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<br /> 8C►pqOVV�R,ir,oons{dnr�tiort of tt�frxl+btsclo�s�Mr�ln reclt�d�rd ths trutt herMn cre�!ed.InwceWly Qrann wxi'cqtwsyo tu Truetro,in wst.
<br /> 8t�t�of N�W�ica:
<br /> Wi7Ri TiiE POWER Uh 6�►1£,tM fr,Nowln�dNOriG�d�ropstty locauyd IrY tho Count�/cf-._- K:at Z._.M__._._.._...�...---�:-+::---� ,
<br /> - � ° - Lat 19 zn AY�o �'nurelt �u`bdi�rieion i.n the Vi.11age of. Al.da, '
<br /> " Ha13 Coc�uty,.klebXas�Ca.
<br /> . � _
<br /> _. . � . . _, � ---
<br /> TOG�ETHEH wlth nil bujl�Jitq�.Tixturo�end lmprovemente now ar hereafter orooied the�eon and all riflhts•nt•wAy,oasementa,ronta,isaues,protlis; ;
<br /> inoonH,t�naments,hM»dlhmente,p�Ivilep�e,appurtenarv;e�,royatU09,and mtneral,oil,gas and weter righte thereantu belonr�n�,uoqd or enjnyeU��'
<br /> ' with a�id�1nntl,or Any psrt thereof,and tha hame�tead or m�r�tat fntemyte.(f eny,wh�ah interost�er�he��etsy rolsa�ed ar�wsivW,nnd d�ot whiqh, _
<br /> inr.Iuding veptecemente end edditlons therotu shell be deemed to be:+nd remein e part oi the property aOVerod by t�ls'i'runt D�niic�7i1d d�of the
<br /> forepoing together wlth aetd proporty ere herein referced to as the'Property." �
<br /> TO 3ECURE to Larader tha rtpayment ot indebtedneae t,videnoed by Borrowe►'s aoterJ�ted�ari1�.(� .19�_,togathu•i
<br /> � with sny �nd a(I renewaf�,modlfio�tlont,end esten�luna chereol and eubstitutlons or oxcAAngee jhnrofar, lherein referred to ea the"Note"I in tl�
<br /> , princihet u��nt of 8_ 9 �R79.9f1 ,togethet wlth Intereat atthu rate provided thoreln,w(th a final maturity,if
<br /> not soonar ppld,of ' Mav 3 ,2i1�[ 2000,and�s socuriiy for any Yuturo advrsnr,os thnt may bo mndb by tcrrviorto Borrowet —
<br /> frorn time to t9ene and es eer.udry fa►the qayment of any end all other JndeDtednaee of the Oo��ower to tha lendor whloh mey ariso,e!1 of seld sume
<br /> not to exceed In thb apgregste a eum eqval to three tfines the origino!pdnoiPel amount of the above rectted No4e. ,
<br /> BORROWER covenante that Borrower le lawtulfy sefzed of the Propnrty horaby oonvayed snd haa tho rlght to prant ond convey tho Property,that thb _.___.
<br /> Property ia ur.encurnbered 6y eny mortflape,trust daed,contract to purchoso,or uthcsrwisa,oxcopt for a na
<br /> fn favor of __.._.
<br /> on wNcl�the unpaid balAnce un thls dete dons not oxaoc+d 8 na ^ . Borrowor oavonante ta comply wlth all tho torma ,.._
<br /> and pro•risiona ot any prior mortgap6,trust deed ar contraot to purchaso,upon the Property and to mako all paymonto thorenn bofore thny bo.ome __
<br /> dellnquent. If no name vr emount ie Innerted I�i this poragraph,then Borrowor covunants 4hat tAoro oro no prior Ilons of ony klnd upon tha Prupercy. r-,•
<br /> �orrower turther covenente to warrant er►d delend the title to iho Property agotnsc all clalma nnd domandc. - -
<br /> Borrqwer and Len�e�further coven3n4 a�mi opreo os foUows: '`��-'
<br /> �;..
<br /> - 1. Oorcmwer shall promptly pay when due tha prinoipal and intcrest on tho fndobtodnoss ovi3oncud by tho Noto. 'w��
<br /> 2. At leaet cen dnys bo7ota they bocomo de�inquent,Borrower ehall poy a!I ter.es nnd apocinl assossmonts loviod or ossosood apafnst tha Proparcy,
<br />= or ony part theraot,an9 aIl texee,le�les and asaosamsnto loviod upon th�s Yrust Uood or the dobt whSOh It sncuro�.
<br />