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<br /> vrri,�k�na bp���ns�iir�e��,�tn cuauir.,se�u�uti�7n yecuniy iinuro��ern c:rdenna rt�f Prvpe�dY•
<br />� ' .l���h�:1/t�4� �._1,2�S�Z_:`iql.iilJi. :iI�F�U:•::l":l:pl�..l:li�jct �ti)tC��.�ISI:�ii3.:Aitli,�!''.!-„�1+�N.. ' - . _ ,.
<br /> �. �yd'�Z 4r �A'�I!['�(IY� il� �11�.Lf'lY�i •�s�,y1lM�rr LfM� �.ill�C t�. BOff4WG(' b�iY�� �IUIII�X�y �� M'19P0 t�YC �C '
<br /> :�nri�ui�xrl��F��d initrest�m tP►c t9F.br�er�i��kai by thr Nul,r us►d anu P�'�iWYmerr!Atd latt clhu�r,s duc nmkr the N�..
<br /> 2. t'�sdr for'xNYa ar►d Iwurymv�. SuF�jc�t.to applicahle.laX or to a�vrittrn w;�iv;r�h} 1xMfer, I�rruwer b}��) pay t�
<br /> I.esrSar a�n th�day rntaitf�ly ywY�unts ar�due urnier t11�Nc,te,until ttx tr�xr is p�id In :�ufl,a�ih('Furxls'�4'�`;(x?yeuly fnzl�
<br /> .wxl �..�+,ments whir.l► �t�a;; :,�t�ii�p�•iuri�y u��cr thi.ti�c��eity Tntilstirrxnt:�..a HnM un the f'n�prny; in)y�ara�����rKa��•moqxb
<br /> uc K�cni�r.t rent.t•�r tlw Pn•,rxrty, if any;�c).yearly hazard r,r��mperty inxurance premiun'►s:(d)�►�r�y li,xxl inw�cyr«'e pre++�+un�.v.
<br /> if xny: (e)yexriy isr.�.ngage �ntarance p�•r_tntunti, if at►y; an.i(t) any wmy �xyahie by �3urrower to L.c�Kkr�in �xx�c►rrl�rx.,e witl� . �
<br /> ifw: pini�i+iuns of pur:+}tr.,},ti 8,in lieu ot thc�tiaynicnt cif�oongugL in,urancc preir.iunis.'F'tresp iter�t�ere ca7lad 'Escrmv lu�rrpi,.
<br /> ic��,Jer may. :�t a��y tin�e. c��l(e�i mul b��ltl��uncls in aa mm�unt nut 10 cxcccxf �tx s�oa.;imurr�;��r,n�ant�:� ?e�Yirr fnr a fad�rr�'Y
<br /> r�la:ect :iHxtgagr laan ina;: require for l�yrrr,u..r'�e�crn•.v acr�xaot andcr Ihe fexitn! Rr.u1 l:ntyte Sr:ttl��n•r.�x�'rncalurts Aa ot ,
<br /> 19%4 as ame�xltil fr�ni ti�nc•tp t+n�c. 12 U.S.C.Seetion 2601�t sey. ("RE:.5PA"),unl�.ss anc�ther iaw thsa applies ta the�� -
<br /> xts u Ietiser :.u�c�unt. Ii'so. F.encter rnay, at�ny time.cvllect unet Ix�id �'�rsds in nn anx�unt ix>t to excaecri the iesrer amouoi.
<br /> ;.�'�.Y ;:.:y :f.i:S3::C':::u�.....»:::`JF�L'^«�:�::�C^5�:.°.��52��f�i.�r�t=E L:ata �ul iracrv_�y�i1P rti�i��wtr:(+i a'iYtY1i[tii1CC Clf.ZUhIIt[ .
<br /> Es�row Irt�n.s;or alttcrwi�in acc�rdancc witli a�piicable iaw. -
<br /> 'I'hc I��anc15 shal( be 1�etd iie ar� institu►inn whnso d�(„�sit;� a� icesure� by a federal agrncy, inur�meatality, or entitq
<br /> (in��ud+ng Let�;cr,1C L.eixlcr is such an in;li�utiUi�)or iit�t!y Fedcral,Hoix�c I..c�an iiank.J.cnder sl�a{I aj�ply th�Fut�is tu psy thx:
<br /> Escmw �Items.Lcrxler rnay not cl�argr,BoROwer f.or h�lding a�xl appiying the Funds, annually analyzing thr,curow account,or
<br /> verifying the Esci'ow ItemS. unless[.endr.r�;ays Bnn�ow•er inferest o:t thc Funcis at�applicable lav;.�.prutits•;x:uicr to r.iakr,suc.h �
<br /> a ct��g�.H�ticever,i.rndei a�ay requisc {3urruwer to pay a one-time tlzarge.for an indeper�ie.nt t'�:311�Si3Y�[3X tC�11�['�II1Q SiCtYiOC .
