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<br />.- �0. i`MNkAalcrit4olE, 'I� �3tYyL:pCYIy uY MTIy bWlvti� l�T�;�iun� !ir'r �mu�e�, tiit't�.•t+t� ���u�tec�uu�ll�� ��t .u;tt►c::ti�,� �v�eh yny.
<br /> . c:,nx3exrus+sion a�r<�thtr :�kinR E�t aiy pnrt nC the Prc�xtty,��°f�r rnr.vsyru►ce in lieu of r.�nrlem�nstion. ars hezraby �fqned nnd ..
<br /> ,,
<br /> �;..;:;��...'..:.�..:::,. • _
<br /> ' In the ev�rnt uf�tnul,ak3r�g of the'�roper.ty�tl�p p�kxxed�ahall b�ri applied to the sum�nocurod by thio 3ecuritji Inetnteneoc.
<br /> �+hr.lher ur iwt I}►cn dur.,with nny.�xc.�ss�aid to�orrqwtr. 1n tltit evertt o!�t partid uJcln� i�f tbc Pmperiy in which tMx fitr.
<br /> _msrYrrlYaluP nf.t�le�fYH7tYtY.lmlmCl�atG�Y..�1.UIt.S�1L_I�I1JC.�5 EIWI��U.�f_gCeatq'[}uri_li►C_NI[xxl.11l ti)f_thC Sutlte LGi�ll'od'b+�[�dir ..
<br /> SC�,'UCi[}�I±lS�!'L!1�+'!7!liritlN'tTipirly IKf<xe Ihn t�kina?11nTr¢v R�vrnWer 471t1 LCIIdRA'Q[FtGeWASC et$TCC 1t�tiVtitln�.t�1C allf[li 9tR1�� ,. ,
<br /> t, Gl:fr� Scxuxitv Tnstrun�ent shatl Eje rerlucal tsy thG ainpunt af o6e ppuccody muitiplid! by �tks fal➢aw[ng fr�ction: (�� iha tc�t,.
<br /> ::morrt t`ih: cur.z.:cr,;.ur+��r"�casr.:,�IatelJ�fare tha 1_.y.inn. div�+?!�by (t►)s!�-fp�^�*kAt c+alur,nf ttx Pnx�cm� irntt►odiaic►v
<br /> txf��-e ihe wtci���. Any,bx7iux^�e ehnll b� �nttii to&�rrowes. In tl�o r,vent„n�,ra.ji�r�liY.1_t�ln� af ihe��.rtj� in whSoh t!m fa'v• „
<br /> • �TUirk:st��aluc.r,P 41nhX'r.a�rty i�nmec�ixteiy beforc thc taking as Ir2�s�Gttln.:lh;,�ar.;�;t:.��;,pa the sums ce�,-�rral nmm+�diudy befow the ,
<br /> re�:ir�,..�+ar�r.ti;;Ek�ea:oric�x and Lencltr olherH�iso agrc5e in wtititils�,�4 i�r��:ry�p�2,y^,xible iaw ot[urwise pmvidr�. the proccdds bFul!
<br /> tx up�nh2�;{'U}9�iQ,fil!(;n•secured by this Security tnstrun�er►t wh�cAn:C OA'YtR��Ilt`�LLIY'S 3#IC Qll�ll(I�IC. �
<br /> If t?�e�'eo�rir�y!s abaudonal by Barrower,or if,afier notic,�by A.ender to Barn�wer itu�t tY�crmd�mnn�nffers to makc an °
<br /> ;�w.ard nr settta a claim for damages, Rormwer fa�il4 to ttspontt to L�euder within 30 cleys•RRsx tt►o dxit the�xxice ia giv�n,
<br /> �.C�,�".?!5 C�U�t:OClZC��O CO�ICCt RT2l�:t'�T�)�S� lfln�FMC!'�9��1►t[S optiotl,�ilner to re5toraiiou orr:Fwic ui iiec;F�vji�Yijr Gi;iii I icauu�9
<br /> seeutai i��tt►is'',acurity Instnjcm�nt,w•h�ther or nat then due. �
<br /> Ui�l:�.� Leixier and Banowcr �ih:.rwise ngree in wridng. any applicsdon of procet�s3s to princi}?al sh�ll e►�t ex't�ncf or
<br /> pustpona the due datc�Fthc monthly payments rcfcrrcd to in paragraphs i nnd 2 or change the cunount of such paymerrts.
