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<br /> p. {��ir�;��"; ,.:" ; '��1•,ropr,ri•y in�ac:1 vcpclr�.r,.:ch,..lf n�t r.uomiit�•��:to nr p�u„ic im;�r.!iin::nt or e7ctcrtom;ir.r.o} G:r�Prn;�crty• ,.
<br /> 1. 1?tiio t:ekiU:7f.i F�:I:.Qw z:)��c!uz:In r,r tx�y 4h�f'i•:i�;�,���r:4rr t:c,rer;�Ircd In����rcr.r.n o4 iha{Yo�r.aiy�ur hl P:.J tn::r:l�.^.(;�Tn�!r':n+;r r,7.rr cl(;:-; ,:,7 � n
<br />-- _.. '._.... .: �;�.aa:r;��c��r,',-;::;�.r:r.:ac�.i�,,;°y<,vr tu�ct ci:::d E�cfoao 4::ilnaacr�.ur c�)�i�::hitr!n tiia 4'ru,�c,�tY In 1S�nd if.pCII�G1 C:)PCIi(�Iiil Ll.y��9 tt::�r.cVan..���. ,.
<br /> 1
<br /> L� . _
<br /> � r�ro;.nzr,�'�t�of t`rifo Y�uat Uc;:c1,tFc�i 4.crdnr n�r,y r,t it���1�tla�i p;.y cuc:h Incurr.�lco prc���lur��a,ta�cco.Inot?{;c;{�nt hu:t dC�d p::ynt^ntc,o�u:.'.r,rc��-,.-.. � .
<br /> �?�;- _. �,,;.;� «;;d dla�ur::�Cuoty suo�o onc!et:ho r.uch uoqan co It dce:ns aieca:�sary to prntcat itn Intcrc�t�iithou¢erdv�nU or iStcaUnU it�ri�iht to dcclr.rc:o:dct,:���t �.. ,.
<br /> M�}• r,rtt r.cocicratu tl�a dcb4 r.ocurcd hor�by bor.r.u�o ol nny c�ich frtiluro oi tfio [tmrotvcr. Any nrnatmta no dic5ur.cd by tho i.c:ttisr ::hr.11 con�titnr.; �„t;�„
<br /> -�Y��� edditlonnl ir�dcbtcdns�u of D�trovter aoc�ucrf by thi:�'f'ruot Qscd aud ohall Go7r�ntarost 6�om tho dato of di�burccrt�:rt cit tho raio�:Jc5'•a����=+����'� �,t�,,'.
<br /> _,,,, ,;;•.:� Note. Noihlnp contr.lnad in thl�pnrapr�ph choll requ6�e l.endor to rrsako any ouoh disbursernnnto or toko nny ncNon v�hotooevcr. _
<br /> ��r� .
<br /> L=` �'-
<br />--��_, _.:
<br /> - - -- - - -
<br /> (l. Lendor m�y mnko or cnuoo ta ba mndo ronsonablo nutrids u��o+�+iad(,r.:pcc(Iw�ut tho rap=trir. =--_
<br /> J-=.��� p. Tho proaocda of nny nv�ard or alaim for dt�m�pos,diroat o�cuneoquonilul,In aonnaotion wlth ony oonAomnntfon or otMur takin3 at the P�cpNrty,
<br /> ;^�1 or parY thoraol, or tar convoyunco in liou ot ccndomnaUon,aru hoicby:+osfpncd nn�ohnil bn pald ta Lundor to thn oxtnnt o!the full omount of tha _T_
<br /> °= romaininfl u�p.^.Id indcptodnooa oocurod t�y thie 7ruat Oeed.
<br /> _-°-'--�i� =---
<br />.�`'"'-'�'��'�i+� li tha Proparty i�ubondored by florrowor,or if,nf:or+ioUco 6y Londor to Borrotivot thot the condomnor oftoro to mako an nward or�etUo n claim for --
<br /> -----�_•;] damnBoe,Horrovrer fcils to rospun�tn Londot�•dthfn 30 doys ettor tho drato cuoh notloo I:i�noilod,Lendor ie nuthorliodto cnlloct ond�nppty the praceeds
<br /> --- to tho oume eocurcd 6y this Truot Uood.
