> m���otrem dated 8 �'! ' -
<br /> ka�--
<br /> •- �'�'��, in the origtnul princlpal amount of$ 2d����•�� ,end any enc!At�moditicattons,extensfons and renewalu �
<br /> ����� therea}or theret0 aRd any snd�al1 futuro edvanCes and readvances to Borrower(or e���oT them if more trian or�o)horeundor ��,
<br />=•�=�°� purauant to one or more promissory notes orcradlt ogreomentn(horeln cailed"Noto");(b)rtha payment ot other summ advanced by a�. N�,
<br /> ---_-_= n f all covenents and a roomonte of Trustar eottorth here[c�;¢sd(dy atl ��,�,,
<br /> ._..,,,�r�;; l�ndor to protectthe securfty of ti�o Nota;(c)the performa co o g �;
<br /> -�-- - presont and tuture Indabt�odnoss end obllAations ot Borrovrar(or eny of them ff mora than one)ta LenAer whether direcL indirect
<br /> �"-°"_�"�` absalute or contingent snd wherther arising by note.aueranty,overdratt or othorwlae.Ths Note,this Oesd of Trust and any and afl �;
<br /> otherdocueMythatrsecuretheNoteorotharwlseoxecutedfnconnectlontherewith,lncludingwtthoutllmitationguarentees,securlry ��..�
<br /> - ��_:__.
<br /> �„ agreemer�te artd eufenmenta ot leases and rente,shall be retor�ed to herein as tho"Loan Dacument�". �
<br /> ;_���.�� Truator covor+ants and agreea with Lendar ae tollowa �F"�'-
<br /> __,���,�� 1.Paynwnl ol fnd*bNdn�.All indebtednes.s sscurod heroby shall bo pald�vhen due. �=:�%��
<br /> 2.TkN.Trustar la the owner of the F►�operty.he9 the rlght end aathority to convey the Proporty,eRd wmrrants that the Ilan ,:.
<br /> __""=��� creat�d h�reby Is a flrat er�d p�lor Qen on tha Property,excep!for Ilens and encumbrances sat forth by Trustor In wriNng and
<br /> --:�••� delivered to Lender betoro oxocutlon ot this(ked of Trust,and riie execution and delfvory ol tMs D�d o1 Y�ust does not vlolata eny �,�.i�
<br /> ---��� contrect or ather obllpation to whlch Trustar Is subJect F==
<br /> �-����#`� 3.TixM,/1s�m�nt�.To pay betore detinquency ell taxo�,spoclnl esses3ments nnd all othor chargoa aga►nst tho Property
<br />:..�1'wK�7�7P1«ti� naw or hereafter levled. _ �.
<br />_._�- --- 4.It�tiraeee�.To kocsp lho Proparty Insured again�t damego by(Ire,harards Inciudod within tha term"extended coverage",and -
<br /> . "'�� suCh othar haz�rda es Lender may require,in amounte and wtth compaM�accepteble to Lender,naminp Londsr as en add(tlonal _.
<br />-_-''"'^►'�e"-1t
<br />-_:� '- named Inaured.wfth loss payebte to tho Lander.In case of loss under such policies,the Lendar is c�uthorized to adjust collec4 and .
<br />,'=T€��-��i compromise,all clalms thereunder end shall h�ve the option of epplying ell�r part of the insurence proceeda(f)to sny Indebtcsdness
<br />=_:;::�MA. �� aecured hereby end in such order as L.ende�may dotermine,(lq ta the Trustor to be used tor lhe repair or resloraYlon otthe Property
<br /> -::�a:sn�• •
<br />- :.,�_�.. � otpll►forany0therpurposeorobJec4saUsfactoryto0.enderwithautnNectinAthoilenotthisDesdn}Trusttorthefuilamountsecured
<br /> .w.-_-R:-;:;�� hareby b9tore Euch payment evor t�vk pleca.Any appiication oi proceeda to fndebtedness shall nat oxtand or postpone tho due ..
<br />___`�-;'==--,:� dato of any payments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or herounder.
<br /> =.,,�.,.:..
