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<br /> E�. C��S���,4� 9�db(��l:s>;;�L,�1'!ii..Q�J�n�CtD�� �� _
<br /> 'l i�c hls�to�3rovicR;:,fUlf(IlC UOP7G�lCP'6 Op1I017(U C�UVCl! PPQIl1 t��t c;clju�.anfule tut:;��:t retc:�•.t�i�i��t,.;:.:t �
<br /> ratc II►��its to n 6ixccl iutcr�:�t rate,e� f��lforr,: --.
<br /> �, 1�iX�:D �Nl'M.ltF:a'fi lt,AxE T.fiN'VEit9tON O!�'TICi�V '
<br /> iA) �i.::;,�.�ca��::rc::?�ti?w,..y �,.:.,
<br /> I have a Convrrsion Optiun that I can exercis�unlc�9 I am in defautt ar this SC�tinn 5(A)wtlE nat permic ,
<br /> ixic to do so.Thc"Convefsinn Orition is mp option to coi�vert ti�c intcrest�nts�!am ecquired ro Pay�y ti�is _
<br /> ,.-
<br /> Motc from an aclJustable ente with lnterest r�te lin�its to the fixcd rn2e cnlc�ilated wnder Sectinn S(1�)bclo�v. �_
<br /> T't�e canversion enn oniy caicc pincc o�i��date(F)s�,�...��3;:!;;e��r!oie t�fotdcr durina the�sc:riod bC��nning
<br /> on�he first Cliaobe Date And eudii9�on the fifiD Cljange l7at6.E1ch date an�viiici� my adjusmbfe interest
<br /> �ate can com�crt to 4he netv fixed rnte is called the"Con�etsion Date." ___
<br /> If I rvnc�t to exercise tlie Conversion Uptian. I niust first meet certAin condtcions.Those cunclitions ure _ _
<br /> � that:(i)1 n�use give thc Notc Hdlder notice that I wnnt ta do so;(ii)on the Convcrsion Date, I must�iot be
<br /> in default ur�der the idate or the Security lnstrumenr,(iii)by a date s�ecified by the Note Holder, i must pay
<br /> the N�tc Holder a canversion fce�f U.S.5 250.Q0 ;and pv)1 must s(gn and Bivc the Notc
<br /> Holder nny documents tha Notc Haldcr requires to effect tl�e conversion.
<br /> [B) CRIculAilon of Fixed Rate
<br /> My nc�v, �xed i�ncrest rate will be equal to thc i'ederal Naeionai Mort�;age Associatian's r��sirru' °_e3 =___
<br /> yield as of a du:e and dtne of day specified by thc Note Hofdcr for(i)if tbe original term of¢�his�1aZ�ts
<br /> grcaler th:�n 15 years, 30-year fixed rate mortgages covered by applicuble 60•day mandatmry c1�levPry
<br /> con�mitments, plus five-eighths of one percenta�e point(0.625�o),rounded co the a°;n:st or.��ea�t►t�of onc
<br /> percentage�oint(0.125°o),or{ii)if the orisinal ecrm of this Note is!S years or less. 15•3��:�Gi�ccdl raQe mortgages
<br /> cavered by applicable GO�day ma�datory deiivery commitm�nts.plus �ve-ei�hths af sne�erce�ta^�point
<br /> (0.6ZS�lo).rounded tu the nearest one-eightht of one percentagc popint(0.125�'0).lf this required net y8e1d cannot _
<br />�- � ..—t�..,�{�d.n��nu�I�u usv\IIPQhIA MMtltl�Ql['D�C aCC QOT iSViSIIIIU�C,the Note Holder�viU determine my Interest �__
<br />� OC LLCttutuuw v.....o.........�i.�..........�'-• --
<br /> rate by using comparable information.My new rate calculated under tk�is Section 5(F3)�vill nat be grenter than
<br /> tlic Maximum Rate staterl in Sectian 4(O�l abave.
<br /> iC_.1 New Parm�ent Amoun�a�td Ef[cctivc D�te
<br /> if 1 cha�se to exercise the Conversion�Jption,the IVote Holelcr��n��4letermine tne amounc oi tnc n�u�t«�iy
<br /> payment that ovould be suffieient to repay the unpaid principal I am ex�cted to o�ve on the Conversion Date
<br /> in full on the Maturity Date at m.y new fixed interest rate in substantially equal payments.The result of tlus _
<br /> calculation will be 4he new amount of my monthly payment.Be�inni�3 with my firs2 monthly payment after
<br /> the Conversian Dnte,[ �vill pay the nctiv amount as my monthly �5����t uat11 th� A9aturity Date.
