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<br /> -- µii:��tl •,l�;sll irnS f�t' u,�hd.i,',..ti+l� t��tit6rliL �! t-i�at�«:� I�ri� fu ui:t�lltani � ��t�,i�;c il� �.�i'w.�l af,�i�, 1.�'�.��? ;pa� a� l.�e;�k;•
<br /> _---^�� _ ����t�r�:: u2i!,ir,l��,i�idti�t��t;;;�(r�'2�.t1M,i�"•1 iKl�t,itl IL��1'iir�w:��� I,t J.u,f�:x�i.��ifli��,��:1�:-.,�}�f� �. ,
<br /> A}t i���rr.i�x•r I��H..�c�;c�x9 rrrxu:tl� .}iali i'+e sc'�•c^-plahl°_ t«LrnJcr aixi�hr.1! :^:lutfe;� �luwlnnl rtWn'Ka�kc rla+r!�e: r a�de�' .,
<br /> --- ---- i, u
<br /> . ° °
<br /> ------- „ . . y,,.....�;....,-..�.. ..,P.:,��� �..,u�;..� � ' -.-
<br /> __ __ v. ..,u a•ru....•?: �f i,�.al.-� fr���lrY.•C (�-i�l�«b"i• 5:1'y YHOLL(�(�� + �Ci'1e)�;'1ti�.C.f��i�'.•'lhl�Sil
<br /> gsi.i nrrm6um.�an3 rrnsw�l iMHirrs. In Ehc ev,nt oP(nsy.&►srnw�Y�twl!'givr J�rumpt rwt��x In ttae insu+yu�x carrier a►xi C.en3er. � .
<br /> ---� I.�cn+Scr uw}�n�.�kc pr�xif��41c��s rf nu¢�uu�lr�rvii��tly hy H+rrKUwer.� .
<br /> _ EIuIr.�.Y.uvl�x.:uuf.3lcvr�w:rri►Ihetu:iu!auxa�itl_tat1lLiIIU�_luiut:t2Y.C.nn•Y•���YZcl,liulE.j�;uymjjp�i(t7re�lnrfilii�ry��sr�rc�flite.__ _. . -
<br /> — ...�...-.�.._..�-._�.-. _-.��""_.."_-�.""" �,_' .. ' . . . . . r . � .. .. = '
<br /> P«��+tK,y clao�ag�t�, if t!►�re�tntatinn ur repa(�is ece��naicaily fcasilalr,and[�iKic+r's se±:uaxy is�Nit ie�u:eecl.IP the eruurszi��t ur ,
<br /> re(+�ir'ss n+�t��tc�ir.3:iiic:�lty ft:t�ihle e�r I.r.ne!ej's ;t�cw�ity u•nuld b�:lrssc�uxl. thc irtu:a�ite prn�ecd�i ,lialA he��plir�s!ta�}t� �unts
<br /> ____ cur.yr.yl �y(j!1� 4"•'��TIl� i�iUr�mm�f, wlu�th�r ��r�u�t �hen dirr., tVl[j1 an}r exccss f�xi�l to 8orrov���r. (f�krn�ower abtu:,�e�:ts the
<br />�� 17x.�p►rt,y,qr due5 rxu untiwer wid�i�3(!drys a iw�icc �'ro�n l..erxkr that the icir��t�,ipe.c:urier h•rg�iiernct�c �ztt�e a e(wi��i,thut •
<br /> Lcndcr n�y� c�llcct the insura�icc prrx�r.edq_ Lc�xler may use thc pnx•ceds ta.YCpai:r or restc►a�ttie Pro�x►ty ur to �,y �ums
<br /> sccur��1 by thi�'Sec�urity Insnzmtcnt. whtther or not thcn duc."1`8ic 30-dry��xi!*�l cvi�s t;cg!f�,v/lten tiie nntic,s is gi�-eiz. --
<br /> U�itcss l.��xlcr and Horroµ�cr otlicrwisc a�rce en writing. any appliratian ot p�v��.:r]s ta p�incepal 'shall nc�t.�,ecftid n+•
<br /> postpane ti�e due.date af�he montl�ly pa)�nxnts referred to in paragr�J>hs 1 anci 2 or cf�v�ge tl:� amo�nt of the p:�;ti�;le,tiy,ti„�if'
<br /> u►uitr�ragi�aph 21 ttx!'ro�ny is atquireil by I.eixlcr.IIorrow•er's eight to any iusurance policies and pra.�xaxis resuftiy�.�'ms�
<br /> -_ dam�¢c Ko tiic i'rapt�ny E�ziar io ii�_.ceyuitiiiion�er,�it pa��[�Ti.r,kici io i+`�c ci�iciu vi:J'ri Siitiu Si.�ilia`.0 vj�iiiiS.�i�CuTti�A�t)�1�II/�/J . •
<br /> -- inunerliatcly�rior to thc ac:q�isitiun. •
<br />___,.,�_ 6.A�ccu4xa�ky,Presen•�tton,lL4Aintcnancc ard�otection�P the Aropert�;Bormx�er's Loan A�katlon; L.easc�olds.
