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<br /> -�- c�_ ...._.. _....._.�< - — ' ___ __ ._ . ...__....., ._..._.._ .._.
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<br />. ,�..s.,�.�--T=-^ �'^l I�:::�R"_"::::;:;_.'.=.'ka��..�:.�C'^�.'�"-x"°"'.e�:'x�__�m�a_..o.���,�r��Fl}���nw�r�s,.u;�^�.-a.n.�w�..y►�Rrvc::_'—.—:=-"...-._-' -..r-rn�-,.
<br /> .. . . :. .. � ��w ��.1��..�\J� .. . . . . � .
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<br /> (,. f',�r.��;�.•:'�-.��r••�,-,�iir Fru�ei.rtt B��;ar.rl rc��:Ir un3�iti�I nnt cnrnmlS���sta ur 17crrnit Iii;A�:l�racnt or r:tmicr..tian nF v�ia�=reperty. , i .
<br /> !. li fi���1.:��,�:+;.r i;:c�f.r r.l�a::ii[��n nr�!':�fi��,p7,::.i;ir��:;for riio ror,:dr.::7 I�ci�rei�c�«:•tf:^('r��+imty.or S�1 p;,y P,xr.o L•;`rnro�i^h�it:;,:;.i,07 r.l t,..;;v��
<br /> r:.a���n;t��uo mri:.r a Eitilnv ie,fr2��:.(;'�or t�u:�e dc:d i�:4oru cic:�nnunnt,or�71�i�:Jnz.-.!n tha t'm{icrty In{)avd r�•;::Ir� ur ol Pci+�,io�;�u•�c+f th+�cnv..��.;��� ��r
<br /> � �s{;rcc�a�rta of th;:r 1'�ir..t Oc�c9.�hon LcnJcr i�r,V�t iY�oytl�n�ir,y r,uoh in�urr.�o��:u„Isuu�, tar,o�,r�tart{�;:;,��uy ctu:.t d�:::1 p:;��rac��t.�,ur ra:';�rr�:_'ro
<br /> - cuwl ti!;f:urco cttr,h t:urn9 nnd tttko cu:.h;o¢lun a�It dccriri nccc:oory ta prntuct ito Intovoat t�ithout�-�c.vir.p or r.flccsln;3 Ifu rf�ht to�ccl::ro ur dct;ult ,�♦ „
<br /> c;;7�ecec!�ra4a tha ctc:6t ar,c�r�d h::rc4�y boomar.o uf anY cueh frlluto ot tY�o l3oteov+ar. Any r.mounis so dlsEtur�cd by th� Lcrtder.^.1�:iU cone-titutu },;�;,._
<br /> � CitI�I[IU114)h1C10I)lC(II10�0 OI�Q7�0\90f accurc.d by thla Yrust Docd nnd chell ba»r In2r,ro�t Iram thn dato ot dicUursr,mont ot tho rato pc��c.b10 undor tSia r:,�-
<br /> � Note. t�othinp r,ontnlned In thio pcsrxpr:�ph shr.11 rayuiro(.andar to mske eny such d�sbureemento ur toko Any aotlon wh�►tsoavcr. -�--
<br /> ur�,.
<br /> 8. Lender rnaY maka ar oau�o to bo me�dn rousonoufo ontdc::ua�n�en:1 lo=paodan ot ah�Prcperry. ���__==-�'
<br /> 8. Tha prnoaads a1 any'awe�6 or cloim for damagas,d�raot or con�equcntlnl, in oonnaatlon with nny cendem:tntlan or othnr tnkin{�01 the Property, -_
<br /> or Da�t theraofi,or for oonvoyanoo In Ilou of nonderoeteation.�re horoby asslpned and ahnll bo paid to Lendor to tho oxtpnt of tho full om�unt oi the �,._
<br /> = remalninp unpeld in�obto4nass socurod by thi�Trust Deed. �
<br />- If the Property is nbondor.ad by Borrnvror,o►If,nttar notico�y Londor ta H�rrower that thu corsdemnor ottora to mt�ko nn nv�ard or�ottlo n claim for -
<br />- damapes,florrov�or fafls to racpnnd to Londor withi�30 dayx oftor tho doto auoh notico in mailod,Landor Is Authoritod to aolloct nnd rpply tho ptoceeds ,�
<br /> ta tho aum�soourod by tnlc'i ruat oead. � --
<br /> Condomnatlen procooda or�wards shnll bo orudiiod to tha Inst mnturinp instailmonto o}tha Indohtodnase eoaurad and sholl not oxcaod or postpone ~v
<br /> tho duo dnto of tho insta';ments roforrad ro in paraproFha 1 and A horoot or chonpe tha amount ot sunh instniimonts.