<br /> 11. Burrne•er h�.*h lte9eased;Forbeuxtanc�By Gender Not a Wa[ycr.ExtenSion af the Nma far payment ur mc�ifintiRn
<br /> of a�aonization of t]iL;;un�s securc,�l by tl�is Security Instrument grance��y L.c:ader to nny suc,:.essqr in inf��•est af Aorrc�w�r shaYl
<br /> n�t ope*;�te to release the liahiiity of rhe originiil Borrower or Borrower's s�cccesso�s ir.intcrst. I�nd�r sh:l:r.�:w rey.:i�t7
<br />- .�.n.,�.ti.r�e.��nos nonincc anv sacccssor in interest az r.fusS QO I;XICII�hI11C fQi D3VQlCllt Oi Q[I1CIVs'!'d'�?1����Y fl[tN)1tilTdlt(Nt_
<br /> .__�------ , ......
<br /> of i.y�e stuns secured by this Secu�aty I�utniment by rcason oF any deraand mlde by the oi3giiial Sonowcr or Ba�rxo+�+�r's
<br /> ,succcssors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any ribhe or rcmedy shall not be�wai.�cr uf or prectudz Ihe
<br /> � exercise of aay ri�,*�t c,z�ar�edy.
<br /> . i{.z.,�ucc�srjis:imis Assigm awund; .?oini and �everai iiAi�iiiiy; a,o-�iguc►s. 'i� vl,vci�m��is u� p��,�;��:�i�
<br /> Security��Instniment sY�sll �rind a�xl benefit the successors and assigns of Leader And IIor►�vwer, subject to tha �xaw;s:ons of
<br /> - . paragraph i7. Borm�var'e� covenunts ¢nd agrcements shall be,joint and seversl. Any Borrower wlio cu-signs'�tiu4?�ecurity
<br /> Instmment but dc�es i3ct��execute the Note: (a)is eo-signins d�is Seeurity Insirument onty to mortga�e,gru�t�nd•Cqfivoy thnt ,. •
<br /> Borrower's interest iii 1he Property under the tcrms of this Sccurity Uistrument;(b)is not person:�ly ahtig;iteil�o puy_.7hc sums � ;
<br /> secured by this Security tAisttun�ent; nnd(c)agreES dmt Lender aud any other Borrower msy afiroe to extenii.madi�'y,�'orbear or
<br /> make zny nccanmodations with regard to the terms of tivs 5ecurity Instrument or the Note:vithout that Borrcnver's consent.
<br /> 13. Y,oan Cris�rg�s.If the loan securcd by this Serurity Instru�nent is subj�t to�luv�which s�ts maximum loan cl�arges,
<br /> and diat !aw is fiaally interpreted so that die interest or other laan charges wllectcd or to be collected in cflnnection with tlie
<br /> • .. loan exr.eed the permisted limits,then:�a)any such loan charge shnll be�aiuced by the amount ner,essury to redace the chxrge
<br />- to the permitted limit; and (b)u►y sums alre.ldy cnilected frum Borrower wh}ch exceeded permitted limits will he refundeii to
<br /> }3orron•;cr: Lender may choose to make this refund by reducin�the principal owec! un�er.ehe Note or by making a dtrect
<br />� payment' io Bocrower. If a refucid reduces priucipal. the redetction witl be treate.d as a partial prepayment w}t�but any
<br />�' ' prepayment ch�rge ur�er rhe Not�.
<br /> - 14. Notices.,�ny.motice to Borro�ver provid�sl for in this Security Instrument sh�l be given by defivering it or by mail9ag -
<br /> . .� it by first class mail untess upplicablc Is�iv requires use of another methal.The notice shall be directai to the Propern�Address
<br /> , or ang',a�2her addcess Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any norice to Lender shull be given by first clasa mail to
<br /> � Lendcr's gddre.cs stmed herein or any other address Lender 3es��ates by noYice to Borrower. Any notir,�:pinvided�'or in this
<br /> '. Securiry I�istrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Bnn•ower or Lender when�iven as pravided an this part►brnph.
<br /> 15. Governing I,aw; Seve��hflity. This Security Instniment stiall be govcrned by federal l�w and thc luw of the
<br />� jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that nny pruvision or clause of tlus Security Instrument or the Note
<br />= confli�s with applicable law,such�nflict sh�ll not affect other�rovisions of ihis Secudry Instrument or thc Note�vhich can be
<br /> giwen effect witl�out the coiitlicting provision.To this end tlia provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note tu��declared
<br />- to be severable. -
<br />__ 16. Ro�rower's Cop3�.Borrower slulll be given one conformal copy of the Nate and of thls Securiry Instrument. °
<br />— Form�028 9I80
<br /> POpa 4 0l�
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