<br /> 13orrou•er dha�l occupy,es�ablish,and use die Pcaperty As E3orro:ver's principal ixsidence within si�:ty Jays aRer tlie�exccution of
<br /> this Security Instru�t�ni �nd shaVl continue to ixcupy the Propeny as 13arrow•cr's peinci��al �esideTtce tpr at le;r.st u�n�S�u�r afitr
<br /> ths:date of oc:cupancy,unless I.ender otherwise agre;:s in v�riting, ��f»c�s can�enE s7eall eeot bt unrr_a:�onably withhetd,or un!�ss
<br /> __- extenuating circ:umstances exist whiclt ar� bcyond fiorraiver's control. Borrou•er shall not dcstsuy, d:uvage ar itnpair tl�c , _ _
<br /> _ __ Pro�erty, �1laa.��he Prog�ny to deteriorate, ac conureie waste on d2e Property. Borrowrr�hall lre in defaulR if any forfeiture.
<br /> -- action or praceeding,w1tc:IGer civil or criminal,is begun that in Gender's gaod faith judgmcnt could result i�forfeitu��of t}xs
<br /> Prop:rty or ot�icnvisc matcrially impair thc licn cmated by this S�u.urity Instrumcnt or Lender's scrarity interest.Bonou•cr may
<br /> _-_�--- cure sudi a default and reinstatc,as providcd in paravronh 18,by causi�thc astion or procecclin�to b�,dismissed with a ruling
<br /> iir.ri. in I.crxicr's F,•u�u iaiiii ucici��iioiuivir. Frici.iiaics ��7 ��ciiu�c 'vi i�'�e °,�,,:v:.it'� irFi�i:,ai ::.ilSG, .°v��`aij .;a :i:n,:iiYuiv.':Y:
<br /> _ impairmcnt of tlte licn�rcated ay this Security Instrumen�or Leridcr's ser.urity intcrast. BottowLr shall also be in dCf,��l[ if
<br /> ______ I3orrowcr,during the Inan application proccss,bave materially fnlse or inaccurate inCo�uiation or siatements to Lendcr{or faitsd,
<br /> -- -_— to provide Le�der with:u�y material infomiation)in connection with itie Ic�an evidenced by the Note,including,but nut limitP�t
<br /> to, represent�tions c�sncerning[iorrower's oc:cupancy of tlie Property as a principal msidenre. If this S�.�urity Bnstrument is on a --
<br /> � leasehold, Borrower sh:�ll con•iply �vith nll die provisimis of thc le:uc. If Borrower acquirzs fee titdc to the Property, the
<br /> Icaschold and thc fee title shall not merge unless Lender agm,�.s to the merger in�vriting.
<br /> 7.Procecilon of Lender's Rlshts in thc Property.(f Barrower fails to perform the covcnants and agrcements rnntainal in
<br /> - '�- diis Seruriry Iautrument. or there is a Icgal prQCeeding tha!nuly si�nificantly affcct Lender's ribhu in d�e Property(such as a --
<br /> _ ' procced'eng in b�nksuptcy,paobate, for tondemnation or forf�iture or ro enforce laws or regulation5).tlun Lencier m�}r do und -
<br /> - pay for Evhatevcr is necessary to protect the value af the Praperty and L,r.nder's rights in the Property. [.ender's actcons may
<br /> _ inc➢ude payinb uny sums securc� by a lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instrument, appearin; in court, payin�
<br /> •..--.--•- rc�asonable at4urncys'fccs and cntcring on the Fropeny to ma4e rcpairs. Although Lender may lake action under this paragr�ph
<br /> ''-�'� 7, Lcndcr ducs not h�ve tu do so. - °
<br /> ___= An,y amounts disbursed by L.cndcr undcr this paragraph 7 slxall bcromc additiorial dGbt oE'8crrov;cr sccured by this �__��
<br />_--- - Security Instcume�it. Unless Borro�vcr and L.cndcr agrce to other tcnns of payment, these amounts slt^t1 bcar intcrest from the =_--
<br /> ^— � date of disburscment at the Note r.tte and shaf(be payable, with interest, upon notice f.rom I.ender to Borrower requesting E�y:;
<br /> �;:s� .
<br /> _�-� pay msr•.�'
<br /> - „'_;
<br /> _ __ �:..�itorigage Insuranee.If I.enJcr required mort�age insurance as a cond�tion of mahrr�g the loan secured by ti�is Security ---
<br /> _=,�yo Instruntcnt, Borrower shaU�ay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. af, for any re:�on, the ``
<br />�_v__-== mflrtga�c insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or cr.ases to be in cifect,Borrower shall pay th�pmmiums required to ��'
<br /> -J�-�
<br />