<br /> �;u._
<br /> r._�--
<br /> 10. If tho Londor issuo�n partinl rotoaso of thi3 Tuist Oond,tho procoodo racoivcd thnrofor ehnll bo credited to tho last mnturing instalirnonts of iho �:�
<br /> Indobtadnoss socurod horoby.
<br /> 11, i�l.ender r.ithat volwitorily or invol�mtndly bocomos a pnrty to any cuit or lognl proceedinp rolotis�p to the Proporty,Noto or thl�Trust Dead,thon _—
<br /> 8orrowot wifl roimburao tho Londor tor atl cost3 ond,to tfin ex[unl petmittcd by lati�r,roroonnh�e attnrnay toon Inaarod by thnlondar raluTing to suit �i�.
<br /> , or lopal prooeedinpfs und enid sums aha!I constitirta addltional lndobtednoso socurad by thls Truat poed nnd boar Intarost at tha ratri p�yablo undo►tha �-�� '
<br /> - Notq,untll patd. �".'_-
<br /> _�
<br /> 12. As additionnl secutfty Borro�var doo�horoby usslpn,transfor�nd sot ovor to Lendor,in caao 04 Jofnult In tho pnrformancu of any of tho torm�or ��_•�_r=
<br /> conditions of this'Ctust Doad,tha Noto,or the torms of any Indebtodnooe sacured heroby,ell of tha ronte, revenues nnd any incorno of any typo =_
<br /> -- wt��tsaqvor to fio dorlvod from tho Proporty, Including land aontraot pnymontfl. Londor, in porson,by ngont or by roccivor,without ropard to tho
<br /> - sotvo'nay or insolvanoy o1 tha Borro�ror or tho vatuo of tho Proporty,aholl bo ontitled to luko poasosslon ot,repaf►,ront and rnanagv tho Proporty and
<br /> to bdlla6t tho ronts,rovonuo�and incomo thoro9rom nnd it may pay out of sald inoama all axponsaa of ropulr and costs Incurrad in ronting nnQ manapir,g ,�Y,*F,
<br /> the property end aollocting rontat3 and for pnymont of Inaurnnco protniums with ony ►omainiup bela�co to bo nppllad to the last maturinp poymonte ,,-
<br />..=�a af tho dabi�ocurod htrroby. tlpon prosont(ng a co�y at thl9 Truat Dood nnd domand fo eny loseoo,tonant or co�troct purchasor o}the Propotty,such -_�--_
<br /> ., .w�..o�ro,a,..,..��R�r�the Lnndor until 4urthor notico irom tho Londor. ���
<br /> ._ pereon snmi pay x�ii Tarns.Nnymonia a�ti p�uiiw iiL�iuo..C7..._._...... _. rr?.�.-
<br /> 73. 9f all or any D�rt of thn Proporty o►Qny Intorost thoroin le doodod,sold by lond contraot or othotwlao wnvoyod,oliennttd ot turthor onaumburcd E:,� -
<br /> - a�at,ni 4nluntarfly or involuntadlv without ConanYs pno�writton cansont, or ii tho Truatur iu a curpu�aUu��aud 4horo io o�i�o�iya in uw��are:hfp ot 80;; �'
<br /> or cilptio of tho Cq�puratlon's etook,or if tho Trustor io a partnotshtp an0 tnoro ie n coungo in ino mo�.�uoioi�ip��a�iae�Ss.�cn c!iha Fartssts_h�. �'..