<br /> ��°�"°�� Condamnation prococJs or zv+ards choll bo croditad to tho last maturinfl in�t�IlmoM�of tho fndo�tadnee�socuroA ond cha!I not oxcend or poetpone
<br /> ---�=�-L,,.n��x,�� tho duo dato ot tho instellmTata roinrrad to in parnprcphs 1 and 4 horoof or change tho omount of cuch inatailmenta. —
<br /> �
<br />_;�t�-_� , -
<br /> 10. It tho Londur is,uoo o partinl rolo�so ot thfs Tru.^,t Oond,tha procoads raccivod tharo}or oh�ll bo croditad to tholast maturfnp installmont3 of tho
<br />---_° --= fndebtudnoss socurod haraby.
<br /> -_�±�±�!�-4� i t. If I.ander olthor voluntarily or involuntnrily bocomoe a parry t�any ouit or lepol procooding rolating to tho Proporty,Nota or this 7rust pend,thon
<br /> ._`.A,���--��-��4� Borrowor wi0 rolmburso tho Londor for a11 costo and,to tho oxtont pormittod Ly Iaw,reason�bi�attorn�y fscn inourred bq tho l.ondny relati�,g to cuit =-y_.
<br /> --- or legal proceadings end eoid oums shail constituto additlonal Ir.dobtodnoss nocurod by thia Trust Doad and boar intarast at the eote payable undor the
<br />,=fe�;����."�� Noto.untll pald. =
<br /> ==`'���!''=�"�- 12. As oddition�l security Borrowor doos horoby assign,trnnsfor and eot ovor to Londor,in aaao of datauit fn thu porformnnco oi nny of tho terms u� �_===-.
<br /> m=;�£--.°-� comi;e�ona of this Tru�t Dood,tho Noto,or Qhe torm�oi any indebtednosa socurod I�aroby,oll of tho rents,revenues and nny income of any type -
<br /> �;�:�:��' s. � wT+atcouvor to 6o dorivod Prom tho Propany,includinp Ic�nd contraat paymonts. Londor,in porson,by ugont ot Dy rocoivor,without roga;d to thp
<br /> sol�oncy o�insolvoncy of tho Borrowet or tho vaiva of tho Properiy,ehall bo ontitled ta toko possossion of,ropnlr.ront and manapo tho PropoTty r.nd
<br />�_`_�� ta cv1?act tho rents,rovo�uo�and incoma thorofrom�nd it may pay out of sald incomo eil uxp�nsos o}repair and coste inaurred in rontiog and managing �
<br /> -v th0 Pn�::erty and collocting runtols��nd for paymont of Insuronco promiums wlth any ramaininy bnJance tu bo oppliod io tha lo^,t maturing paymunts
<br /> °=����y��� of ttve debt eucurod horaby. Upon DresanUng a copy of thie Trust Dood und dom�nd to any lossoo,tenant or contract purchoser of the Propeny,such ,_____
<br /> =-��:� pereon shall pay oll ronta,pnymonts ond profits accruod or thoronftor nccrumg to thn Landor until furthnr notito hom tha Lerdcr, -- ---
<br /> ,.-�~r�.%• i_ —
<br />;,v�} .... c�......„, ,...d d�oor,rnd or further ancumb¢[ed
<br /> ,,.� 13. If all or any part of tho Proporty or any intoreet thoro�n is dooded,SOIO O��EIN GuttQinGi vi�L��.::.____...e,__. _. . �,
<br />°��'�~� ahhwr ynluntnrily nr involuntnrily without Londor's paor wrtton ooneont,or if tho Trustor is a corporation end thoro is o chnnpe in ownership of 649G
<br /> t�•._��� ar mo�e of the corporation's etock,or if tho Trusior is a partnorehip und tAaro is u chongo in tho momoorsirip or a dissoiuiivr,ui aP�NaF:.-�oia�,
<br /> -�,' oxaludil:�(al o transtor by uporaYicn of lew upon the doa.h of e jolnt tm�ant or lbl tho pront of any Icrt+sahold intorost not corrtalning on option to __
<br /> ��_ , F pureh�so with a lonoo torm of two Ytars or lose,or(0)tho oroatian of tho purchaso monoy socurity intoroet In houaehold applianc�s,then Londee may, —
<br /> - -��` et its.option,d�claro all sums soaurod by this Trust Doad to bo Immadinteiy dun and payablo. In tho avont tho Londor consent�to uny such chan{�o _
<br /> .Tr�=`,�-,'=�f� In ownorship,con;tal or dissolutlon at irs�nsfor of ail or any part Af tha Proporty,tfinn Londor msy at ito option ndjuat tho intareat rnto to tho prova'.linp
<br />_���;:��;'�,� rnte of intoront tha4 is ahatgod on aow cocurod loa'ts of tho typo socurod by this Trus1 nood at tho time of tha ohartge in ownorship,controf,dis�otution
<br /> _ _ of tr,•msler and moy,charpo o transfor faa �!�
<br /> _-�..r_� . --—
<br /> 14, tkpon Borrowor's 6roaoh of any aovonant or agroomont of Borrawer Inthia Trust Oeod,Including tho covenants tv poy whon�_ue�ny�um9 soourod
<br /> �""g""°`I" hy thls Trust Deed,Londor at Itn option may docinro all of tho sums cocurad by this Trust Dood to 6o immadintoly duo and ayablo without furthor
<br /> LL;�t�F-:?��,���'_ D ?=�,
<br /> '] demond and moy invoka tho powor of s�lo nnd/or eny othor romedfoe pormittod by opplicnblo law inctuding tho right to foroclosn this Trust Deod in �,.,r.