<br /> used by l:crxler in connection weth this loan, unless appiicable law provides ott►crwise. Untcss an agrcer�xi:t es n�ie or �
<br /> a�iicai7ic iaw�cyvi�c�i««;..St v w i:a��.'.:.�.���ai�:�ii.wi oe rrquirea to pay norrc�wcr mry inir.icsi ur earlti7r,sr on iirc rdrrus.�
<br /> Bq►�rowcr a�x!Lcndcr n�ay agrce in writi��g, howcvcr, that 9ntcrest shall be p�id on che Funds.�,ender shall.give ta�orrower,
<br /> wit�out chnr�e, au annual :ics.rounting of th�Fands, shawing rredi[��,.nd d,ebits W thc Funds and thc purposr.ior whicl�each
<br /> �c�.���...r�i���;,i�i".'47u,F�i��m nlyduvd ac:ufditinnsl cr�:rit�fnr a!I�unit sc�ttd bv IhiS.Stx.ttlitY inctnntwnt_._ .
<br /> . . r'__o-____"'_ . � -__ . ..
<br /> If ihe Fu.�ds hzld by l.�nder er.cc2d the mnounts q�ermitted to b:�'sald by ap�licab(e law, Lender strall:�ount c�Iicrrrouer
<br /> for the excess Furxls in.r.cerclance with thc requin:nien�ti of appllcable law. If the amount of the Funds 1�eld by I.ender at an�
<br /> timc:is no!suf6cient to pay thc Escrow itcros whr,n du.c, I.ender may so notify(3oro+owcr in writing,:�nd, in such casc Borrower
<br /> slia➢1 pay to L.e!xler 1he runou�nt ne.ce.�cuy to n4ake u��tt�e deCcicncy.,33ort?ower sltaU make up 2i�e d.��ciency in no more�har�
<br /> twetve rnon.tl.i',;�p�yments,at Lerxler's sn:•disr.rction, ' '' ;:;�'.
<br /> U�on paynunt in fuU of all sums �c�camd by this Security Instrument, I.cnder sh:il! p7,�r��ptly re6utxf lo Bortawer�ry.,
<br /> Furxls heid'oy d.,�r�ler.if,tt�dcT�ar3graph Z1.Csnder shall acqvire or se{I the Pm1x.*sty.L.endcr, nrior to the acquisition or sale _
<br /> of t'he Pro�;.rty, slu�ll apnly u�y T'unds Ire)d by Lendes at the time of acquis3tion or salc as n c�dit against the suns secure�d by =
<br /> this Scruri�p Instrvmcnt.
<br /> 3. Application af Payme�tts.Unless applicablc la�v providcs athcr�visc,al�paymenu r�;ceivzd by Lender undcr paregraphs
<br /> I a3xi 2 sh�ll hc applied:first, to any pr�payment chargzs due under the NoYe; second.tu amounts payable under para�aph 2;
<br /> third,to interest duc; fourtl�,to principal due;anci last,tu any late charges due under thc Note. _
<br /> 4. Chae�cs; Lict�.Borrowcr shall pay all taxes,�ssessments. charges. firtes and impositions attributal��e to the P:opcny
<br /> �vhxc� rnay att�in priority over this Socvritv instrmnent, and le,�schold payments or �round ren•s, if nny. Borrower si�:�l pay
<br /> �hcse obligzr.ian�in die m:�amcr provided�in ns�ragr.iph?., or if nut paid in.that manncr,Borrowcr:�r'�all pay them on rin�e dirc�;��y
<br /> ro thc�scrson��ased p�ynknt.Borxo�ver snuil'promptl��furnish to l.cnder all notices�f amounu�c�be paid undrr this para�r:;�h.
<br /> If Borrowcr m�.4�es diese pay���cnts directly,[iurrow•cr sl�all promptly fumish to L.cncl.er receipts cvidencing the paymcnts. -
<br /> . Borcower shall prom,^�4y disch�ge any lien which has prioriry over[his Scc�ii?y�nstruR�ent unless�omawcr:(a)agrces ir�
<br /> writing t��lir psymen:of t(ie�bligation secured by the lien in a manner�cceptaGle:��i.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defc.-�ts sgtinse enforcement of the lien in, legal proceediit�s eNhich in thc LenQer's opinion op;rate to prevent die
<br /> cnforcunent oF.che lien;or(c)sceures frorn the liolder of the licn an agrcement satisfacmry to Lcndcr subocdis�atin�the licn to
<br /> � this 5ccurity Instrurt;ent.If L.ender deterniim:s that any pan of the 1'ropeny is suUject to a lien wliich may attain priority over
<br /> �L•`s Sccuriry Instevment,Lender n�ay give Sorruwer zi notice idEntifying the lien. �Urco�ver shall satisfy the lien or take onc or E
<br /> �-
<br /> morc of thc actions sc4 fot*.h ahovc within 10 days of thc givinb of noticc. �
<br /> r
<br /> Form 3038 9190
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