<br /> axcluding lal a tann.nfor by oporatlon of Iaw upon tho doath of a joint tonant or(bl tho ernnt of ony loc�sohol�Intorost not containing an option to i;.:---
<br />,•;� pusohaso wltfi a laaae torm of two yoaro or los�,or la)tha crootlon of tho purchase money security intorast In h�uaehold applianaos,then Lond.�r may, p`t4'F=
<br /> at ite opJon,deolEtto e11 nums socurod by thls Truut Dood to bo Immodlntoly duo and paynblo. In tho ovont the Londor consonts to any such change k_:-__
<br /> = , In o��ttorship,control ordissolutlon or Yronsfnr ot nll or nny part o}tho Proporty,thon I.ondor mny at fte option adJust tho Intareat rato tu tho pravoiling :
<br /> cafo ot lntn►est that is chor�od on now eocurod loons 4f tho typo socur¢d by thia Trust Ooed at tho tlmo of tlio chenge in ownorahip,control,diasoluiion E`__-
<br /> oi 4rnnsfer and mny charpo�transfer foo. t'�•'��'"•�
<br />-- . 1,.:c;:::
<br /> t....
<br /> 14. Upoo Borrower'sbrenoh of ony cavonent or qgroomont of 6orrower In this Truet Doed,incfuding tho cova�anto to pay whon dun any sams aacurod �__:._
<br /> by thls Trust Daod,Landor at Itn optiom m�y dool�re nl!o}tho sums socurod by this Trust Dood to 6o immedlatoly duo nnd pnyabla without furthor ��_____
<br />-= dumand and may Invoko tho powor of oolo andfor any othor rornedlos pormittod by applfcablo law Including tho riqht to foroclosa thls Trust Oned in "
<br /> -- the mnnnor provldod by Inw lor tho foroclosuro of mortgapos on ronl ostato. Londer ehall be onUtlod to colloot ull reasonablo coote u�d axpoiisas �--�? •
<br /> - �qcur�ad In pursuing such romadios Including,but not timitod to,ond to tho oxtont pormitted by Inw,ruasonable attomay foos.
<br /> - If4ho power of salo is lnvokod,'frustoo ahall r000rd n notiaa of defnult In oach oounty in which the Prooarty or somo por+!tho�oot ls locatad ond proviQo -
<br /> �otice thereof In tho manner presoribed by nppllcablo law. Aftor tho lopso of auah tfma es may bo roQuircd by appficablo Inv,r.Tnustoo nhnll givo public �.
<br /> - " nntico of eale tri tho porsons und in iho mannor ptascribod by t�pplicnblo lo�v. Trustoo,or thu nttomcy tor tho Trusmo, without domand on Borrowor, "-*'.`
<br /> - shall uall ttta Ptqpttrty nt publlc auotlon tn tho highost blddor ot tho tlmo and placo end undor tho torms doslpnated in tho notico o}st�lo in anA or moro '-
<br /> patacls and In audh ordar as Trustoo may dotormino. Trustoo may postpono s910 of oIl ar eny paraol ot tho Proporty by publio nnnouncomont nt tho ,,
<br /> - time't+r�d p�nco of any proviously schodulod salo. Londor or Londor'3 doafpnoo moy purchaso tho proporty ai any salo.
<br /> 1
<br /> -- Upon raaoipt of poymont of tho prlco lold,Trustae shall dollvbt to thu purohasar a Trustoo's Dood,w{thout wnrronty,convuying the Propoity sold. Tho �' .,
<br />-_ rocitals In tho Tvustae's Doc+d sh�ll bo prime facia ovldonco of tho ttuth of tho e4�.temonta mudo thoroln. Trustoo shell supply tho procoods ot tho solo
<br /> - in tho fullowinp ordor: al to all roasonoblo ao�ts nnd oxponsos of tho sala,includinQ, but not limftod to,Trustoo's foos of not mora thnn five Hwidred ,
<br /> and No1100 I3600.001 pluc 1!2 of 195 of tho mm�unt socutod horoby ond romaining un�eid,and coste of tltlo ovldonco:bl to ull swns socutod by thls
<br /> ' 'Cn�st Ooed;and a)tho excoss,i(anV�to tho qorson or porsons.lopally ontitlad thoroto.
<br /> ,. 15. Any forbemm�co by l.andor in oxorcielnp ony tight or romody horaundor, or othorvofao nftordod by nppllcablo Iaw,:s'holl not bo a wAfvor of or
<br /> = prncludo tho oxarclso ot ony such riflht or romody in tho ovon4 nt aontinuing or futuro bronchos by tho 8orrowor.