<br /> ='f:z=•:���7 tho mnnnor providad 6y law for tho foroclosuro ot mort a o^ on roal ostnto. Lundar ehall be ontiHud to colleot eli reasonablo oosts and expensas
<br /> ��• fncurrcd In purauin�such romodios inctuding,but not limt od to,and to tho oxtont pormitted by law,roasonabto attomoy fous. E '`
<br /> .,� R�� �,�.
<br /> -�'� It the power of sole fs invokad,Trusteo shaU rocord u notico ot dotuuit in nach oounty in which tha Proporty or somopur[thoroof is loaatod r�nd provido _;,.,,
<br /> - -"� nouoq thereof in tho mvnner ptesoribed by appfioablo lav�• Aftor the Inpso of suoh timo ae may bo raquirad b n licablo I�w,Trustoo shall rvo publio
<br /> _...;.-�=+tF 7 Y PP 9 �,n
<br /> _�_r`�_�,.-� notic�of salo to tha porsons nnd in tho mnnnor prosaribod bY+�PPlicablo law. 7rustoo,or tho attornoy for tho Trustav, without domand on B�rrowor, �'_>>_L
<br /> ehall salf the Proporty at publio auatlon to tho highost biddor at tho tima nnd placo and undor tho tcrms dostqnotad In the nodco oi salo in ono ar moro E'�=
<br />- -_�-� parecl��nd in such ordor as Trustoo may dotormino. Tru�too mny po�tpono sale ot p!!or nny pc�rcol of tho Propnrty by publlo�nnouncamoni a�tho 1 =:•
<br /> "-''�'o"� timo and placo of any provioucly schodulnd saia. londor c�Londor's dosipnoo may purchaso tho proporty at qny ealo. �
<br />-.:-„�",,�,.
<br /> � ;-,•
<br />':�� r ry'� . P � :::
<br /> .'-_ '};y;.' . Upon rocoipt of paymonc of tho prico bid,Trusteo shell dolivor to tho urohasor o Trustoo's Doad,without warranty,convoying tho Proporty sold. Sho
<br />";""�,<, ., rocitalr,in tho Trustco's Doed shail be Mrimn fecio ovidonao of tho truth of tho etatomonts mndo thorain. Trustoo shull supply the procoods of tho salo
<br />`;;�'"-* In tho following ordar: al to nll roasonabla caets nnd oxponsoa of tho salo,including,but not limitacl to,7rustoo'A foos of not moro than Fivo Hundrod ( �.
<br /> =R�">'---�� and fJo/10018500.001 plu�t!2 of 1 Bo of tho amounc socurod horoby and romalning unpald,nnd costs of titto ov�danco;bl to all sume socurod by this y
<br />_��'::�=,-�_��`� Trust Doed;a�d c)tho oxcoss,if ony,to tho porson or porsons logally ontitlod thoruto.
<br />�--..c.�,.�^'-_�'�31,`. ,,.
<br /> � -���:�. 15. Any forbomm�ca by Londar fn oxorcicing any right or romady horoundor,or othorwlae affordod by appliaablo low,shall not bn o wcivor of or ,
<br /> `�'•�•`_"'A�� � praclido tho oxorciso of ony suuh right or romody in tho ovont of continuing or futuro brortchos by tho Borrowor.