<br /> l. Until 8orrower exercises the Conversion Opiion under the conditions stated in Scction B of this
<br /> Adjustabtc Rate Rider. Uniform Covenant l7 of the Sccurity Instrument:s a�ended to read as follows: �_�
<br /> fransScr o(thc Property or a Bcacl7cial Interest in Borrower. lf all or any part o€tlie Property or any u°.�_
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borc�y:er is sold ar transfetred and Borrower • '�1�5;;;�;�-
<br /> ".�.lh;:r..
<br /> ts not a natural person)without I.t:nder's prior written consent.Le��ltr�nuy,at its opiion,requ{ce immediatc P;;....
<br /> payment iu full of aU sums secured by tMs Securit.y Instrument.However,this option sha11 not be exercised �_�
<br />— by[:e:nder if exercise is prohibited by federal law 1s of it►e ciate of this Security Instrurt�ent.Lender also shal! E,_,_
<br /> not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower causcs ta be submitted to Lcnder informallon required by Lender e_.
<br /> to evaluate the int�nded transfere�as►f a new loan were beins madc to the transferee;and(b)Lender reasonably �-=-
<br /> �.H.
<br /> , detcrmines that l.ca�dcr's security will not be impaired by the loan assumption arid that the risk of a breach �_i
<br /> - of any Covenant or agrecmer.s�r.t ihis Security Instrument is aci:eptab�e to Lender. �,`�
<br />_ To the extcnt permitteci by applicabfe law.Lender may charge a rcasonabl�:t;c:e as a condition to Lcnder's �: ."
<br /> E;-
<br /> conscnt to thc loan assumption.Lender ulso may require the transferee to sign an as�umption a�rcement that .^_
<br /> is acccptable to�,�nder and that obligates the transfercc to kcep all the promises and agrcements madc in tfie �+:�+
<br />-- Notc and in this�ecurity Instrumcnt.Borrowcr�vill continue to be obli�ated undcr the Notc and this Security
<br /> Instrument untess l.ender rclenses Borro�ver in writing.
<br /> ' 1f Lender exercises the aption to require immediate payment in fuU,I..endcr sfiall�ivc Borro�ver notiee :•-
<br /> ot acceler:ition.The notic�shall provide n period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is d�livered
<br /> or malled�vithin avliicli Borrower must pay all sums secured by tlzis 5ecurity Instrumtnt. If Borrower fails
<br /> _ to pay these sums prior to Nie expiration of this period, Lender may invokc any remedics permitted by this •-
<br />_._ Sect�rlty Iustrument�vithout further notice or demand on 13nrrower.
<br />—, 2. [f Borrower exercises the Conversion Option under the conditions stated in 5ecttas�B of this Adjustable
<br /> Rate Rider,the am�ndmcnt to Uniform Covenant 17 of the Secmriry Instrumcnt coutain��d in 5er.tion C 1 above (
<br />-- sha11 then cease to be in effect,and the provisions of Uniform Covenant 17 of tl�e Security instrument shall i ��
<br />�� instcad �e in effect,as follo�vs: {`
<br />- Tn{nsPer nP the E'ruperiy ur n tirnc[icial Ineerest tn[lorro�cr. IC ull ur any part of thc Property or any i
<br />-� interese in it is sold or transferi•id(or if a beneficial inters�t in 13orrower is sold ar tra��sfcrrcd and Borrowcr �
<br /> _r,:..
<br />__� is nat a natural person)�vithout Gender's prior�vrittcu consent,i.ender may,ai iis upiivil,icyuiic�::•�......•••:e ,
<br /> -- payment in full of ali sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt. Howevcr.this option shall not bc exerciscd j
<br /> -- by Lencder if exersise is prohibite�c!by federal la�v as of the date of this Security Instrument. �
<br />__ �
<br />__j � i
<br /> _� I
<br /> � Pa{�a 2 013 Form 3176 1189 �
<br /> � ' i
<br />-;� '
<br />__ .
<br /> .
<br /> � .._�...___.—_••_..�.__w._.� ------•------ _____ K_._...._.,_._,..1.,�..___._,��._— _
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