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<br /> ,,�,-_,.,,,.�.;� tir Riust doer!pnymsnca,or n�ako rcpmfrv��csi:1 c+l;,".:i�co cUCh�um!a m�9 4r.kn ct�ch to?Ia;�c^3 it c9�a�uA r.ecQ�casy tu pr+�t;:;it Ir�Intcre•e^v�ti ���: _ :
<br />---��=1•=�-�'==�,a F�nisL•ip ur aitnaU�i;{ize d�!i4 to d�r.la��or dcirtrit tis:;�r,cccl;r;,to U,�rteHt coccrc:l hcrc`:.y L�:Ri:°��t er:�Iti�ch fr•iturn al tlia Cinrrt�wor. Ar,p �P�yy_r,
<br /> nrr��imto ao di�buned by the ten�er eiiallCunetitats edditlonal irKlebtoAitCII1 6�II10 BUffO WEf 6RGi41QtI GV EIlI9�1'lUfiL I.��LLj t]11CI ES 16i�D@il!���4.rrn:si
<br /> �Jr,*�:�L•�,�;a hr,�n tiin dr.to cS d1�6ur�ern�nt nt tho rate�nyni�le uititf�►the Nots. Nothin,�aontalned in thi�parapr�h ehsll rcqulro tha Lend�r to mMks�ny __
<br /> _--•__--------., [,l�h�"•.'r��r^��r..-iit�e�te?se rstiy aotia�i wt�ateoravice. . w„:'"
<br /> 0. TAa A,nndcr ro�ay make or cause to bc m�dd reaaannble entrte�upon a�xl inepeat:an of the PrapeAy. � _
<br /> -s`� %, The prooeeds of nny ewnrd or clalm for dnm�spee,dircot or concequontiel, tn oonnoation with eny aon�iennotlon or ot1►sr fekin�of the -_-
<br /> __ Propnrty,or p:.r4 thureot,or for conveyaaae In Ileu o1 eondemnntEon,are hereby a�slgned and ehall be pa�d to the Lender to the extmt af the
<br /> full emourrt of the romafning unpa!d Inafebiedndse eeaured 4sy thla T�uet Reed.
<br /> If the F'roperty!s ntrandoncd 6y tha Borrower,ar,if i+fter notioa by the landar to tha Borro�vor that tha ccndemndr oifero to mek�an awartt __-
<br /> __--, •�-
<br /> --------- or settle a claim for dame�es,the 8arrowor faila to reeyortd to tho i.endor with!n 3U dayo ofter the drate ecuuA�wUaa le tts:.tled,tha Ler. es �
<br /> --- 1�authodzed to aoiloat and opply the proceeda to tho cums eeaurnA by thls True!�eed. _
<br /> - --�a Pondarcmation proaeo�s or avaurd�uho!I be ereditod 4o tho laet enoludn�in�tallmonta of thb ir.e!:iitednoss securod and aholl not oxtend or �
<br /> _ - poatp�no tE�o duo�tote of tha ins4a;lm¢-.to reterrad to In pmaagrapfi/ 8araof or chonpo tho emount of suoh instaltmonts. Y_
<br /> �� n'"'! p. It the Londor Issuns a parclei rofease of this 7rust Doed,tha proaceds recnivad thorofor shnll bo oroditad to the loat maturin�Installmantn oi
<br /> ---J- theindebtednes3 ssacured haraby. ' � � '--
<br /> ------- �1� � If tAo l.ondar oitho►voluntarily arinvotuntArily beoomo�c�pavryto 3nV suit orlegol proo,eAd3np rolatin�to the Proparty,Na`to ar;hi�s Tr�ai�tedc3, "��;:`y.,
<br /> ,,_� • then the F3ni�awer w1U roimburea thd Lnn�er fot all aoats�c+nd,to tha o:ctont•parmittoel bU law.roasonnblo attotna{�s'•.fuo�iqou�Yad k+y ihp ����.,�
<br /> � � Londor rolntlnp to nuoh su(t or lapai pmauodinQs ond snPd�e�ma�hell aonQtftute aAditlanai+ndobtedness seeurod py tt�;o Tritat p3e�i and�6bar t .
<br /> '`�� Interest at D�ta roto poyaMo undo►tho Nota.until pold. 'n -
<br /> I �'
<br />?;��� 10. Ae ndditiortol eoeuriiy,tho Borrowor does haroby aasifla,t�anafer nn d set ovor to t he Len der,i n o c a o 0 7 d e f u u l t f n t h o p e r i o r m a n c e o i n n y
<br /> uf tho torms or oonditlons of this Trust Doad,the Noto ar tha torms of any Indobtadnoflo soa�red hereby,nll of tho r¢nte,rovonuos nnd ony
<br /> inomne of any type�vhatsoover to be dedved from the Property,Inatudinp land oontraat paymente. Tho Lender,in pdreon,hy agent or tsy ��.�'�;�L�
<br /> -_
<br />