<br /> - 1G. All romadios provided in thfo Truat Doud aru dietlnot and oumulntivo to any othot tight or ramody undor thf:�Trust Dood or affordod by law or oquity,
<br /> andmay be exorclsad concutro�itly,indopondontly or suuaossivoly. If 8orrowor has givon Londor n chuttot mo►tpaga,or sacurity aflruomont on pnrsonal
<br />-_ �raporty a�ndditianat socurity fur tho dobt soourod horoby,In tho ovont a}dotoult horounder or thuroundor, Londor ahall h�vo tho�ight and option to
<br />-= . 4irut farocloao on sold porsonal pr�porry tivithout projudice te tte right to tharouttor sctll or forecloso tho Proporty or to pur�uo all eoeurity at tho sumo
<br />--- •', sir�no or to pursuo tho poroonal propnrty attor tho oulo ur faraolonuto of tho Froporty_
<br />':'�'3 17. Upon paymont of all cuma aocurcd by thfe 7ruot Daod,Lcndor shell roquoat 7tu�tno to roaonvay tho Proporty und shotl surrondur tMs Trust Doad �
<br />'�ti;r ond all notes avid�nainp Indobtodnoss eoourod by thfo Trust Dood to Truotdo. Trustoo�hall roconwoy tho P►oporty without,var►onty to tho porson or
<br /> -- pereons lopally ontitlad thatoto. Such poroon o►pursons choll poy ali cuete uf roco�dation,(f any.
<br /> tII. Londcr,at Londor'a rption,may irom timo to timo rumova T�ustoo and oppolnt o c�uccossor trustoo to any Trustco nppointod horoundor by a�
<br /> Inst►umant rceordcd in tliu Cuunty In wt�ich t1ilo Yrust Docd fo rocordcd. Without convoyanco of tho Propo►Yy,tho succo��ticr trustoo ehnll succood to
<br />.'�, oll tiUo,powor and duQoo conforrad upo�tho Trustaa homtn ond by npplioablo lae�.
<br /> 19. Excopt tor ony noxicos,demonds,roquoste or athcr communiaations ruqulradundorapplianblo law to bo pivon In anothor mnnnor,�vhonovor Londor,
<br /> _��_s_.�. �..i..��t..�..t.d�1 .�e.no�vlo .nni�nuto nr nthnr
<br />"'y.� DUMbL'JO!Af TN9L00 grvoa or sarvas arry noiico t�noivvin�. Jiiiiritiii iinriionviq nvi.uo v.vv.w..�......---- -' ----..--..._..-" " - "- -' -'.- -
<br /> communfcntion with rosp�ct tu this Tn�ct Uoa�,oach s�coh notico,domanJ,roqunst or otlior communfcmtlon ch�ll bo in wnting and shall bo nffacuvc
<br /> ,,,, only ff tt�o samo I�dclivnrad by porsonal sorvico or moilcd by cortiflod mail,postopo prepaid,roturn raccipt roquostad, add�os,ud to tlio addross as sot
<br /> x torth�t tho bopinning ot tho Truat Oaod. A copy of any notico of dofault,any natico of snto,roquirod or parmlttod to bo givon horoundor,shall bo
<br />�e� m�ilcd to oach porson�vho iu a porty haroto at tho addros�sot tonh nt tho bopinninp of this Trust Duad. Any p+nty may nt onY timo chnnpo ita nddross
<br /> for such noticus by dcllvorirt�or mailing to tho othor partios lioroto.�s otoronnid,n�otioo oi cuoh r.hongo. Any notica horoundor 3ha!1 bo dcomod to
<br />'°""', havo to boon qivon to Eiorrowor or Londor,whon givon fn tho mannar dosl�oatud hdrotn_
<br />=�`:.�1
<br />"J�� 20. 7Ao covonant3 and oprocmonts horein contafncd ahall bind,�nd tho�iflhts horaundor shnll inuro to tho ro�poativo hoirs,roprosontativoo,cuocossors
<br /> _- nnd anslQn�ol iho partlon. Atl cnvananl�nnd nflroamaM�ot tho Borrovror shall bo�oint nnd aovural. Whonovor roloronco is m�do to tho sinpular
<br /> horoundor,ft shall Includc tl�o plurol and tho plural sh.�!Includo tho sinfluli:r.
<br /> �
<br />. .L� _... ... . ._.
<br />