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<br /> Alx,va'I'I�i�s YJne For Rccar�DMt�I�
<br /> ;��o�sr e�N�c rs����s�. ��. r�y�y��s�A.�s�
<br /> p.���Ux 3a�oa ' ��1�� C�F 'TRUS�' =3n+�� a5.�7a ,
<br /> n�H�,r�� ca�a3 . . .
<br /> ATl�tl: F�IYLI�.�L•HSEr� �1 --
<br /> _. . , ��
<br /> TNI$T3�BED(}F TI�tUS'�'("Security insttument")is maden� �RIL 3, 1995 . 11h�e trustor is
<br /> TiMOTRY R 1'iORTHC3LE
<br /> P.QS,r,�: :' 2�r(SP.TF:4L� AFtA R7SAT,7E F' �RTHGL.n� ?iUCRA�`•'�l! AND 4i'IFE OF EAG�i m7'HER ---
<br /> Y=�!
<br /> ("Borrow•cr").Tiietrustecis nOR41EST BANK. NL�BRA.SItE�, NATIQNl1I. ASSOCIATION _ -_.
<br /> �"Trust,;.,";.The b�::e�iciary cs �dRWEST �AIJK 2J�13RASR.A� NAT�OIVAL ASSOCIATI(�;7
<br /> ,
<br />- wi�ii,ti i�isR m�ii,w iai'�v:7'o�.i:••••.."'�...°..':.�lP.::3 L`C .� n• �n.,�,vl avivua . --_
<br /> g 8" UP111GL �1H1L�7 Vl iu�nia.a
<br /> �d�3tsiQ4 WI�ST 131H, GRANA ISLAND, N� 69803
<br /> (°iender°j.norrower owes i.erxicr me princi�at s�un vi
<br /> TF.N THOIISl1ND FIGE HUNDRED �9PtD 00/100 Dollars(U.S.$ 1fi,59�.00 �• .
<br /> Thi's debt. is evidcnced by Borrower's note dated the sarne date as this Security In.stn►ment("Nc�te'), wluch provides tur
<br /> monthly pay►ntnts,weth d�c fiall debt,if not paid earlier.dae and payable an 04/03/00 _
<br /> This Security�rs7ument secures to I.cnder:ta)the rcpayment of the debt evidencx�by the Notc,with interest.aixl ail senewals, —_
<br /> � extensions and modifications oF tUe Note; (b) the payment of a11 other sums. with intecest. adva��ced under paragrnph 7 to
<br /> pratect tl:e security of this S�cudty Instrument; nnd(c) the p:xfom�nce of Bonower's covenants�nnd ngrecments. For tius
<br /> purpose, f3urrower irrevocubty grants and c:on�ey� to Tn�stee,in tnist, with power of sale, the following described property �_�_�
<br /> ����i�� County,Nebmska: F�.�
<br /> HAI,L �''
<br /> R-
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> pPY
<br /> �vhich h�s the Lddress of 171t3 ALI.EN COURT, GItAN� ISLAND �s�e�,cicv�, '�`,,.,
<br /> Nebrasfuz g ("Property Address"); .`'-
<br /> 6��p CuacJ ,. �
<br />_ TC?GETI#ER WITH nll the i�nprovcmenu nov�or hereafter erected on tb.�property.and nll casennents, appuc�.s�ances,and �
<br />- �atures ctmv or liereafter n �tut of the progerty. A![ re�lacements and additi�ns shall also be covenesi b} uris Security
<br />_ Instrumcnt.All of the fongoing is��eferrcxl.to�this Ser.;a�ity Instrument as die"Prope�ty." '
<br /> BORRONIEP COVBNANTS thnt BorFOtiv.t:ar is lawfully seised of the cstate hemby conveyc�a�d!�u the right to grant�nd
<br />- convev dic Fro�t2y and that the Pra}rerty is�ctr.encumbered,except for encumbrancc�of record, ffle���rou•er warrants and�vi{l
<br /> defend�enera4ly tha riQe to Uis Froperty agtinst all elaims mtd demands,subject to any encumbrano:s of record.
<br /> THIS SECIJRTCY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants tor national usc and non-uniforzn mvcnants with limitecl
<br /> variatians 6y,jurisdiction to c�s:stit�te a uniform security instrumant co�•erir,�mal pmperty.
<br /> UNIFU1tI�i COV�IVAN'i`3.tiorrower and Lender covenant and a�re:as foilows: :
<br /> f. Payencnt of Princi��al and Interest; P++epaytnent �nd i.ute Cl�arges. Borro�ver shafl promptly p�y �vhen dac the
<br /> �ri:icipal of and interesi on the debt cvidcnce.9 by thc Nate and any prepaymcnt�nd latc chargcs duc urc�cr the Note.
<br />- z. l�unds fur'I'axr�un�Insuranzc. Subiect to annlicable law ur to a written�vaiver by Le�d�r,Boxrower shall pay to
<br />- Lender on d�.e day monthly p�yments uc due under the Note, until Qic Note is paid in full,a swn("Focids") for.(a)ycarly taxes r
<br /> , and assessmc�ts�hich rrury axtain priority avcr d►is Security Lucrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeady lease�told payittents }
<br />= or gro�nd rents on thc Pcoperty,if any;(c)ye.�ly tt,wzrci or pm�retty insurancc prcmiums;(d)yearly f7ood insurance r:miums.
<br /> if:uiy; (c)ye:�rly man�age msurunce premiums,if;ury; and(� any sums paynble by Barrower to Lender. in acco�ar�ce with �
<br />- dte provisions of p�raph 8,in licu uf the payment of moa¢ga�;e insurance pmmiums.'1'iiese items xse calYed"Escrow Ite�ns." i
<br />- I�nder may, at any timt,colIect and hold Funds in:�n amoimt noQ to cxcee�d the maximum ainount a Icndcr for a fcderally 1
<br /> retatcd mort�age loan may require for Iiorrotver's r,scrow acwunt under the foderal[teal Estate SettLement Procedunes Act of I
<br />_ 1974 t+s amendcd frrm timc to timc, j2 tJ.S.C. S�etion 2G01 et se��. ("l7ESPA"),unless anothcr.•.ativ that�plics to dtc Funds ,
<br /> sets a lcsscr unioum. If so. Lendrr may. at au�y time, collcrt arcd hold Furt�s in an amiount not to excccd the lcsssr�mount.
<br /> ' i..cnder ma�C estimatc tlt::amount of Fuuds due on the 6asis of currert data attd rr.a..�onable estimates of expenditures of futum �
<br />- Escrow iteir►s or otltenviso in accordanee with app�icable la�v.
<br /> NESRASKII•Sinpto FamE1yFsn�MadFredsfie Mac a1NlFARM INSYiiUMENT Form 3028 9I50
<br />- �HI 92Y9;14iTG v��ar.�onrcncECO�.0 msi�2a�o�oo �cowssa ns� Pz;�i�+a Amrr.d��G131 j
<br />- I
<br /> .,
<br />