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<br /> an�A Fi►all'itT :SfAtk;,t NS1:�CXlc�l i�1S.�1r�t.1�.,�,,,(�ri� N��'�SK[! ---.-_----.-'(herein' �rvtin�'i�a•K;t��a
<br /> J� B�ndticiuy,F�rslf�er �.,whot�ma�lfng addrase le�,,,�„�,ja(�y'��p..
<br /> iVe�r.a:cka
<br /> —'_ ���� ��1�'X _,_„Iherotn'L�ndor"!. -
<br /> @URRgWEA.In conalderotivn af thainQebtedne�a here:n recirod and che truet harein oreated Irr oceblY O�nrrtr ntxi conloya to Trustaa,in truaL
<br /> - y WfTH TH�POWER OF SALE,the fol:owlrp desciibad propnrry�ouated In the Ccunty of��� _,__,,,_.,5tote ot Ne6raska:
<br /> —= LoL• 14. H1ack �4. �lde IKi�.7 �ubr3ivisian to tt� Cit� of t�ancl is�l. Hall O�uyty. ----
<br /> -----�-,II,��
<br /> —__ - Ne�x��k�. :-_
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<br /> ._._..� .',�7. _—
<br />.—_-��scb;%?i ---
<br />--_- �_=`!�,_'� TO(iETHER with a�l buildings,fixturos end Improvoments novi or horeakor orootad thoreon nnd all rights•of•way,oasomants,ronts,tasuos,protite. �
<br />_�:,,,,�„�� income,tonemonte,hereditaments,privi�e4eo,appurtertancar•,royultlee,and mineral,vfl,gas end wator righte thorounto belonging,used or enjoyed ��"
<br />-__--.Y�:,=,�;�� witA said larv!or any p+rt tharool,end the homoatorid or marltal lnterasts,(f eny,wh;oh intorosta are heroby ratoascd ar�d woivod,ond ell of whlch, ,,;,�
<br /> -;+1+�+� iACluding►eplaceme�ta entl eddi8ono theroto ahall bo dsomad to bo ond romaln o part of tho propotiy covorad by this Tru�t Daed;o�xi oll of thu ::_-r
<br /> -=-�`��� fotegomg topethet with eeid properry aro hereln rotorrod to as tho't'roporty." 4;:!�-
<br /> .:��n�?�
<br />.._-=°.�rc_=ti�a%s "�
<br /> — ..�� TO SECURE to 4.onder the repayment oi fndebtodne�s ovidancod by Borrowor'o noto dnted At�ril 17 ,19,�.to�ether �_^�'�_
<br /> -----����r with mny and ell ronewala, modificatlont,and extensions thereo}end cubstltutions or exchanges therefor,(horein roferred to as the"Note"1 in tha !��'""
<br /> -�,:!4G��.+,L�� principal cuen of A �o on0 nn , topether with inte►ost nt tho rato provlded th�rofn,wlth a tinel maturity,if c-+��''
<br /> t�
<br />--_���r3^.L?^_�� F.,::';
<br />---.,�„r��,� not sooner pald,of��'1 7 26 ,�,Q end us eecuriry for eny futura advancos that may bo made by landor to Borro�or l.�
<br /> i-�:�
<br /> ;w�,y�?�� froni time to tlmo and es�ecudt�P lor tt�e payment of eny an�a11 othor Indabtcdnoss ot thu Borrowor to tho Londor rvhiah mny nriso,eIl of s�d sums f___
<br /> y';�1�;�,� �ot to oxceed In tho uggtegate o sum oqual to thrae tlmus tha origlnnt prnncipol omount of the obovo roc:tad Noto. �,?:°
<br /> `_=,f�l'+`r
<br /> - ••__?�{a. BORROW�R covenants tRaL�otrower is lawtully saizod o4 tha Property huroby convoyod and has tho ripht to grant and convey tho Proporty,that tho �'�"
<br />�``��ti„� Proporty Is unnncembered by o�y mortyaga,trust doed,contraot to purcl�asa,or othorwiso.oxcopt for a_i'i rc+ Tlar-r3 nf `Tn�r -='••-
<br />"� 3��""`SQa'L�
<br /> °=�'�-:"�,`��=; i�favor u} CcxmlP_rcial �dPxay. B�llk
<br /> ---i.w�_'-�-sara �. -
<br /> --������+�� on whiah tha unpald balanco on[hl�date does not oxcaad 9 58_l 1�_1Q . Borrowor covonants to comply witt�all tho torma
<br />:=''`"'�`M� and provisions ot ony prior morts3ape, trus4 dead or coM�aot to purchaso,upon the Proporty and ta mako aN paymnnts thorson befor4 thoy bacomo
<br />-.�!�• �,,� dcllnquent. If no oame or amount b inserted in thls porngraph,thon Borrowor aovonants that thoro aro no pdor Ifon3 of any kind upon tho Proporty.
<br />°�'�"4-�-`-�-=ti� 8orrower turthor covonan;s to warran3 nnd dofond tho titlo to tho Proporty epalnst all clnims and domands.
<br />��'�.�%:���- ,.