<br /> a---w-��:�i�� 5.�crq�r.Upon wrltten domand by Lender,Trustor ehatl pay to Lender,In such mannor ns Lc3ndor mny dosfgnate,sufficle�t
<br />. -�=`c; �• suma to enahte Lenderto pay as thoy becAme due one or more of the following:(i)al!taxas.assessments nnd other charges agalnat
<br />-`�=.'�''�=°R lhe Proporry,(iq the premiums on the propedy Ineurence required hereunder,and(Ui�the premfums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> - '�� �=``" reRulred 0
<br /> ���� 8.AAatntRn nc��Replitn and Com tlancs wEtPf Laws.Trustor shall keep the Property In good condittare aead�epair,shall •
<br />_ I��'��� -- prompt(y �Qpatr,or �epiace eny Improeomont which may ho damuged or destroyad;shnil not commlt or perm(t any waste or
<br /> -�._c::,: •
<br /> :'���'"'"'" deterioretion o4 the Properry;shail not re�o+rd.domofish nr eubs2anUally atter any ot tho improvomonts on tho Pro�erty;shall�ot
<br /> :;.a"�'
<br /> _ � .�• comm(tsuftororpermiianyecttohecloneinoruponthePropflrtylnviolaUonotaraylaw,ordlnanco.orragulatlan,anclohallpuyand
<br /> °''-�` pron�pVy dischargo at Trustar's co�x nnd expenso all Itens,encuanbrances and charge�levied,fmpo�or assessed 3gslnst tho
<br /> =:'�:`. �� Proporty�r aeoy part thereof.
<br />:-=:��,���� ; T 7. F1ni�nt Da�nakt.LQndor is he�reby nssigned ell compensaUon,award9,dama9es and other paymenb or raftet(homfnaftor
<br />-�::•'�'•' �� "Pr�ceeds'�1nconnecttonwithcondemnt�Uoncro!liortaklrtgofthePropertyorpasQ4hereol,ortbrconleya�cotnliauotcondomna-
<br /> . .,. �.
<br /> �� Uan.Lender ehall be entiUed et its opifon to commonco,appear fn nrtd prosecute In(ts awn name any acttan or procnedings,and
<br /> sh�rll utsa bfl tsntiUccd to meke nny compromis�or setticment tn connaetion wtth suctl taking or damago.ln th�ovont uny portlon of ,
<br /> --�� t�o Proporty is so takon ar damage�,Lender shall hovo the opUor,In It3 solo ttnd flb9oluta discroUon,to appty Qil csuch Preeeeds,
<br /> ,Y" � aticrded�ctin�thcroSrom n11 cast�nnd oxpr�nsesincu�ved by it in cortnaction wlth such R�ocead�,upon uny tr�deD:esinoss securod
<br /> ---. . -----••�t..e..,.�.....to.m�oeutor r�v.fatormimm�r tn nnntv nll n�Drncuoda aNnr surh dn�uCila7L�tG th0�Q3tDfflt10I10}lh6
<br /> V,;.;;�" Pre�eeity e�paa&u+Ch c�ndit!�ns&s Lendor m�+y datarminv.AnynpplicaSion of Proacedato IrideDtedrtass sha!I notoxQend or postpane �
<br /> ' ; No duo dat�04 c+ny�eayments undar tfie Noto.Ar Cure any dot3utt lhorounder or harourtdor.Any unopplit3d funds sha{I L�e paid to
<br />',�t, ..,� . YntstOr.
<br /> °� - - 8.PeKor�v.at�by L�tt�9sr.Upon tho accurrence of an�vant ai De4ault hereunder.or If any aci ia taken or le�al procaedinp
<br /> ' � ' commenced wr7:;ch matorl�lly aNects Lertdere o�tore�t in tho Propariy,Lcndor may fn ito a�Nn dl�cretlon,but withatul obligahon to du
<br />°• • co,�d wittcau'1 naUco tu ar drsmsnd upon'fruator and evlth�t rate�lrtg Trustor irom any obUgatlon,do rsny nct whlch Tneaior has �
<br />`_,�r':� : - • ngreod bua F��3�to do and may cslso da any othor�a�t it desma n�scsssary to protect tho security horeof.7rustor shall,Immediateiy
<br /> - - upen dom�r9 t�fisra4or dy Lvnd�r,pay to I.�nd�r all sasts ond oxpanaes incurrod end aum�oxpertdad by Lander in cannecUon with
<br /> ' ' � ` x the exerci��:y ier�der of tho for�olnfl ri�h�„.tag�thor wlt0lntorestthereon at the datault rat.fl provided in Na Notv.whlch ahal)bo I
<br /> ' • addnd to ihe irtdab2edness secured hsraby. fendar shali noS(ncur any Ilabfliry bacauso of canything it may do ar omit to do
<br /> � hw�under.
<br /> ,-f= �}�.,� i: • , 1
<br /> ��t,�i�'��' ;� ` f` _
<br />_ , ';Z I .
<br /> � ..
<br /> •
<br /> �__..�.�T._�..�.� _ —_-_ -- ---- -----�°— -- -^ ---� _ - --��-.�
<br />