<br /> =��;r.F',��:
<br />'=���_:'�+,�.'� Y 9
<br /> _ .�. 16.i411 romcdios pravldacl in thls Trust Duod aro dfstinct and oumalativo to nn othor d hi or romody undor this Trust Ouad or aftorded by law or oquiry,
<br /> "'�`=�"'-=- und may be exorcisad concurronUy,Indopondontly or succossfvoly. li Borrowor hau givon Londor a ahattol mortgaga,or socurity ogroomont on pareunal
<br />�.,�.ttin,,'''hT�.��.
<br /> - - -,r;,-r ;�,;:� proporty as xddltional oacurity for tho dobt socurod horuhy,ln tho ovont oi dofnult horoundar or tharoundor,Londor shull havo tho right and oytion to
<br /> - -r+� firct(orooloso on eaid porsonol proporty without projud�ao to itc right to thoraafto�soll or forocloso tho Proporty or to pursuu all socurity ut tho samo
<br /> `- - '=�'" time or to pursuo tho porsonnl proporty oftor tho snlo or foroclosuro of tho Proporty.
<br />.,i:-�.ir`�'�__ -r '
<br /> � � . .�.�i 17. Upon paymunt of nll aums sccuccd Ay this Truot Duud,Lendor shnll rnquost Trustoo to roconvoy thn Proporty ond shall surrondor this T�uat Dood
<br />;�R;,..�::^.:"�: flnd alt notos ovi�lancin�indebtadnoss�ocurod by this Trust Docd to Trustoo. Trustoo shnll roco�voy tho Proporty without warrnnty to tho person or
<br />:�w��;_iw.��'�,` poraons logelly antiUcd thmoM. Suoh porcon or persons ohall pay olI co3ts of rc�aordnflon,if ony.
<br /> __rq%t`;?•:,!t.�'��
<br /> ••� - �'� 18. Londar.m l�ndat's opUon, may trom tlmo to timo romovo Trustoo and�a�oint a succassor tru�too to any Trusteo appointed horounder by on
<br />, ? - '_�s. Inatrumont rccordod In tho County in w�ich thl,Truct Uood is rocordod. Without aonvoyanco 04 tho Proporty,tha succaaaor truatao shall suacocd to
<br /> :?_��^ ,.. aIl tiUo,powar and dutios aonTor►cd upon tho 7rustoo horaln r�nd by applioablo law. �'
<br /> 19.E�acpt far any noticos,dcmand�,r�quosts or othor communfcatians roqulrad undor oppticablo I�iw to bo�ivon in anothur mantior,whonovor Londer,
<br /> _.�_
<br /> '""' . "' Oorrocrat ot Trustoo pivos or scrvos nny nottco tmcmmnp, wi[nouc iimitarion, noriao oi uviwii und aviiw vi batai.�o��.:o, owa:o �:.......: t---
<br /> , communication with rospoct to this Trust Daod,oach such notico,damnnd,raquast or othor oommunicotion shafl bo in wntinp and shnU bo ottocuvo `
<br /> - � �. unly if tha samo is dolivorud bY porsonal sorvlco ar mi�ilcd by cortifiad mail,postago prapaid,rotum rocoipt roquqatod,addrosscd to tho addross as sot I
<br /> - ., �: fo�th at tho L��ginninp ot tfio Tn�st Ooad. A copy of any notir,o of dofault,nny notico of sala,raquirod or pormittod to bo y�von horoundor,shall ba
<br /> _ ' mallcd to oaoh porson who is o party hororo nt thv cddro��sM torth at tho tog�nning of this Truot Dnod. Any party may at�ny time chanflo its addross
<br /> ' for�unh notir.o�by�Yoli�oring or mniling to tho othor partios horoto,ns aforoaold,a notico of suoh chanpo. Any notioo haraundor shall bo doomod to
<br />,".'y�:'"'-'� ' � havo to boqn pivnn to Borrower or Lmtdor, whon pivon in tho mnnnur dosignntod horoin.
<br /> ,'�i
<br /> • ' •• 20. Tho coranante urd ngrocmonta horofn containod shnll bind,a�d tho nphte hovoundor shull Inura to thu rospoctivo hofra,roprosontntrvos,succossors ..
<br /> , �, ��.��; and o�sfpn�ot ti�o partioa. AII covnnants and apro�mohtc nf tho Borto�vor shall bo joint ond oovoral. Whonovor roloronco is modo to tho singular
<br /> �:+,. ` + .�,-. hnroundor,It sliall fncludo tho plurnl and tho ptural shal!Includo tho�ingular.
<br /> '�iE, '9:., '
<br /> '� a
<br />.-+.�anttf ,.A�;.
<br /> . ,��-.
<br />