<br /> -'�`r"�j'"�P��`�� Borrowor and Londor turthet covonant ond oproo oa follo�vs: �
<br />_ ��� l\~-��
<br /> .:��1..•�:r:
<br /> -__—_ _�_' 1. 8orrowe�r ehall prom�Ny pay�v�on dua tho principol aod Intorost on tho fndobtodnoss ovidoncod by tho Noto.
<br />`.:;°s_�i.:�;'�.
<br /> :1: : ., 2, At le.^.st ton days batoro thoy btaomo dolinquont,Bo�rower ahall poy aIl tnxos and spscid os�ossmonta loviad or assoasad against tho Propo►ty,
<br /> ' ^� �f� or uny�iAri thoroof,ani nlf taxos,levfes nnd assessmonta lovied upon thio Trust Doed or tho debt whfch It sacuras.
<br /> -.=_•,:..
<br /> -°�"'��^�r'�� 3. 8a►rowar ehe!1 kocptl�c�improvementa end buildings,if any.upon tho Propo►ty f�surod,wlth n company or componfes npprovod by tho Landor,for
<br /> ;?�,.�`'��=.. on arc�ount not loss than the unpald balunco un the Indobtodnoss eocun:d by this Ttist Dood�vith o standard monpago clauso with lass payablo to
<br /> ' -•'-° the Lander. Borrowor ehalt de!Iver eald pollay or poltcles to the Lortdor.
<br /> . • In tho ovc�t of o loaa.8orrovror cha!I givo prompt notice to tho ins�ranco carrior nnd tho Londor nnd filo o proof of lose. If th�Florro►vur is not othonviso
<br /> -_- --� ^�r��� in defauft,tho Borrowormoy olootto Apply tho Insuronco pr000ed9 to ropair or roplaca tl�o damapad Proporty,If oaonomioully fausib!o,und tha cacurity
<br /> ' - of this Trust Oacd�vould not bo im�alrcd. If tho Borroeior is In dotault or olaots not to ropalr or roplaco tho damogod Fropony ot ropalr or roplocamant
<br /> - ....,..�.f..,.�o„�.nmEnnuu tn�:flilo or tho aecuriri o}thSo Trust Doed would bo fmDafrod then tho in�uraneo proceods 3ha11 ho appliod 4a tho last moturing
<br /> �� y. �y�� � paymonto duo on the Noto. lf the Insumnco proao¢t9s cro in oxcoss A1 tNo total nmount duv on nald Notu,+tho oxcoss ehall bo paid to Mo Borrowor.
<br /> `-� • � � Insuronco praaoad�ffor rapair or replaaemont ohall bo placcd fn oecro�v��Ith tho Londor ond dlcbutsod by Londor during or upan comptotion of such I
<br /> rcpoir or�oplacement, i4 t�o Londar acqufroo tlt�o t�thn Properry by oxnrcfsing ite puwer ot ents.(oroclosuro or otho�v�i9o,in eatisfaotion of tho �
<br /> .; � ;; �'w` indcbtadness securcd Aoraby,tn whota or In part,thon oll right,titlo and intoroat of tho Borrowo�in a�d to suoh Insuranuo poli�y or poltclo9 shall pnss I ,
<br /> • to tho Londcr. I
<br />='.;(4�� .,�.ry `
<br /> • 4. For tho purposa n1 provlding a turtd toe tho paYmont of toxos,cpoclai aa�ouamonto nnd lnsurnnao promiums.Borrowor shull doposit with L.andor, f
<br /> ' ' on tho datos thnt paymonis aro duo on tho Noto,cn amount oqual to tho roxoo,n�sossmsnta and Insuraaco nromlum�noxt duo(a�l os ostimatod by l
<br /> . . tt�o londar,loss umounte alaoody depasltod thoroturl divfdad by thu num6m of paymonts on[ho Noto 4t�ot wlll bocomo duo prior to tho dato whon such �
<br /> ' taxos.cssossmantn and irvsurnrtca premlums will becoma duo and payabio. 5�Id tundo wftl bo hold by tho Londur in n non•Intarost boarinp oscrow �
<br /> „ �'� account for tho p�up�:os aat tovth ebave. If tho amcw�ta ot thoso�9opo�ito aro not sutticlo�t to pny toxon,u��ossmonYa und fnnurnnco promjums o9 `
<br /> ,� � • „' . thay bocomo duu,tho Borrowar ehcll upon roquoat,pay Londor tho amount nccossary to mako up tho doficfoncy. �
<br /> ,t;,.. ;. L—
<br /> �;.•;._.�;�.,:,> 5. Untose npU��cablo low providceotherwlse,ull poyments rocetvod by Londor urttfor tho Noto ond pumgrophs 1 ond 4 hotao}aha�l bo oppliad by Londo:
<br /> .. (iret in paymont of emounts pnyable to Londot by 8orrovrer undor parap►nph A horanf,thon to lntarast payablo on tho Noto,thon to tho princfpal of
<br /> : tha Noto,ond thon to Intorost nnd Rrinclpal on ony tunhor advances or othur fndnbtodnosn socurad haroby. I
<br />' .. ' ,s� .{ ( ,
<br />