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<br />; `•:,� Tf�,uis��exej•ci�:cs tl�i.a�sian, is���d�r�itall�;ivc 1Dc�reo�vcr«QCic.^,of r.ccelera?ian.'�'ne not;ce st�ell pfQVidr;u E�°rioci oY'ri;2 �,�;,
<br /> ^��''- Icss th:oz 30 dnys frn�n tfic ctato,thc; ��.oticc le dclivcr�l o� rt,ilcd l'JIfI1111 �YIIICII YjUI'd'OIVCP �11U�t pay:ill suri�s sccueul by tlii� m--,
<br />`~fr e� Scturity fiust►•uutc»t.If llm•yo��rcr fui.!,to pay tfic:c sums prioe to tlic cxpi�tztio�af thi�pzr-iod,Lendcr m�y inv�lcc u�i;r ramccli�s {�;:�:_;
<br /> pcuti�ittcci by thi�Sccurity Instrument withaui furtl�cr notico or cQemand on Barn�wcr. . . __
<br />'.-Y-+�'_� ��, ��r;�titi•�b�°,y C'.I�ht tn I�clnst��lc. If l�orra�vcr mccce c�rtnin candittons, Borrotisca� shali itnve thc ri�12t to t�avc
<br /> eM��::=.
<br /> � cnforSCn�ent wf ttife �;,c'a:i:y Instrumcut uiacoi�ii�iuecJ ctt nny ?:uto ��iue tu tlia c:a►iicr a�: (a)S day� tor�uch ath�r r:siod»s --- _
<br /> _� p�pficablp law may speci�y i'or relnstatement) br,fore salc of the Prc+perty pursuant to any potvcr of sale cantainuf in this .,
<br /> 5ccurlry Instrui►�ent;ar(b)cnt�y,af n judgment�nforcing 4his Secvrity Instrmne�it.Thosc conditions nrc thnt Horrawcr:{a)pays _—
<br /> L.cnde�sll sums wl�ich khen�vould be du�under�his Securlty instt�mcnt and tiie Note ns if no ncccleration hnd occuered; (b)
<br /> —�- cures any dofault of mry other wvenants o�asreements; (c) pays ali oapcnses incurrcci in enic�n:i:�y ii�is aecuriiy imituuio«i. _
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