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(� �Cl!i'�t�RCNi:ie'y' Miti��`t��.�N�C:G��f�/'� •�•X ial��J kittl�Q.`tl)i'iL S'.t��'1��YjtT�i;;1� , <br /> � . <br /> 'l't'1l5�1}JB15'A'Af�l.?Nlt�l'l:l•'.I��{'4Xb�,f��a�irt3�E; �1:;t tl.�yasf !�l1s"'�1 , '��p� , <br /> auJ I:� incor�aratcd inco an:l shai�`be curtnd unct �uppi�ment. cne iv�nrt�agr, aken oi iavsc • <br /> or Security T)a:d(the"Securety iustiurnent")af the satne date givcn by the�andersigncd(the"'1�r�nwcr") <br /> ' to sccurc F3arrorn�eP� Acijustable l�ute Alote t<<��"Nnle") Yo <br /> t�?Ll�l1S ��RAi. SA.V I P1t�S E311t3i� <br /> (�hc "[.rnder")1if th:� <br /> sa►nc dzte siitd cosering t�rr.laroncrty dcscribed tn Yh¢9c:curisy inserumr.nt and lucat�zd at: <br /> 416a AR 1 ZONA AVENI.IE (:�'iAAK? 1 S1..A`I[)r PIE .6�SQ3 <br /> (Nroperty hdihti:ss} <br /> TF#C N1A7E C�PITAINS PROVi&i0I4S ALi.4b�ii?i�i �dA��iABi(3�S 02�Yi��INTEf��ST <br /> RA7E ANf� TN� MON�'HLY PAYMEWT. 7HE NnT� l.1MITS 3'FI� ANIQt1MT TME <br /> BO�iRPJWEA'5 A[?,IUSTABlE INTEREST i�Al'�CAPI CHANGI�R►T ANY ONE TIMIE ANm <br /> TH�Md6XIMUFdI RATE'fbiE HOR�fOiiVER Ml1SY PAY.TH�NQT�ALSO CQRITAI�IS <br /> qP��.Ot�TI'�Pi TO C�AIVE�T 7F9�tLnJUSTA�LE AATC T(D A �i1��D FtQ'��. <br /> AQDI7f10lolAL COdE1VA1V'H'S. In addI[ion to the covenants and a�reimcnts made in tlie Security <br /> Instrument, 8orrawer ura�t L.ender further covenant andi agree as follows: <br /> �!. AQJU��'ABL£YdATE ANG M�PITNLY PAYMENT CI�ANGES <br /> Tlie tdei�e provides for tw inidal interest rate af 7.0000°10.The Note provides for changcs <br /> �'I:w`ail���a�i.l��s S.��ova�.� � L_ L4. C–t1_'""' �.. <br />- ... ....juuwvsv.urr,w♦ iai�. 8nu i�n isiviii�u� jnnj.�i:ios au a�uu���. <br /> 4. A[13T75'TAQI E IN7'��2FST RAT�AND 11iONTHLY �AXMGNT CHANGTS ' <br /> IA1 Chnngc Dates <br /> 7'hc adjustable intcrest rate I wilt pay may change an the Crst day of May . 1996 . <br /> and on that day every 12th month tttereafter.Each cl�ate on�vhich my adjustable interest rate could cha��gc <br /> is c�lled a "Change D�te:' <br /> �[!) 7t�e Inrlex <br /> Be�inning with ehc�rst Change Date,my adjusutble interess rate will be based on an Indesc.Tlie"index" <br /> is the wcekly Average yield or�United Statcs Treasury secwities adjusted to u constant�naturity of 1 year. <br /> as made avai!able by the!Federal lieserve Roard.7'he most recent Index Cgure available as of the date 45 days <br /> beforc each Change Date is callesi the "Curreiu Index." <br /> If the Index is na loriger availlble.the I�toie Holder will choose a new index that is based upon comparable <br /> informarion.The Note Holder�vill gtve me notice off this choice. <br /> (C) Cutculsttion of Ch�uges <br /> Before each Ch;ing� Date.tlie Note Hnlder�vill calculate my new inte�est rate by adding <br /> Two and Seven—E9ghths percentagepoint(s)C 2.8754 °1o)to _ <br /> the Current Index.Thc Nate Holdcr will then�cound the result of this additi�n to the nearesi one-cighth of <br /> one percentage point(0.125%).Subjeci to the limits statcd in Sestion 4(D)br,lo�v,this rounded amount wip <br /> be my ne�v interest rate until thc ncxt Change Datc. ` <br /> The Note Eiolder titi-:11 thsn determine tt�e amount of the monthly payment that would be suf�cicnt to - <br /> repay the unpaid principal that[am expcctcd to ow�e at the Change Date iu full on the M1iawrity Date at my <br /> new ii�teresn race in substantially equal payments. The resuls of this caleulauon �vill be the new amaunt of = <br /> my month�gv pa�ment. <br /> (p) Limits on Ynterest Rntc Chnnges <br /> The intcrest rate I am rcquired to pay at the first Change Datc wil[ not be gaeatcr <br /> than 8.0��0 °lo or lcss thau 6.On00 °10.Theree, adjustable intems[rate � <br /> will never be increased or decre:�.sed on any singie Cl�ange Date by more than `�' <br /> One percentaBc point(s) ( �1.00Q0 4'0) <br /> fro�n the ratc of intcrest f have bcen payinII for the preccding 12 months.My interest rate will never be grcatcr � <br /> tt�an 11 .OQ00 %,which is calleci tt�e"Maximum Rate." <br /> (E) Gf�ective ED�te af Changey � ` <br /> My new interes�ratc will become cffective on eFtch Change Date.I�vill pay thc amount of my ne�v monthly <br /> payment beginning on the first monti►ly paymenx date after the Change Date until the ania�*nt of iny monthly <br /> payment changes again. <br /> (I� Noticc ot Cliais€es <br /> The Note Halder�vill dcliver or mail to me fl notice of any chAnges in my�djustable intcrest rate and <br /> t(�e amount of my monthly payment befare the effective date of any cliange.The notice vs�ill include int'ormation <br /> , rcgaired by la�v to b�gtven me and alsa the title and tclephone number of a person who�vill answer any question <br /> I may have regardi�ig the rtoticc. <br /> MUITiSTA'fE CONVEt111L1LF ADJUSTAULH OATE flI0E9-S•r.;:�iRry- 1 Yuar Trasury indoa-Fann'.o Mno Un:krr..Instmmcnt <br /> ��84SA�os��� Prgn 1 u1 3 Form 317d 1189 <br /> VA1P�l.0.7TGAfiE FOfiNIS •1�00)G27•1291 /' ,I <br /> �i�htnted on RecYC7ed h:er ����II���II�I�II�N������I����I�I .. <br /> ! 1 �� �� <br /> _r : <br />